Extremists regardless of the scenario/situation do more harm than good, they use a peaceful demonstration as an excuse to take things off the rails as Tom said; look no further than what happened on the 6th or what happened a number of times over the Summer where peaceful protests turned into rioting, burning and looting.
Good for you there Louis that you sat your kids down and used what happened on the 6th as a civics lesson on how not to behave in a democracy, or anywhere else for that matter; hopefully you did the same thing over the Summer during the rioting, burning and looting that occurred under the guise of protests for the BLM movement.
Extremists to the far left or the far right, or the 1%, ruin it for everyone else; over one million people turned out to show support for the president, less than 1% of them gave that whole crowd a black eye, just like the less than 1% who acted like horses ***** over the Summer at various protests, one here in Boston got very ugly, a large number of downtown Boston businesses were vandalized, looted and destroyed, just disgusting, that gave all the peaceful protestors a black eye as well.
This country is heading in the wrong direction, we'll see what develops with Biden in charge; he's got quite a task ahead of him, he has to bring the country back together and settle things down.
We'll see if he's the right man for the job soon enough.
Best of luck to him; he's going to need it.