George we have never met, but I consider you a man of honor, truth, wit, humility and wisdom. Whoever that customer may be I hope he reads a little deeper in your posts and then maybe he will realize he is dealing with one of the best of Boston. You crossed no line kind never have and never will. Your not wired like that.
The only line you crossed was sticking up for your "De-flate gate" quarter back, but that's another story. And maybe the "civil-war era" post office lady. But, no harm no foul. Your a stand up guy...PERIOD.
TD, I love your new avatar. "AYE, AYE, AYE" I heard a rap song the other day on the radio who sampled that piece. Now rappers are sampling Ozzy?
We will get passed this episode, but its unfathomable that lives have to be lost in order to get there. Its been a terrible year and I wake up every morning looking to the stars for a better day. I love my country, served it, missed it when I was overseas and when I pass one day a flag will drape my coffin like my family and forefathers before me. However, my pride in my country is no different from anyone else who loves their homeland. Like I said before, if I could sprinkle the dust of peace, harmony, humanity, love, respect and admiration for each other I would. Until then, I deliver a kind word to everyone I meet and if they are not happy in their work or life maybe just maybe my salutation will make their day or positively change their the trajectory of their day.
Thats all I can do. I have no power to take back what has happened to us as a Nation and as a world. The only super power I have, which I teach to my children and those around me is kindness, respect, tolerance and of course love. There are others in the world who teach the opposite and thats fine, but I believe in my heart of hearts that love will always conquer hate.
John from Texas