A Sad Day in American History (1 Viewer)

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I would just say there's a lot to worry about these days and all of them fall under the category of paramount concerns.


There are, which is why prioritization is so critical. Worrying about things that are reasonable and legal is not a good use of time and resources when we have sedition to deal with.

It’s like calling for calmness and unity after encouraging and then starting an insurrection.
The Parler “Hack” is also interesting. I put it in quotes as the almost complete lack of security means that the people who grabbed every piece of data essentially saw jewelry lying on the front step and picked it up.

Parler is to software what snake oil is to medicine. A better analogy might be graffiti on a wall and then getting pissed when the owner repaints it and then fences it off.

They will struggle to recreate Parler because they used AWS native services and hardly created anything of their own. Then they completely ignored any security protocols, architectural best practices or put any effort into privacy considerations.

Oooh, one other analogy: they rented a car, made it look like a cab and had it driven by someone without a license. Now they're pissed the rental car company took it back after a massive car crash.

I am not joking about how bad this is. They are a laughing stock in the tech community. They seriously couldn't have done things worse from a security and privacy perspective.

I really think if AWS doesn’t kick them off it is open to unbelievably severe litigation and even prosecution. if anyone used Parler I hope you sign up for several of the strongest identity theft services available. You will probably need it.
Well as a side note, just wanted to relay that the customer who had decided to no longer do business with me has reached out to me, we talked it out and have both agreed to move forward and put our differences behind us, no need to fracture a relationship over politics/differing opinions.

A lesson both Democrat and Republican politicians should make note of.

This fighting between parties HAS TO STOP; how about acting like adults and oh I don't know, do for the greater good/the people who voted to put you in office to represent them.

Instead of the back and forth bullshit, UNIFY and work towards a common goal.

"One nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice FOR ALL"..............

I think of the thousands of kids (and for the most part, that's who they were) who died in fields in Gettysburg, in trenches in France, in the freezing cold in Bastogne or on the searing hot beaches in the Pacific, in Korea, in the jungles of Vietnam, knee deep in sand in Kuwait and Iraq or the mountains of Afghanistan to protect our freedoms and rights as Americans.

They gave up their tomorrows for our today's; don't let their sacrifices be in vain.
Thank you for this post. My vote for post of the year. My grandfather fought in WWI, my Uncle Joe fought and died in WWII, my Uncle Leo and my great uncles Jack and John fought in WWII, my father, Uncle Dominick and Uncle Frank served during the Korean War, my Cousin Bill served during Vietnam. While I am one of the lucky few Americans who never heard a shot fired in anger, I am positive all of my relatives who served and have passed away are spinning in their graves over the disgraceful insurrection that began January 6th. I hope our leaders follow George’s advice.
Seriously, you are worried about private companies policing their platforms more than coordinated and violent attacks on our democratic institutions?

Or you could look at it another way. Not talking about Capitol riot but the policing of platforms.

Where was the tech companies concern for several months when organised groups were attacking police and police stations and looting and burning in multiple cities. Anybody remember a story about internet companies cutting them off from their means of communication ? Oh wait, why would they. After all the Hollywood elite and politicians on a certain side were proudly funding their bail and legal costs.

Whilst what happened inside the Capitol was a disgrace there is one particular person I would be interested to see what happens. His name is John Sullivan and he is most certainly not a Trump supporter and can be fairly classified as hard core BLM. He was right there filming next to the female who was shot. His seems to be the most common footage of that shooting. He was interviewed by CNN and others afterwards but he is not a reporter and they strangely did not mention his BLM background which is easy to Google. If any person inside the Capitol is charged for being inside as opposed to damage or taking items then look for whether Sullivan is or not. So far he has been interviewed by police and let go.
There are, which is why prioritization is so critical. Worrying about things that are reasonable and legal is not a good use of time and resources when we have sedition to deal with.

It’s like calling for calmness and unity after encouraging and then starting an insurrection.

I hear ya. I just think if we see anything like what occurred in the capitol happening again, it will be crushed in its tracks. There's no way the FBI wouldn't be way out in front of this now with ears and eyes everywhere.

according to the link Louis provided...
there is a large scale nation wide protest scheduled in every state on the 20th when Trump's tenure is over...
I hope not...
but there is no excuse to being prepared for this one if it does happen...

That kid...John Sullivan...he's a POS, media wannabe. Once he step foot in the Capital he joined the ranks of the insurrectionist.

Shame on CNN for giving him air time.

He is what is wrong with the world and so are all those other fools. Once you became apart of this mess you became a punk.

The wing nuts are going to use him as the token BLM, antifa agitator who incited the riot, yet we all know there was a hell of a lot more knuckleheads who put this thing in motion. He's in deep doo doo right now and scrambling to justify the reason why he was there. Once again his fate will be at his own hands and camera. All of them will.

I have yet to wrap my head around the who "antifa" term...Anti-Fascist. Meaning, I don't think I know anyone who condones Fascism. Do any of y'all role with Fascists? I don't. Is there anything wrong with being against Fascism or Anti-Fascists? I'm Pro democracy and certainly don't even believe in any other form of government.

Maybe y'all can help me out on this one as this is the first time I have spoke about it. I don't understand how people who have a disdain for Fascism are some how bad people, more so some sort of terrorist group. Ah, unless these "antifa" people have committed crimes in the name of the movement. Then you suck too. To me you loose your luster of being an agent/movement of change when you break the law. Yet, MLK was arrested many of times and so was Rosa Parks. Heck, Ghandi was vilified for his non-violent protests and assassinated for his beliefs. Cesar Chavez sat in a jail too. But to me they had a cause that captured the imagination of the world and brought forth change in the world to every human being they touched. The other clowns...not so much to me.

These are worrisome times my friends. I pray, pray that nothing happens in the for see able future.

John from Texas
Seriously, you are worried about private companies policing their platforms more than coordinated and violent attacks on our democratic institutions?

I'm not sure how you came to that comparison given that I was asking Louis about the status of US police colleague? Nor have I expressed anything condoning what occurred on the 6th January in your capitol in any of my posts.

As for the censorship by tech giants who own and dictate what you see on main stream media, including social media, I 100% stand by my words. The evidence is everywhere and overwhelming.

If you think all that's occurring at the moment is down to 'policing' of the internet you aren't seeing what I'm seeing.
As many of you know having met him at the various shows, my Dad was a Boston Police Officer for 37 years.

One of his favorite analogies was telling how he'd get down to the truth once he arrived at the scene of a dispute, like say for instance at a bar fight.

He'd put one combatant in the far left corner of the room, the other combatant in the far right corner of the room.

He'd then in turn ask each one what happened...............he'd go back and forth to each person, gathering information each time.

When someone would ask him how he figured out the truth, he'd reply "I always found the truth dead center in the middle of the room."

Funny that.

So, I ran into those Yakuza guys again here in Honolulu. We went to Helenas Hawaiian eatery tonight and just as I parked a black Cadillac Escalade pulled up and parked all jankly again. The got out their rig hooping and hollering in Osaka-Ben (a regional Japanese dialect) and were going to the same joint I was. Well, after we parked I walked around the corner and there they were taking up all the side walk and bliss to their surroundings. I stood at waited for ole boy to recognize I was coming through and when he didn't I politely said excuse me in Japanese. They turned around and recognized I was the same dude who slighted them at the Pearl Harbor Memorial. I got a couple of stares and ole boy moved to the side. One of them who was sitting down was eyeballing me and I asked him if he was happy today in Japanese, which can go both ways either as its a formal salutation of like "how are you"? In my case it was more like question whether are you going to be happy after I ask you this question. I.E. "are we going to be good today?" and left it open ended. To my surprise he said "yes" in English. He (and they) got the message and did not act up in the restaurant, which I anticipated they would do. However, when they got the bill I saw some bickering amongst themselves about the bill because Japanese mafiosos in Japan don't pay tabs. I gave them a look...y'know the Toshiro Mifune look and they paid the bill. The hawaiian short ribs were good though.

George I am so happy you two made up brother. Thats a great ending to an ugly story and its good you two had a conversation because you both have had good times together. Shared things together, laughed together and have a good relationship. I can't emphasize how happy I am for you and him and in the midst of all of the BS two guys can sort it out like gentleman.

I really digging the free speech debate and how everyone views it in the context of online platforms. Here are my initial thoughts are that is these platforms are businesses and as a business they have the right to refuse services to those who don't follow their rules and restrictions. In my mind, any business owner has the right to refuse to service if you get out of line, not follow the practices in place to do business or if you cross the line. I've had customers cross the line both in business and in decorum. A few times I have had a customer drop the "N" world and told them to get the defuqe out. I also had a couple of guys who pull the "do you know who I am" bit and they too see the door. We have banned some contractors who violated our policies like not returning concrete rental equipment or (the worst) skipping on their bill after they begged for an account. When that happens your banned from our store.

So, lets say my business was offering a corner of space on my server and the more spaces I offer the more advertisers I get to promote their products. If one of my advisers violated MY policies to be on MY business server they would either accommodate my request or they can pound sand. However, if I found out one my "corner space" holders was violating my polices and using their space to do questionable things, then you gone to. So, to me its a business decision and not about free speech, because you are privileged in my mind to be a member or "corner space" holder on my business platform.

Now, the other side says "well why did they not shut them up or down the past year when all hell was breaking loose in the US" and to that I agree with you. They are Johnny come lately on that one and honestly I believe its because those who created these platforms are from a younger generation who live in a bubble of tech-tech-tech. But, with new technology comes a huge responsibility to protect your tech baby or it will grow into a out of control monster. Need I remind everyone how nuclear technology ended a war and started another one and at one point it was so out of control that THE WORLD had to come together and sign the Nuclear test ban treaty. This may be one of those moments in tech were they are loosing control of their technology and the deaths around the world including the Capital incident are proving it because these deaths could have been prevented if people did not have access to the use of this newfound technology. Ah, but alas the consuming public is crying foul about their "rights" of free speech via a platform that they don't own nor will ever own and because they got shut down they feel that their right have been violated. Naw. You want to spew BS, hate or communist style enchiladas then spend the money to get your own server and all the tech that goes with it.

We get shut down here on this forum...right? When we get out of hand and start stirring the muck pot of politics and the forum Gods come down and stop the conversation. Is that a violation of my freedom of speech? To me it is not. The toy soldier forum Gods have deemed that "X" subject crosses the line and we either calm it down and try again (like the COVID the third) thread or they shut it down. Only an arsehole would cry to his attorney about his right being violated. No my friends its my privilege to be apart of this forum and if I want to remain here then I better act accordingly and come correct...period.

Anywho, the Attorney General is now putting the arrests from this insurrection into the hundreds...plural. Keep arresting them I say and keep blasting them on the news and online. To me, our President has lived by twitter and now has died by twitter and to me thats what happens when you put ALL of your eggs in one basket. In my opinion, a President doesn't need twitter and half the BS that has happened in the last 4 years would have not happened had he not had access to this new technology. He, and everyone else in the world has access to this tech, but he took it to another level and his numbers and followers were in the millions. Thats great business for twitter as twitter has become a household name on everyones tongue. But, their biggest account, whale or in this case office of POTUS was so out of line they even they had to shut him down over the Capital riot. Now, thats power and it show every twitter user that you are on notice because if twitter can and will shut down the most powerful man in the world, then you Mr. Buffalo Horn boy are nobody.

But ain't that tech cool though? Now it can be used in a court of law to prosecute you because...well you were exercising your right to free speech.


John from Texas
Walt, I agree to the extent that all violent or dangerous civil disobedience should be condemned. Refusing to give up your seat on a bus like Rosa Parks did is an example of non-violent civil disobedience I don't think falls into a category requiring condemnation.


Yes Louis you are correct. Sorry I was not clear. I am not referring to peaceful protests. I am referring to destruction of personal and government property, attacking fellow citizens, anything of a violent nature. I think as Americans we all have the right to protest and make our voices heard.

A congresswoman in remarks last night I heard televised on NBC stated that in addition to Officer Sicknik, several officers were beaten with pipes, sustaining head injuries, one officer will loose an eye as a result, rioters attempted to shoot one officer with his own gun, and several officers were tased. If true, this mob attack on our Capital sounds even more brutal than I believed.
I hear ya. I just think if we see anything like what occurred in the capitol happening again, it will be crushed in its tracks. There's no way the FBI wouldn't be way out in front of this now with ears and eyes everywhere.

I do tend to agree, but I am definitely worried about it. So many of our strong, trusted institutions have failed us recently. I was encouraged by the professionalism and focus from the FBI leadership who spoke last night. Going all Elliot Ness / Liam Neeson from Taken on the insurrectionists!
A congresswoman in remarks last night I heard televised on NBC stated that in addition to Officer Sicknik, several officers were beaten with pipes, sustaining head injuries, one officer will loose an eye as a result, rioters attempted to shoot one officer with his own gun, and several officers were tased. If true, this mob attack on our Capital sounds even more brutal than I believed.

My understanding is that the violence was much worse than many of the clips and photos have indicated. I do hope the policemen recover quickly and we continue recognize bravery and honor of the frontline cops. I would be deeply ashamed of any who helped put their colleagues in harms way. They need to be held accountable.
I have said this before in many ways, but what we are seeing is a value deterioration problem. Americans need to stand up for decency and not tolerate ANY of this behavior. Aggressive behavior began in rhetoric in the press, spewed over to seemingly one off aggression towards diners b/c of disagreement over politics (congressman, mayors , etc all accosted verbally, some physically while in public), then total rioting violence, mayhem and destruction.

Where any citizen thinks this is normal or offers any justification regardless of the degree of aggression is a hard concept for me to understand, yet I see it in the nightly news for the past year from all corners of the Country. Every person should stand against all of this behavior and not tolerate it, it should be prosecuted to the full extent of Civil and Criminal law, maybe that will turn a tide. Need a more unified voice that is not worried about campaign contribution tidbits or soundbytes, that has gotta end when it comes to subjects like this.

Something I didn’t know is that the way language is treated under the first amendment. There are a couple of articles where constitutional lawyers bring this up.

Inflammatory language towards politicians is considered “political hyperbole” until the violence broke out. That language, if it implies violence, becomes a threat once the Capitol was breached if the individual is connected to it.

I believe the above applied to Trump as well as the protesters.

Any lawyers on the forum more familiar with this than a layman like me?
Last week I had decided not to post on this thread anymore on this thread and I haven’t changed my mind.

Last week Joe (Sahara) asked why this thread was allowed as it violated the rules of the Forum and I’ve come to agree with him. We don’t need to know each other’s political views because as we have seen politics is divisive and can cause resentment. We have lost one member, Mark, because he felt that a post he made and one I made were treated differently by the mods and he’s right. If his post was deleted, mine should have been deleted and vice versa. This inconsistency in moderation should cease.

I belong to a music forum that has thousands of members where the daily posts number in the hundreds. The owner posted that if anybody violated the no politics rule they would be banned and several were. They are uniformly consistent in how they handle politics: it’s not allowed.

The next time the mods try to delete or change posts because it violates the no politics rules, their actions will ring hollow.
Last week I had decided not to post on this thread anymore on this thread and I haven’t changed my mind.

Last week Joe (Sahara) asked why this thread was allowed as it violated the rules of the Forum and I’ve come to agree with him. We don’t need to know each other’s political views because as we have seen politics is divisive and can cause resentment. We have lost one member, Mark, because he felt that a post he made and one I made were treated differently by the mods and he’s right. If his post was deleted, mine should have been deleted and vice versa. This inconsistency in moderation should cease.

I belong to a music forum that has thousands of members where the daily posts number in the hundreds. The owner posted that if anybody violated the no politics rule they would be banned and several were. They are uniformly consistent in how they handle politics: it’s not allowed.

The next time the mods try to delete or change posts because it violates the no politics rules, their actions will ring hollow.

Even though I have made several posts, I do agree with Brad here in that this has gone further and deeper than Rich's original intention which was to recognize a sad day in US History. The hows, whys and how much will be played out ad nauseum (and are) in every other part of our daily life.

I would second the locking of this thread and moving on and not out of censorship or disagreement with anything posted, I think if I take my own advice, we should move on to bigger and better things and all things toy soldiers.

Last week I had decided not to post on this thread anymore on this thread and I haven’t changed my mind.

Last week Joe (Sahara) asked why this thread was allowed as it violated the rules of the Forum and I’ve come to agree with him. We don’t need to know each other’s political views because as we have seen politics is divisive and can cause resentment. We have lost one member, Mark, because he felt that a post he made and one I made were treated differently by the mods and he’s right. If his post was deleted, mine should have been deleted and vice versa. This inconsistency in moderation should cease.

I belong to a music forum that has thousands of members where the daily posts number in the hundreds. The owner posted that if anybody violated the no politics rule they would be banned and several were. They are uniformly consistent in how they handle politics: it’s not allowed.

The next time the mods try to delete or change posts because it violates the no politics rules, their actions will ring hollow.

I am the current Administrator for the John Jenkins Designs Collector's Facebook group. Our group rules also specifically has a "no politics" policy and any infraction will result in dismissal.

Last week I had decided not to post on this thread anymore on this thread and I haven’t changed my mind.

Last week Joe (Sahara) asked why this thread was allowed as it violated the rules of the Forum and I’ve come to agree with him. We don’t need to know each other’s political views because as we have seen politics is divisive and can cause resentment. We have lost one member, Mark, because he felt that a post he made and one I made were treated differently by the mods and he’s right. If his post was deleted, mine should have been deleted and vice versa. This inconsistency in moderation should cease.

I belong to a music forum that has thousands of members where the daily posts number in the hundreds. The owner posted that if anybody violated the no politics rule they would be banned and several were. They are uniformly consistent in how they handle politics: it’s not allowed.

The next time the mods try to delete or change posts because it violates the no politics rules, their actions will ring hollow.

Thanks Brad. I will cease posting to this thread.
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