Advice required for Highland Band (1 Viewer)

Very nice work on the knight JB. You are very talented !!!!

In the back ground photo with the shield is Henry the VIII. Is he an original Britains from Tussauds?
Hi Scott - thanks for for comment. I thought he would look better with the shield after I had painted him - so sent for one and fitted him up with it yesterday. Thats why he was out for an airing - so just snapped him in the background.

Yes to Henry VIII. He was bought in a box of 27 bent and broken soldiers, from a market trader. He was a bit of a mystery for a while - as he is marked as a Britains figure under the base - is clearly hollowcast and has embossed on the front of the base "Madame Tussaud's" with "London " on the rear. The answer to the puzzle came from James Opie's book "Collecting Toy Soldiers", where I learned that he was a 65mm scale Madame Tussaude souvenir figure. He is structurally sound, un-retouched and of moderate wear quality. I kept him as a "lucky find" figure - and as he was technically head of the services at the time - in my book that makes him a soldier. He now lives with my "medievals" - but doesn't come out to play very much!

Do you know anything more about him - like when he was produced. I had some 1930's Britains and a Johillco in the box too, so thought he would have been about that time. Madame Tussaudes never replied to my query!

Incidentally, the box cost me a tenner - and I repared or restored the lot. I wish now that I did before and after pics - 'cos they all look rather nice now- and must be the cheapest find I ever made. I will put them all together again and take a snap and post it, if you like.
Regards - johnnybach
Hey trooper, IS that a wolf apron - or is it a bear? On second look - the head looks more like my old labrador dog, Angus. Now gone, I'm afraid - but when he was around, I always called him my little black bear - 'cos he had a face just like that one. johnnybach
WOW great job on the London Scottish.I would love to have those figures.The skin on the base drummer,I would say is a mountain lion(cougar).The Canadian Scottish and the Royal Scots have those also.The drummers of the London Scottish where pipers plaidsI think they are the only drummers that I know of that where them.I`m almost finished my Royal Marines band.
I agree with Dave it is a puma/mountain lion/cougar (same animal just depends where you are from).

The Tussaud's figures were available at the Tussaud's gift shop in London in the 30's, the moulds were made in 1934. Not sure how long there were available for though. Looks like there were about 9 figures made

Henry VIII
Queen Elizabeth
Red Riding Hood
Bust of Tussaud
Prince of Wales

Bust of Charles Dickens
Bust of Scrooge
Bust of Micawber

Last three were designed as bottle stoppers.

Prices range from $150 for Henry & Elizabeth up to $2,500 for the Prince of Wales.
nshighlander;353992The drummers of the London Scottish where pipers plaidsI think they are the only drummers that I know of that where them.I`m almost finished my Royal Marines band. Cheers Dave[/QUOTE said:
I found this photo of the Gordons taken about the turn of the century which shows drummers wearing the piper's plaid. Possibly this is another example of the London Scottish adopting the practices of the parent regiment.


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Thanks everyone for your input on these matters. So - a cougar eh? I'll bet that got a bit warm in the summer months. Thanks for the info on pipers too Dave. I have you marked out as my "piper" man from now on.

Lovely old picture of Gordons pipe & drums trooper. I know I'm returning to old ground - but that geezer on the end has a suspiciously large drum. A tenor perchance? I have started a loose leaf binder for the Scots Regiments now - in Rgt./date order. Thanks to you all for being so generous with your time and material. I will put it all to good use - as Sky News assured me yesterday that I'm going to get to be 100! I will need the time - if I am to finish all the projects I have in mind!!

Nice to know that a chance find in a cardboard box for pennies - turned out to be worth around $150. When I gave "the Commandant" the good news - she dropped her brush (she was cleaning her jackboots at the time!).
Only joking bach!

So Henry would have been sold at Tussaude's from mid-1930's - any idea what they would have charged for him then Scott? I am very glad that I resisted the temptation to clean him up TOO much - and give him a paint job. But I won't be parting with him yet-a-while.
Nice to know such bargain finds can still happen. I will try to photograph some of the more interesting bits from the bargain box over the next couple of days - and show you what I have done with them. A Johillco piper was a real mess - so a new paint job was in order - and he's turned out to be a real beauty! Dave - you will just love him. I made him into a Seaforth.

Thanks again to all for your time, info and materials - regards, johnnybach
Hi Dave - note that you have nearly finished RM band. The London Scottish that you liked - are from Asset (UK) and as castings are not madly expensive at less than £5 each. I bought these 5 at a time - and think that postage to your part of the world is + 15%. The only snag is - anne and Colin Randall are not computer buffs - so it would be a post transaction. Their son has put them online - but very few pics.

Just thought you might be interested. johnnybach

PS I will try to photograph my RM bands and post them for you too.
Hi Martin - Just been browsing on London Scottish - and came up with 1992 as the date when they became part of The London Regiment. In 1986 The Queen Mum presented new Colours to 1 Bn. London Scottish. I feel pretty sure that by 1986 they were using SA80 - but not certain how to find out that detail.

I remembered after we chatted about this, that I bought these as castings from Asset - but GAVE the date 1980 myself. I guess that if I called it 1990 - even a TA unit (usually at the end of the line for new toys) would have had it by then

Whaddya think? - johnnybach
Yes I think T.A. infantry regiments had them by then. SLR/SMGs still with the support services though. It seamed to take quite a while to issue to everyone, then most wondered way they bothered! I remember a story about the M.O.D. offering some to a third world "freindly" and being told "no thanks, we'll keep our A.K.s!"

Trooper great picture of the Gordons Drums and Pipes.I would say the drummer would be a tenor.That tenor drums looks like the drum we had with the Toronto Scottish.This has been a great thread.
Happy New Year
Hi Martin - thanks for confirmation - so that's the answer then - my London Scottish group are now circa 1990. I didn't have the Internet or access to help from the forum when I made those, so I guess I will be less likely to make similar errors in future. Thanks again. johnnybach
The comment about the Royal Scots having cougar skin aprons prompted me to delve into their file and bring out the following photos which may be of some use.
The first two sets are of the drum major and the pipe major. Points to note are the sash being worn over the right shoulder by the drum major but over the left by the pipe major. Also note the drum major's staff with the elaborate figure of St Andrew on the top, although this was sometimes replaced by a conventional staff an example of which can be seen in the backgound of the back view. Also note the three tassels worn on the sporran by the pipe major, (pipers only wear two), and the blue pipe bag only used by the pipe major.


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The next set covers the pipers and drummers. Note the fly plaid worn by the side drummers and the cougar skins worn by the bass and tenor drummers. These would seem to have been peculiar to the pipes and drums.


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Finally the band. Note the cloth apron worn by one of the musicians, used to protect the tunic from the rubbing of the brass instrument and the instrument from being scratched by the buttons. Note also the leopardskin used by the bass and tenor drummers. In the second photo, which was shown previously to show the side drummer of the pipes and drums, the band tenor drummer can be seen in the foreground.


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I think that I have learned more about Scottish bands in the last few weeks than I knew about in the whole of my life before! This forum is AWESOME!

You get to chat with so many folks - who know so much about a subject that you think you know well enough to produce toy soldiers - when in fact - you don't.

Okay - the subject is tricky. Okay - it is possible to knock out a soldier or two. BUT - to get them right? That's something else.

This is more than AWESOME. Thanks friends for all of your help so far. Please keep in touch and keep helping me out. Oh yes, and Happy New Year.
An oddity for you Johnny, a left handed piper in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Must have caused problems when counter marching.


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You keep coming up with them, trooper. One of my daughters is naturally left handed - so I s'pose there had to be a piper or two who gave the bag a squeeze under the other arm. Now this is the tricky question.......

Who makes one in kit form??

Answers on the back of a five pound note accepted!

Seriously thanks for the latest picture. True - it does look a bit odd. By the bye - I'm going to have a go at a Cougar Apron on my Mountie Bass drummer! I kept on going back to your picture and wondering IF I dare - so I will. If it turns out badly however, I reserve the right to go back to my original plan!!

Now then.... where's my milliput? Happy New Year chum. johnnybach.

PS Learned how to do the Avatar thingy yesterday. How do you like it?


Hi trooper - this is my first pass at the mountain lion skin for the Bass Drummer mountie. I will let the milliput dry thoroughly - and then model some more until I'm satisfied. Then, once that seems dry enough, i'll have a try at painting.

As your original photo was Black & White - I aim to use the colours shown on some of your Scots lads.

Okay so far??? - johnnybach

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