Baseball 2011 (3 Viewers)

Read in the paper this AM that Albert Pujols is under pressure from the union to press the Cards for a contract that would set new highs for salary and perks, ie. to exceed A-Rods 10 year, $270 millions deal.:eek: Baseball needs a salary cap before they bury themselves for good.:mad: -- Al
If this situation existed in the NFL, we'd probably have seen that the Los Angeles Packers won the Super Bowl.
Read in the paper this AM that Albert Pujols is under pressure from the union to press the Cards for a contract that would set new highs for salary and perks, ie. to exceed A-Rods 10 year, $270 millions deal.:eek: Baseball needs a salary cap before they bury themselves for good.:mad: -- Al
Hear the Cubs are going after Pujols. That signing could break the "streak" that started after their last WS win, in 1908.:eek: Then again, maybe not..... -- Al
Sad news. Dodger great Duke Snider died Sunday at the age of 84, of natural causes. He amassed a career BA. of .295 and hit 407 career Hr's. Goodbye #4, you will be missed. -- Al
Sad news. Dodger great Duke Snider died Sunday at the age of 84, of natural causes. He amassed a career BA. of .295 and hit 407 career Hr's. Goodbye #4, you will be missed. -- Al

Its a sad day. When you think about the golden age of baseball, you think about Willie (Mays) Mickey (Mantle) and the Duke (Schneider). Now only the great Willy Mays remains from the great Center Fielders of the 50's and 60's.:(
Its a sad day. When you think about the golden age of baseball, you think about Willie (Mays) Mickey (Mantle) and the Duke (Schneider). Now only the great Willy Mays remains from the great Center Fielders of the 50's and 60's.:(
All three played in New York City at the same time. Now that would have been a real pleasure to experience. I can't fathom the thrill it must have been to have all three of these greats to follow on a daily basis. Pick a team, go see a Hall of Famer. Lucky fans, lucky city. :salute:: -- Al
Well spring ball is about as imprtant as pre-season, but my Orioles have looked good in all of the games they have played so far, and won all of them:)it maybe only grapefruit league now, but a win is a win baby!!...Sammy
Well spring ball is about as imprtant as pre-season, but my Orioles have looked good in all of the games they have played so far, and won all of them:)it maybe only grapefruit league now, but a win is a win baby!!...Sammy
Hi Sammy. O's should be a good team this year. I really like the looks of their starting pitching. Now if only they stay healthy. -- Al
Hey Sammy, the Washington Post is saying good things about the O's, their off season acquisitions, and the way they are shaping up. Says that they have a legitimate Eastern Division line-up, 1 thru 9. For the Post to say anything about the O's is almost a miracle these days. Before the Nats moved in, the O's were DC's team. Coverage of the O's fell almost to nothing from the time the Nats came to town, so for the Post to say good things about the O's is a good sign, I think. Good hitters and good pitching is a recipe for success which the O's now have if all stay healthy and have decent years. Markakis, Jones, Wieters, Roberts, and Scott now have Guerrero, Reynolds, Hardy, and Lee (soon) to make for a decent hitting line-up. The expectations are running high (for once, with good reason) and with Showalter to guide them, I am really optimistic. GO ORIOLES! -- Al
Hey Sammy, the Washington Post is saying good things about the O's, their off season acquisitions, and the way they are shaping up. Says that they have a legitimate Eastern Division line-up, 1 thru 9. For the Post to say anything about the O's is almost a miracle these days. Before the Nats moved in, the O's were DC's team. Coverage of the O's fell almost to nothing from the time the Nats came to town, so for the Post to say good things about the O's is a good sign, I think. Good hitters and good pitching is a recipe for success which the O's now have if all stay healthy and have decent years. Markakis, Jones, Wieters, Roberts, and Scott now have Guerrero, Reynolds, Hardy, and Lee (soon) to make for a decent hitting line-up. The expectations are running high (for once, with good reason) and with Showalter to guide them, I am really optimistic. GO ORIOLES! -- Al

I am hoping and preying for our O's to maybe, finally, put something together and have a winning season Al, I don't think I can remember how to be excited about baseball in late August/Sept anymore but hey I'm excited and hoping the young guys mesh with the vets and we can give the Yanks/Sox/Rays/Jays a run for the money...GOOOOO O-R-I-OL-E-S!!!...Sammy
Opening day is just a couple of weeks away. PLAY BALL! ^&grin -- Al
I'll be pulling for the Kansas City Royals a bit this year too- my son told me the other night his history teacher's brother- Jeff Bianchi- plays SS for them. His teacher's a great guy. The kid doesn't start but still, gotta pull for the local talent.
The Red Sox . . . there are really no other AL contenders! (Hope I don't have to eat this for breakfast come October!)

Bosun Al
Just a couple of days until the O's rule the AL East.^&grin -- Al
HOORAY! It's Opening Day. Finally. Now if the rain will just hold off, I got four games to watch. Go O's, go Nat's, go NYY's! -- Al
.......go NYY's! -- Al

I would humbly request that the mods consider flagging this post and assigning demerits, infractions, wedgies, etc as applicable as I find this sort of banter EXTREMELY offensive!! ^&grin^&grin^&grin

HOORAY! It's Opening Day. Finally. Now if the rain will just hold off, I got four games to watch. Go O's, go Nat's, go NYY's! -- Al

Yikes, with snow on the ground this morning this snuck up on me. I don't follow baseball much anymore, but opening day always has a feel good association.
I would humbly request that the mods consider flagging this post and assigning demerits, infractions, wedgies, etc as applicable as I find this sort of banter EXTREMELY offensive!! ^&grin^&grin^&grin

I can only assume that Chris is a Phillies fan as the Pirate's fan doesn't post on this forum.:rolleyes2: Good luck to the Phillies and their super rotation. They will be the team to beat, but we'll see how it all shakes out in the next 162 games.:wink2: Gonna be fun. -- Al

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