Baseball 2014 (1 Viewer)

I agree about the overpaying. GM Duquette is obviously hoping that the pitcher from 2010 is the one that they are buying. I certainly expect the O's can get 13 or more wins out of him and I would guess the O's want 17-18 out of him. At least we know he can pitch, which is what the O's wanted in the way of someone to anchor a rather unsettled starting rotation. O's have several starters with great potential but they haven't proved they can stay consistent or pitch an entire season yet. -- Al


I feel like most of this year's off seasons signings across the league were over payments.

Here is a question for my American friends and fellow forum members, if you had to choose between Baseball and American football, which would you go for? How to the two sports compare in popularity over there??

Here is a question for my American friends and fellow forum members, if you had to choose between Baseball and American football, which would you go for? How to the two sports compare in popularity over there??


Rob, the NFL is far and away the most popular sport in the United States, baseball is a distant second, closely followed by college football, then NBA basketball.
Here is a question for my American friends and fellow forum members, if you had to choose between Baseball and American football, which would you go for? How to the two sports compare in popularity over there??

I guess I'm runner-up but my favorite game is Baseball, hands-down, no contest. Both games have been part of my whole life but baseball is still the constant, basically the same game it has always been, while football is a far different game today than it was when I loved it in the '60's. Don't misunderstand me, both sports have changed but baseball's big change was one of free-agency, a player-owner relationship involving money. Football has the same free-agency change but also has a myriad in changes to the basic game as it is always 'fine-tuning' itself to the tastes of the crowd. Baseball is what it is, take it or leave it. -- Al

Great question?

Luckily with TV scheduling and seasonal dates you really get too enjoy them both.

Even with that I still do not have an outright favorite. To me there is nothing like the build up of a big Sunday football matchup while at the same time I love a good baseball game on a Wednesday night as I unwind from the day's struggles.

Here is a question for my American friends and fellow forum members, if you had to choose between Baseball and American football, which would you go for? How to the two sports compare in popularity over there??


The late great George Carlin, one of the greatest comics ever, did a routine on baseball vs. football, that is legendary.
Thanks for your answers guys (and for excellent clip Brad), a non understanding Brit now understands a little more:smile2:

But am I right in saying that if someone says they took in a ' Ball game' that means baseball or does it mean either???

Thanks for your answers guys (and for excellent clip Brad), a non understanding Brit now understands a little more:smile2:

But am I right in saying that if someone says they took in a ' Ball game' that means baseball or does it mean either???

Rob, nowadays it really is universal, can mean just about any sporting event. When I was a kid it was a given that one meant baseball. -- Al
[h=1]Ray. People will come, Ray. They'll come to Iowa for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. "Of course, we won't mind if you look around", you'll say, "It's only $20 per person". They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they'll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon. They'll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they'll watch the game and it'll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again. Oh...people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.”[/h]
James Earl Jones....Here you go Rob, as much as I love football, James Earl Jones could not have said it better...Sammy

tags: baseball, field-of-dreams

Read more quotes from James Earl Jones
"Professional football in America is a special game, a unique game ... It is a rare game. The men who play it make it so. All of them are fearless. All of them are strong, quick. And all of them are part of a story that began long ago. A story written by men who found, in the sport, a demanding measure for their own courage and ability."

-John Facenda
Think it rather common sense and shouldn't really effect much beyond someone going way out of the to make a hit. -- Al


I have been skewed on it for a while considering Posey's injury so I wanted to see what other baseball guys, like yourself, Brad etc., thought of it.

I have been skewed on it for a while considering Posey's injury so I wanted to see what other baseball guys, like yourself, Brad etc., thought of it.
Well, I feel if the catcher has the ball and is blocking the plate, it's the runner's job to score anyway he can, short of pulling a Ty Cobb and coming in with sharpened spikes blazing. But I don't support a runner going out of the base path just to hit the catcher. The new rules can't hurt. -- Al
Well, I feel if the catcher has the ball and is blocking the plate, it's the runner's job to score anyway he can, short of pulling a Ty Cobb and coming in with sharpened spikes blazing. But I don't support a runner going out of the base path just to hit the catcher. The new rules can't hurt. -- Al


I think you are right. It is meant to avoid the unnecessary collisions.
All this talk of snow, sleet, rain...come on fellas baseball Spring Training is wide open!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):) as the Orioles played thier first game today with a win over the Rays, (where was that last sept)?:confused: hang in there East Coast mates, this nasty winter can't be around much longer, those days of 90+ with 100% humidity are right around the corner:)...Sammy
Orioles playing some great ball, 9-2, to bad it doesn't count in the standings for real, once again the offense looks to be on pace with last year but still some shaky starting pitching, got to pick up another decent starting pitcher some how...Sammy
Orioles playing some great ball, 9-2, to bad it doesn't count in the standings for real, once again the offense looks to be on pace with last year but still some shaky starting pitching, got to pick up another decent starting pitcher some how...Sammy
O's got a load of starting pitching but it would be good to see some of them step up and take command. Still early though and I think they will round into shape. I like their team personal. Should be a good club that stays in the mix. -- Al
Anyone know what the problem is between Rollins and the Phillies? -- Al
Wait? The season started? I am so confused by the schedule, the Dodgers playing the D-Backs in Australia is the official start of the season/opening day?

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