Britain's Zulu War (1 Viewer)

Sorry to hear about the slow down, hope it picks up for you shortly. By the way what Thropht Set do you have on hold.....Your Aide De Camp.....The Lt.

It is an older Zulu set. I saw it picked it up and asked them to hold on to it without really looking at it.:eek:

One guy was selling the Puribaya piper sets for $50.00 for six boxes. Yep, $50.00 for twelve figures. They will go great in the Durbar

Also a Union band 4 piece set and a 2 piece and 3 piece 26th No. Carolina Bands for the ACW. Paid 70.00 bucks for all three of the sets.
It is an older Zulu set. I saw it picked it up and asked them to hold on to it without really looking at it.:eek:

One guy was selling the Puribaya piper sets for $50.00 for six boxes. Yep, $50.00 for twelve figures. They will go great in the Durbar

Also a Union band 4 piece set and a 2 piece and 3 piece 26th No. Carolina Bands for the ACW. Paid 70.00 bucks for all three of the sets.

Nice, photos when you get the time....The Lt.
The first selection of Britain's Zulus arrived at The Lt.'s Land of The Zulus and all I can say is

Welcome to The Land of The Lt's Zulus They're Great



The first selection of Britain's Zulus arrived at The Lt.'s Land of The Zulus and all I can say is

Welcome to The Land of The Lt's Zulus They're Great





Wow, those are some nice looking figures, I can see why you are so pleased with them.

Wow, those look really nice...even better than in the catalog! I cannot wait to get my hands on some of those. Looking forward to many new exciting Lt. dioramas with these guys.


Those guys deserve one of the Lt's very special dios.
Who of the 24th are you going to match them against?
Looking forward to whatever you decide- I know it'll be good


WB has taken the Zulu war to a new level.
Thanks for the "temptation" to add these to my want list and glad you got to visit the History Store today.

Ra ndy
Jaw-droppingly awesome Lt. :cool::eek:

Can't wait till mine arrive. I hope they have the same quality paint application.
The leopard skin is amazing.
Joe those zulus look great!!!! The facial detail on those guys has got to be some of the best facial sculpts that Ken has done yet! He really nailed the african look, they almost look like real zulus you better hope they don,t come to life and attack you and the little captain durring the night!!!!:eek::p
Joe those zulus look great!!!! The facial detail on those guys has got to be some of the best facial sculpts that Ken has done yet! He really nailed the african look, they almost look like real zulus you better hope they don,t come to life and attack you and the little captain durring the night!!!!:eek::p

Do you remember that episode of "The Twilight Zone"? I haven't seen it in at least 20 years but it still crosses my mind as I am going to sleep some nights. Maybe subconsciously that is why I collect a disproportionately large number of allies. :rolleyes:

Do you remember that episode of "The Twilight Zone"? I haven't seen it in at least 20 years but it still crosses my mind as I am going to sleep some nights. Maybe subconsciously that is why I collect a disproportionately large number of allies. :rolleyes:


I remember awhile back watching something on TV about a guy who got a package in the mail of one of those multi GI sets 1000 figures in a box type of sets and they came to life and were attacking him and they had jeeps and tanks,helicoptors, ect.. It was pretty funny stuff! I think it might have been like a remake of what your talking about? I think it was a part a mini series type of thing like the twilight zone or something??? I believe the guy getting attacked was a gangster or something like that???
Has anyone else seen what I,m talking about??? It was interseting and like I said pretty funny also, there was one rambo type little comando figure that was giving him a real hard time.
Its was pretty good, I wouldn,t mind watching it again but I can,t remeber what it was called???
The GI mega pack arriving in the mail sounds familiar but what you are describing sounds a bit more contemporary than the Twilight Zone series, but maybe it was one of the 4 or so mini stories in the Twilight Zone movie that would have come out in the eighties or so. I just cannot recall for sure.
The GI mega pack arriving in the mail sounds familiar but what you are describing sounds a bit more contemporary than the Twilight Zone series, but maybe it was one of the 4 or so mini stories in the Twilight Zone movie that would have come out in the eighties or so. I just cannot recall for sure.

I think it might have been a Steven King mini series type of piece if I recall??? Does anyone here recall if this???
The Zulus are looking good. It is time to watch the movie I think. What a time to go on a toy soldier diet:mad:
Well, that was fun, but not the one I was thinking of. Nice work finding that clip. I'll try to track down the one I was thinking of.

Now imagine 10,000 5.4 cm tall Zulus streaming across your living room floor.
Well, that was fun, but not the one I was thinking of. Nice work finding that clip. I'll try to track down the one I was thinking of.

Now imagine 10,000 5.4 cm tall Zulus streaming across your living room floor.


Those guys deserve one of the Lt's very special dios.
Who of the 24th are you going to match them against?
Looking forward to whatever you decide- I know it'll be good


Their first appearance match against Colour-Sergeant Bourne.....The Lt.

Lt., is that a Conte CS Bourne? He looks very nice next to those new guys.


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