Nice figures! ^&cool
Joe, is the backdrop a still from the film?
Great scene Joe, those H&A bases take a lot of beating {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Cheers mate
Hi Martyn,
Could you or Joe send me a link to the H&A bases manufacturer, they seem nicer than the JG Miniatures ones I have....
Hi Luiz
Check out this thread
I don't have any H&A bases myself
The H&A base is indeed timeless Joe, great b'day gift. Very nice grouping of your figs. Wonderful action scene. Chris
Hopefully this doesn't mean the end of the series! {eek3} Not when Conte and WB are coming out with more great figs. Say it ain't so Joe. Chris
Chris, I believe Martyn was just saying that Joe's last photo of his set-up before cropping and other "fixes" was a nice way to end this particular series of photos and not the thread. If I know Joe, he will be busy at it again very, very soon amazing all of us with new photos of his wondeful AZW collection . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Chris, I believe Martyn was just saying that Joe's last photo of his set-up before cropping and other "fixes" was a nice way to end this particular series of photos and not the thread. If I know Joe, he will be busy at it again very, very soon amazing all of us with new photos of his wondeful AZW collection . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Chris, I believe Martyn was just saying that Joe's last photo of his set-up before cropping and other "fixes" was a nice way to end this particular series of photos and not the thread. If I know Joe, he will be busy at it again very, very soon amazing all of us with new photos of his wondeful AZW collection . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Your quite right Mike and have no fear Chris my series of photos are far from over having these waiting in the wings to kick off another..........Joe
Your quite right Mike and have no fear Chris my series of photos are far from over having these waiting in the wings to kick off another..........Joe