Britain's Zulu War (18 Viewers)

Nice calendar Joe, hopefully this weekend will bring a little playtime for me. It has been to long !!
Nice calendar Joe, hopefully this weekend will bring a little playtime for me. It has been to long !!

Looking forward to it Scott an I agree it's been to long and I've a hunch you've added a few new figures that'll be making their appearance. Until then here's another from my end..........PapaZ

Sorry to see you'd didn't get i any playtime over the weekend Scott an hope you'll be able to shortly. I'm wondering when WBritains will be releasing their next catalog and what the ZW collectors have to look forward to. Now for a little playtime....The Lt.


Glad you didn't Scott and knew you wouldn't disappoint me an great seeing you got in some playtime. Nicely stage snaps of events that could have taken place on the field of Isandlwana.......PapaZ{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Excellent pictures Scott and Joe {bravo}}

Can I ask a question Joe, where did you get the tent from in your pictures?

Cheers mate

Excellent pictures Scott and Joe {bravo}}

Can I ask a question Joe, where did you get the tent from in your pictures?

Cheers mate


Martyn it's a retired Civil War tent by WBritain as seen in the photo from WB 2003 Catalog I picked up a few years back at a show here in New England........Joe

Martyn it's a retired Civil War tent by WBritain as seen in the photo from WB 2003 Catalog I picked up a few years back at a show here in New England........Joe


Many thanks Joe :salute::

Cheers mate

I knew it, I just knew it {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Great pictures Joe :salute::

Cheers mate


Looks to me like most of these exciting figures are by Conte especially in the 2nd photo and not WB yet the photo of the beautiful diorama is here on the WB forum???
Your quite right Mike and have no fear Chris my series of photos are far from over having these waiting in the wings to kick off another..........Joe



1st picture some Conte
2nd picture ALL Conte?
Yet here on WB section of forum?
Not sure what your point is or why it is an issue. A few Conte figures in a picture is hardly cause for concern.

Can't see any Conte in the first pic

At least half the figures in second pic are Britains
1st picture some Conte
2nd picture ALL Conte?
Yet here on WB section of forum?

On numerous occassions I've feature both Conte and WBritain Zulu War Sets and figures on the Conte Section of the forum as well as here on this thread which contains numerous photos of both in photo dio's. Also together in other sections of the forum. They blend well together and I've no doubt WBritain collectors have added the Conte figures to their Zulu War Collection and like wise for Conte collectors such as myself and have been ask on numerous occassion in the past how well do the blend together featuring photos of both comparing them to each other on both forums...........The Lt.
For the purest featuring only Britain accessories an figures defending a section of the North Wall as this photo series begins......The Lt.



For the purest featuring only Britain accessories an figures defending a section of the North Wall as this photo series begins......The Lt.




Purely GREAT Joe ^&grin, looking forward to the next instalment :salute::

Cheers mate

Great closeups Joe.

Scott, nice pics, one the few I've seeb with oxen actually pulling the wagon! :smile2: Chris
As requested Martyn it continues and glad you enjoyed the close ups Chris.......The Lt.



I agree with Chris, those are some very sharp closeups Joe {bravo}}

Cheers mate

Martyn :)
A great series of photos Joe . . . . . great close up shots . . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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