Britain's Zulu War (5 Viewers)

Agree Chris need help with you Scott, Martyn and others sharing their playtime with their ZW figures. Robin I'm passing on the Horse and Limber set and looking forward to seeing what WB has in store for us down the road but I'm sure looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us once you've received yours. Now for a little playtime defending the Mission Station............The Lt.




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Great pictures Joe, I know I have been sadly lacking in supporting this thread lately, but you more than make up for my absence {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Joe, heard there are some more combat figs, maybe one on one, coming from Modelzone in the coming yr. You show some beautiful shots across the perimeter. I have a new dio base coming from Ken and will post pics when it arrives. Chris
Thanks for the update on Modelzone Chris an looking forward to seeing what they'll be offering but looking more forward to seeing your new dio bases an the playtime you feature with it.......Joe
Thank you. Joe, for your most recent photos of the defense of the mission. Very nicely done and certainly a pleasure for me to view on a rainy afternoon . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Your welcome Mike as the defense of The Mission Station continues........Joe



Great pictures to start my day Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Beautiful closeups Joe. Those mealy bags look very realistic. Nice pics of the defense. Chris
Hope this'll start your month Martyn and thanks Chris here's Aprils Calendar

Never ceases to amaze me the quality of the photography and the endless humour on this thread{sm4} thanks to all those who contribute their time{bravo}}

I'm a big Zulu era fan, having a few Britains gloss Zulus/Brits etc, including the old Britains add-on "Hospital Dio" set......Those matte figures though are very tempting, especially when I see those great pic's up close. I've resisting the urge thus far, but you guys are making it hard:wink2:

Maybe one or two figures wouldn't hurt.........{sm2}
Hi, I wasn't sure whether to post this in this thread or start a separate one, so I did both.

I have the chance to pick up a MIB 20042 'British Surgeon Reynolds Operating on Cpl Allen'...I wonder if you good people could advise what a good price would be to pay for this retired set?

Oh and I just started collecting Britain's Zulu range in the last couple of weeks and I am already hooked...although I did get a great start...20028, 20029 and 20030 MIB for $145 all in!!! I hope to be talking to many of you soon.

Many thanks, Chris
Private Hitch applies pressure to his right shoulder that's been shatter by a musket ball before droping his rifle an placing his arm in his belt..................The Lt.

Very nice snapshot Papa Z.

I am due some playtime, hopefully that will be rectified in the next little while. :salute::
Very nice snapshot Papa Z.

I am due some playtime, hopefully that will be rectified in the next little while. :salute::

Your way over do my friend but all will be forgiven when next I see you at play. Here's a new addition to my Zulu Warriors I pick up at the show today after winning a cash door prize. The Warrior just happen to have it on hand..................PapaZ

A gallant attempt by a younger warrior to save an older one.......PapaZ

Great picture of a very nice prize Joe, well done {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate


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