Check out NEW Bulge stuff! (8 Viewers)

With regards to the quality of K & C products I have no gripe.They are superbly sculpted and painted.It is the sloppy and somewhat generic research that often irritates me.Steering away from the Bulge for a moment,take the Confedrates.Beautiful figures,badly researched.If the designers at K & C had had the forethought to study any of the hundreds of photos of Confederate dead on various battlefields they would have noticed a peculier thing.No torn or ragged clothing.No patches.No mismatched uniforms.A swift glance at the numerous Confederates shown in the Gettysburg series of photos shows them all wearing neat,evenly coloured Richmond Depot clothing with no patches whatsoever.The only mismatching seems to be the buttons on the jackets (some are brass,others wood).The same is true of the Antietam series,the Wilderness series and the Petersburg and Richmond series of photos.The ragged,ill-clothed K & C Rebs are relegated to minor far west skirmishes where uniforms were not the norm and not to the more well known battles further East.

If you don't like it don't buy it, no need to talk smack here...Sammy

Looks like Jeff Dugdale (or someone claiming to be him)

Here is a discussion regarding his work on
Interesting site. I throw this out just for the heck of it, but any serious historian that refuses to reveal his sources should be a red flag to his readers. A serious historian WANTS others to know where the info comes from to prove that he is a good researcher/writer. Anyone hiding his sources will always be open to question and doubt and any contribution he would make will be tainted. A serious historian is all about advancing knowledge in his chosen field, not about being the only one with the knowledge. -- lancer
Some prior release BoB photos December 1944..

Photo 1 - Belgium

Photo 2n3 - Ardennes Region

Photo 4 - Bastogne


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I plan on getting some Bulge stuff this week at the show..........Very nice pieces....
I don't want to get into a debate about whether something is wrong or is right because, folks, I just don't have the knowledge that others have.

However, and I'm guilty of this just as others are, if someone comes on and says this is wrong, etc., I don't think we should belittle him or be overly scarcastic. This applies to people both criticizing the product and the manufacturer whose product is being criticized. In my view, comments should be factual and adjectives that tend to inflame should be avoided. IMHO.

Just so it's clear, I'm talking as a collector, a poster and not as a moderator.
Those two GI's sitting with their German prisoner,i wonder if they may also work as Tank riders?.

Tullock,like i have said you can quote facts and figures all day long,have in your possession reams of paperwork from germany in the 1940s,doesnt make them the bible of WW2,you cannot be in possession of every detail of german armed forces in WW2 and you certainly were not there ,even though to hear you talk you clearly think you were,just because you have met and interviewed veterns doesnt mean you were there,veterns cannot remember everything and were not at every point in the battlefield,according to you all these returns are correct and accurate,how do you know that?If you are the famed historian you purport to be,then you should know better than to use returns as definate proof to make a historical point.Like Andy said if you are so clever ,put your money where your mouth is and produce your own model vehicles and figures that will be more accurate,according to your extensive records,than anyone has ever produced,we collectors will always be in your debt,if not,then let us enjoy our hobby,and you enjoy making a living from your paper knowledge and if K&C products annoy you somewhat ,do yourself a favour dont buy them and show some respect to other people,like Andy,who have put their money where their mouth is.
I don't want to get into a debate about whether something is wrong or is right because, folks, I just don't have the knowledge that others have.

However, and I'm guilty of this just as others are, if someone comes on and says this is wrong, etc., I don't think we should belittle him or be overly scarcastic. This applies to people both criticizing the product and the manufacturer whose product is being criticized. In my view, comments should be factual and adjectives that tend to inflame should be avoided. IMHO.

Just so it's clear, I'm talking as a collector, a poster and not as a moderator.

I have to agree. As collectors of history we need to keep the manufacturers somewhat within bounds, but with mass produced models at K&C and Figarti volumes and price levels, we cannot expect historical perfection. And there is plenty of disagreement among professional historians about certain topics. We have a right to comment on perceived or actual historical inaccuracies, keeping in mind that some of the AFVs are meant to be generic, and some have parts that are oversized out of scale for durability, and some have paint schemes which stretch accuracy for the sake of cost or better appeal.

For example, the 251 PaK 40 could have come from the factory in grey, but not too likely. But it would be cheaper to paint it grey instead of 3 colour camo just to cover it with whitewash. A cost saving measure ???

The Kraftwaggon - I have only ever seen this in plain grey and plain Dunkelgelb. It looks much better in grey IMO and it is probable that grey ones would have survived to the Bulge where the Germans scraped all manner of equipment together.

Discussing historical accuracy is a great topic as long as we keep it within reasonable limits.

It can be difficult to write an article, or produce a product no matter how careful your research may be. There is always someone out there obsessing over the same subject with reems of obscure facts on the subject.:eek:

Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing.....its just a simple fact of life, that authors, and manufacters have to deal with.:D

I once wrote an article on Hess Toy Trucks, released only at Christmas begining in the early 1960's. I contacted Hess, and spoke with a lovely woman who provided me with as much backround information as was available. I then wrote one of the first articles listing all the vehicles that had been offered, and the production information that had been provided to me.

The response I received was quite nice, but I did receive several letters with production questions that no one could answer!:eek: One guy wanted to know which factories in China had made the different models....because he had gone over the trucks with a magnifing glass and noticed a different rivet count on different models (of the same truck) leading him to believe there were different molds from different factories.:eek:

When I spoke to my contact at Hess they had no answer! Their main business was Oil and this was simply a whim, which became a nice advertising bonus for them......and they had no information reguarding who, or even exactly where a truck had been produced over 25 years eariler.

Some people spend way to much time on some subjects!:eek::D
It can be difficult to write an article, or produce a product no matter how careful your research may be. There is always someone out there obsessing over the same subject with reems of obscure facts on the subject.:eek:

Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing.....its just a simple fact of life, that authors, and manufacters have to deal with.:D

I once wrote an article on Hess Toy Trucks, released only at Christmas begining in the early 1960's. I contacted Hess, and spoke with a lovely woman who provided me with as much backround information as was available. I then wrote one of the first articles listing all the vehicles that had been offered, and the production information that had been provided to me.

The response I received was quite nice, but I did receive several letters with production questions that no one could answer!:eek: One guy wanted to know which factories in China had made the different models....because he had gone over the trucks with a magnifing glass and noticed a different rivet count on different models (of the same truck) leading him to believe there were different molds from different factories.:eek:

When I spoke to my contact at Hess they had no answer! Their main business was Oil and this was simply a whim, which became a nice advertising bonus for them......and they had no information reguarding who, or even exactly where a truck had been produced over 25 years eariler.

some people spend way to much time on some sudjects!!:eek::D

Thats what my wife says every Dispatches day;)


'Duel in the mist' sounds very good.(was just looking online)The Tank camo pics,are these similar to the Osprey colour plates?.

They are far more detailed and extensively researched.
They are far more detailed and extensively researched.

Thanks Jeff,but i'm Rob not Terry!;).For identification purposes Terry is the guy who is still confused about who got Wittman!:eek::D;)(only kidding Terry)

Tullock,like i have said you can quote facts and figures all day long,have in your possession reams of paperwork from germany in the 1940s,doesnt make them the bible of WW2,you cannot be in possession of every detail of german armed forces in WW2 and you certainly were not there ,even though to hear you talk you clearly think you were,just because you have met and interviewed veterns doesnt mean you were there,veterns cannot remember everything and were not at every point in the battlefield,according to you all these returns are correct and accurate,how do you know that?If you are the famed historian you purport to be,then you should know better than to use returns as definate proof to make a historical point.Like Andy said if you are so clever ,put your money where your mouth is and produce your own model vehicles and figures that will be more accurate,according to your extensive records,than anyone has ever produced,we collectors will always be in your debt,if not,then let us enjoy our hobby,and you enjoy making a living from your paper knowledge and if K&C products annoy you somewhat ,do yourself a favour dont buy them and show some respect to other people,like Andy,who have put their money where their mouth is.
So you can'y offer any evidence to the contrary then? I thought not.
You know what guys,whatever the rights and wrongs of your argument I started this thread in appreciation of a fine product i really enjoy,so if you want to continue the argument would you mind going down to the Misc thread and lets get back to the excellent new Bulge releases.

So how many of you getting this stuff,any of you getting it all?.


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