conte? (4 Viewers)

The playset addict Joe Baker contiues to feature our adventuros young lady....The Lt.




Thanks for the photos Lt. Joe Baker's new photos remind me of the begginning of Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark...

You don't want to cross this young lady my Lord General.......Your Humble Aide De Camp...The Lt.


  • va009.jpg
    35.7 KB · Views: 180
Mike , I must be a Preevert. I looked at everyone of those links. For Shame Fubar, shame, shame.
Got anymore?
Mike , I must be a Preevert. I looked at everyone of those links. For Shame Fubar, shame, shame.
Got anymore?


You're a hero. Thank you for selflessly checking them out, so other forum members don't now feel obliged to. I hope the suffering wasn't too great. :D
Golly, what big ..........................................ankles she has.
Okay, okay, okay.

I did it in the interest of furthering my education in modeling, :rolleyes:.

I spend all my free time at the library and church too :rolleyes:.


PS... Brad just called me and said thanks for the mention, he says he has sold 67 female pieces to Treefrog customers since my post. I wonder who..............
Okay, okay, okay.

I did it in the interest of furthering my education in modeling, :rolleyes:.

I spend all my free time at the library and church too :rolleyes:.


PS... Brad just called me and said thanks for the mention, he says he has sold 67 female pieces to Treefrog customers since my post. I wonder who..............

Definately not me.
Well, not all 67 of them anyway.
A Conte update and I'm sure they'll be a number of comments on it....The Lt.

Thanks Joe for posting the update.

A brutally honest and no holds barred explanation from RC himself. This may change things in terms of how some of us (ME) feel about his company. I can both empathize and sympathize with him on trusting key employees in a family will come back to bite in the end. The only employees to be fully trusted with business decisions and left to flourish are stockholding family members. I can and do believe the whole letter, and feel confident that the company will flourish.
Mike, Nice to hear brutally honest statements isnt it?!
The good , the bad and the honesty, warts and all.
All sounds good and the rumor mill can settle down.

Well i would love to get my Paws on that Einar :).
All sounds good :cool:
I am personally disturbed by the inflammatory remarks regarding the nexus of his company when compared to his competitors, and fail to understand why the production of his figures was not moved back to the U.S.:mad:
Same old BS, enough said.
1879, you,ve been around the block, I,m surprised he got you!
Could some-one paste his comment on the forum. I cannot seem to get on to his website at present. I would appreciate it.
Same old BS, enough said.
1879, you,ve been around the block, I,m surprised he got you!

Didn't say that I like his product or that I'd buy anything! Just a forthright response to his problems.

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