Corona virus (2 Viewers)

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Agree unforutnately and sorry to hear again about your Uncle. **** sad.

On another more cheery note, btw , your quote below from Jerry Tarkanian just about cracked me up. I loved him growing up, he was the highlight of basketball for me. I read both of his autobiog, biogs. Simply fascinating. It took him nearly all his life but he beat the NCAA in court, then to show you how crooked and corrupt they really are, they kept going after him to the grave. Worst organization ever. Topic for another thread, but i just noticed it!


Loved those running Rebel teams...……………….his quote sums up how I feel about cheating perfectly.

End of story.

And not to go off topic, but a friend of mine sent me a picture of the new Patriots uniforms for 2020; mother of God are they horrendous.

One more reason to hope there is no season this year.
Thank you for your well thought out statement. As the father of a teenager who is high risk to die if he contracts the virus, and who is presently quarantined with a member of my household having tested positive, I completely agree with it. I would prefer to go broke with a live son than the alternative, and I suspect anyone with a high risk family member would agree. I am sorry to hear about your job situation. I really feel for you, and all the other forum members worrying about their jobs and finances (including myself). On the positive side, the general feeling is things will start re-opening in the United States around May 15th, so hopefully Great Britain is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as well. Once things restart, hopefully your job will once again become available.

Thanks, good luck and best wishes for you and your family, we need to get our perspective in place and realise what matters. I had an uncle that once said, family, friends and pets were all that mattered, work is a means to fund the previous three things, he said how many people when stood at the pearly gates and was asked by St Peter "What do you wish you had done more of?" would reply "I wish I had spent more time at work?"

We are looking at June, early, I think to be on the safe side, for the US you have to be careful as due to the size of the country I think there will be waves of cases. It is as if the US was perfect for this virus, massive clusters of people hundreds of miles apart, it will creep over the country and could come round again and again. Therefore stay in lockdown and do not give it anywhere or anyone to spread too, let it die out. I can understand people wanting to open due to economic needs, but how many lives are worth Walmart selling more crap we can do without.

On the job front, in the grand scheme of things I am safe and my family/friends are currently OK, I can manage for now, put a pause on buying toy soldiers and books. My TS room is 16ft by 22ft and full and I can only exhibit around 50% of my collection, plus I have close to 500 unread historical and modern fiction books. Plus over 250 books on the Battle of the Bulge, 300 on D Day and Normandy and 100 or so on the Napoleonic Wars and Roman history.

I have taken to doing research, I pick a WN on one of the Normandy beaches. I have lots of pictures from visits [I live 7 hours away, with a 5 hour ferry trip, door to door, from my home to the place I stay in Bayeux] and pick bunker system. Then I research through the books and website of who was defending, who attacked and what happened.
Trying to be hopeful but not easy these days. I don't know what the eventual outcome of this pandemic and the economic consequences will be but a friend's father who is 96 and survived
the war in Europe said the following to his son.

"I lived through WWII which killed 70 million souls and devastated Europe. As a medic and eventually a doctor in the US Army I traveled through war torn France, Belgium, England and Germany. I saw devastation on a scale
that was unimaginable. And then the US implemented the Marshall plan and within years I saw the revival and then later Europe was in a real revival. We will need a Marshall plan on some level and
we will come back stronger. I remember my parents back home telling me that every day the news reels talked about tens of thousands of deaths and it was thought that the world would didn't."

I'm sure he's paraphrasing but the message is clear.....don't give up hope. Anyway I'm still a buyer!
George, very sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences to you and your family. -- Al
first condolences to you...
secondly...I accidentally pressed "like this post"...
I can't remove my like...
sorry...I do not like this post...
it's very sad!
thirdly...I lost my Uncle (92) two days ago...
and have a 94 year old aunt on quarantine...
I feel your pain...
Mike, my condolences on the passing of your uncle and my prayers that your aunt stays healthy through all this. -- Al

My sincere condolences about the loss of your uncle. It is especially difficult not being able to say goodbye to a loved one.

On the good news side, today is the 20th, and my cousin Charise is out of quarantine. She still has to wear a mask around my son, but at least she can move freely around the house, and none of us are showing symptoms.

My sincere condolences about the loss of your uncle. It is especially difficult not being able to say goodbye to a loved one.

On the good news side, today is the 20th, and my cousin Charise is out of quarantine. She still has to wear a mask around my son, but at least she can move freely around the house, and none of us are showing symptoms.
Great news, Louis. -- Al
On the good news side, today is the 20th, and my cousin Charise is out of quarantine. She still has to wear a mask around my son, but at least she can move freely around the house, and none of us are showing symptoms.

Louis...congrats on the good news...
Please accept my condolences George, Obviously you were very close to your Uncle and Aunt. As others have already said it really hurts when you can't share hugs with loved ones at this time.


My sincere condolences about the loss of your uncle. It is especially difficult not being able to say goodbye to a loved one.

On the good news side, today is the 20th, and my cousin Charise is out of quarantine. She still has to wear a mask around my son, but at least she can move freely around the house, and none of us are showing symptoms.

Louis as you say that's good news that she is out of quarantine. Of course you still have to be as careful as before to make sure the virus isn't bought into the house again. It's going to be a long tough time keeping up the defences and not to going stir crazy so keep strong and accept my best wishes !

I don't post much here anymore, but regardless; My uncle passed away yesterday on of all days, Easter Sunday.

94 years old, lived a nice long life, survived numerous beach landings in the Pacific, he died thanks to some microscopic ****ing virus.

My family and I never got to say goodbye, no wake, no funeral, no nothing.

He's with his wife now, something I think he wanted for a long, long time, he was never really the same after she passed away.

The two of them spoiled me rotten as a kid, I was like a son to them, mountains of toy soldiers every Christmas and birthday, used to take me and my cousin out to eat once a month and then shower us with toy soldiers at the mall, just a wonderful, gentle soul, never got mad, angry, torked off, as even tempered a person as you would ever meet, just a wonderful person.

And now the both of them are gone.

Regarding the virus; is this ****ing thing ever going to be over?

Thousands dead, millions out of work, countless people losing their businesses forever, it's been about a month or so since the **** really hit the fan, feels like 6 months.

I foolishly thought this thing would blow over in a few months and we'd all go back to normal.

Nothing is blowing over anytime soon, we're stuck in this for what, a year? Two years?

Life as we know it will never, ever be "normal" again.

What a complete and utter **** show this is, how in the name of God something like this can happen in 2020 is beyond my comprehension.

I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your uncle George. The irony of how he survived being a sitting duck for German bullets only to be taken out by a virus back home is horrible. And then the whole insult to injury of passing while in quarantine and never getting to say goodbye, no wake, funeral... The pain from this must be overwhelming and it all seems so brutally unfair. But I really do believe George that this life that is filled with pain and decay is not the end. How else could all this suffering be justified unless there was an equalizing factor? I think there is a homeostatic balance in the afterlife where you will actually be saying hello to your uncle again and not goodbye.

Thank you for sharing the memories of your aunt and uncle and the wonderful times you had together. Those Christmas and birthday celebrations are still with you along with all the love driving it all.

Regarding the virus, we will keep fighting it and we learn more about the enemy each day. I'm feeling optimistic about a swift turn in how we're dealing with this all.

Be well my friend,
I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your uncle George. The irony of how he survived being a sitting duck for German bullets only to be taken out by a virus back home is horrible. And then the whole insult to injury of passing while in quarantine and never getting to say goodbye, no wake, funeral... The pain from this must be overwhelming and it all seems so brutally unfair. But I really do believe George that this life that is filled with pain and decay is not the end. How else could all this suffering be justified unless there was an equalizing factor? I think there is a homeostatic balance in the afterlife where you will actually be saying hello to your uncle again and not goodbye.

Thank you for sharing the memories of your aunt and uncle and the wonderful times you had together. Those Christmas and birthday celebrations are still with you along with all the love driving it all.

Regarding the virus, we will keep fighting it and we learn more about the enemy each day. I'm feeling optimistic about a swift turn in how we're dealing with this all.

Be well my friend,

Thanks so much Joe, a wonderful post...……….a bit hard to read though with my eyes sweating the whole time...…………;)…………….

I spoke to my Uncle's lawyer today; he said with the Massachusetts courts closed until May 1st (and there is NO WAY they are reopening on the 1st; JUNE 1st MAYBE), there will be a **** ton of backlogged cases to muck through, he thinks optimistically his will will be settled in about a year.

Awesome; truth be told, I could give a **** less about the whole thing, but being his executor, it's my duty and I consider it an honor that out of all his nieces and nephews (there are 17 of us), he choose me.

As I stated elsewhere; Just heard that Oktoberfest, a tradition that goes back over 200 years, has been officially cancelled; outside of WWI and WWII, it's been held annually since 1810.
When we measure the fallout/blowback this virus will cause economically around the world, that number has to be in the billions, dare I say trillions?........................ TWENTY TWO million Americans are now out of work. Absolutely, positively unbelievable.
I still say it was on purpose.Look at Beijing and Shanghai,hardy a case but millions left Wuhun going all over the world.Their economy was hurting badly disrupting their goal of becoming the #1 superpower in the world.
Thanks so much Joe, a wonderful post...……….a bit hard to read though with my eyes sweating the whole time...…………;)…………….

I spoke to my Uncle's lawyer today; he said with the Massachusetts courts closed until May 1st (and there is NO WAY they are reopening on the 1st; JUNE 1st MAYBE), there will be a **** ton of backlogged cases to muck through, he thinks optimistically his will will be settled in about a year.

Awesome; truth be told, I could give a **** less about the whole thing, but being his executor, it's my duty and I consider it an honor that out of all his nieces and nephews (there are 17 of us), he choose me.

As I stated elsewhere; Just heard that Oktoberfest, a tradition that goes back over 200 years, has been officially cancelled; outside of WWI and WWII, it's been held annually since 1810.
When we measure the fallout/blowback this virus will cause economically around the world, that number has to be in the billions, dare I say trillions?........................TWENTY TWO million Americans are now out of work.Absolutely, positively unbelievable.

You're very welcome George. Thanks for the initial post. I really felt the pain and distress of it all and how within the context of great uncertainty everything exponentially snowballs.
That is quite an honor that you were chosen as executor from such a large pool. There will be bottlenecks everywhere to deal with when things go back online, and some of the worst will likely be in the courts with so much unattended business needing to be caught up with.
I saw that Oktoberfest was cancelled too, and I agree with the organizer's thought process and decision. Still it is hard to even wrap the mind around all of the experiences and freedoms being put on hold with some entirely lost. Everything has changed so swiftly. At some point we just need to get back to it before too much is lost to dig out from. This fragility needs to eventually be reconstituted. Joe

My sincere condolences about the loss of your uncle. It is especially difficult not being able to say goodbye to a loved one.

On the good news side, today is the 20th, and my cousin Charise is out of quarantine. She still has to wear a mask around my son, but at least she can move freely around the house, and none of us are showing symptoms.

Hooray for Charise and your family Louis!!!
Good news is like gold these days. Thank you for sharing and may you all continue to be well.

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