Corona virus (13 Viewers)

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Not sure if this has been reported in any news outlets abroad but it is a very big story over here in the UK

A gong for Captain Tom? Boris Johnson will 'look at ways to recognise' WWII hero | Daily Mail Online

Arise Sir Tom {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Stay safe everyone



Thank you for the great story about Captain Tom! At 99 years old, he is still demonstrating why they were, and are, the greatest generation.:salute::

Many thanks Louis :salute::

Here is the latest figure

[h=1]Captain Tom Moore to keep on walking as NHS fundraising appeal tops £18.5m[/h]
Stay safe

There have been protests in Michigan,N.C. and Virginia with more being organized in Texas,Ohio,Kentucky,Missouri,Washington state,and Oregon.People aren't going to sit quietly and lose everything.22 million have now lost their jobs.It's doesn't help that a lot of these governors think that they are law onto themselves .Our governor said last night that he hadn't thought about the Bill of Rights,it was above his pay grade.Little weasel.:mad: Anyway you look at it the virus WILL go through the whole population sooner or later.

Putting things in capitals do not make then true, there is no prove that the virus will or has too go through the whole population, other countries that appear to be coming through the virus have not had the whole population infected. Countries such as Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand and South Korea have done so through social distancing and testing. The distancing has worked as it basically gives the virus nowhere to go and it dies out, we have been doing it in the UK and the infection rates are dropping to less than 1 to 1 and therefore cutting infection and eventually deaths. I am not holding the UK up as great, but things are beginning to show signs things are working. As here they are listening to the clinical and medical staff and we all, no matter where we live, have to listen to the doctors and medical experts, as unlike the politicians, they have no agenda. If someone wants to do something such as open up the country, ask yourself why? For the good of the country and people or is for their re-election.

Ask yourself how many Americans are you willing to let die early through not protecting them from this virus, as the most at risk are older people 70+ and older, many of which you call 'the greatest generation' for what they did in WW2, while others served in Korea and Vietnam. Their sacrifice and hardship was not for a few weeks like you have suffered, their suffering was for years and years.

On the Michigan protests, there was a lot of [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]hypocrisy, they were protesting to open up the economy but wearing face masks...……………… so they know there is a problem with infection. Secondly why were some of them carrying assault weapons, were they hoping to find the virus and shoot it! I would had have some support for them if they would have done their protest without protective gear in a hospital.

On a personal level I am not talking from an ivory tower, I am out of work, I left a job in early March 2020 after working my notice period to start a new job on April 4th 2020, but due to the virus my new job has been cancelled and because it was a public sector job I left and they not furloughing staff I cannot claim from the UK government fund or go back to my old job as someone else is doing it now. Plus I cannot claim unemployment benefit as in the UK you cannot do that if you voluntarily leave a job and make yourself unemployed. I found all this out today, but fully support the UK lockdown continuing, which it will for another month and probably 2 months at least. [/FONT]
More people may die from the shutdown than from the virus.I know I'm not going to live my life in fear.If anybody is that scared through they should stay home.More and more they think they are a lot more infected than they thought.There is no hypocrisy in wearing the mask as it was obeying the law but they had a right to protest.Our people are getting tired of these tinpot governors making any law they want.We are not a people who takes what the politicians as gospel.
Putting things in capitals do not make then true, there is no prove that the virus will or has too go through the whole population, other countries that appear to be coming through the virus have not had the whole population infected. Countries such as Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand and South Korea have done so through social distancing and testing. The distancing has worked as it basically gives the virus nowhere to go and it dies out, we have been doing it in the UK and the infection rates are dropping to less than 1 to 1 and therefore cutting infection and eventually deaths. I am not holding the UK up as great, but things are beginning to show signs things are working. As here they are listening to the clinical and medical staff and we all, no matter where we live, have to listen to the doctors and medical experts, as unlike the politicians, they have no agenda. If someone wants to do something such as open up the country, ask yourself why? For the good of the country and people or is for their re-election.

Ask yourself how many Americans are you willing to let die early through not protecting them from this virus, as the most at risk are older people 70+ and older, many of which you call 'the greatest generation' for what they did in WW2, while others served in Korea and Vietnam. Their sacrifice and hardship was not for a few weeks like you have suffered, their suffering was for years and years.

On the Michigan protests, there was a lot of hypocrisy, they were protesting to open up the economy but wearing face masks...……………… so they know there is a problem with infection. Secondly why were some of them carrying assault weapons, were they hoping to find the virus and shoot it! I would had have some support for them if they would have done their protest without protective gear in a hospital.

On a personal level I am not talking from an ivory tower, I am out of work, I left a job in early March 2020 after working my notice period to start a new job on April 4th 2020, but due to the virus my new job has been cancelled and because it was a public sector job I left and they not furloughing staff I cannot claim from the UK government fund or go back to my old job as someone else is doing it now. Plus I cannot claim unemployment benefit as in the UK you cannot do that if you voluntarily leave a job and make yourself unemployed. I found all this out today, but fully support the UK lockdown continuing, which it will for another month and probably 2 months at least.

Thank you for your well thought out statement. As the father of a teenager who is high risk to die if he contracts the virus, and who is presently quarantined with a member of my household having tested positive, I completely agree with it. I would prefer to go broke with a live son than the alternative, and I suspect anyone with a high risk family member would agree. I am sorry to hear about your job situation. I really feel for you, and all the other forum members worrying about their jobs and finances (including myself). On the positive side, the general feeling is things will start re-opening in the United States around May 15th, so hopefully Great Britain is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as well. Once things restart, hopefully your job will once again become available.
What can we do ? Not much except trying to avoid getting it or spreeding it .
156.000 death today
Last pandemia was the so called Spanish Flu 3 years 17.000.000 deaths to 50 Millions according to different sources .
Almost no train, bus, car, airplane traffic at the time . First cases appeared in Kansas among US Soldiers .
They came in 3 waves, the lesser one was the first one then stronger and stronger.....and dissapeared, nobody seems to realy know how and why .

Be safe

Due to the lack of a governement ( they argues about the composition since the last vote almost 1 year ago ) we were very slow in reacting in Belgium
I am not belittling this crisis and if I was in Louis shoes I would feel 100 % like him and I hope everyone makes it out of this ok which some members have lost loved ones,But that doesn't change the fact that alot of people don't have large amounts of money in the bank.They would also like to be able to feed their children and put a roof over their heads.They also don't want to lose everything they have worked for all their lives.Flattening the curve doesn't mean that the virus will be gone, only trying to keep the numbers down so the medical systems can handle it.They are pretty sure it will be back after summer passes.When I say it will eventually go through the whole population I don't mean everyone will get it but more than likely everyone will be exposed to it sooner or later.You can't sanitize the whole world.As for other countries doing better than us Germany and Sweden come to mind and they did it different ways.In Asia most believe that some countries aren't telling the true numbers,especially China.Between 58 and 60 million people die every year in the world which amounts to around 114,000 a day.That's a lot of people but that is life.I'm 64 years old,a smoker and have emphysema and I'm lucky enough to be working.We can't destroy the country because of this.
Some good news today here in New York. Deaths from the virus are down to the lowest level they have been in more than two weeks, and deaths, hospitalizations and rate of new cases are down for three days running. This means, I hope, that the goal of safely reopening the State on May 15th is a realistic one. I certainly understand Marco's financial concerns. I also have felt the pinch, as, I'm sure, many, if not most, of us on this forum have. I want everyone to be able to return to work as soon as its safe to do so, and I hope that is sooner, not later. I just don't want to see the virus start spreading like wildfire again.
Nether do I Louis.I hope they can develop a vaccine and this nightmare can be over for the most part.
I don't post much here anymore, but regardless; My uncle passed away yesterday on of all days, Easter Sunday.

94 years old, lived a nice long life, survived numerous beach landings in the Pacific, he died thanks to some microscopic ****ing virus.

My family and I never got to say goodbye, no wake, no funeral, no nothing.

He's with his wife now, something I think he wanted for a long, long time, he was never really the same after she passed away.

The two of them spoiled me rotten as a kid, I was like a son to them, mountains of toy soldiers every Christmas and birthday, used to take me and my cousin out to eat once a month and then shower us with toy soldiers at the mall, just a wonderful, gentle soul, never got mad, angry, torked off, as even tempered a person as you would ever meet, just a wonderful person.

And now the both of them are gone.

Regarding the virus; is this ****ing thing ever going to be over?

Thousands dead, millions out of work, countless people losing their businesses forever, it's been about a month or so since the **** really hit the fan, feels like 6 months.

I foolishly thought this thing would blow over in a few months and we'd all go back to normal.

Nothing is blowing over anytime soon, we're stuck in this for what, a year? Two years?

Life as we know it will never, ever be "normal" again.

What a complete and utter **** show this is, how in the name of God something like this can happen in 2020 is beyond my comprehension.

first condolences to you...
secondly...I accidentally pressed "like this post"...
I can't remove my like...
sorry...I do not like this post...
it's very sad!
thirdly...I lost my Uncle (92) two days ago...
and have a 94 year old aunt on quarantine...
I feel your pain...
My condolences as well George. With all the talk about politics and economic harm, there is surprisingly little media discussion of the loss of life. We have already exceeded the number of Americans who lost their life in the Korean War and are just about to surpass the number who died in Vietnam. All in just a couple of months.
I don't post much here anymore, but regardless; My uncle passed away yesterday on of all days, Easter Sunday.

94 years old, lived a nice long life, survived numerous beach landings in the Pacific, he died thanks to some microscopic ****ing virus.

My family and I never got to say goodbye, no wake, no funeral, no nothing.

He's with his wife now, something I think he wanted for a long, long time, he was never really the same after she passed away.

The two of them spoiled me rotten as a kid, I was like a son to them, mountains of toy soldiers every Christmas and birthday, used to take me and my cousin out to eat once a month and then shower us with toy soldiers at the mall, just a wonderful, gentle soul, never got mad, angry, torked off, as even tempered a person as you would ever meet, just a wonderful person.

And now the both of them are gone.

Regarding the virus; is this ****ing thing ever going to be over?

Thousands dead, millions out of work, countless people losing their businesses forever, it's been about a month or so since the **** really hit the fan, feels like 6 months.

I foolishly thought this thing would blow over in a few months and we'd all go back to normal.

Nothing is blowing over anytime soon, we're stuck in this for what, a year? Two years?

Life as we know it will never, ever be "normal" again.

What a complete and utter **** show this is, how in the name of God something like this can happen in 2020 is beyond my comprehension.

My condolences to you and your family George. I celebrated Easter yesterday myself and I can imagine what you are going through. I am tired of this virus as I am sure most if not all of us are.
Enough will be enough at some point and humanity will march on in the end.
first condolences to you...
secondly...I accidentally pressed "like this post"...
I can't remove my like...
sorry...I do not like this post...
it's very sad!
thirdly...I lost my Uncle (92) two days ago...
and have a 94 year old aunt on quarantine...
I feel your pain...

Sorry for my rant, but enough is enough with this ****ing thing.

Imagine on Easter he passes, as the saying goes, he is in a better place, better to be with his wife, parents and brothers and sister vs wasting away in a nursing home...……………… way to live and it's not living, it's just existing...……….so full of life 10 months ago...……………...very sad.
My condolences as well George. With all the talk about politics and economic harm, there is surprisingly little media discussion of the loss of life. We have already exceeded the number of Americans who lost their life in the Korean War and are just about to surpass the number who died in Vietnam. All in just a couple of months.

Yeah, let's just gloss over the number of deaths and worry more about the economy...………..the economy is toast, it's going to take a long, long time to come back from this and it's only been a couple of months as you pointed out, it's staggering how quickly all of this has happened.

My cousin the wheeler/dealer just sent me a message about how he's a glass half full guy, but now he found out Oil futures for May are trading in the negative and I asked him to explain it in layman's terms; his reply...…………"I need to go for a long walk, good thing my gun cabinet is locked"...………………………...
My condolences to you and your family George. I celebrated Easter yesterday myself and I can imagine what you are going through. I am tired of this virus as I am sure most if not all of us are.
Enough will be enough at some point and humanity will march on in the end.

Thanks; Easter was my grandmothers favorite holiday, it's my Mothers as well, she's just gutted right now, she said Easter will never be the same again...……….just so sad...………………….
My deepest condolences George.I can imagine all the joy you had with your uncle.It's so hard to see the older members of the family leave us as we look up to them and love them so much.
My deepest condolences George.I can imagine all the joy you had with your uncle.It's so hard to see the older members of the family leave us as we look up to them and love them so much.

Thanks Mark, it's the same for everyone, the family unit shrinks as time goes on, but you are right, it's very sad...…………….
Thanks Mark, it's the same for everyone, the family unit shrinks as time goes on, but you are right, it's very sad...…………….


Agree unforutnately and sorry to hear again about your Uncle. **** sad.

On another more cheery note, btw , your quote below from Jerry Tarkanian just about cracked me up. I loved him growing up, he was the highlight of basketball for me. I read both of his autobiog, biogs. Simply fascinating. It took him nearly all his life but he beat the NCAA in court, then to show you how crooked and corrupt they really are, they kept going after him to the grave. Worst organization ever. Topic for another thread, but i just noticed it!

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