Covid-19 info (1 Viewer)

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I KNOW...gosh darnit! At the car dealership right now getting my oil changed and mask wearing is pretty thin. However, the service reps are wearing and of course I am suited up as well. I am sad because we were doing so good with keeping infections low. A friend of mine went to Gruene, TX for a take out bite a few weeks ago. NOBODY was social distancing or wearing masks...there were in there hooting and hollering AS IF nothing was goin on. Just found out that joint is closed until further notice due to COVID as of this week and the rest of the small town shops and joints are closed too...HELLO!!! Y'now summer is here and if you would payed attention and taken precautions you would not be closed at "high" season.

Just dumb.

Louis B,

"the best burgers come from high-end steak houses" Well, your honor that is reserved for rich people to say. Us minions go to best I may splurge at get a " Big Juicy" at Longhorns Bar and Grill and even that is a $6 dollar burger by itself, but **** good too. If times are tough...then Wendy's it is, but even Wendy's combo's are getting into double digit pricing. Lean times...$1 Double cheeseburger from McDonalds with a $1 Coke. So, LB aristocrats eat burgers at Steak Houses...oh I'm sorry "high end" steak houses. HaHa!

I saw a show on TV once about a joint in Maine, New Hampshire, Conn...I don't remember but anyway they served steamed cheeseburgers and man they looked good! Does anyone know what I am talking about. I know it sounds crazy, but they steam them with cheese and all.


They live in bliss man!

John from Texas

If I went to a high end steakhouse, I would never order a burger, even if it was Kobe beef. Prime ribeye, medium rare please. And some good bourbon or scotch.
If I went to a high end steakhouse, I would never order a burger, even if it was Kobe beef. Prime ribeye, medium rare please. And some good bourbon or scotch.

I agree, but where Louis is talking about is the casual side for lunch. 2 specialties - A burger that requires a knife and fork and a defib! And a tower of Seafood! Any other time I would order a large filet, but in this case, I have to endorse his choice as I have had the pleasure of dining there with him on occasion.

your last paragraph looks good on paper...
agreed...that's what people should be doing...

but unfortunately it seems all the tourist are bunching up on the beach and are wearing no PPE...
no social distancing...
it's summertime and the tourist crowds are overwhelming...

after their day at the beach they go unprotected to restaurants to eat... PPE...

transmission of the virus is inevitable without precautions...
Galveston beaches are a breeding ground for cooties...
the beaches are a major destination for tourists in the summer...

Don't disagree, but again, have to see the numbers effect in totality. Positives don't scare me, it is the hospitals and death that do. Fortunately as I said in Maryland, we have seen the uptick in positives, but fortunately NOT the corresponding really bad data points!

All of that said, if I had any kind of medical condition, I would be extra cautious, careful, etc.
If I went to a high end steakhouse, I would never order a burger, even if it was Kobe beef. Prime ribeye, medium rare please. And some good bourbon or scotch.

The burgers are a tradition at the farewell luncheon on the Sunday afternoon after the last Symposium event. The tradition started when Andy Neilson of King & Country wanted to thank the sponsors and attendees for a really fun Symposium weekend.

That being said, when I eat at a steakhouse I generally either get the porterhouse or a tomahawk ribeye, medium rare.{sm4}
The burgers are a tradition at the farewell luncheon on the Sunday afternoon after the last Symposium event. The tradition started when Andy Neilson of King & Country wanted to thank the sponsors and attendees for a really fun Symposium weekend.

That being said, when I eat at a steakhouse I generally either get the porterhouse or a tomahawk ribeye, medium rare.{sm4}

Got it Louis. If I attended your Symposium I would never order steak when everyone is getting burgers. French fries cooked in duck fat would be a good side dish.
Guys, I don't have the numbers but before you hit the panic button, you have to look at hospitalization and death (unfortunately). Testing positive is not preferred, but it appears (at least in Maryland where we are open and have been) that the positive uptick is not resulting in corresponding hospitalization and death. That is good news. I do and continue to believe we will see Positive (infections) increase but hopefully the current trend of lower death and hospitalization rates will continue.

I think if you continue to use good practices you will be ok. We are out and moving about in Maryland but we are wearing masks and washing hands often. It seems to be working, ie common sense in activity seems to be working.


Hospitalizations/deaths are the key as Tom said.

Here in MA, the number of infected is north of 100,000, we were averaging 1500 infections a day for a few weeks strait/100 to 150 deaths a day as well, our governor ordered masks to be worn in public several weeks ago, we began reopening the state about 2.5 weeks ago, our number has been hovering around 250/50 a day for close to 10 days, the number has fallen off a cliff thankfully, but more importantly, the number of new hospitalizations has plummeted almost to ZERO.

What that means is while people are still testing positive and sadly people are still passing away, our hospitals are not overwhelmed, a statistic came out that peak infection rate about 6 weeks ago, the hospitals were at the most at 50% of capacity, so they were never overwhelmed as feared.

Most of our hospitals are back to business as usual, elective surgeries and such, so not to be too optimistic, but it appears a though we've turned the corner here.

Why other states do not require masks to be worn in public is beyond my comprehension, not wearing a mask is asking for trouble IMO.

Mind boggling really...…………………………….
What ever happened to the hot humid weather kills the virus.That's what the "experts" said.That's why that and all the other BS isn't believed by most people anymore.

Well Mark, it get so searing hot down here that even the grass dies, cattle and livestock sometimes too, depending if it is drought. Oh, and of course the deaths related to heat stroke. So, yeah nothing is going to live on the shopping carts outside, door handles on cars, handles on businesses that face west and maybe even the gas pumps. Humid on the other hand I don't know about as we get days that are over 100 with humidity that is the same. Therefore, IMO you don't have to be an expert to sort this logic out. You can cook a **** steak on your hood if it gets hot enough. Besides Mark this was supposed to "magically disappear" remember?:wink2: :D

But, none of that matters because its debit card machines at stores that are the enemy and those who don't wear gloves. I went to a nursery today to get some plants (anything in construction or landscaping is still considered essential) and before I entered I read the rules of entry on the door. Everything was the same as every where else, but you have to bring your pen to sign your credit card receipt. No communal pen sharing...well done! I dutifully went to my truck, got a pen and went in and took care of business.

Go for Broke,

If you a rich aristocrat like Louis B (y'now those east coast Yacht Rock types) then yeah you order a burger at Spago's or Tommy Lugers.

Louis B,

My friend I don't know if I ever publicly thanked you for inviting me to your home when I was in New York two years ago. I know we could not set it up because I was there for business and our schedule was too cumbersome. Plus, I knew if I went to visit, I knew that whatever time we had budgeted for a visit would turn in to double that and we both would've been in trouble with our wives. You are a class act my friend to invite a fellow collector (whom you've never met) into your home to celebrate the common love of the hobby. I have never forgot that act of kindness and generosity and even though we did not get to met up I promise it will happen one day. Then you can take me to the high end joint for a burger that I know in my heart will blow my socks off. I am a foodie and love to eat and breaking bread with you is on my bucket list! Thank you Louis B for being you and oh by the way I have one of your books that you and Larry made a while back with all the pictures of the early stuff. I cherish that book.

Mike Miller,

Since I am in the mood for dishing out some love, I have to publicly thank you for coming out and giving us the "Bon Voyage" when the family and I went on our cruise this past November. It seems so long ago, yet just like yesterday when there were happier and safer times to be in public. When the wife said we leave out of Galveston, the first thing I said was "OH good we can see Mike!" and since she knew who you were she knew that our visit would be the on the pre-itinerary of our trip and planed our drive over to Galveston with a visit with you in mind. Good times my friend...good times!


We don't have any special memories together, but until then I love reading your there.

John from Texas

PS: George I don't want you to get butt hurt or anything, but I already told you I giving you a bear hug when we meet.
PS: George I don't want you to get butt hurt or anything, but I already told you I giving you a bear hug when we meet."

All Stars in San Antonio or the Chicago Toy Soldier show; I'm down for either one...…………….

The virus seems to hit sections of the country hitting the NE worse but now moving down south and moving westward.
Mike Miller,

Since I am in the mood for dishing out some love, I have to publicly thank you for coming out and giving us the "Bon Voyage" when the family and I went on our cruise this past November. It seems so long ago, yet just like yesterday when there were happier and safer times to be in public. When the wife said we leave out of Galveston, the first thing I said was "OH good we can see Mike!" and since she knew who you were she knew that our visit would be the on the pre-itinerary of our trip and planed our drive over to Galveston with a visit with you in mind. Good times my friend...good times! was good to see you and your family...those were some sweet shrimp p-boys we ate...I really wanted one of those desserts you had......1/4 of a pecan pie dipped in chocolate and served ala mode you had for dessert...but I probably would have died on the spot from hyperglycemia...
More than 50,000 deaths have been in nursing homes.To live all their lives and die like that makes one want to cry.

San Antonio (Bexar County...pronounced "Bear" the "X" is silent and named by the Spanish Crown) hit a record infection number of 436 cases reported in one day. The Mayor and County Judge are re-instituting the mask requirement and the Governor is moving forward with re-opening sans the masks by making it optional. Yup, remember this is the same Governor who made sure we could get drive thru margaritas during the shut promote drinking and driving while virus cases go up and make the masks...y'now optional.

Freaking brilliant, a true Bud Light man of genius, awesome leadership and God Bless Texas.

Dummies...the lot of them.

John from Texas

San Antonio (Bexar County...pronounced "Bear" the "X" is silent and named by the Spanish Crown) hit a record infection number of 436 cases reported in one day. The Mayor and County Judge are re-instituting the mask requirement and the Governor is moving forward with re-opening sans the masks by making it optional. Yup, remember this is the same Governor who made sure we could get drive thru margaritas during the shut promote drinking and driving while virus cases go up and make the masks...y'now optional.

Freaking brilliant, a true Bud Light man of genius, awesome leadership and God Bless Texas.

Dummies...the lot of them.

John from Texas

John, I dont know but maybe he figured if he closed the drive through margaritas there would have been a Texas Uprising!!!!! I bet there is a confidential risk reward analysis somewhere buried on that decision!


this is Galveston this weekend...
the tourist are coming here in droves and I fear infecting everyone...
packing stores...etc...
no social PPE's...just thousands and thousand of visitors packing the Island...

43 deaths yesterday...
3,511 new cases...

while Texas is still one of the lowest in infections per capita...only 73 per million...

I don't want my city to be the next epicenter...

I hope Abbott closes the beaches...


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I don't see anything much being closed.The public is tired of it. Asbury Park up here is allowing indoor dining and the state (govenor) is suing them.2 weeks turned to 6 now up to 12-13 the majority is tired of it.Remember it was to flatten the curve not a cure for the virus.

That pic is just stunning. Wow, man have at it and that is a real eye opener Mike and here I thought I was going to sneak out and take a trip to Galveston to visit you. From one quarantine to another. I seriously was talking about that the other day.


We are all tired of the restrictions...its summertime and everyone wants to enjoy life. Go the park, the beach, go out to eat, see a flick and all that. I want to go downtown get a cold margarita and go shopping, but I can't. Not only because the wife has no immunity due to breast cancer, but I wouldn't do it to risk my health over a cold one. Yeah, were all tired of it, sick of it, but for love of god we have to do MORE than flatten the curve. Or it will go up, just like its doing now.

Look how fast June came! That is how fast the fall is going to come and flu season. I went to the VA yesterday for a Doc appointment yesterday and Audie Murphy was practically empty. However, upon entry I went through temperature screening and tons of sanitizer. EVERYONE was wearing a mask and I was fortunate to get an immediate appointment, but there are only seeing six patients a day. So, again I was lucky but the nurse there at the ENT office digs me. Anyway, THATS how we should be rolling everywhere...masks, temp screening, sanitizer, social distancing and more. Check out this pic I took a couple of months ago at the VA clinic:


and its still that way. Less the dude with out a mask...again that was back in March.


Im sorry to tell you, but I don't think football will be coming this year. I hate to spoil the spirit of the game and the fans, but I don't think it is going to happen sir.

Today Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Alabama hit yet again records cases today. This thing ain't going know where.

John from Texas
More than 50,000 deaths have been in nursing homes.To live all their lives and die like that makes one want to cry.


Its strange isn't it? The old folks homes are taking a beating with infections and deaths. I can only think that the elderly aren't as strong in immunity as children, young folks and the rest of us. This virus is evil as it attacks the old...quickly and yeah to live your twilight years in peace only to be cut short by some creepy virus is an awful way to go.

I got a letter in the mail by the local funeral home...y'know one of those "have you considered the future for your family". Good lord...thanks for reaching out. I loathe the funeral business ever since I lost two uncles, grandparents and some other relatives. On the poor side of town they really stick it to the families while grieving...EVERYTHING is an "extra cost". Anyway, a conversation for another day.

John from Texas
Number of cases are up but hospitalizations and deaths are down.I feel terrible for those who have died and their loved ones but personally I'm not living like some freak scared of going outside or if someone comes near me.If it's my fate to get it so be it.
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