Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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That pic is just stunning. Wow, man have at it and that is a real eye opener Mike and here I thought I was going to sneak out and take a trip to Galveston to visit you. From one quarantine to another. I seriously was talking about that the other day.


We are all tired of the restrictions...its summertime and everyone wants to enjoy life. Go the park, the beach, go out to eat, see a flick and all that. I want to go downtown get a cold margarita and go shopping, but I can't. Not only because the wife has no immunity due to breast cancer, but I wouldn't do it to risk my health over a cold one. Yeah, were all tired of it, sick of it, but for love of god we have to do MORE than flatten the curve. Or it will go up, just like its doing now.

Look how fast June came! That is how fast the fall is going to come and flu season. I went to the VA yesterday for a Doc appointment yesterday and Audie Murphy was practically empty. However, upon entry I went through temperature screening and tons of sanitizer. EVERYONE was wearing a mask and I was fortunate to get an immediate appointment, but there are only seeing six patients a day. So, again I was lucky but the nurse there at the ENT office digs me. Anyway, THATS how we should be rolling everywhere...masks, temp screening, sanitizer, social distancing and more. Check out this pic I took a couple of months ago at the VA clinic:

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and its still that way. Less the dude with out a mask...again that was back in March.


Im sorry to tell you, but I don't think football will be coming this year. I hate to spoil the spirit of the game and the fans, but I don't think it is going to happen sir.

Today Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Alabama hit yet again records cases today. This thing ain't going know where.

John from Texas

I wish more people had the common sense that you do; yeah, summer is coming and we all want to go to the park, the beach, to a concert, to a BBQ, but as you said, sorry, not worth risking my life over.

Some ******* at a bar in Florida has directly infected AT LEAST 12 other bar patrons...…….my question is WHAT IS A BAR DOING OPEN?!?!

Some other moron from Bucks Country PA who just had to go party at the Jersey shore has directly infected TWENTY other people.

Summer is going to suck this year, but there will be other summers, so I'm dialing it down, it won't kill me not to partake, but IT COULD kill me.


As far as sports; why are any of these pro leagues even bothering, how can you social distance on the sideline/bench/dug out, or more importantly, on the field/court/rink, and what if a player on a team comes down with it; then the whole team is quarantined for two weeks, so I'd assume they forfeit all those games, right?

Ah gee, too bad Tommy Boy and Gronk, no football for you this year...……………..oh well, Tommy boy can come back next year at 44, oldest player in the league.

And sadly, you are right, we are stuck with this thing until next year, a SOLID YEAR (OR MORE) of this bullshit over some microscopic virus.

It's maddening.

It's infuriating.

It's disheartening.
Zeke Elliott go the bug...

One of our High School football coach got it (testing positive on Friday) and didn't tell anyone until Tuesday. He was running camps for players at a indoor facility. Needless, to say the parents are pissed he took so long to inform everyone he was around including the campers.

Your neighbor
One of our High School football coach got it (testing positive on Friday) and didn't tell anyone until Tuesday. He was running camps for players at a indoor facility. Needless, to say the parents are pissed he took so long to inform everyone he was around including the campers.

Your neighbor

If he ran camps for high school students after testing positive, they should can his butt.
Louis B.

Woke up this morning to a report out of UT that 13 football players tested positive for Covid. Also, the County Judge is re-instituting the mask order effective Monday. It will be mandatory in ALL places of business sans a $1000 fine. It should have never been stopped in my opinion.

I had a terrible thought yesterday and it has really bothered me, so here it goes. With all the restrictions and shut downs what happens to our brothers and sisters who attend AA or rehab counseling? I know this sounds crazy, but a crazy childhood I had, (remember the 70's movie story?) but my dad used to take me to his AA meetings. I did not attend the actual meeting, rather I sat in the lobby listening to them recite the prayer, talking and then dressing each other down. It was awful to listen (thin door) to grown men cry, wail, get chewed out and then loved on by the group which ended in the prayer again. Yet, again an episodic memory at the tender age of...I don't know 9 through 14...on and off.

For what ever reason it hit me yesterday as I was passing by a rehab center here is San Antonio the other day. I only noticed it because they had cleared the land around it for a shopping center and exposed the facility. A few years back, a kid escaped the center, ran across the highway and was hit by a truck...DOA. Anyway, all those folks with that horrible disease entered my mind yesterday in the hot *** heat and I wondered how they are managing trying to battle their addiction with COVID. I hope they are well, but this could be one of those "collateral damage" effects of COVID and the impact is yet to be seen.

On a side note, when the old man passed (I didn't attend the funeral) my sister sent me some of his belongings: his cowboy boots, his diploma from Wayne State University and a couple of his sober coins. I wanted his college ring that mysteriously disappeared according to my sister (eye roll) so I could smash it with a sledge hammer. Long and short, I am intimately familiar with his college ring and have the scars to prove it.

Sorry for being so dark, but one thought leads to another.

John from Texas
Louis B.

Woke up this morning to a report out of UT that 13 football players tested positive for Covid. Also, the County Judge is re-instituting the mask order effective Monday. It will be mandatory in ALL places of business sans a $1000 fine. It should have never been stopped in my opinion.

I had a terrible thought yesterday and it has really bothered me, so here it goes. With all the restrictions and shut downs what happens to our brothers and sisters who attend AA or rehab counseling? I know this sounds crazy, but a crazy childhood I had, (remember the 70's movie story?) but my dad used to take me to his AA meetings. I did not attend the actual meeting, rather I sat in the lobby listening to them recite the prayer, talking and then dressing each other down. It was awful to listen (thin door) to grown men cry, wail, get chewed out and then loved on by the group which ended in the prayer again. Yet, again an episodic memory at the tender age of...I don't know 9 through 14...on and off.

For what ever reason it hit me yesterday as I was passing by a rehab center here is San Antonio the other day. I only noticed it because they had cleared the land around it for a shopping center and exposed the facility. A few years back, a kid escaped the center, ran across the highway and was hit by a truck...DOA. Anyway, all those folks with that horrible disease entered my mind yesterday in the hot *** heat and I wondered how they are managing trying to battle their addiction with COVID. I hope they are well, but this could be one of those "collateral damage" effects of COVID and the impact is yet to be seen.

On a side note, when the old man passed (I didn't attend the funeral) my sister sent me some of his belongings: his cowboy boots, his diploma from Wayne State University and a couple of his sober coins. I wanted his college ring that mysteriously disappeared according to my sister (eye roll) so I could smash it with a sledge hammer. Long and short, I am intimately familiar with his college ring and have the scars to prove it.

Sorry for being so dark, but one thought leads to another.

John from Texas
. . . bought the tee-shirt, brother.
Apparently Tulsa had a record number of infections today and there is supposed to be a Trump rally? Listen, have a rally...your can do that...but in a town that just hit a record for COVID?


Bad news...PT's and Sugars have re-closed. Allstars is still open though.

10 more HEB employees have tested positive and apparently San Antonio is the 4th city on the rise of infections. I'm not getting the logic that says "the most you test, the higher the numbers of COVID are stop testing" I'm I getting this right that some government geniuses are trying to stop testing to stop the increase of cases reported?

New Zealand still has zero cases.

Good Lawd,

John from Texas

PS: I crave a hot dog and a slice from NY city...Manhattan...Times Square...and the slice from Queens. I also crave a Philly cheesesteak from Philly with cheese whiz.

Texas is the winner....
with 4,500 new cases today...

this monument on the Seawall in Galveston...
was erected for the 8,000 people lost in the 1900 storm...

somebody fashioned them with masks...


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Ok Mark, I really don't know where to go with this, but Ill try. ANY large gathering is not advisable right now including rallies and even the protests. But, folks have the right to protest and the right to attend a rally if they so choose. Is is smart? No, are their ideals and passions behind them? Yes, on both venues and I am not going to say that they both shouldn't happen, I am merely saying that considering the virus it is not wise.

Our world is changing in front of us as we speak. History is being made in 2020 and it is an uncomfortable thing...change that is. Life before COVID will no longer exist medically, socially, psychologically and democratically. Our country is taking a beating on all fronts and our country is the biggest drama queen in the world. If it is not one thing, it is another and that just the way it is. We are a spoiled lot were we demand justice, demand protections of our rights and demand enforcement to protect our rights. We as Americans, want our cake and eat it too on EVERYTHING and the biggest fat kid eating cake is in the oval office. And thats fine with me, because he is the CINC, won the vote, earned his position in world and that is that. What he does with that power is on him, but he will have nobody to blame for what happened on his watch other than himself.

LBJ could have won a second term and been President for 9 years, but even LBJ knew when to throw in the towel and he did and for as many faults he had, he brought landmark legislation to the forefront with he Civil Right Act of 1964, head start and more. Our current President did the same thing with Prison reform, overhauling of Veterans Affairs which is landmark legislation and bringing the immigration problem to the forefront of our current vernacular. In my opinion, he was the only one who had the cajones to expose the problem because other Politicians are too scared to tackle it. I am with him on that and will continue to be sans the nasty rhetoric that he puts behind it to make it happen. So, to be clear just because I don't like the guy, doesn't mean that I don't agree with some of his policies because I do. I just wish he had the political fortitude/ de taunt to express them in a less bullish way and with some class, compassion and dignity. To which, the latter he has none of.

Y'now you hear of those stories of people who win the lottery and with in a couple of years they are dead broke, hooked on drugs and filling for bankruptcy. You asked yourself "why" since they have gobshiiites of money to last a lifetime. Well, what ever kind of person they were prior to the windfall is put on steroids after the windfall. If your a wild man who can't control yourself you become 100 times worse. If your a cautious, level person you stay that way but with the resources to create a safe plan with your blessing. Our president already is rich beyond anyones imagination, wants for not and the only thing left for a man like that is unlimited power. Well, he has it and is now realizing that it is not so unlimited, but by god he will do anything necessary keep that power and use that power for your own benefit no matter who gets hurt, including self adulation while putting tens of thousands of people at risk. So you want to talk about sheep people, well there it is man front and center going to see the wolf.

Mark, I get it your upset, bewildered and frustrated. So, am I and the rest of us on this forum, nation and world. All I can tell you is instead of spitting nasties about "what about them" or "look what they did...see? see?" Do something positive to contribute to you and yours. Me? I do my part with COVID precautions, maintain a common courtesy to those who are working at the places I frequent and say "please and thank you" profusely. Give the thumbs up and fist pump to our boys in blue when I see them as a gesture that I support them. Stay in contact with my friends who are first responders and ask them if they are okay...sometimes there not and vent because they know I will listen. I have written more checks to the Salvation Army this year to help with the food pantry/feed a family campaign and converse on this forum with you kind ladies and gents in the most respectful and genuine manner I can. Apologize if I think I am wrong and certainly try to bring the funny to lighten the mood.

Its been a tough year for all of us and it is easy to lash out and point fingers, throw shade and even get red faced angry. But, it is hard to turn the cheek, its hard to shut our mouths and listen, its hard to extend love with so much hate around us and more importantly its hard to say "I understand". I have noticed myself smiling more at people while I wear a mask. Isn't it funny that I smile more when you can't see it, but you can tell in someones eyes when a smile is happening and I have had more people say "hi, hey, que pasa or whats happening" behind a mask just because of the twinkle of a smile behind a mask. Try it sometime and man it sure changes the mood and make you feel good. Plus, it restores your faith in humanity.

Best to you Mark.

John from Texas

PS: Mark, I see you are an early riser like me. Isn't the quite, dark, peaceful dawn of the day magical? I love it and wake at 3 AM in the summer time.
Best to you also John.Something just feels creepy about all this like it's almost like someone planned all this to destroy the US or even west itself.

Come to New York, and I will take you to Mike's famous, for some of the best pizza you could imagine!:salute::
Our world is changing in front of us as we speak. History is being made in 2020 and it is an uncomfortable thing...change that is. Life before COVID will no longer exist medically, socially, psychologically and democratically. Our country is taking a beating on all fronts and our country is the biggest drama queen in the world. If it is not one thing, it is another and that just the way it is. We are a spoiled lot were we demand justice, demand protections of our rights and demand enforcement to protect our rights. We as Americans, want our cake and eat it too on EVERYTHING.........…. but he will have nobody to blame for what happened on his watch other than himself.

Me? I do my part with COVID precautions, maintain a common courtesy to those who are working at the places I frequent and say "please and thank you" profusely.

Just wanted to focus on a couple of your points.

I very naively thought this thing would blow over "in a few months"...……...started in February/March, figured it would be over in June or thereabouts.

The way it's looking now, I got the June part right.

But I got the year wrong, looks like 2021.

I've already bagged the Summer of 2020; no cook outs, drive ins, festivals or concerts with our usual crew, we all used to plan these things every Summer and we'd kick off the Summer with a huge block party.

None of those things for me this Summer; oh well, there will be other Summers, it is what it is.

The staggering thing to me is WE KNEW THIS WAS COMING and look where we are; FIVE months into it and it's still spreading like wildfire with no end in sight. People talk about a second wave in the Fall; SECOND wave? We're not even done with the first wave and July 4th is two weeks away.

As more things reopen and more people venture out, I have a feeling it's going to get worse and we'll just throw our hands up in the air and say screw it, it is what it is, deaths will be acceptable and hospitals will be all full up too.

ALL of this could have been prevented with some sort of national policy on mask wearing, but hey, GOD FORBID if anyone has to put a ****ing mask on for 10 minutes while they shop for groceries, "WHAT ABOUT MY RIGHTS!!"...………….Your right for what; spreading a virus all over the supermarket while you pick up a box of twinkies?

What would some of these people have done in 1941 after Pearl Harbor as our nation geared up to enter WWII? They don't call people of that era the greatest generation for nothing.

We as Americans are SPOILED ROTTEN, the arrogant sense of entitlement some people have shown during this pandemic sickens me.

Things will never, ever be the same again, what a sobering reality, the new normal will never be like the old normal, that is for sure.

Tomorrow is Fathers Day; my Dad has been gone for three years now, I shudder to think what he'd think of all of this, he's certainly in a better place now, that is for sure, this would have broken his heart to see what the world has come to.

And yes, show some courtesy and respect to your fellow man, say please and thank you, I thank the deli personnel, the cashiers and the baggers all the time, I thank the two girls in the post office all the time, these people are literally putting their lives on the line.


So saying thanks is the least I can do.

Tell you what; we are well stocked here on toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap and sanitizer, canned goods, bottled water, frozen vegetables and loads of chicken in the freezer.

Maybe when the next pandemic rolls around, we as a nation will be better prepared, have our heads and ***** wired together better.

We'll see.

Because I have a funny feeling this won't be the last "pandemic."

This was just round one.
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Ok Mark, I really don't know where to go with this, but Ill try. ANY large gathering is not advisable right now including rallies and even the protests. But, folks have the right to protest and the right to attend a rally if they so choose. Is is smart? No, are their ideals and passions behind them? Yes, on both venues and I am not going to say that they both shouldn't happen, I am merely saying that considering the virus it is not wise.

Our world is changing in front of us as we speak. History is being made in 2020 and it is an uncomfortable thing...change that is. Life before COVID will no longer exist medically, socially, psychologically and democratically. Our country is taking a beating on all fronts and our country is the biggest drama queen in the world. If it is not one thing, it is another and that just the way it is. We are a spoiled lot were we demand justice, demand protections of our rights and demand enforcement to protect our rights. We as Americans, want our cake and eat it too on EVERYTHING and the biggest fat kid eating cake is in the oval office. And thats fine with me, because he is the CINC, won the vote, earned his position in world and that is that. What he does with that power is on him, but he will have nobody to blame for what happened on his watch other than himself.

LBJ could have won a second term and been President for 9 years, but even LBJ knew when to throw in the towel and he did and for as many faults he had, he brought landmark legislation to the forefront with he Civil Right Act of 1964, head start and more. Our current President did the same thing with Prison reform, overhauling of Veterans Affairs which is landmark legislation and bringing the immigration problem to the forefront of our current vernacular. In my opinion, he was the only one who had the cajones to expose the problem because other Politicians are too scared to tackle it. I am with him on that and will continue to be sans the nasty rhetoric that he puts behind it to make it happen. So, to be clear just because I don't like the guy, doesn't mean that I don't agree with some of his policies because I do. I just wish he had the political fortitude/ de taunt to express them in a less bullish way and with some class, compassion and dignity. To which, the latter he has none of.

Y'now you hear of those stories of people who win the lottery and with in a couple of years they are dead broke, hooked on drugs and filling for bankruptcy. You asked yourself "why" since they have gobshiiites of money to last a lifetime. Well, what ever kind of person they were prior to the windfall is put on steroids after the windfall. If your a wild man who can't control yourself you become 100 times worse. If your a cautious, level person you stay that way but with the resources to create a safe plan with your blessing. Our president already is rich beyond anyones imagination, wants for not and the only thing left for a man like that is unlimited power. Well, he has it and is now realizing that it is not so unlimited, but by god he will do anything necessary keep that power and use that power for your own benefit no matter who gets hurt, including self adulation while putting tens of thousands of people at risk. So you want to talk about sheep people, well there it is man front and center going to see the wolf.

Mark, I get it your upset, bewildered and frustrated. So, am I and the rest of us on this forum, nation and world. All I can tell you is instead of spitting nasties about "what about them" or "look what they did...see? see?" Do something positive to contribute to you and yours. Me? I do my part with COVID precautions, maintain a common courtesy to those who are working at the places I frequent and say "please and thank you" profusely. Give the thumbs up and fist pump to our boys in blue when I see them as a gesture that I support them. Stay in contact with my friends who are first responders and ask them if they are okay...sometimes there not and vent because they know I will listen. I have written more checks to the Salvation Army this year to help with the food pantry/feed a family campaign and converse on this forum with you kind ladies and gents in the most respectful and genuine manner I can. Apologize if I think I am wrong and certainly try to bring the funny to lighten the mood.

Its been a tough year for all of us and it is easy to lash out and point fingers, throw shade and even get red faced angry. But, it is hard to turn the cheek, its hard to shut our mouths and listen, its hard to extend love with so much hate around us and more importantly its hard to say "I understand". I have noticed myself smiling more at people while I wear a mask. Isn't it funny that I smile more when you can't see it, but you can tell in someones eyes when a smile is happening and I have had more people say "hi, hey, que pasa or whats happening" behind a mask just because of the twinkle of a smile behind a mask. Try it sometime and man it sure changes the mood and make you feel good. Plus, it restores your faith in humanity.

Best to you Mark.

John from Texas

PS: Mark, I see you are an early riser like me. Isn't the quite, dark, peaceful dawn of the day magical? I love it and wake at 3 AM in the summer time.


Alot of things in here and well said and I agree with probably and nearly all of it. I have often believed and I still do that most people are in the middle on lots of things but we all get over shouted by the extremes.

Taking politics out of it b/c at the end of the day I really have zero say in what is going to happen (Maryland is a one party State at the end of the Day). I truly mean that, my biggest politic is admittedly my wallet, I vote with that, right or wrong as it affects me personally the most. I have a college education to pay for starting in 2 years and hopefully retirement in 15. That is not a lot of time, so I really do not want to go through a policy that puts me in the poorhouse!!!!

What I am really angry about and I admit it fully is the statues and I mean All of them worldwide, not just the Confederates. There should have been Law and Order when it comes to whether they stayed or relocated. This mob rule mentality I cannot get behind and at this point, I am not really caring to distinguish the peaceful from the criminal. What I mean by that is I have no problem with a peaceful march, but I do have a problem with any vandalism, rioting and looting or destruction, etc. At that point, it is all the same to me and they are criminals. AND in all sincerity, that is my most conservative viewpoint I have. I do not believe in crime of this nature in any manner. This is an area where the rule of law applies to me. I would not treat these idiots with kid gloves, I would be rolling on them in overwhelming force. There is NO excuse for this lawlessness. I just am not going to accept this and I will be ****ed if I am going to have it shoved down my throat. I am also not going to tolerate being called a racist because I disagree with a violent manner of "change". It is just wrong and I for the life of me can't stand it and I do not understand why it is being deemed acceptable. It is just ludicrous. I have a real fear that we are in for a very ugly "civil war" in some form or manner in my lifetime, that is scary or maybe it is happening now.

Lets also remember that acts of lawlessness helped create this country. Well before July 4 1776, statues of King George III were torn down and melted. Private property such as ship cargos of tea were thrown into Boston Harbor. Unruly mobs attacked soldiers of the king who were there to keep law and order. - Hard to consider a group such as the Sons of Liberty to be very peaceful or law abiding.
One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.A lot of Israel's future leaders were considered terrorists by the British when they had a mandate in Palestine.Depends on your point of view I guess.
To Hotel3Alpha about meetings.

Thanks for thinking of us Louis. We attend Zoom meetings and outdoor meetings where we sit 6 to 10 feet apart. My wife and I are also lucky as another couple who are long term members and friends have girls close in age to our 2 year old and 5 year old. So, we are a sober quarantine pod.

He used to work for add Fauci, so we follow some pretty strict guidelines.

The biggest problem with online meetings are “Zoom Bombers.” Have to people watching for them still, although most meetings have figured out how to keep them from being too disruptive. In the beginning they would take control and play porn. That’s mostly over now.
Lets also remember that acts of lawlessness helped create this country. Well before July 4 1776, statues of King George III were torn down and melted. Private property such as ship cargos of tea were thrown into Boston Harbor. Unruly mobs attacked soldiers of the king who were there to keep law and order. - Hard to consider a group such as the Sons of Liberty to be very peaceful or law abiding.

I agree. I believe the establishment has had plenty of time to listen, but hasn’t. This is a wake up call for a lot people.
To Hotel3Alpha about meetings.

Thanks for thinking of us Louis. We attend Zoom meetings and outdoor meetings where we sit 6 to 10 feet apart. My wife and I are also lucky as another couple who are long term members and friends have girls close in age to our 2 year old and 5 year old. So, we are a sober quarantine pod.

He used to work for add Fauci, so we follow some pretty strict guidelines.

The biggest problem with online meetings are “Zoom Bombers.” Have to people watching for them still, although most meetings have figured out how to keep them from being too disruptive. In the beginning they would take control and play porn. That’s mostly over now.


I can't believe people would "bomb" the sanctity of a meeting. That is just wrong...I mean really, really wrong. Is this still happening? I though it was an isolated incident when that happened to the elementary school kids. Even though I was younger I vividly remember the seriousness of the meetings, but afterwards there was always laughs, hugs, jokes and good vibes. But, I was under strict orders from the old man to be silent in the lobby/waiting room with the coffee lady who smoked like a chimney. She was nice though and always gave me a candy of some sort. I will never forget that experience and though I didn't get along with the old man, I respected the fact the he went to his meetings religiously and further respected AA. Again, I don't know why it hit me the other while I was doing a yard project, but when it did hit the mental radar I was in horror as how meetings would be conducted with those who have this disease...during a pandemic. Ugh!


Your right George, this is not the last one and yeah WE KNEW this was coming. Chaos, just chaos and we should not be in this position at all. I just don't get it and there is that old saying "cut off your nose to spite your face". Lots of noses are being cut.


I understand your anger with the monuments. I love monuments, the art, the story behind them and then the reason why X person is being memorialized. I must admit than when I was at UT, I was bewildered as to why Robert E. Lee was looking at my on the main mall when I was having a sandwhich. For sure, I thought there would be a monument of Governor "Ma" Fergurson, but no. Maybe a statue of famed Texas Ranger "Lone Wolf" Gonzales, but no. No, it was Robert E. Lee who lost by the way and wasn't even from Texas! Anyway, UT removed him, Jim Hogg and some other guys to the Library for "scholary Study" in 2015 and I dig that because they recognized the controversy of the memorial, yet saved the art with out protest, fires and mayhem.

I also agree that the hooliganism is out of control and I fear that the Ronald Mcdonalds statues will be next....maybe Big Boy? I am being silly here, but when does it end and who decides when it ends? Certainly, not the hooligans and at some point people will use proper channels to request a statue to be remove or re-located versus ropes, winches and spray paint. Also, I have to point out that Combats point of the reveille of the erecting of the monument of some of these controversial figures was done with all the pomp and circumstance awarding to a hero's welcome. Those guys are no heroes and history has proved it. Picked the wrong side, yes, but lauded for We have plenty of historical figures in our short American history that outweigh some of these dudes mark on history. I am not taking sides here, but it is a good point Combat brings up that the decision to erect a dude was blessed by those who wanted it and certainly not those who suffered from it (them). Different time, different era and I think it is time to move on with the whole statue thing. Lets celebrate some other people for once.

I don't know the rawl between you and Combat, but I see it touched a nerve in you to the point that you dropped the "t" word on him...troll. Seems like bad blood there from a different topic or conversation, so I hope we can keep things cool here on the COVID -19 INFO thread.

Speaking of COVID- watching the rally right now and there are not a lot of masks on those mugs. I find it interesting that you sign a paper waiving your rights or responsiblites, just to see him talk. "Come see me, and if you die doing it, I am not responsible...later!" Thats love and devotion right there man.

Louis B,

Im there, along with the steak house burger treatment. I can't wait.

John from Texas

Your right George, this is not the last one and yeah WE KNEW this was coming. Chaos, just chaos and we should not be in this position at all. I just don't get it and there is that old saying "cut off your nose to spite your face". Lots of noses are being cut.

That's the part that is mind boggling to me; remember Italy, the worldwide leader in infections and deaths? They had no clue it was coming, they got blindsided and clobbered.

We KNEW it was coming, but what, China said "Hey, don't worry, it's a big nothingburger, we've only had 80K cases and 10K deaths, you'll be fine"...…………..

And we believed that load of crap?

More like 800,000 infections and 100,000 deaths...……..OR MORE.

The state of Massachusetts, a flyspeck on the ocean compared to China, has over 100,000 cases...…...and counting, we're climbing up to 8K deaths......ONE state vs an entire country.

I mean, now naïve can you be?

I guess if nothing else, we learned never to trust the Chinese again.

God willing we won't forget it and not get caught flat footed ever again.

The southeast, southwest and the west coast are all blowing up with cases.

No end in sight.

this is gonna hurt to say...
and probably make some mad....

but Americans are not disciplined enough to handle this the way it should be handled...
Americans don't like to be told what to do...
Americans like their independence...

this is gonna hurt to say...
and probably make some mad....

but Americans are not disciplined enough to handle this the way it should be handled...
Americans don't like to be told what to do...
Americans like their independence...

As the expression goes, the truth hurts.
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