Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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But slowing down the process so the medical facilities can manage the sitiuation is the whole point of lockdown! Could you verify the notion that the virus is man made? As for pharmas . . . I think the're doing well financially without the pandemic.

The most worrysome aspect of the whole pandemic is those who don't take it seriously . . . even if they don't become ill, they could be a carrier. Can't decide if they're dumb, selfish, or what. To steal a phrase from another current problem; Face masks matter!

Bosun Al

The most worrysome aspect of the whole pandemic is those who don't take it seriously . . . even if they don't become ill, they could be a carrier. Can't decide if they're dumb, selfish, or what.

So every year a friend of mine hosts a big July 4th bash, it's the official kick off of Summer with our group of friends.

I haven't seen any of my friends since our Super Bowl party, we talk via texts and Facebook.

At one point, my friend who hosts the party said the party is a no go this year, not worth the risk.

Well slowly but surely, my friends have been getting together; a bonfire here, a birthday party there, started out with 4 of 5 people, I saw pictures the other day of the latest one, about a dozen people hanging out, drinking, grilling, no masks, no nothing.

Yesterday I get text "We're heading to New Hampshire next Saturday to get fireworks for the July 4th bash, you in?".........……..there are 5 of us who kick in 200.00 each every year, take a ride to NH to pick them up...…….my reply "Nope, sorry, I'm out"...……….

Then the nastiness began; some real nasty texts, offensive, derogatory words being thrown at me, so now I'm on the **** list with my friends because I'm not going to the July 4th bash.

Not taking it seriously, dumb and selfish all come to mind.

All it takes is for ONE person to have it and spread it all around the party.

Some Harvard doctor last night on 60 Minutes said this pandemic/virus is here for AT LEAST another year, so he's thinking June 2021; it will either burn out by then or a vaccine will be available that will work to prevent it.

If that is the case; no summer get togethers, no fall football get togethers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, NYE, no spring toy soldier shows, nothing until next June.

If this pandemic and my attitude towards it (better to be safe than sorry) costs me all the friends I have, then I guess I'll have to learn to live with the disappointment.

They can live their lives the way they want to.

And so can I.

I absolutely agree with both these posts. Wearing a mask and social distancing are critical to protecting those most at risk. My Uncle Donald through marriage, 88 years old, passed away last week, complications from Covid. We are losing the elderly and those who are at risk because people are too selfish or too stupid to understand that they are risking other people's lives for these "get togethers."
People are not going to live like a mole in the ground forever.Those that are that scared should stay home.I'm tired of people saying your putting people at risk.If you have your ppe on you should be fine and dandy which we know is a bunch of bs. Those masks and gloves become infected with bacteria in 15-20 minutes.First they say you should stay indoors now your better off if your outside.Then they say it stays on surfaces for a certain period of time then they say it doesn't then they say it does again.Hot humid tempertures kill it well here it is hot and humid and it hasn't went anywhere.It is going to go through the world's population.A lot of people think they are inflating the numbers on purpose.I mean someone has to die from something else besides this in the last 5 months. :rolleyes2:
But slowing down the process so the medical facilities can manage the sitiuation is the whole point of lockdown! Could you verify the notion that the virus is man made? As for pharmas . . . I think the're doing well financially without the pandemic.

The most worrysome aspect of the whole pandemic is those who don't take it seriously . . . even if they don't become ill, they could be a carrier. Can't decide if they're dumb, selfish, or what. To steal a phrase from another current problem; Face masks matter!

Bosun Al

Al, agreed yes the lockdown process is designed to help manage the spread of the virus and help afford health authorities from becoming swamped. Italy was a good example of what can happen when the Covid spread explodes un-checked in the early days. The Italian's also worked out that those most at risk had between 1 to 4 other serious health issues, hence why the elderly were hit hardest.

The Covid situation in the US is vastly different to what has occurred in NZ. There are a number of reasons for that and being located at the bottom of the pacific surrounded by water has helped, not to mention there's only 5 million of us and by and large most Kiwi's abided by the harsh lockdown measures put in place back in March. We may have avoided what many other countries are going through like the US, but the economic fall out as a result of the lockdown is massive and the true affects are only just starting to be revealed.

What's occurring in the US is dire and horrible to see. Each State seems to have their own set of regulations and no one seems to be working together. Its actually quite sad and concerning to see. Meanwhile China is taking full advantage of the economic crisis unfolding.

As for the creation of the virus itself that's a whole subject on its own, but its definitely man-made, just like SARS and a raft of other nasties that have hit the world in recent times. Blaming bats for Covid is ridiculous.

I realise some of my comments may be confronting for some and likely upset a quite a few, but I learned a long time ago to ask questions and prefer to be informed rather than simply follow the pack.

Go for Broke,

Truth be told I am a good typist 'cause I actually loved typing class in 7th grade and got an "A" in the class (my only A in 7th grade beside gym). I am ashamed and embarrassed that my children use their index fingers and call them out every time I see them typing. I am a terrible parent for not enforcing proper typing etiquette.

I also read and type around 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning. Its quite, dark, peaceful, I have had a cup of coffee and I can concentrate on whats being said, because I value what is being said by the members.

Louis B,

I am sorry about your Uncle. I truly am.


I CANNOT believe your neighbors sent you hate mail over freaking fireworks. People are so bold and tough behind a screen its amazing. Just for that I would call the cops on them on the 4th for illegal fireworks, "I swear it sounded like a gun, MA'AM" and the health department because you say you saw rats around their rats carry COVID?...Um I don't know and don't want to know, but they are man they are HYUGE with long tails...ugh...please bring the big truck with the cages.

Y'now what George...just send me their address and I'll take care of it for you...what a bunch of chili-heads who get butt hurt over fire works. **** George you need new friends bro, if thats how they do you when the chips are down and the alert is up. NOT COOL, man and tell them "thanks for the memories"


Okay, I have thought long and hard about this one. I posit that the scientists at the Wuhan infections disease center in Wuhan, were messing around with something, un-intentionally got infected and walked out of the facility with it. When that happened the protests in Hong Kong stopped, because I think it was intended to stop them. I have zero faith in the communists in China and would not put it past them to create something to clear out protestors in Hong Kong, get them sick and squash the riots in Hong Kong. I mean where talking about chemical and biological warfare on civilians here and maybe it got out of hand. It wouldn't be the first time that time of warfare was used on civilians, even by the CIA.

In saying that the bird flu came out of the wet markets in China...unsanitary conditions around food and disgusting practices that are so gross I can't believe they are still sanctioned.

Now I have just talked myself into be torn over origins of the virus from an arm chair Texas no less. But like you Desert I ain't buying the bat theory. I just ain't buying it.

San Antonio was a 100 degrees today and I shut down my yard work at 230. Man it was smoking, sizzling and skillet hot today. In saying that I am beginning to lean towards Marco's point that heat and humidity are doing nothing in killing the virus, since Texas infections numbers are going through the roof in the dead of summer. I thought for sure the heat would slow it down, but the numbers are proving otherwise in the ENTIRE state and for that matter the south. Super-virus?

Today in Bexar county there is a mandatory mask order in the entire county until August 22nd. No mask, no taco for you GI. If an establishment has mask less people in it-its a 1K fine. Walking in the store with out mask..1K fine. Hit you in pocket book time. Its going to be an extra long hot summer.

John from Texas

Go for Broke,

Truth be told I am a good typist 'cause I actually loved typing class in 7th grade and got an "A" in the class (my only A in 7th grade beside gym). I am ashamed and embarrassed that my children use their index fingers and call them out every time I see them typing. I am a terrible parent for not enforcing proper typing etiquette.

I also read and type around 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning. Its quite, dark, peaceful, I have had a cup of coffee and I can concentrate on whats being said, because I value what is being said by the members.

Louis B,

I am sorry about your Uncle. I truly am.


I CANNOT believe your neighbors sent you hate mail over freaking fireworks. People are so bold and tough behind a screen its amazing. Just for that I would call the cops on them on the 4th for illegal fireworks, "I swear it sounded like a gun, MA'AM" and the health department because you say you saw rats around their rats carry COVID?...Um I don't know and don't want to know, but they are man they are HYUGE with long tails...ugh...please bring the big truck with the cages.

Y'now what George...just send me their address and I'll take care of it for you...what a bunch of chili-heads who get butt hurt over fire works. **** George you need new friends bro, if thats how they do you when the chips are down and the alert is up. NOT COOL, man and tell them "thanks for the memories"


Okay, I have thought long and hard about this one. I posit that the scientists at the Wuhan infections disease center in Wuhan, were messing around with something, un-intentionally got infected and walked out of the facility with it. When that happened the protests in Hong Kong stopped, because I think it was intended to stop them. I have zero faith in the communists in China and would not put it past them to create something to clear out protestors in Hong Kong, get them sick and squash the riots in Hong Kong. I mean where talking about chemical and biological warfare on civilians here and maybe it got out of hand. It wouldn't be the first time that time of warfare was used on civilians, even by the CIA.

In saying that the bird flu came out of the wet markets in China...unsanitary conditions around food and disgusting practices that are so gross I can't believe they are still sanctioned.

Now I have just talked myself into be torn over origins of the virus from an arm chair Texas no less. But like you Desert I ain't buying the bat theory. I just ain't buying it.

San Antonio was a 100 degrees today and I shut down my yard work at 230. Man it was smoking, sizzling and skillet hot today. In saying that I am beginning to lean towards Marco's point that heat and humidity are doing nothing in killing the virus, since Texas infections numbers are going through the roof in the dead of summer. I thought for sure the heat would slow it down, but the numbers are proving otherwise in the ENTIRE state and for that matter the south. Super-virus?

Today in Bexar county there is a mandatory mask order in the entire county until August 22nd. No mask, no taco for you GI. If an establishment has mask less people in it-its a 1K fine. Walking in the store with out mask..1K fine. Hit you in pocket book time. Its going to be an extra long hot summer.

John from Texas

As always, a lot of good stuff to unpack.

An older friend of mine in my old neighborhood told me back when I was a Freshman in High School "Do yourself a huge favor and take typing, all your papers in college HAVE to be typed, you'll thank me later" and man was he right...………...took typing I and II, I blaze away on the keyboard, asdfjkl;, I had a battleax of a teacher who'd tape a piece of 81/2 by 11 paper over your keyboard so you could not cheat and look at the letters, that drove me nuts at the time but now, thanks lady...……………

And yeah, the heat ain't stopping this thing, so much for that load of crap.

We're stuck with this for another year optimistically; it was nuts here in March, April and May, so if it's blowing up in some states now, do the math, they've got three months of this yet to go. I just hope it does not come rolling through here again, we've done a tremendous job flattening the curve.

Glad to hear they are instituting a mask wearing policy in Texas, it's about time. One of my brothers is up in Maine at his campground, masks are encouraged but not required in Maine, he said everywhere they go, there are loads of people not wearing them.

I've said all I'm going to say about wearing masks, if your state requires it, great; if not and you don't feel like wearing one, then best of luck to you.

As far as my "friends"; yeah, I'm all set, have a ball at your July 4th party you bunch of boozebags…………………….
One piece of good news is the death rate is down 90% from March.Younger people are showing more positive cases but death rate is much lower. Estimate 55% of deaths were in nursing homes.Doctors:rolleyes2: I just heard believe herd immunity kicking in and virus is weakening. That doesn't mean that a second wave won't come back.Virus is mutating which is what virus do.New Autonomous Zone being set up across from White House but this is on federal land.Somebody needs to end this crap.
One piece of good news is the death rate is down 90% from March.Younger people are showing more positive cases but death rate is much lower. Estimate 55% of deaths were in nursing homes.Doctors:rolleyes2: I just heard believe herd immunity kicking in and virus is weakening. That doesn't mean that a second wave won't come back.Virus is mutating which is what virus do.New Autonomous Zone being set up across from White House but this is on federal land.Somebody needs to end this crap.

that's a good post Mark..especially agree with the new autonomous zone solution...and the same for Seattle's too...

if it's actually on federal land...and the US Government has jurisdiction over that...I can't imagine it will even get off the ground...
One piece of good news is the death rate is down 90% from March.Younger people are showing more positive cases but death rate is much lower. Estimate 55% of deaths were in nursing homes.Doctors:rolleyes2: I just heard believe herd immunity kicking in and virus is weakening. That doesn't mean that a second wave won't come back.Virus is mutating which is what virus do.New Autonomous Zone being set up across from White House but this is on federal land.Somebody needs to end this crap.

Thanks for the info. The article below is consistent with what you said. It's just one Italian doctor's observations, nothing more. But I still find it very interesting. I'm not a virologist, but the article runs counter to what I would have thought. Which is to say I would have expected a virus with the ability to mutate would do so as an adaptive reaction to survive and thrive. But apparently mutation can result in a virus losing its virility. I guess environmental constraints could force it either way.

An interesting article but please note the 'Could be' and 'I think' quotes in it.

I have always been interested in Science, especially Biology and Astronomy. I've been especially interested in this Virus since I had 10 days off work with a Virus in February, which proved to be Rhinovirus, but it was a bit scary at the time.

Among the dozens of Virus related Articles I've read and Videos I've watch since February I can recommend the video below as an easy to watch basic guide to this Virus.

Please watch this guys!

One piece of good news is the death rate is down 90% from March.Younger people are showing more positive cases but death rate is much lower. Estimate 55% of deaths were in nursing homes.Doctors:rolleyes2: I just heard believe herd immunity kicking in and virus is weakening. That doesn't mean that a second wave won't come back.Virus is mutating which is what virus do.New Autonomous Zone being set up across from White House but this is on federal land.Somebody needs to end this crap.

Yeah, that's good news, but keep in mind with the huge spike in positives the past few weeks, the death rate is going to lag as it takes awhile from infection to hospitalization to death.

Hopefully the trend you mentioned continues and we find a way out of this mess.

Here in MA, we now have the lowest infection transmission rate in the entire country, which is great news considering we were a hot zone for March, April and most of May.

Again, can't say enough good things about our governor and how he's handled this, we're in phase three of the reopening here in MA, indoor dining and a number of other things are being rolled out this week.

The gatherings of over 25 people will be the last restriction to be lifted, from the sound of things, that wont' be until late Summer, but don't tell that to the ********* I used to associate with as they plan on going full steam ahead with their 4th of July block party.

Best of luck with that one, sounds like a brilliant idea...…………………...

I have a quick admission to make, because I'm bored with this COVID misery. For the record, I believe in UFO's and Bigfoot.

So, there.

John from Texas

PS: I am moving my office to the basement and am stoked about it because I can finally display my TS correctly. Thats in addition to the backyard project.
All I care about- is the pool ready for my post Covid visit???
You know we are reaching peak stupid when :

Australian ABC radio (Government run) calls a former chess player to ask his thoughts about why the chess player with the white pieces gets to go first ! Because you know how come not the black pieces and you can see the angle they were trying to get him to comment on.

The player was not too impressed with the question and posted about the query online.

Black chess pieces matter apparently{sm2}

As they say, you can't make this stuff up.
All I care about- is the pool ready for my post Covid visit???

The pool HAS been ready and so is your guest suite with with your own closet, bathroom and I'm thinking about throwing in a mini-fridge down there just in case you need a refreshment. Likewise, a Kerig so you don't have to come upstairs for a coffee in your boxers and scare the dogs. After drinking your coffee on your private patio you can meander on your private path I built to cabana and take a dip. Here is a pic of that completed project last fall:

IMG_3499 4.jpg

IMG_3500 5.jpg



IMG_3504 3.jpg

I was going for the whole Indiana Jones invisible bride idea in "The Last Crusade" so afterwards I cut them so they would look like one long stretch that was elevated. Your always welcome to come visit my friend and I will post updates on my botanical 1:1 scale diorama in the back. One rule though speedo's bro.

John from Texas

PS: I usually do all my project by myself...Egyptian/Moses style...however, I remember that particular pour day because my son (who at that time was pushing my patience) was chronically waking up late for school. So, he woke up late on pour day and instead of going to school late, sleepy eyed, angry, speeding to school with hair messed up I told him that day he ain't going. He mixed 20 bags of crete and helped the old man pour those posts that morning, then he hit the showers and I let him go to school...calm, cool, refreshed and of course, tardy. Afterwards, I told him either wake up on time or pour concrete...its one or the other. He was never late again.
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The pool HAS been ready and so is your guest suite with with your own closet, bathroom and I'm thinking about throwing in a mini-fridge down there just in case you need a refreshment. Likewise, a Kerig so you don't have to come upstairs for a coffee in your boxers and scare the dogs. After drinking your coffee on your private patio you can meander on your private path I built to cabana and take a dip. Here is a pic of that completed project last fall:

View attachment 263175

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View attachment 263179

I was going for the whole Indiana Jones invisible bride idea in "The Last Crusade" so afterwards I cut them so they would look like one long stretch that was elevated. Your always welcome to come visit my friend and I will post updates on my botanical 1:1 scale diorama in the back. One rule though speedo's bro.

John from Texas

PS: I usually do all my project by myself...Egyptian/Moses style...however, I remember that particular pour day because my son (who at that time was pushing my patience) was chronically waking up late for school. So, he woke up late on pour day and instead of going to school late, sleepy eyed, angry, speeding to school with hair messed up I told him that day he ain't going. He mixed 20 bags of crete and helped the old man pour those posts that morning, then he hit the showers and I let him go to school...calm, cool, refreshed and of course, tardy. Afterwards, I told him either wake up on time or pour concrete...its one or the other. He was never late again.

Awesome look and awesome story!
you know I like your son...
but as far as I'm concerned...
that's good parenting...
teach them young...
no slacking in this house...
carrying...mixing and pouring 20 of those 80lb. bags is gonna make him husky too...^&grin
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I have a quick admission to make, because I'm bored with this COVID misery. For the record, I believe in UFO's and Bigfoot.

So, there.

John from Texas

PS: I am moving my office to the basement and am stoked about it because I can finally display my TS correctly. Thats in addition to the backyard project.

You too!!!

UFO sighting last night at the Alamo. Wow, everyone came out to see it including Bigfoot!

Got to keep your humor in the midst of some much FEAR!!!

The sky is falling! No, really the sky is falling!!!


You too!!!

UFO sighting last night at the Alamo. Wow, everyone came out to see it including Bigfoot!

Got to keep your humor in the midst of some much FEAR!!!

The sky is falling! No, really the sky is falling!!!

View attachment 263191

I thought I spotted a Bigfoot in the ville in Korea once and went to investigate...turned out to be Songton Sally and I barely escaped with my life. I know this one is raunch, but I own it 'cause its a true story.

The closets I have seen UFO is once in Khamis Mushayt while on post. In the desert there is no ambient light and the first time I star gazed I had to do a double take because the stars were moving. I thought "this is comes the Close Encounters of the 5th kind!" turned out it was the satellites criss crossing the sky and y'know what? It was a hellofva show every night watching the stars move. In fact, it was magical!

John from Texas
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