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I understand your anger with the monuments. I love monuments, the art, the story behind them and then the reason why X person is being memorialized. I must admit than when I was at UT, I was bewildered as to why Robert E. Lee was looking at my on the main mall when I was having a sandwhich. For sure, I thought there would be a monument of Governor "Ma" Fergurson, but no. Maybe a statue of famed Texas Ranger "Lone Wolf" Gonzales, but no. No, it was Robert E. Lee who lost by the way and wasn't even from Texas! Anyway, UT removed him, Jim Hogg and some other guys to the Library for "scholary Study" in 2015 and I dig that because they recognized the controversy of the memorial, yet saved the art with out protest, fires and mayhem.
I also agree that the hooliganism is out of control and I fear that the Ronald Mcdonalds statues will be next....maybe Big Boy? I am being silly here, but when does it end and who decides when it ends? Certainly, not the hooligans and at some point people will use proper channels to request a statue to be remove or re-located versus ropes, winches and spray paint. Also, I have to point out that Combats point of the reveille of the erecting of the monument of some of these controversial figures was done with all the pomp and circumstance awarding to a hero's welcome. Those guys are no heroes and history has proved it. Picked the wrong side, yes, but lauded for We have plenty of historical figures in our short American history that outweigh some of these dudes mark on history. I am not taking sides here, but it is a good point Combat brings up that the decision to erect a dude was blessed by those who wanted it and certainly not those who suffered from it (them). Different time, different era and I think it is time to move on with the whole statue thing. Lets celebrate some other people for once.
I don't know the rawl between you and Combat, but I see it touched a nerve in you to the point that you dropped the "t" word on him...troll. Seems like bad blood there from a different topic or conversation, so I hope we can keep things cool here on the COVID -19 INFO thread.
Speaking of COVID- watching the rally right now and there are not a lot of masks on those mugs. I find it interesting that you sign a paper waiving your rights or responsiblites, just to see him talk. "Come see me, and if you die doing it, I am not responsible...later!" Thats love and devotion right there man.
Louis B,
Im there, along with the steak house burger treatment. I can't wait.
John from Texas
I am fine with the monuments being moved to battlefields and museums, to me , this "fight" is not about Confederate monuments. Regarding all monuments, there is a rush to try and view historical figures through modern day glasses, I don't agree with that. History is history, warts and all, we are supposed to learn from it and be better and achieve higher heights so to speak. I don't find violence in the streets attaining that goal. I agree with you on where does it stop? I don't know the answer to that no pretend to, but it scares me.
There is zero bad blood between me and anyone on here from my point of view, I don't have the time nor care to indulge. That said, if you stir the pot, then be prepared for the boil, we are all adults here, we should be responsible for our words. You can ask George and Zach and Louis who know me quite well and personally, I am a very black and white individual, I have found that while people may not agree with you or your opinion all the time, but it is hard not to respect someone who doesn't shy away from what they believe or where they stand. I respect that in kind which is one of the reasons I like reading your posts!
Seriously, this has been one of the more intelligent conversations on the board. I draw the line at condoning violence, to me that is first and foremost crap to the highest degree. As you said, if you want to do something or change something, do it positively and lawfully, you will build a much larger consensus that way. Shoving something down the other side's throat may get you your 15 minutes in the press, but the lasting effect will be zilch.