Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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I understand your anger with the monuments. I love monuments, the art, the story behind them and then the reason why X person is being memorialized. I must admit than when I was at UT, I was bewildered as to why Robert E. Lee was looking at my on the main mall when I was having a sandwhich. For sure, I thought there would be a monument of Governor "Ma" Fergurson, but no. Maybe a statue of famed Texas Ranger "Lone Wolf" Gonzales, but no. No, it was Robert E. Lee who lost by the way and wasn't even from Texas! Anyway, UT removed him, Jim Hogg and some other guys to the Library for "scholary Study" in 2015 and I dig that because they recognized the controversy of the memorial, yet saved the art with out protest, fires and mayhem.

I also agree that the hooliganism is out of control and I fear that the Ronald Mcdonalds statues will be next....maybe Big Boy? I am being silly here, but when does it end and who decides when it ends? Certainly, not the hooligans and at some point people will use proper channels to request a statue to be remove or re-located versus ropes, winches and spray paint. Also, I have to point out that Combats point of the reveille of the erecting of the monument of some of these controversial figures was done with all the pomp and circumstance awarding to a hero's welcome. Those guys are no heroes and history has proved it. Picked the wrong side, yes, but lauded for We have plenty of historical figures in our short American history that outweigh some of these dudes mark on history. I am not taking sides here, but it is a good point Combat brings up that the decision to erect a dude was blessed by those who wanted it and certainly not those who suffered from it (them). Different time, different era and I think it is time to move on with the whole statue thing. Lets celebrate some other people for once.

I don't know the rawl between you and Combat, but I see it touched a nerve in you to the point that you dropped the "t" word on him...troll. Seems like bad blood there from a different topic or conversation, so I hope we can keep things cool here on the COVID -19 INFO thread.

Speaking of COVID- watching the rally right now and there are not a lot of masks on those mugs. I find it interesting that you sign a paper waiving your rights or responsiblites, just to see him talk. "Come see me, and if you die doing it, I am not responsible...later!" Thats love and devotion right there man.

Louis B,

Im there, along with the steak house burger treatment. I can't wait.

John from Texas

I am fine with the monuments being moved to battlefields and museums, to me , this "fight" is not about Confederate monuments. Regarding all monuments, there is a rush to try and view historical figures through modern day glasses, I don't agree with that. History is history, warts and all, we are supposed to learn from it and be better and achieve higher heights so to speak. I don't find violence in the streets attaining that goal. I agree with you on where does it stop? I don't know the answer to that no pretend to, but it scares me.

There is zero bad blood between me and anyone on here from my point of view, I don't have the time nor care to indulge. That said, if you stir the pot, then be prepared for the boil, we are all adults here, we should be responsible for our words. You can ask George and Zach and Louis who know me quite well and personally, I am a very black and white individual, I have found that while people may not agree with you or your opinion all the time, but it is hard not to respect someone who doesn't shy away from what they believe or where they stand. I respect that in kind which is one of the reasons I like reading your posts!

Seriously, this has been one of the more intelligent conversations on the board. I draw the line at condoning violence, to me that is first and foremost crap to the highest degree. As you said, if you want to do something or change something, do it positively and lawfully, you will build a much larger consensus that way. Shoving something down the other side's throat may get you your 15 minutes in the press, but the lasting effect will be zilch.

Forgot, in case anyone cares - statues of Francis Scott Key and US Grant ( you read that right, Grant ,not Lee) were toppled during a "protest" in San Francisco. I have the exact same feeling of disgust here as with any monument. I just do not condone this. This is not positive protesting, this is crime and needs to be called for what it is.
Also George Washington and Thomas Jefferson statues.No country has a innocent clean past.For those who thinks it's so bad here go someplace else for a while and see how that works out for you. At least 58% of Americans think the military should be brought in and I agree with that.Time to stop coddling these criminals

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The destruction of these statues is about damage, not subject matter. Holocaust heroes have been destroyed, an early anti slavery leader has been destroyed. Lincoln statue..... they don’t care about the subject matter. It’s about crime, anarchy and the criminals knowing laws won’t Be enforced.

"Warts and all"...I love that phrase and it is a perfect statement about history. You gotta own it one way or another. Oh and TD, I was just marveling to the wife about the content of this particular thread and reading her some of the responses. I told her the same thing you said that this thread is the single most thoughtful, respectful, insightful and intelligent discussion I have ever participated on regarding the virus, our state as a nation and the future. Here we discuss personal stories, current events, how the virus is affecting us where we are from whether CONUS or overseas. Yeah, this is mental floss of the highest order, especially since our members are some of the most intelligent and honest people I have yet to meet. After reading a few posts to her, she lost interest and went back to playing candy crush.


The military option? I think the National Guard is enough for any call of duty orders. I believe it was in 1969, when Nixon ordered the 82nd Airborne to combat protesters in D.C. The crazy part about that is that they had just finished a year long tour in Vietnam, got off the plane and rerouted to D.C. to perform protestor duties. Can you imagine? You live through Vietnam, coming home for leave after your tour and then get ordered to "fight" protestors. There were battle hardened troops sent it by Nixon and I am surprised nobody got killed.

I am not an advocate of using active duty troops. I don't feel that-that is the mission for our military. Our military is extended and busy as it is and the bottom line is that our active troops CANNOT be exposed to potentially getting the virus, which would render them unfit for least temporarily. That is not an option for our active duty personnel. That have to be mission ready at all times one soldier sick is too many. Likewise, troops have to have orders that are specific in detail that require blessing through out the chain of command and the last thing a troop signed up for is exercising lethal force on a civilian, let alone an American civilian. The National Guard on the other hand are trained for this type of mission albeit crowd control, natural disasters or emergency response. So, no I don't agree with sending in Active duty troops to quell anything stateside. Allow the governors to use their National guard and if need be ask for assistance of Federal National Guard troops, but not active duty troops.

We have a tendency to use force or increase force to stop force. Y'know the whole bringing a knife to a gunfight type of dictum. Sometimes that does not work by threatening the populous with overwhelming force via military. Sadly, our leaders have slung the military around like a (or threatened the use of them) as way to scare or intimidate the public. Indeed it works, but it also incites more passion to fight against "the man". So, what the solution? Well, like TD, I and the most of us agree mob criminality and hooliganism is NOT acceptable and therefore cannot go uncheck nor unpunished.

I think law enforcement should not show up with tear gas and rubber bullets, but staff lawyers, camera men and crime scene units. Simply put: the law (both on paper and those who practice it) and proof via the camera your committing an illegal act and a loser. I heard last week that the NYPD had staff attorneys in the crowds along with the cops who were performing riot control...BRILLIANT. Just as much as these knuckleheads want to film their exploits is as much as law enforcement should be filming them to and oh, stick an undercover in there to buy the knucklehead a sandwich afterwards to get his name and info. Get the warrant and arrest his dumb arse the next day. In other words, infiltrate and out smart the dummys who have nothing else better to do on a Saturday. Then one by one, capture them and put them on blast via a press release with charges and more importantly public shaming by taking off there tough guy masks, para military clothes and show joe citizen who they really are.

That was done here in SA when the caught the dummies who were looting and destroying down town. There mug shots ran on the news for an entire week and you know someone is the community was posting on his face book "hey thats cousin so and so" which was reposted, etc. By the weeks end EVERYONE knew who these pendejos were who caused so much damage to our beloved city that I think it curbed the hooliganism and brought out the REAL protestors who were there peacefully. Oh, and SAPD even offered juicy rewards for information of "this guy" on the digital billboards all over town. Yes, 5 to 10K reward money is better than the $1200 stimulus and there was some quick and huge paydays handed out when these knuckle head got caught. Plus, who wants to get thrown in the Bexar county cooler as the guy who desecrated The Alamo? Even the most hardened criminal loves downtown and those PUNKS are sitting in there now.

Just food for thought and a more clandestine way of stopping the hooliganism versus shields and helmets. Don't get me wrong shields and helmets need to be there and will be there, but it's time to go J. Edgar Hoover style.

John from Texas

this is gonna hurt to say...
and probably make some mad....

but Americans are not disciplined enough to handle this the way it should be handled...
Americans don't like to be told what to do...
Americans like their independence...

It’s sad and true. Unfortunately Americans are spoiled. As it’s said freedom is not free. Independence comes at a price. Staying home for a time to stay alive or keep others alive. Just do it. Maybe America should have a Dough Boy City like in Germany or a Oradour-sur Glane in France. Maybe they’d wake up and see how good they have it here and stop complaining. But that may also be a pipe dream. Many here have short memories. As someone who responded/worked and lived the horrors of 9/11 people are also getting forgetful.
WARNING. This is once again getting political. I have no issue with hitting people with infractions, deleting inflammatory posts and closing threads. One more political post on here and its shut down. I will delete every single thread without issue if people cannot abide by this simple rule.

That was done here in SA when the caught the dummies who were looting and destroying down town. There mug shots ran on the news for an entire week and you know someone is the community was posting on his face book "hey thats cousin so and so" which was reposted, etc. By the weeks end EVERYONE knew who these pendejos were who caused so much damage to our beloved city that I think it curbed the hooliganism and brought out the REAL protestors who were there peacefully. Oh, and SAPD even offered juicy rewards for information of "this guy" on the digital billboards all over town. Yes, 5 to 10K reward money is better than the $1200 stimulus and there was some quick and huge paydays handed out when these knuckle head got caught. Plus, who wants to get thrown in the Bexar county cooler as the guy who desecrated The Alamo? Even the most hardened criminal loves downtown and those PUNKS are sitting in there now.


From a law enforcement point of view good to hear that happened. Hopefully happening elsewhere. Since they re-deployed 600 NYPD plain clothes cops would be good if some if them were assigned to going through rioting / looting footage and identifying and arresting those involved. There was a good case where they identified a female, who set fire to police cars, through her T shirt and tattoos. Been plenty of footage of crimes committed by those not covering their faces so hopefully some police being tasked to go after them.

I particularly like the idea of putting them online so their neighbourhoods know who the trouble makers were.
That was done here in SA when the caught the dummies who were looting and destroying down town. There mug shots ran on the news for an entire week and you know someone is the community was posting on his face book "hey thats cousin so and so" which was reposted, etc. By the weeks end EVERYONE knew who these pendejos were who caused so much damage to our beloved city that I think it curbed the hooliganism and brought out the REAL protestors who were there peacefully. Oh, and SAPD even offered juicy rewards for information of "this guy" on the digital billboards all over town. Yes, 5 to 10K reward money is better than the $1200 stimulus and there was some quick and huge paydays handed out when these knuckle head got caught. Plus, who wants to get thrown in the Bexar county cooler as the guy who desecrated The Alamo? Even the most hardened criminal loves downtown and those PUNKS are sitting in there now.


From a law enforcement point of view good to hear that happened. Hopefully happening elsewhere. Since they re-deployed 600 NYPD plain clothes cops would be good if some if them were assigned to going through rioting / looting footage and identifying and arresting those involved. There was a good case where they identified a female, who set fire to police cars, through her T shirt and tattoos. Been plenty of footage of crimes committed by those not covering their faces so hopefully some police being tasked to go after them.

I particularly like the idea of putting them online so their neighbourhoods know who the trouble makers were.

Unfortunately, The reassignment of the anti crime units is a HUGE disaster. This move is only for political reasons. They make a huge impact on gun violence in the city. There’s already a spike in gun violence.There’s precinct level and Boro level streetcrime cops. Precinct handle what goes on within a particular precinct. Street crime units can bounce thru out the city as needed.
WARNING. This is once again getting political. I have no issue with hitting people with infractions, deleting inflammatory posts and closing threads. One more political post on here and its shut down. I will delete every single thread without issue if people cannot abide by this simple rule.


I would like to make one addition here as Julie's post is pretty clear. For the most part while these posts have strayed into the nether region that is not supposed to be on here - politics, current events, but they have been fairly civil for the most part with a variety of opinions. Where they have not is the insinuation singularly against people of differing opinions. Some may share my opinion, some may not, but if you do not, it doesn't give me or anyone else the right to insinuate ideas personally against anyone else. Most of us do not know one another personally, so why go there. For example, I know as much about what John thinks or believes in his mind as he of me. I don't know his life's history, his background nor do I believe in anyway I can judge him. I would suggest that is a good rule to follow. There is a thousand different ways to post your opinion or take on a matter without judging someone else for which you have zero basis or knowledge. I may not agree with every opinion, but I have a lot more class then "stepping into manure with pigs" to judge someone else I have zero knowledge about.

End of day, this forum should probably stick to toy soldiers or if you can't post in here without making it personal, then I would simply suggest you stop reading it. I think the last part of my sentence probably applies to every topic/thread on here.

Hey John from Texas, you must be an excellent typist with your lengthy commentary. It would take me an hour to type something that long.
Keep it up, its great.

Julie, please don't shut this down. Although it can get heated, people can vent in these trying times.

We need more love in this world. I know its sound hokey. Dr. Dean Ardell? had this radio show, where at the end of the show, he'd say, You don't have to have the initials MD after your name to be healer. A smile, a hello to a stranger, can heal them and make their day better. He's absolutely right.
We now have 7x new Covid cases confirmed down here in NZ as a result of Kiwis returning home from overseas. These new cases have only been picked up in the last few days while ex-pats are allowed to return home and have been tested during their mandated 14x days managed isolation.
Having read the entire thread again I think we should keep in mind that the various policies such as Isolation, Masks etc were put in place to 'slow down' the spread of the virus to enable Hospitals etc to cope with the number of cases. The health experts knew from the start it couldn't be stopped, Covid19 is here to stay, it won't go away, just another thing we have to cope with in life. The sooner we get used to that and stop trying to blame politicians, and other people, the better.
If we look to live in the areas only where business will grow most, cheap real estate and or labor, we may as well leave the country and our values and wander as nomads with no security.
The Romans and the British Empire are very relevant to the current US situation. They reached a peak like ours and failed to overcome their problems.
I want to take the long view, but I am not wise enough. I need input from solid minds like those that exist on this forum, friend or not.
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If we look to live in the areas only where business will grow most we may as well leave the country and our values and wander as nomads with no security.
The Romans and the British Empire are very relevant to the current US situation. They reached a peak like ours and failed to overcome their problems.
Bring out Hoover tactics and that may be the end of our society. I only say these things because I worry.
Best wishes to TD and John of Texas, I always enjoy your posts, agree or not, and to all the less vocal forum members. I like opinions but I fear that we loud fingers all blew this thread.
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Julie...please don't...if someone offends you...can you just bar them from posting on it....^&grin

Would you ruin the lives of protesters in any government system because they couldn't follow your rules? Well, neither did we follow on a forum paid for by others. We who post after Julie forbade it are breaking a law. Best wishes big Mike, I mean it, you are wise and maybe just to hate me.
But we are all that's left.
Best wishes from the North,
Paddy Himself
Having read the entire thread again I think we should keep in mind that the various policies such as Isolation, Masks etc were put in place to 'slow down' the spread of the virus to enable Hospitals etc to cope with the number of cases. The health experts knew from the start it couldn't be stopped, Covid19 is here to stay, it won't go away, just another thing we have to cope with in life. The sooner we get used to that and stop trying to blame politicians, and other people, the better.

Agreed, all the lockdowns have done is slowed the spread, but as Covid mutates and spreads like most viruses most of us will come in contact with it at some stage in our lives.

The tragedy is that it’s been man-made in a laboratory and allowed to escape.

While the concept of a vaccine sounds promising, the reality they’ll never be able to produce one that is effective for any great length of time and instead the manufacturers of the so called vaccine will continue to convince everyone to take boaster shots every year just like the annual Flu shots which only ever cover you for the previous years flu strain.

A great way for Pharmaceutical companies to continuously create revenue and make you and I a lifetime customer.

Am I a sceptic, right I am! The science behind vaccination is solid, shame the product is absolute rubbish!
Agreed, all the lockdowns have done is slowed the spread, but as Covid mutates and spreads like most viruses most of us will come in contact with it at some stage in our lives.

The tragedy is that it’s been man-made in a laboratory and allowed to escape.

While the concept of a vaccine sounds promising, the reality they’ll never be able to produce one that is effective for any great length of time and instead the manufacturers of the so called vaccine will continue to convince everyone to take boaster shots every year just like the annual Flu shots which only ever cover you for the previous years flu strain.

A great way for Pharmaceutical companies to continuously create revenue and make you and I a lifetime customer.

Am I a sceptic, dam right I am! The science behind vaccination is solid, shame the product is absolute rubbish!

But slowing down the process so the medical facilities can manage the sitiuation is the whole point of lockdown! Could you verify the notion that the virus is man made? As for pharmas . . . I think the're doing well financially without the pandemic.

The most worrysome aspect of the whole pandemic is those who don't take it seriously . . . even if they don't become ill, they could be a carrier. Can't decide if they're dumb, selfish, or what. To steal a phrase from another current problem; Face masks matter!

Bosun Al
The most worrysome aspect of the whole pandemic is those who don't take it seriously . . . even if they don't become ill, they could be a carrier. Can't decide if they're dumb, selfish, or what.

So every year a friend of mine hosts a big July 4th bash, it's the official kick off of Summer with our group of friends.

I haven't seen any of my friends since our Super Bowl party, we talk via texts and Facebook.

At one point, my friend who hosts the party said the party is a no go this year, not worth the risk.

Well slowly but surely, my friends have been getting together; a bonfire here, a birthday party there, started out with 4 of 5 people, I saw pictures the other day of the latest one, about a dozen people hanging out, drinking, grilling, no masks, no nothing.

Yesterday I get text "We're heading to New Hampshire next Saturday to get fireworks for the July 4th bash, you in?".........……..there are 5 of us who kick in 200.00 each every year, take a ride to NH to pick them up...…….my reply "Nope, sorry, I'm out"...……….

Then the nastiness began; some real nasty texts, offensive, derogatory words being thrown at me, so now I'm on the **** list with my friends because I'm not going to the July 4th bash.

Not taking it seriously, dumb and selfish all come to mind.

All it takes is for ONE person to have it and spread it all around the party.

Some Harvard doctor last night on 60 Minutes said this pandemic/virus is here for AT LEAST another year, so he's thinking June 2021; it will either burn out by then or a vaccine will be available that will work to prevent it.

If that is the case; no summer get togethers, no fall football get togethers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, NYE, no spring toy soldier shows, nothing until next June.

If this pandemic and my attitude towards it (better to be safe than sorry) costs me all the friends I have, then I guess I'll have to learn to live with the disappointment.

They can live their lives the way they want to.

And so can I.
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