Covid-19 info (3 Viewers)

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Sorry to hear of your run in with such an unpleasant and narrow minded bigot John, she certainly sounds like she is missing bits in her personality.

Yuk ! Those skunks do not sound nice to have round at all. Your poor dogs having the scent of their noses must have driven them nuts as the reek of it did you !:(


I got a Red Ryder BB gun once when I was a kid and the old man had one rule (a la To Kill a Mockingbird) and that was not to shot any birds because they make music. Well, the temptation over came me and I shot a bird off a electrical wire in an alley when I was like 10 or 11. The bird fell flat off the wire and went to check out my "kill". The poor bird was wheezing, kicking and died a slow death. I was ashamed and to this day I remember that incident and I regret shooting that little bird. I didn't pick up a rifle until I was in the military and the targets this time weren't birds, but humans. I guess thats why I am a little pacifistic when it comes to brandishing weapons and all the bravado that goes along with it. Don't get me wrong I own two military weapons in the house a M9 and M-16 (AR-15 or whatever) and thats about it, but they don't see the light of day. Its one of those "break glass in case of emergency" type of things. Everyone once in a while I will take them apart and put them back together to make sure I am still frosty on the nomenclature. Other than that they stay locked up and out of sight.Funny thing is a did pull out the pistol about 10 years ago because of snake in the back yard right by the patio. It was a Hognose snake that flares up like a Cobra with the back and all when threatened. By the time I got the heat and came back he was gone.

In the mean time, I bought a single pump pellet gun for the back yard and have yet to sight it in. I got it because we had a skunk family creeping around the backyard and the dogs were getting sprayed practically every other day. It was a disaster because they would come in the house and rub the scent off their faces on the rugs. Ugh! The house was smelling pretty putrid. A cop Buddy of mine has a .22 with night vision, lasers and all that and offered it to me because he too has critters in his back yard. I declined because I KNOW the neighbors would freak out if they heard a rifle shot in the back yard and since I don't like one of my immediate neighbors (a story for another day and I, by the way did nothing to start the animosity) would call in the SWAT team to take me down. Yeah, they are that uncool.

Okay, the hell with it I tell the story. My left neighbors moved in about 2 summers ago. I was on the Caterpillar in the front yard doing the do with my landscaping project. I was moving earth around and saw a little girl in our cul-de-sac staring at me and smiling. I immediately faced her stopped the CAT, because even though she was a distance away I was not about keep running the equipment because there might be other kids around. At that time, I saw the whale of the mom rushing towards her and swooped the little girl behind her in a manner of protection. I turned off the CAT and the mother was looking at me sternly. When I removed my ear buds, gloves, hat and sunglasses I said "Hi, I'm John are you the new neighbor?" He mouth dropped open, her demeanor changed and she fumbled out "Oh...uh you live here...I daughter kept telling me there a was man driving a CAT and I did not understand what she was talking about" On the Caterpillar there is the letters "CAT" on the back of the skid steer. "Yeah, thats me, so you guys are moving in today?" She replied "Yes, we finally made it! My mother in law passed away and left us insurance money and we bought this house" I was a little confused at the "too much information" reply and said "Okay, well welcome to the neighborhood and I'll shut down my excavating today since you guys are moving in. It's too dangerous running equipment while you have movers and what not...nice meeting you" And with that she rushed her child into the house and I was done for the day.

A few months went by and Shamu approached me again in my drive way and asked me if I had a security camera that faced her house. I was confused at her question because was she accusing me of spying on her or was there something else she was after. Remember, I don't know these people. Anyway, she was asking because apparently someone broke into her house through the back door, stole jewelry and her husbands class ring from Texas A&M. I asked her if she had reported it to the police and she said no and I suggested she check Craigslist to see if anyone was selling her stuff online. But why she did not report it to the police AND the HOA to send out an alert was beyond me and I told she HAS to do that for the record and inform the board of the burglary so everyone can be on the look out. Plus, the insurance needs it to, a report that is. She kinda hymned and hawed and we parted ways that I don't have any video and I am so sorry she experienced that. But I got to thinking my dogs (Labradors) can sense movement outside while they are sleeping inside. They'll pop up out of the blue and go running out the doggy door barking away and had not in the days or nights of her alleged robbery.

It was well into the fall high school semester when my daughter came home and told me that one of her friends named Diego has swimming practice with the eldest daughter of the neighbor and during practice she told Diego (my daughters NHS friend) that they (my neighbors) think it was I, ME who broke into their house and stole their jewelry and class ring. I was like gobsmacked, pissed and embarrassed that the neighbor kid was telling other high school kids that were my daughter friends I was the neighborhood CAT burglar. I marched right over to her house and confronted the mom and dressed her down about these false accusations her daughter was spreading to my daughters friends and the sad thing about it (though she feigned confusion) was that she never denied or promised to confront her daughter about it. Had I found out my kids were spreading malicious lies about somebody, especially one as salacious as this I would drag me kid down stairs and ask them in front of the neighbor if what they said was true and if so there would be hell to pay. That, in my opinion, is waaaaaay out of line and not how I raised my kids.

Anyway, that is why I did not use the souped up .22 to kill skunks in my back yard and to this day my neighbors always give me dirty looks when I drive by, especially the husband who thinks I stole his Texas A&M ring. Hey, dummy I'm a bona-fide LONGHORN and have zero need, desire or want to have anything Aggie in my house, let alone steal it to bring it in my house. People are strange, crazy, weird and if you did not pick up on her " live here comment" its simple to understand: she thought I was the brown hired worker next door who, in her mind, was checking out her child daughter in the cul-de-sac. These "micro-aggressions" as Jazz put it have happened to me through out my life. I can't escape it even though I live in one of SA's most expensive neighborhoods in the city and I'm not bragging here. NO, just laying it out for you that some things never change no matter how far you have exceeded in life.

John from Texas

PS: Hey Go for 'bout them typing skills.

When are you giving the ring back John?.....just joking, I empathize with you, I have had neighbors over the years that were the same if not worse than yours unfortunately neighbors are not something you can easily change...
Awesome typing skills John from Texas. I'm losing a lot of work time reading your musings. Great stuff! In regard to bigfoot and such, I've always said when man sees a new, never before seen animal, he says, "what a beautiful creature, let's kill it."
The Hall of Fame game on August 6th has been canceled, the annual enshrinement ceremony has been postponed.

Are they seriously even considering an NFL season?

Just shut it down now, players attending informal workouts are testing positive.

See you in 2021 (optimistically, although I have my doubts about that too)…………….
Sorry to hear of your run in with such an unpleasant and narrow minded bigot John, she certainly sounds like she is missing bits in her personality.

Yuk ! Those skunks do not sound nice to have round at all. Your poor dogs having the scent of their noses must have driven them nuts as the reek of it did you !:(



Its okay, the following summer a realtor was showing the lot next to me and I was on the CAT again. She waved me down and when I turned off the CAT, took ear plugs out and took sunglasses off she said " you-O, habla-O speak-O English-O...senor?" I smiled and said nothing and she continued "How much-O to clear-O the land-O" I guess when you are speaking to someone who you think doesn't speak English and only Spanish you add the "O" to add a little Spanish accent to it. I replied:

"I don't know-O, because I live here and I'm not for hire and uhh, yes I speak English"

Then the usual reply happens: "OH...I thought...oh, okay...sorry I just...uh..." Yeah, yeah lady carry on and I put my music back on and cranked the engine to the CAT and went back to excavating.

She was cute though...even more so when she was flush with embarrassment for mistaking a resident for the help.

John from Texas
Quote "Our industry has come to a full stop because of this virus,” said Nancy White, managing director of the sprawling Cliff House resort in Cape Neddick. “Hasn’t COVID done enough damage to us?”

She must of been salivating watching the news on Southern England resorts being shoulder to shoulder with furloughed day trippers intent on spreading the virus !
Really !?!


Its okay, the following summer a realtor was showing the lot next to me and I was on the CAT again. She waved me down and when I turned off the CAT, took ear plugs out and took sunglasses off she said " you-O, habla-O speak-O English-O...senor?" I smiled and said nothing and she continued "How much-O to clear-O the land-O" I guess when you are speaking to someone who you think doesn't speak English and only Spanish you add the "O" to add a little Spanish accent to it. I replied:

"I don't know-O, because I live here and I'm not for hire and uhh, yes I speak English"

Then the usual reply happens: "OH...I thought...oh, okay...sorry I just...uh..." Yeah, yeah lady carry on and I put my music back on and cranked the engine to the CAT and went back to excavating.

She was cute though...even more so when she was flush with embarrassment for mistaking a resident for the help.

John from Texas

As I like to say, Holy Smokes, it is unbelievable this stuff happens. I am sorry that you even have to entertain that, at least the above realtor seemed a lot more pleasant than your neighborhood Shamu. I hope Shamu doesn't have a pool, it might cause flooding to your lot.................................................

Ok, that was bad, but couldn't resist. I am just waiting for somebody to chime in and call me a racist for making a "whale joke". My defense is I could stand to lose about 20 myself, so pot calling kettle.


Its okay, the following summer a realtor was showing the lot next to me and I was on the CAT again. She waved me down and when I turned off the CAT, took ear plugs out and took sunglasses off she said " you-O, habla-O speak-O English-O...senor?" I smiled and said nothing and she continued "How much-O to clear-O the land-O" I guess when you are speaking to someone who you think doesn't speak English and only Spanish you add the "O" to add a little Spanish accent to it. I replied:

"I don't know-O, because I live here and I'm not for hire and uhh, yes I speak English"

Then the usual reply happens: "OH...I thought...oh, okay...sorry I just...uh..." Yeah, yeah lady carry on and I put my music back on and cranked the engine to the CAT and went back to excavating.

She was cute though...even more so when she was flush with embarrassment for mistaking a resident for the help.

John from Texas

I just laugh at stuff like that. I don't get offended. Of course, if they accuse your daughter of stealing, that another story. There are people who still think we live in grass shacks here in Hawaii. I was listening to a podcast about David Choe. He recalled this story about a third party who said that Anthony Bourdain wanted to have dinner with David and to suggest a restaurant in LA where he'd eat when he was growing up. The third party thinking that David would name a Korean restaurant was surprised when David answered, "you want me to take Anthony to a Sizzler restaurant?"
Quote "Our industry has come to a full stop because of this virus,” said Nancy White, managing director of the sprawling Cliff House resort in Cape Neddick. “Hasn’t COVID done enough damage to us?”

She must of been salivating watching the news on Southern England resorts being shoulder to shoulder with furloughed day trippers intent on spreading the virus !
Really !?!


Sorry, I goofed on that post, tried to copy and paste an article about Maine; their governor is requiring any out of state visitors to FIRST quarantine for 14 days once you arrive in Maine BEFORE you then check into your hotel?

So where is this quarantine supposed to take place; in your automobile?

That is THE dumbest thing I've ever heard; might as well just tell tourists "We don't want you coming to Maine, stay home"...……….

Thousands of restaurants, hotels, shops, etc, etc, from Cape Cod to Northern Maine are going to go out of business due to this virus.

Just an absolute **** show, SIX months into it and we're not even close to being out of the woods on it.

Horribly managed from the beginning.
Just an absolute **** show, SIX months into it and we're not even close to being out of the woods on it.

Horribly managed from the beginning.

Gov. Greg Abbott today backtracked and ordered TX bars to shut down again and cut restaurant capacity back to 50% after our infection rates climbed drastically. Now everyone is mad at him - people who thought he reopened too soon and businesses that reopened on his OK but have to shut down again. A quite remarkable job of uniting factions.
Even red as blood Tarrant County (Ft. Worth & suburbs) enacted a mandatory mask ordinance. But the town I live in said basically "Nyahh, nyahh, can't make me" and is ignoring it.
I originally gave the powers-that-be a pass because no one predicted it would be this bad. But no more. Things have been bungled so badly at all levels it is inexcusable.
Gov. Greg Abbott today backtracked and ordered TX bars to shut down again and cut restaurant capacity back to 50% after our infection rates climbed drastically. Now everyone is mad at him - people who thought he reopened too soon and businesses that reopened on his OK but have to shut down again. A quite remarkable job of uniting factions.
Even red as blood Tarrant County (Ft. Worth & suburbs) enacted a mandatory mask ordinance. But the town I live in said basically "Nyahh, nyahh, can't make me" and is ignoring it.
I originally gave the powers-that-be a pass because no one predicted it would be this bad. But no more. Things have been bungled so badly at all levels it is inexcusable.

It sounds like some of the states (like Massachusetts for example) have done a good job. Maybe a little communication between the Federal Government and the Governors of the various states to come up with an effective plan to effectuate nationwide might be in order?
Quote "Our industry has come to a full stop because of this virus,” said Nancy White, managing director of the sprawling Cliff House resort in Cape Neddick. “Hasn’t COVID done enough damage to us?”

She must of been salivating watching the news on Southern England resorts being shoulder to shoulder with furloughed day trippers intent on spreading the virus !
Really !?!


Saw the UK beach footage yesterday Steve and wow looks like everyone's gone to the seaside to cool off.
Gov. Greg Abbott today backtracked and ordered TX bars to shut down again and cut restaurant capacity back to 50% after our infection rates climbed drastically. Now everyone is mad at him - people who thought he reopened too soon and businesses that reopened on his OK but have to shut down again. A quite remarkable job of uniting factions.
Even red as blood Tarrant County (Ft. Worth & suburbs) enacted a mandatory mask ordinance. But the town I live in said basically "Nyahh, nyahh, can't make me" and is ignoring it.
I originally gave the powers-that-be a pass because no one predicted it would be this bad. But no more. Things have been bungled so badly at all levels it is inexcusable.

hey Bob...
I can't speak for wherever you are in Texas...but Abbott's new mandate is welcome by me (on Galveston Island) and I only wish it were stronger...I would like to see the beaches closed again for a couple of weeks...and yes I mean through July 4th weekend...

Galveston Island...Corpus Christi...Padre Island...Surfside...Crystal Beach...Jamaica Beach...are all major tourist beach destinations in Texas...tourist from Houston and farther north are packing them every weekend...there is no sign of social masks by the effort being made to contain their personal cooties...

other than post the National Guard with State Troopers on the Causeway to turn them around...they are gonna keep coming as long as the beaches are open...

what amazes me about Texas and the mortality rate is that Texas is still one of the lowest state's in the country in deaths per capita...with a massive population of over 30 million people...which is close to 10% of the entire USA population (330 million)...the mortality rate is staggeringly low...only 82 people per million...compared to the 4 highest mortality rates of New York...New Jersey...Massachusetts...and Connecticut...all over 1,000 deaths per million capita...

I knew we were gonna explode with new cases when Abbott opened the beaches 3-4 weeks was inevitable...California and Florida both with all their beaches...I expected them to blow up as we have recently...and they did...the one I can't understand is why is Arizona's infection rate so high...Arizona is hardly what I call a tourist destination...

Texas has 5 of the most populated cities in the USA...and all of those cities are experiencing escalated infections...there is nothing about Abbott's new mandate that has changed my personal habits...I go out for groceries every 2 weeks...I go to Home Depot to get projects done on my house...and I always mask and glove up...I do ride my motorcycle and bicycle with no PPE gear...but I don't socialize in groups...if I talk to a neighbor...I keep a good distance...

hopefully Abbott's new mandates will slow infections down...stay safe...
All returning Kiwi’s to NZ and overseas visitors are required to self-isolate for 14x days and are being housed in hotels at the tax payers expense. They are in theory Covid tested by day three of their arrival and required to give a negative test before being allowed to leave quarantine at the end of the 14x day stay.

In the past week or so 14x of those returning have now tested positive for Covid.

Authorities originally did make a few exceptions based on compassionate grounds for individuals entering NZ to see dying loved ones, however this has proven problematic and only 2x weeks ago two sisters from the UK who were allowed out of isolation early on compassionate grounds, were later discovered to have Covid and had travelled for 8hrs to their destination by car.

Now there are no exceptions based on compassionate grounds.

This has meant relatives returning to NZ for the funeral of a NZ police officer who was shot dead on Friday 19[SUP]th[/SUP] June have also had to be quarantined for the 14 day isolation requirement. Shootings of law enforcement staff is rare in NZ.

Yesterday NZ police held a minutes silence at police stations around the country exactly a week after the shooting of the 2x police officers. One such gathering took place close to the hotel where several of the slain officers relatives are sitting out their 14x isolation.


Saw that you called yesterday...sorry we have some business visitors from California and Mexico City come in yesterday for a weekend POW WOW over a new product we received that is missing a crucial ingredient and failed on a job site. Not our fault, but its 7 pallets of material that is basically useless unless they sort this out. Our associate and friend from California wore a mask AND safety glasses on his flight and NEVER took them off even to drink water. Yeah, he is a germaphobe like us and honestly it was great to see him. Poor guy was parched and starving when we picked him up at the airport yesterday. The Mexico crew is the CEO of EpoxyMex and his chemist son who paid extra for a direct non-stop flight to San Antonio in first class to avoid contact. Apparently their tickets were 3 grand total round trip for being in town less than two days. I appreciated their gesture because they know the boss lady has cancer and did not leave their hotel at all yesterday and will only come out to our shop for the inspection of materials. Of course, we feel terrible because we wanted to give them the full tour of San Antonio, etc like they gave us in Mexico city but we just can't. Fortunately they understand and have rain checked a tour on the next trip.

YES, Mike tougher restrictions and as much as I like Abbots calm, cool demeanor he has been kinda flighty the past couple of weeks. Something happened in his administration because he was on his game earlier in the year. Laser sharp focus, with clear mandates and instructions to the public. When he came on TV for his announcements we made it a point to either watch or listen on the radio to him live. Now, he just is kinda shucking and jiving and I am supremely disappointed in his lack of leadership. You are RIGHT about the Memorial Day beach rush and here we are two-three weeks later with record numbers coming down the pipe. Like George says its a chit-show.

And YES, Mike isn't weird about the mortality rate. I was discussing the math with the boss lady and it doesn't make sense. Don't get me wrong its a good thing folks aren't passing, but I think the real numbers will be in a couple of weeks to see what the effect was.


The is so much dumbness going on right now its embarrassing. Honestly, I don't know how these people get elected or are in positions of power that make decisions with zero logic. Yet, they have staff and experts at their disposal and say and do the stupidest things ever. Is it that they rely on their inner circle so much that they loose touch with the real world and forget their gut instincts? I just don't get it and your example is proof positive of just plain dumb. You want a another DUMB one? We went to the airport to pick up our associate from San Diego yesterday and while during the "loop" or arrivals I noticed the speed limit was posted at 14 miles an hour. 14? What a dumb, stupid number to make a speed limit. Just make it 15, nice and round so that you can refer to it on your dash cluster. They don't make speedometers in even numbers only odd. What was more dumb, was they had one of those "your speed" monitors right next to it flashing your speed if it was over 14 miles an hour. We entered at 25 and now you want me to go down to 14? Just dumb and guess what the taxpayers paid for all those dumb *** 14 mph signs that are all over the airport.


Glad to see another Texan on the forum and the whole "Its my constitutional right NOT to wear a mask" is wearing me out. I have yet to bear witness to someone saying it in public, but when I do I am going to break social distancing rules and slap the chit out of them in public and in front of God. I don't care. I am so sick of this entitlement attitude where people are wearing (all of a sudden) their rights on their sleeve and go all patriotic over wearing a mask AS IF their is an infringement on their constitutional rights. Thats another DUMB one. For love of God wear a mask and shut...up...already.

I too gave Abbot a pass, but this latest debacle has no excuses. Since the bars are closed I guess we can get drive thru margaritas again.

Go for Broke,

Just to be clear it was ME who my neighbors thought broke into their house and yeah I shrugged all the chit off and its a good laugh. If I took every slight to heart I would be a bitter, hateful person who could not move on in life. So, that is why I re-gift the slight we a side order of mocking to go along with it..."I don't know-O..." That David Choe story is one for the books...SIZZLER...ha, ha! It reminded me of THE ROYAL FORK or Furrs Cafeteria, old school eating out and when your poor that was high class dining!!!


I STILL could shed another 20 even though I have already shed 20 this summer ( I always do) from my projects. Its a hell of rhythm: tanned, back in shape during the summer and body by donuts and pop tarts by the winter. The struggle is real. Don't worry about the Shamu joke. In fact, for me its being kind to call that women Shamu, who thinks I broke into her house, stole her jewelry and went back home with my door. In my mind and still to this day when I see her I curse under my breath far worse than the Shamu description. Sad thing is I feel guilty for being so spiteful... cause I didn't do anything. So, I am working on taking those negative thoughts from under my breath, to just a fleeting thought and self imposed eye roll, to just ignoring the sons a vitches.


Its a sad day when a police man goes down in the line of duty. Sad, sad day. My respects brother.

Louis B,

Thank GOD your not the Mayor of your town during this crisis! But, I still want an investigation into your malingering.

John from Texas
Saw the UK beach footage yesterday Steve and wow looks like everyone's gone to the seaside to cool off.

Not everybody went to the beach and cooled off

Police are attacked for a SECOND night in a row after they try to shutdown illegal raves | Daily Mail Online

You wouldn't believe the lockdown is still in place until July 4th

When this ex Met Police Officer was interviewed and stated the obvious he was cut off

Sky News cuts off ex-Met Police chief | Daily Mail Online

Stay safe out there

For the mask police.

View attachment 263350

Marco, I think that the idea is to reduce the "blast radius" of people who are wearing them, rather than protect the wearer from others.

Isn't that what's been suggested all along?:confused:

If masks are at all effective in this regard, in helping to protect others, I'm all for them.

Regrettably, not everyone appears ready to play along. :(


the "mask police"?
who are the mask neighbors/friends...the overwhelming majority of the world...the government?

I'm missing the point of your post...
are you recruiting for people to stop wearing masks?

I'm guessing you're that guy that doesn't wear a mask anywhere in public...
not a real popular stance right now...
good luck with that...

I'm sticking with the advice of WHO...the CDC...and the overwhelming majority of doctors...scientists...and other countries...

me wearing a mask protects you to some degree...
if you don't wear one it doesn't help me at all...
it shouldn't be a one way street...
it should be reciprocal...

I'm sure you're familiar with a condom label...
it's not guaranteed to stop the transmission of diseases...
or 100% sure to stop a pregnancy...
but it helps...

again...if you're not wearing one...
good luck with that...
I'm 100% on the other side of non compliance...

I was calling to ask about a concrete product you probably know about...
it replaces rotted wood in expansion joints in concrete slabs...
it's a rubber strip...
I'll call you later today...
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