Covid-19 info (2 Viewers)

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Sounds like MLB, NBA, and NHL are going to give it go but things are not trending well. Playing in Florida and AZ doesn't look promising now. A player on the Pacers has the virus. This might all "blowup real good" as Billy Sol Hurok used to say. Particularly since the predictions were that it would improve over the summer and get worse in the Fall.
I love baseball but I have no interest in a 60-70 game season with half the teams in the playoffs.
I love baseball but I have no interest in a 60-70 game season with half the teams in the playoffs.

Me either, a total joke, naturally no fans either.

Whoever wins the "World Series" this year will forever be a tainted champion IMO.

I'm with Doug; trying to play sports at this stage is a disaster waiting to happen as player after player starts to test positive...………………………..
Sounds like MLB, NBA, and NHL are going to give it go but things are not trending well. Playing in Florida and AZ doesn't look promising now. A player on the Pacers has the virus. This might all "blowup real good" as Billy Sol Hurok used to say. Particularly since the predictions were that it would improve over the summer and get worse in the Fall.

I love baseball but I have no interest in a 60-70 game season with half the teams in the playoffs.

Me either, a total joke, naturally no fans either.

Whoever wins the "World Series" this year will forever be a tainted champion IMO.

I'm with Doug; trying to play sports at this stage is a disaster waiting to happen as player after player starts to test positive...………………………..

I am in complete agreement with George, Mark and Doug. Trying to have half a season is just going to make a mess of things, and the virus is going to end up blowing up all throughout the league.
I am in complete agreement with George, Mark and Doug. Trying to have half a season is just going to make a mess of things, and the virus is going to end up blowing up all throughout the league.

So much for the players union being concerned with the well being of its members.

And the owners...………………, money, money.

And what if a 60/70something manager or coach contracts the virus and dies from it.

Greed and stupidity trump common sense.

I read something about among other things players are under strict orders not to associate/converse/mingle with players from the opposing team pre game and players will shower back at the team hotel.

Sounds like a solid plan, what could possibly go wrong.
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Yeah, MLB 2020 season is a BIG TIME JOKE!

Baseball 60 games, that’s 20 games short of half a season. It’s joke (I said that already). It should be called “EXTENDED SPRING TRAING” concluding with “March Madness”. Excuse me, MLB WS Tournament, anyone can win…feeling lucky?

We’d be better off canceling ALL SPORTS until the next flu season ends, which is March! Well, just be to sure, make it May! Why, because as infections rise (Real & Rumored) …The world must stop!!!! Right!

Besides, can sports really compete with CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the rest of the Media? America loves a scare, and current events (Election & COVID-19) fears are too irresistible to contend against.

Yeah, MLB 2020 season is a BIG TIME JOKE!

Baseball 60 games, that’s 20 games short of half a season. It’s joke (I said that already). It should be called “EXTENDED SPRING TRAING” concluding with “March Madness”. Excuse me, MLB WS Tournament, anyone can win…feeling lucky?

We’d be better off canceling ALL SPORTS until the next flu season ends, which is March! Well, just be to sure, make it May! Why, because as infections rise (Real & Rumored) …The world must stop!!!! Right!

Besides, can sports really compete with CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the rest of the Media? America loves a scare, and current events (Election & COVID-19) fears are too irresistible to contend against.



The virus and what it will do to you is scary. I'm talking El Cucuy scary:



El CuCuy is a painting by Jeanette Geant

This virus is a modern day boogeyman and I ain't looking to meet him. So, yeah its eh-scary and we broke yet another record in infection rate today...5000! In fact, the nation had the biggest surge and reach a record high. Man, that is crazy.

Anyways, back to UFO's and Bigfoot I watched that Navy video from the pilots in California that was recently declassified. I have no answers and obviously we aren't alone. Somebody or something is cruising around town and the world. Remember the Japanese pilots in 1986 who reported the "mothership" and shortly after the USAF ran into something in the same area (Alaska)? Yeah, man we got boku movement in the skies.

Personally, I am sick of the Bigfoot hunter shows. Y'know the ones were they go "Squatching" leave Bigfoot alone! One time my kids ask me what would happen if Bigfoot was caught. I told them that would be the saddest day in the world and there would probably be a trial. Over what I don't know, but in this day and age probably his legal status, trespassing or tax evasion.

The People vs. Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch, Yeti, El Cucuy)

Good lord help us.

John from Texas
Could you imagine if Bigfoot was actually caught or disproven. How many people on all those Bigfoot shows would be out of work.The unemployment rate would really skyrocket then.^&grin
I also love all those UFO "experts" telling us about them and we don't even know if they exist.^&grin^&grin
Could you imagine if Bigfoot was actually caught or disproven. How many people on all those Bigfoot shows would be out of work.The unemployment rate would really skyrocket then.^&grin

I also love all those UFO "experts" telling us about them and we don't even know if they exist.^&grin^&grin


It would be a sad day if Bigfoot was caught. I mean what are you going to do? Arrest him, put him in a cage? I mean he/she ain't going to come willingly. There was one particular National Geographic show that went around the world and explained each "type" of bigfoot out there and the panel were primatologist, Scientist, etc. Man it was neat to get the world and cultural perspective of the lore plus the descriptions from the United States to Nepal. I've liked Bigfoot ever since I saw that show with Leonard Nimoy called "In Search Of". I remember a story of some hunters whose truck was ripped to shreads after a incident in Colorado or something. In reality, the possibility of a loose orangutan or Gorilla is feasible, but they are docile and intelligent creatures and I don't think would be wreaking havoc around campers or hikers. There was also a documentary I saw about soldiers in Vietnam running into a bigfoot in the Jungle while on patrol. Yeah, man lots of stories.

Just for fun, heres a story. I met a guy in Japan nicknamed "Penny" big, tall black due who looked like James Earl Jones less the girth. Anyway, he was the nicest guy, always had a good word and was a Marine in Vietnam. Anyway, we were eating lunch one day and I ask him about his tour in Vietnam. Come to find out he did a couple of tours in Vietnam in '65 and 67-68. But on his first tour he was in Thailand pulling security for a landing strip to be built. He told me that the latrine was basically a 55 gallon drum on top of stilt platform with a green tarp around it. So, when you were doing your business your head still stuck out and everyone could see you. Well, he said that the Thai kids thought that was funny and would play peek-a-boo with the Marines while going number 2 and he was doing the same one morning. At that time while he was on the pot, he was looking left playing peek-a-boo with the kids when suddenly went wide eyed and turned tail and ran. He didn't get it, but when he faced forward he was meet eye to eye with a King Cobra that had a head as big as his looking straight at him. He was caught, pants down and when he tried lean right to reach for his M-4 rifle, the Cobra followed his same movement looking straight at him. When he relented and lean back on the pot the Cobra did the same thing basically mirroring his movements. All the while the Cobra's split tongue was whipping out smelling him. He was stuck and for a couple of beats Penny and the King Cobra just stared at each other. He was terrified and did not know what to do and just then he heard the crack of rifle and bullet went through the Cobra's head and slumped down in front of the latrine. One of his buddies saw what was happening and could not understand why a "tire" was coiled up and moving back and forth in front of Penny. When he realized is was a snake, he blew it away. Penny pulled up his pants and he and buddies investigated the Cobra and pulled him to full length-26 feet with head of a basket ball, the back of a swimmer and the girth of grown mans thigh. He wanted to keep the skin, but the Thai soldiers were quick to round up the snake and cook him for dinner that night.

So, there are things out there prehistoric things still roaming the woods and jungle and THATS why I still believe in Bigfoot. But for the love of God leave the dude alone.

A couple of favorite UFO movies are Close Encounter of the Third Kind and Fire in the Sky, the latter being absolutely creepy.

John from Texas

PS: San Antonio just moved up from the 4th spot of Covid infections to the 3rd nation wide.
I think I would have died if I came face to face with that snake.I certainly would have **** myself.At least I would have been in the right place for that.^&grin.I love Fire in the Sky also.

It would be a sad day if Bigfoot was caught. I mean what are you going to do? Arrest him, put him in a cage? I mean he/she ain't going to come willingly. There was one particular National Geographic show that went around the world and explained each "type" of bigfoot out there and the panel were primatologist, Scientist, etc. Man it was neat to get the world and cultural perspective of the lore plus the descriptions from the United States to Nepal. I've liked Bigfoot ever since I saw that show with Leonard Nimoy called "In Search Of". I remember a story of some hunters whose truck was ripped to shreads after a incident in Colorado or something. In reality, the possibility of a loose orangutan or Gorilla is feasible, but they are docile and intelligent creatures and I don't think would be wreaking havoc around campers or hikers. There was also a documentary I saw about soldiers in Vietnam running into a bigfoot in the Jungle while on patrol. Yeah, man lots of stories.

Just for fun, heres a story. I met a guy in Japan nicknamed "Penny" big, tall black due who looked like James Earl Jones less the girth. Anyway, he was the nicest guy, always had a good word and was a Marine in Vietnam. Anyway, we were eating lunch one day and I ask him about his tour in Vietnam. Come to find out he did a couple of tours in Vietnam in '65 and 67-68. But on his first tour he was in Thailand pulling security for a landing strip to be built. He told me that the latrine was basically a 55 gallon drum on top of stilt platform with a green tarp around it. So, when you were doing your business your head still stuck out and everyone could see you. Well, he said that the Thai kids thought that was funny and would play peek-a-boo with the Marines while going number 2 and he was doing the same one morning. At that time while he was on the pot, he was looking left playing peek-a-boo with the kids when suddenly went wide eyed and turned tail and ran. He didn't get it, but when he faced forward he was meet eye to eye with a King Cobra that had a head as big as his looking straight at him. He was caught, pants down and when he tried lean right to reach for his M-4 rifle, the Cobra followed his same movement looking straight at him. When he relented and lean back on the pot the Cobra did the same thing basically mirroring his movements. All the while the Cobra's split tongue was whipping out smelling him. He was stuck and for a couple of beats Penny and the King Cobra just stared at each other. He was terrified and did not know what to do and just then he heard the crack of rifle and bullet went through the Cobra's head and slumped down in front of the latrine. One of his buddies saw what was happening and could not understand why a "tire" was coiled up and moving back and forth in front of Penny. When he realized is was a snake, he blew it away. Penny pulled up his pants and he and buddies investigated the Cobra and pulled him to full length-26 feet with head of a basket ball, the back of a swimmer and the girth of grown mans thigh. He wanted to keep the skin, but the Thai soldiers were quick to round up the snake and cook him for dinner that night.

So, there are things out there prehistoric things still roaming the woods and jungle and THATS why I still believe in Bigfoot. But for the love of God leave the dude alone.

A couple of favorite UFO movies are Close Encounter of the Third Kind and Fire in the Sky, the latter being absolutely creepy.

John from Texas

PS: San Antonio just moved up from the 4th spot of Covid infections to the 3rd nation wide.

I will confess, I have only ever shot 2 living things in my lifetime - turkeys (I hate deer hunting , only hunting is turkey for me) and you guessed it - snake. My story is not as "holy smokes" as the one from your buddy, I would have lost it, that would have been Indiana Jones done for me, I really hate snakes. When I was 21, and living and fishing, have encountered snakes all my life, worst experience fishing in Louisiana, however, at my childhood home is where the scene of the crime occurred. My late father had Japanese Koi ponds and I was feeding the fish one day, hot one in the summer. I was minding my own business when I hear this hiss. Turn around and there was about an 8 foot thick (largest I have ever seen) Black Rat snake reared up "like a cobra". Scared the you know what out of me and I have a German Shep with me at the time going nuts, really in a dead eye stance with the snake. Long story short, get myself and the dog outside of the fence line, go in and get a 22 Rifle I still have. Laid it up on the fence about 20 plus yards away, snake still reared up, boom. No more snake! If I had it to do over again, would have removed the snake, however at the time, he was not a little thing and my large Shep and him would have had a day of reckoning, not sure who would have won!

Disney is apparently planning to open up shortly. I'm all for getting back to business but if you took the ten smartest people in the world and asked them to come up with the dumbest possible thing to do during a pandemic, they would be hard pressed to top opening an amusement park that attract thousands of tourists from all over the country and world to interact and then disperse back to their homes. A completely non-essential, recreational activity. I'm sure the Disney PR machine will say all the right things about taking precautions but it still seems reckless. And think of the inevitable lawsuits when people who visit start getting sick.
Disney is apparently planning to open up shortly. I'm all for getting back to business but if you took the ten smartest people in the world and asked them to come up with the dumbest possible thing to do during a pandemic, they would be hard pressed to top opening an amusement park that attract thousands of tourists from all over the country and world to interact and then disperse back to their homes. A completely non-essential, recreational activity. I'm sure the Disney PR machine will say all the right things about taking precautions but it still seems reckless. And think of the inevitable lawsuits when people who visit start getting sick.

This is just crazy! Good luck social distancing on lines and on rides!:rolleyes2: All the quiet parts of the country where the virus has not been a big issue are going to start spiking once families come back from Disney and start interacting with their communities. What a nightmare!{eek3}
I have been reading a lot of the comments concerning this virus and how people are affected and reacting. I would like to get someone's opinion on my personal observations. Please do NOT take this as a criticism and disbelief of anyone else's situation.

Here is my personal situation. I live in SouthEast PA, 15-20 minutes driving distance of Philadelphia border. I live in a MAJOR metropolitan area. I get a flu shot every year. The company I work for has thousands of employees and they offer a flu shot free every year, I get it right in the office. Even with that, each year I typically know of people that get the flu, family, friend, co-workers, they are out sick for days or longer. Some of them get it really bad.

So far, with this pandemic, I do not personally know of anyone that has gotten this virus. My wife does not know of anyone. My daughter who attends a major university does not know of anyone.
My daughter also works part time at a very popular restaurant. I asked her, had anyone she works with had this or know of anyone else that has had it. She says no. She works 4-5 days a week.
I think she worked 5 days last week. She has worked 2 days so far this week. The restaurant is doing take out and outdoor dinning so far.

Granted my company has been working remotely since about March. Now my manager did tell me that his son had it and has since recovered from it. But he works remotely and both him and his son live in Michigan. So not in my immediate area.

I have gotten my haircut twice in the last couple of months, both times had to travel to Delaware because everything here was locked down. I asked the people in the salon did they have this or know of anyone that had it, they said no. I have been to grocery stores, Lowe's, other establishments, so I am not just remaining at home.

So anyway what I am getting at, if this virus if so severe and so easily spread, how is it possible I do not know of anyone personally that has had this?
I hear a lot of reports of people that are elderly, 70, 80 + that get it and have it very severely and pass away, but I hear those reports during a regular flu season.
If anyone has had someone elderly pass away due to this I am very sorry, not making less of that at all. Please do not be offended by this post.

So I am not taking sides as to what is being reported in this country, I am just trying to understand why my observations are what they are. Being we are months into this now.
Does anyone have any thoughts?

Disney already opened in China a few weeks back I remember seeing on the news and yes that would be a potent way of spreading the virus around a country and when travel reopens around the World.


I live some thirty odd miles from London and personally know that two of my work colleagues, both of whom sons have gotten and recovered from the Virus. But also my Mothers neighbour of 50 years, an 84 year old lady got the virus at a day care centre and died.

The sensible thing to preserve the health of ourselves and our families is to take precautions. Not doing so and losing the gamble is a family devastated.

Take care all and ignore the ignorant !

The sensible thing to preserve the health of ourselves and our families is to take precautions. Not doing so and losing the gamble is a family devastated.

Take care all and ignore the ignorant !


Steve, I agree, I always wear a mask and stay at safe distance when I am out.

I don't know anyone personally that has had the virus. The virus isn't an issue for most younger people under about 50 as the risk of them dieing from it is statistically low. Older people beware if you're in an area where the virus is still active.

I have an aunt in a Nursing home in Sydney where approx 20 of the residents have died from the virus. After a long period of isolation and window visits she is now allowed personal contact with close friends and relations. She has said that she would rather risk getting the virus than go without personal contact anymore. I guess at a certain age you know what is waiting for you and just make the most of your life now.

I am 61 but don't bother wearing a mask as few people have the virus in Australia but I do maintain social distancing and wash my hands after being in public areas etc.

Great post! I think we are all hyper vigilant and our observations during this period are certainly episodic memories in nature. I mentioned in a post a while back (maybe on the previous thread) that the virus is getting closer and closer to us all. It is just a matter of time. The only way to keep it out of our personal lives is taking the precautions that are either in place or highly recommended. Though you are 15 minutes or so from Philly (beautiful city by the way) NJ is right across the bridge and took a beating in Spring with the virus.

Listen, it is evident that the old folks, those with no immunity and other health conditions are more susceptible to getting infected AND succumbing to the virus. The rest of us are hit and miss. For example, world class athletes have suffered severely from the virus and died and regular Joe's didn't even get a sniffle. It's weird, bizarre and extremely scary if you think about it, as this virus kills indiscriminately. Personally, I know of one contractor and a contractors wife who have got the virus. The latter being a loud and proud anti-vaccer who made fun of us at the beginning of the virus shut down by play coughing in our shop to make fun of those of us who were wearing masks. I liked to know his attitude now, knowing that his wife just recovered from the virus AND who have 1 year old twins in the house. Yeah, she was quarantined for two weeks and as of three months ago (right before the shut down) they were posting pictures at restaurants not wearing masks and putting tag lines like "what virus" while chomping on a chicken wing.

Anyway, I digress. The point is just you because you don't see, feel it or know it doesn't mean it does not exists. Like I said before this thing is the Boogey man, el Cucuy...Kasier Souze. THANK GOD you and yours are not affected by the virus pandemic and fortunately your bubble stays that way and I don't mean that facetiously. I too get the flu shot every year and don't sick, but I swear I am radio active after all the inoculations I received in the military...knock on wood. So, I think your observations are unique as members here on this board either know or had a family member get infected. Even more sobering is some members have had family members and friends from COVID die and were kind enough to share it here on the forum. So sad.

So, Walt I don't have an answer for you, but you guys in that area are either lucky or doing something right to stop the spread. And just in case you missed it here are some folks in the public eye who we know vicariously who have contracted or died from COVID:

Tom and Regina Hanks

Manu Dibango (of Soul Makossa fame)

Well, I could go on but I'm getting tired now.

Stay safe Walt !!!

John from Texas
I will confess, I have only ever shot 2 living things in my lifetime - turkeys (I hate deer hunting , only hunting is turkey for me) and you guessed it - snake. My story is not as "holy smokes" as the one from your buddy, I would have lost it, that would have been Indiana Jones done for me, I really hate snakes. When I was 21, and living and fishing, have encountered snakes all my life, worst experience fishing in Louisiana, however, at my childhood home is where the scene of the crime occurred. My late father had Japanese Koi ponds and I was feeding the fish one day, hot one in the summer. I was minding my own business when I hear this hiss. Turn around and there was about an 8 foot thick (largest I have ever seen) Black Rat snake reared up "like a cobra". Scared the you know what out of me and I have a German Shep with me at the time going nuts, really in a dead eye stance with the snake. Long story short, get myself and the dog outside of the fence line, go in and get a 22 Rifle I still have. Laid it up on the fence about 20 plus yards away, snake still reared up, boom. No more snake! If I had it to do over again, would have removed the snake, however at the time, he was not a little thing and my large Shep and him would have had a day of reckoning, not sure who would have won!



I got a Red Ryder BB gun once when I was a kid and the old man had one rule (a la To Kill a Mockingbird) and that was not to shot any birds because they make music. Well, the temptation over came me and I shot a bird off a electrical wire in an alley when I was like 10 or 11. The bird fell flat off the wire and went to check out my "kill". The poor bird was wheezing, kicking and died a slow death. I was ashamed and to this day I remember that incident and I regret shooting that little bird. I didn't pick up a rifle until I was in the military and the targets this time weren't birds, but humans. I guess thats why I am a little pacifistic when it comes to brandishing weapons and all the bravado that goes along with it. Don't get me wrong I own two military weapons in the house a M9 and M-16 (AR-15 or whatever) and thats about it, but they don't see the light of day. Its one of those "break glass in case of emergency" type of things. Everyone once in a while I will take them apart and put them back together to make sure I am still frosty on the nomenclature. Other than that they stay locked up and out of sight.Funny thing is a did pull out the pistol about 10 years ago because of snake in the back yard right by the patio. It was a Hognose snake that flares up like a Cobra with the back and all when threatened. By the time I got the heat and came back he was gone.

In the mean time, I bought a single pump pellet gun for the back yard and have yet to sight it in. I got it because we had a skunk family creeping around the backyard and the dogs were getting sprayed practically every other day. It was a disaster because they would come in the house and rub the scent off their faces on the rugs. Ugh! The house was smelling pretty putrid. A cop Buddy of mine has a .22 with night vision, lasers and all that and offered it to me because he too has critters in his back yard. I declined because I KNOW the neighbors would freak out if they heard a rifle shot in the back yard and since I don't like one of my immediate neighbors (a story for another day and I, by the way did nothing to start the animosity) would call in the SWAT team to take me down. Yeah, they are that uncool.

Okay, the hell with it I tell the story. My left neighbors moved in about 2 summers ago. I was on the Caterpillar in the front yard doing the do with my landscaping project. I was moving earth around and saw a little girl in our cul-de-sac staring at me and smiling. I immediately faced her stopped the CAT, because even though she was a distance away I was not about keep running the equipment because there might be other kids around. At that time, I saw the whale of the mom rushing towards her and swooped the little girl behind her in a manner of protection. I turned off the CAT and the mother was looking at me sternly. When I removed my ear buds, gloves, hat and sunglasses I said "Hi, I'm John are you the new neighbor?" He mouth dropped open, her demeanor changed and she fumbled out "Oh...uh you live here...I daughter kept telling me there a was man driving a CAT and I did not understand what she was talking about" On the Caterpillar there is the letters "CAT" on the back of the skid steer. "Yeah, thats me, so you guys are moving in today?" She replied "Yes, we finally made it! My mother in law passed away and left us insurance money and we bought this house" I was a little confused at the "too much information" reply and said "Okay, well welcome to the neighborhood and I'll shut down my excavating today since you guys are moving in. It's too dangerous running equipment while you have movers and what not...nice meeting you" And with that she rushed her child into the house and I was done for the day.

A few months went by and Shamu approached me again in my drive way and asked me if I had a security camera that faced her house. I was confused at her question because was she accusing me of spying on her or was there something else she was after. Remember, I don't know these people. Anyway, she was asking because apparently someone broke into her house through the back door, stole jewelry and her husbands class ring from Texas A&M. I asked her if she had reported it to the police and she said no and I suggested she check Craigslist to see if anyone was selling her stuff online. But why she did not report it to the police AND the HOA to send out an alert was beyond me and I told she HAS to do that for the record and inform the board of the burglary so everyone can be on the look out. Plus, the insurance needs it to, a report that is. She kinda hymned and hawed and we parted ways that I don't have any video and I am so sorry she experienced that. But I got to thinking my dogs (Labradors) can sense movement outside while they are sleeping inside. They'll pop up out of the blue and go running out the doggy door barking away and had not in the days or nights of her alleged robbery.

It was well into the fall high school semester when my daughter came home and told me that one of her friends named Diego has swimming practice with the eldest daughter of the neighbor and during practice she told Diego (my daughters NHS friend) that they (my neighbors) think it was I, ME who broke into their house and stole their jewelry and class ring. I was like gobsmacked, pissed and embarrassed that the neighbor kid was telling other high school kids that were my daughter friends I was the neighborhood CAT burglar. I marched right over to her house and confronted the mom and dressed her down about these false accusations her daughter was spreading to my daughters friends and the sad thing about it (though she feigned confusion) was that she never denied or promised to confront her daughter about it. Had I found out my kids were spreading malicious lies about somebody, especially one as salacious as this I would drag me kid down stairs and ask them in front of the neighbor if what they said was true and if so there would be hell to pay. That, in my opinion, is waaaaaay out of line and not how I raised my kids.

Anyway, that is why I did not use the souped up .22 to kill skunks in my back yard and to this day my neighbors always give me dirty looks when I drive by, especially the husband who thinks I stole his Texas A&M ring. Hey, dummy I'm a bona-fide LONGHORN and have zero need, desire or want to have anything Aggie in my house, let alone steal it to bring it in my house. People are strange, crazy, weird and if you did not pick up on her " live here comment" its simple to understand: she thought I was the brown hired worker next door who, in her mind, was checking out her child daughter in the cul-de-sac. These "micro-aggressions" as Jazz put it have happened to me through out my life. I can't escape it even though I live in one of SA's most expensive neighborhoods in the city and I'm not bragging here. NO, just laying it out for you that some things never change no matter how far you have exceeded in life.

John from Texas

PS: Hey Go for 'bout them typing skills.
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