COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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Fine, feel free to continue your life decisions that suit your point of view. However please be mindful how your actions may affect the more vulnerable people on this forum and society in general.

Sorry that doesnt cut it for me, you basically make it personal, then throw a gas bomb that includes ridiculing a lot of unrleated ideas, then get on your high horse here and talk down again, no sorry keep it to yourself as the old saying goes, i walk comfortably in my shoes, you enjoy yours. And yeah as i have said many times, i sleep just fine at night but thanks for asking.
Sorry that doesnt cut it for me, you basically make it personal, then throw a gas bomb that includes ridiculing a lot of unrleated ideas, then get on your high horse here and talk down again, no sorry keep it to yourself as the old saying goes, i walk comfortably in my shoes, you enjoy yours. And yeah as i have said many times, i sleep just fine at night but thanks for asking.

Not the first time on this forum that you took something too personal. If you feel Belittled by the Facts that's your problem not mine.
Not the first time on this forum that you took something too personal. If you feel Belittled by the Facts that's your problem not mine.

Too personal? Good lord you are the only one who made it that way. And what other times? I just dont put up with nonsense and call it as i see it. No i dont feel Belittled, sorry to disappoint. You seem to be the only one with a problem here as you keep beating this drum. And yeah it is nonsense to bring up Usa laws about issues that have nothing to do with a covid vaccine, i mean really ***. We obviously have a few amendments you disagree with, well no worries, you are not subject to them.
Too personal? Good lord you are the only one who made it that way. And what other times? I just dont put up with nonsense and call it as i see it. No i dont feel Belittled, sorry to disappoint. You seem to be the only one with a problem here as you keep beating this drum. And yeah it is nonsense to bring up Usa laws about issues that have nothing to do with a covid vaccine, i mean really ***. We obviously have a few amendments you disagree with, well no worries, you are not subject to them.

Are you kidding me Tom? You do tend to take things personal when people post something that you don't agree with.
I may be over 60 but my memory is still pretty good, have you forgotten about your overreactions to others comments about 'Confederate issues'?

My reference to US Gun Laws and US adherence to the old Imperial system is not nonsense. Both are examples of your country promoting the Rights of the Individual over the Group. Different countries, and Cultures, have different Laws and Customs. I didn't say the US way was wrong, just different to Australia and many others.
Hi all

Further to my previous post, below are some very good links on information relating to the Covid19 matter. I'm not going to stand on a soap box voicing my opinion or debating the issue, I'll let facts and science do the talking via the links. Again, I urge everyone to do their own research and not rely on information from Governments and mainstream media.

Facts about the PCR tests on Covid19

New Danish study on facemasks

Ingredients in the AstraZeneca Covid19 vaccine

Great video talking about the great reset, vaccines, Covid19 narrative etc and a medical specialist by the name of Dr Roger Hodkinson MD talking to Edmonton City Council in Canada about the incorrect approach to Covid19. This video is around 2 hours long but well worth watching. The doctor is definitely worth listening to and is at the last 14 odd minutes of the video.


Here's the direct link to Dr Roger Hodkinson talking to Edmonton City Council in Canada

I provided this link on my last post but I urge people to check it out as these are scientists providing facts and information on how to approach Covid19.

Just going back over this thread and checked out the above links.

None of these Links have any Scientific basis including the links with comments by Dr Hodkinson. For example that Doctor asserts that Covid19 is Not a SARS Virus when in fact it is.

I do feel that many Governments have overreacted to this virus however that doesn't mean the virus isn't dangerous to the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
The following is a very good article on how Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines were developed.

Politics, Science and the Remarkable Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine Stories&pgtype=Homepage

There has been some discussion that these vaccines couldn’t be safe and effective because it takes years to develop a vaccine. However, the following passage makes clear that this isn’t the case anymore:

”Unlike the older, slower ways of developing vaccines, which involve stimulating the bodies immune system by injecting inactivated or weakened viruses, Moderna and other companies created platforms that work like the operating system on a computer, allowing researchers to quickly insert new genetic code from a virus — like creating an app — and create a new vaccine.

The method employs a synthetic form of a genetic molecule called messenger RNA, or mRNA, to cause human cells to make a harmless viral proteins called a spike, which then stimulates the immune system to make antibodies and immune cells that can recognize the spike quickly and counterattack when needed.

Earlier efforts test new types of vaccines on outbreaks like SARS, MERS and Zika had fizzled when the threat from those viruses receded, before large clinical trials could be carried out. But the outbreak spreading in China had the hallmark of a prolong pandemic, a tragedy but also a proper testing ground for the new bio technology.”

The comments to the article are also worth taking a look at.
Here's a piece on a recent study of fatality rates associated with the disease:

At the end of the piece, the importance of age as a prognostic indicator is mentioned:

In addition to the interstate differences, the lethality of COVID-19 varies dramatically by age group. According to the CDC's most recent national estimates, for example, the IFR for people in their 70s (5.4 percent) is 1,800 times as high as the IFR for people 19 or younger (0.003 percent). The CDC's IFR estimate is 0.02 percent for 20-to-49-year-olds and 0.5 percent for 50-to-69-year-olds.

This would appear to highlight the necessity of adopting societal measures to insulate older/vulnerable populations from the disease, while allowing healthy young folks to go on with work and education. In particular, the 3 deaths per 100,000 youngsters stands out. I'd have to dig around, but I suspect that we'll lose more of that population at home than if they attend school. For all the negative stories that we hear about public schools in the USA, kids are statistically safer at school than at home.

The following is a very good article on how Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines were developed.

Politics, Science and the Remarkable Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine Stories&pgtype=Homepage

There has been some discussion that these vaccines couldn’t be safe and effective because it takes years to develop a vaccine. However, the following passage makes clear that this isn’t the case anymore:

”Unlike the older, slower ways of developing vaccines, which involve stimulating the bodies immune system by injecting inactivated or weakened viruses, Moderna and other companies created platforms that work like the operating system on a computer, allowing researchers to quickly insert new genetic code from a virus — like creating an app — and create a new vaccine.

The method employs a synthetic form of a genetic molecule called messenger RNA, or mRNA, to cause human cells to make a harmless viral proteins called a spike, which then stimulates the immune system to make antibodies and immune cells that can recognize the spike quickly and counterattack when needed.

Earlier efforts test new types of vaccines on outbreaks like SARS, MERS and Zika had fizzled when the threat from those viruses receded, before large clinical trials could be carried out. But the outbreak spreading in China had the hallmark of a prolong pandemic, a tragedy but also a proper testing ground for the new bio technology.”

The comments to the article are also worth taking a look at.

Thanks Brad, this is a lot of how I understood it and therefore am on board with a vaccine and I compared it to the my understanding of other "shots" for lack of a better word.

Are you kidding me Tom? You do tend to take things personal when people post something that you don't agree with.
I may be over 60 but my memory is still pretty good, have you forgotten about your overreactions to others comments about 'Confederate issues'?

My reference to US Gun Laws and US adherence to the old Imperial system is not nonsense. Both are examples of your country promoting the Rights of the Individual over the Group. Different countries, and Cultures, have different Laws and Customs. I didn't say the US way was wrong, just different to Australia and many others.

Excuse me and this my last comment to you. I only take it personal when words are directed to me in that manner in condescension and arrogance. I think most people do. I have never minded a good debate with anyone and have had quite a few in my time as I am sure Rich and Brad can attest to. We come from very different viewpoints on a lot of items. That said, your insertion of the topics you have just brought up above in the manner in which you brought them up seemed to be pretty personal to me and you are still doing it. And further, I didn't realize you were the judge over whose reactions were overreactions? I don't believe any of mine are as they are my opinions, I own them and have zero issue with them. Yuup, we do believe in Personal Freedoms over here all day everyday and twice on Sunday, that is the good Ole USA and I wouldn't trade it for all the gold of King Midas so to speak. For example, I look at it this way - are there IMO idiots over here who don't wear a mask when they should? Yes there are, Yes they should wear a mask, but at the end of the day it is their own stupidity and I avoid stupid people. If I go into a store (which has not happened since the mask recommendations where I live) and someone is not wearing a mask, I don't go in or I leave (I did that in the beginning before Masks were mandatory). It was an easy choice and I view as well there is a moron asking for it by not wearing a mask. Regarding our other laws, while not perfect in every step of the way, we seem to be doing ok. I am happy living in an environment where I own my own actions, I don't need to be told what to do, but I respect science in this case and happily go with the recommendations, it is my choice and a good choice IMO.

And now back to regular scheduled programming.
Without trying to interject myself wholly in this conversation I have known Tom for a long time and Tom is an easy going person, always with a smile, never dour (unlike yours truly) and I have never seen him make things personal. Now, is Tom plainspeaking? Yes, but never in a malicious way, and there is nothing wrong with being plain spoken.
The FDA has granted emergency authorization to the experimental antibody treatment made by Regeneron. This was the treatment given to President Trump consisting of two antibodies that have shown promise of keeping the infection in check for patients receive the treatment early in their infection.

I do apologize, in hindsight I was being over personal in this matter.

Without trying to interject myself wholly in this conversation I have known Tom for a long time and Tom is an easy going person, always with a smile, never dour (unlike yours truly) and I have never seen him make things personal. Now, is Tom plainspeaking? Yes, but never in a malicious way, and there is nothing wrong with being plain spoken.

Excuse me and this my last comment to you. I only take it personal when words are directed to me in that manner in condescension and arrogance. I think most people do. I have never minded a good debate with anyone and have had quite a few in my time as I am sure Rich and Brad can attest to. We come from very different viewpoints on a lot of items. That said, your insertion of the topics you have just brought up above in the manner in which you brought them up seemed to be pretty personal to me and you are still doing it. And further, I didn't realize you were the judge over whose reactions were overreactions? I don't believe any of mine are as they are my opinions, I own them and have zero issue with them. Yuup, we do believe in Personal Freedoms over here all day everyday and twice on Sunday, that is the good Ole USA and I wouldn't trade it for all the gold of King Midas so to speak. For example, I look at it this way - are there IMO idiots over here who don't wear a mask when they should? Yes there are, Yes they should wear a mask, but at the end of the day it is their own stupidity and I avoid stupid people. If I go into a store (which has not happened since the mask recommendations where I live) and someone is not wearing a mask, I don't go in or I leave (I did that in the beginning before Masks were mandatory). It was an easy choice and I view as well there is a moron asking for it by not wearing a mask. Regarding our other laws, while not perfect in every step of the way, we seem to be doing ok. I am happy living in an environment where I own my own actions, I don't need to be told what to do, but I respect science in this case and happily go with the recommendations, it is my choice and a good choice IMO.

And now back to regular scheduled programming.
I read the metric system comment last night. By total coincidence then on another blog where one of the first comments I saw was something like :

"There are countries which went metric and then there is the country that landed on the moon".

There was a bit of French bashing mentioned as well !

I still remember the pounds shillings and pence pocket money from 60's.
Brett, not the first time I've seen that myth.

NASA actually did and continue to use SI (metric) measurements in their calculations, these are often converted to imperial units for operational use.

Notes from Apollo Mission Scientists
"With respect to units, the LGC was eclectic. Inside the computer we used metric units, at least in the case of powered-flight navigation and guidance. At the operational level NASA, and especially the astronauts, preferred English units. This meant that before being displayed, altitude and altitude-rate (for example) were calculated from the metric state vector maintained by navigation, and then were converted to feet and ft/sec. It would have felt weird to speak of spacecraft altitude in meters, and both thrust and mass were commonly expressed in pounds. Because part of the point of this paper is to show how things were
called in this era of spaceflight, I shall usually express quantities in the units that it would have felt natural to use at the time."

Several missions have failed when the units have been confused, notably the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999.

Several Countries have successfully landed craft on the Moon before and after the Apollo missions.

I read the metric system comment last night. By total coincidence then on another blog where one of the first comments I saw was something like :

"There are countries which went metric and then there is the country that landed on the moon".

There was a bit of French bashing mentioned as well !

I still remember the pounds shillings and pence pocket money from 60's.
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Brett, not the first time I've seen that myth.

NASA actually did and continue to use SI (metric) measurements in their calculations, these are often converted to imperial units for operational use.

Notes from Apollo Mission Scientists
"With respect to units, the LGC was eclectic. Inside the computer we used metric units, at least in the case of powered-flight navigation and guidance. At the operational level NASA, and especially the astronauts, preferred English units. This meant that before being displayed, altitude and altitude-rate (for example) were calculated from the metric state vector maintained by navigation, and then were converted to feet and ft/sec. It would have felt weird to speak of spacecraft altitude in meters, and both thrust and mass were commonly expressed in pounds. Because part of the point of this paper is to show how things were
called in this era of spaceflight, I shall usually express quantities in the units that it would have felt natural to use at the time."

Several missions have failed when the units have been confused, notably the Mars Climate Orbiter in 1999.

Several Countries have successfully landed craft on the Moon before and after the Apollo missions.

Great post.

......And of course we shouldn't forget the Chinese who apparently managed to land a craft on the dark side of the moon recently........they haven't mentioned the results of that have they?

The NASA thing always makes me laugh when they conveniently fail to mention all the Nazi scientists they managed to round up after WW2 and use on their space programme.

But of course it was all for the greater good.

Lets not dwell on the murder and mayhem they inflicted on the masses for over a decade.

Hypocrisy at its best.......

I just love that famous photo of JFK with Van Braun.
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Great post.

......And of course we shouldn't forget the Chinese who apparently managed to land a craft on the dark side of the moon recently........they haven't mentioned the results of that have they?

The NASA thing always makes me laugh when they conveniently fail to mention all the Nazi scientists they managed to round up after WW2 and use on their space programme.

But of course it was all for the greater good.

Lets not dwell on the murder and mayhem they inflicted on the masses for over a decade.

Hypocrisy at its best.......

I just love that famous photo of JFK with Van Braun.

Yes, there's some interesting stories there, and not easy to land a craft on the Far Side of the Moon.
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