COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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Yes, there's some interesting stories there, and not easy to land a craft on the Far Side of the Moon.

Best ever April Fools I saw was when I was still in school 1977.

It was a documentary about landings on the moon and a colony there, on the dark side, that was unknown to the public. It mentioned people disappearing (experts in various fields) and linked it to a programme to send those people to the colony. It had a live interview with an "astronaut" who was telling what he saw on the moon but then suddenly mysteriously was cut off whilst talking. It was extremely well done and we did not make the connection it was aired on Aprils Fools. The next day there were reports of people being happy as they now knew where there missing relatives were.
Best ever April Fools I saw was when I was still in school 1977.

It was a documentary about landings on the moon and a colony there, on the dark side, that was unknown to the public. It mentioned people disappearing (experts in various fields) and linked it to a programme to send those people to the colony. It had a live interview with an "astronaut" who was telling what he saw on the moon but then suddenly mysteriously was cut off whilst talking. It was extremely well done and we did not make the connection it was aired on Aprils Fools. The next day there were reports of people being happy as they now knew where there missing relatives were.

First time I've heard of that April Fools joke, not surprising I suppose as you attended High School in England while I finished in Western New South Wales, Australia in 1976. The best April Fools I recall was in 1978 when Dick Smith supposedly towed an Iceberg back from Antartica, it was on the news coming into Sydney Harbour, fooled millions of people.

As for Moon stuff, I luv science and science fiction, just finished watching From the Earth to the Moon on Binge. Sad to see that people were over Apollo missions by 1972 when the last Apollo mission 17 finished. Also sad to see the last episode of Modern Family, man I loved that crazy show.
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Back to the topic at hand, Astra Zeneca announced on Monday that an early analysis of some of its late stage clinical trials of its vaccine, conducted in the United Kingdom and Brazil, showed 90% effectiveness.

Stock futures are up as a result and the results add to optimism among investors that the deployment of effective vaccines can help bring coronavirus under control next year, allowing beaten down sectors of the economy to recover.

My understanding too is that this one can be simply refrigerated rather then freezer?
That is correct. It can be stored in ordinary refrigerators, a big cost savings. The vaccine will also be cheaper than Pfizer’s. It, however, does require two doses.
I went to the library to return a book and found out that it was closed because a staff member had tested positive. On their website the library said the risk to the public was remote but if you develop symptoms, you should get a test. Left unanswered was when the staff last worked as my wife was there on Friday and picked up a book. Since she forgot her library card I went there to pick it up. Oh, great. Well, so far, so good.
I went to the library to return a book and found out that it was closed because a staff member had tested positive. On their website the library said the risk to the public was remote but if you develop symptoms, you should get a test. Left unanswered was when the staff last worked as my wife was there on Friday and picked up a book. Since she forgot her library card I went there to pick it up. Oh, great. Well, so far, so good.

if not one thing, its another so to speak. Hopefully you are fine, if it was last Friday, and no symptoms yet, hopefully all good, I thought I read approx 48 hrs interim period.

Apparently, the Astra Zeneca is not all it appears to be, which has called into question confidence in their development program.

AstraZeneca has acknowledged a key mistake in the vaccine dosage received by some study participants, adding to question about whether the vaccine’s apparently spectacular efficiency will hold up under additional testing. US officials have noted that the results were not clear. There were also questions about the methodologies used and other concerns.

The likelihood that the odds of regulators in the US and elsewhere quickly approving the emergency use of the AZ vaccine are declining.

Unsurprisingly Astra Zeneca’s share price has taken a hit.
Apparently air travel the last few days is at a level not seen since March. People, despite vaccines being around the corner, are taking the risk of bringing the virus to their loved ones. It’s the height of selfishness, in my opinion. As one article I read this morning said American are playing Russian roulette with their families’ lives. I hope that it won’t be but I fear it’s going to be an epidemiological disaster. Hospitals in many states are already near the breaking point. The whole system may come crashing down. I hope, I pray, that I’m wrong.
Apparently air travel the last few days is at a level not seen since March. People, despite vaccines being around the corner, are taking the risk of bringing the virus to their loved ones. It’s the height of selfishness, in my opinion. As one article I read this morning said American are playing Russian roulette with their families’ lives. I hope that it won’t be but I fear it’s going to be an epidemiological disaster. Hospitals in many states are already near the breaking point. The whole system may come crashing down. I hope, I pray, that I’m wrong.

Over 2,000 people are now dying each day. It's interesting how the human mind works. If that many people had been dying earlier in the year when this all started, there would have been widespread panic. Now it's just the norm. Most people are going about their business like there is nothing going on. People can become very complacent. I can understand the desire to get back to normal with school and work, but the purely recreational activities like going to the beach, a ball game, or visiting someone over the holidays is just reckless. No one of this generation has had to live under anything but normal circumstances with no sacrifice. They can't be inconvenienced. A very self absorbed generation. The politicians get a lot of the blame for arbitrary restrictions that make no sense and cause more division than good. Fortunately, the vaccine is coming in the next few weeks.
A good friend of mine from back in my Civil War re-enacting days passed away at 1:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon from complications associated with Covid. Doug was about my age and I am not aware of any compromised health issues that he might have had. We shared many a campfire together for many many years. This hits hard when you know personally the individual and their family.
A good friend of mine from back in my Civil War re-enacting days passed away at 1:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon from complications associated with Covid. Doug was about my age and I am not aware of any compromised health issues that he might have had. We shared many a campfire together for many many years. This hits hard when you know personally the individual and their family.


My sincere condolences to you, and your friend's family.

Mike that is tragic, an unnecessary death, humans are becoming more selfish and care little about the effect of their actions on others these days.
I’m sorry to hear that Mike. Condolences to you and his family.

Hi all

Here's some more links that relate to the covid19 issue

Another study proving that HCQ works. Why is there a push for vaccines when we have cheap therapeutics?

This video is solely on vaccines. It is long and the start is kinda off subject and almost comedy like, but once he starts talking about various types of vaccines, the side effects and lack of research into the effects, how they get approved, the history and at the end of the vid, the hope for humanity, it's very very good. The vid contains data, interviews with scientists, public hearings and much much more which are all eye openers.

Another vid on the benefits of HCQ combating covid19

Another vid talking about masks

A good article on PCR tests.

An article published by John Hopkins University. The study is very interesting as it not only shows covid19 not being as severe as it's being made out to be, but how deaths from other illnesses have declined this year (when compared to previous years) but Covid19 deaths have risen at the same time. Health authorities have listed all deaths as Covid19 even though most were actually attributed to other illnesses or comorbidities
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Hi Tom,

I read the articles and watched all the videos. None of them are based on actual science and in fact appear to be sourced from anti-vaccination groups. For example The Highwire videos links are presented by Del Bigtree who is a major anti-vaccinator and conspiracy theorist.

Anti-vaccinators became prevalent when there were some alleged links between the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubela) Vaccination and Autism. This link has long since been disproved, why don't they just move on.

Some Covid Conspiracy Theories

Hi all

Here's some more links that relate to the covid19 issue

Another study proving that HCQ works. Why is there a push for vaccines when we have cheap therapeutics?

This video is solely on vaccines. It is long and the start is kinda off subject and almost comedy like, but once he starts talking about various types of vaccines, the side effects and lack of research into the effects, how they get approved, the history and at the end of the vid, the hope for humanity, it's very very good. The vid contains data, interviews with scientists, public hearings and much much more which are all eye openers.

Another vid on the benefits of HCQ combating covid19

Another vid talking about masks

A good article on PCR tests.

An article published by John Hopkins University. The study is very interesting as it not only shows covid19 not being as severe as it's being made out to be, but how deaths from other illnesses have declined this year (when compared to previous years) but Covid19 deaths have risen at the same time. Health authorities have listed all deaths as Covid19 even though most were actually attributed to other illnesses or comorbidities
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The FDA has cautioned against the use of HCQ for Covid19 patients, side effects are many but of principle concerns are the risk of heart and eye damage.

Sweden's Herd Immunity approach is failing, I am grateful that Australia did not adopt this method that is costing thousands of lives.

My cousin the conspiracy theorist claims Sweden has done a tremendous job in handling COVID and the US should do the same..............yeah; no.

He also claims COVID is mostly a hoax that worldwide governments are using to control the population.

Yeah..................again, no.

Fauci said he thinks once the vaccine gets distributed, we here in the US should be able to start to get on the path to some sort of normalcy around April, but will be slow process........

So about one year of this bullshit.

I'm getting my vaccine as soon as it's made available to me; I'm funny that way.

Once I get it and the number of new cases/deaths per day is reported as 0/0 for a good month or so, I'll stop wearing my mask too.

But hey, once again I'm funny that way.

You know; in the "I don't want to ****ing get sick and die" way.
Hi Tom,

I read the articles and watched all the videos. None of them are based on actual science and in fact appear to be sourced from anti-vaccination groups. For example The Highwire videos links are presented by Del Bigtree who is a major anti-vaccinator and conspiracy theorist.

Anti-vaccinators became prevalent when there were some alleged links between the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubela) Vaccination and Autism. This link has long since been disproved, why don't they just move on.

Some Covid Conspiracy Theories

You just don't know what to believe. I don't think we will know the whole truth in our lifetimes. One thing is certain and that is there are a lot of people out there with their own agendas.
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