COVID the 3rd (8 Viewers)

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Yesterday my wife and I finally decided not to host our family's traditional Thanksgiving dinner as we have always done. This will be the first time in our lives that we have not shared Thanksgiving Day with family. We made our decision for these reasons: We are both 72, my wife is diabetic, 3 of our grandchildren are college age and socially active, 3 of our grandchildren are between the ages of 10 & 15 and active with their friends, our two son-in-laws and one of our daughters are school teachers and are in front of a classroom every other week, my wife's mother is 92 and is currently recovering from partial hip surgery, we would have 15 people in our house, some staying overnight if we hosted the dinner. Just to much uncertainty, and not enough guaranteed social distancing and sanitation precautions for us. Hopefully we will feel better about a family gathering by Christmas.

My parents were coming, but we just mutually decided to cancel their trip. They are pretty young 80 year olds. Not worth the risk.
My wife is cooking a second dinner that we will deliver to her mother's house, like we did for the Jewish Holidays. Her mom is 80 and a cancer survivor, so we absolutely cannot risk having her to our house, especially with our kids still attending school 2-3 days a week so potentially being exposed, no matter how careful they, and the school, have been.
Hi all

I haven't been on TF for a while, mainly due to the Covid19 issue and things going on in my life at the moment. I'm fine and so is my family and by and large Covid19 has not affected me greatly although the decisions by our local Govt has been questionable to say the least.

In the early days of the Covid19 outbreak, the virus looked serious and I like most people took it seriously and complied with the rules. However, as the months dragged on, I have researched Covid19 and found that something just doesn't add up. The early modelling of the virus warned of a high death rate but this has been proven to be woefully inaccurate. It still needs to be taken seriously, especially the elderly and people with comorbidities but it's not a deadly killer that our Govt leaders, health bureaucrats and most media outlets make it out to be. Many doctors, scientists, other medical experts, experts from other fields of expertise and some leaders and politicians are speaking out against the Covid19 narrative worldwide. I believe there's a bigger agenda going on so I'm keeping my eyes open and ear to the ground on events in Australia and around the world.

From what I have learnt, the average cloth masks provide bugger all protection and can actually do harm if worn for long periods of time. A statistic recently came out that up to 80% of people that wore masks all the time still caught Covid19. Nasty bacteria can form around masks and lead to severe illnesses. Studies have found that children can be vulnerable to brain development issues later in life from prolonged mask wearing. Babies also learn about human interaction from facial expressions, so masks are taking away this important life learning experience. Lockdowns certainly don't work and some vaccines are harmful and can cause serious side effects in people. There's also evidence that flu vaccines may have contributed to some Covid deaths and illnesses. I have learnt disturbing info on what they are putting into the new Covid19 vaccines so for me I'm very wary about them. Society has been going away from natural medicine for decades and we are constantly being told that vaccines will solve all our health issues.

It has been proven that Zinc, Vitamins C, D ect are very effective against viruses and a 65 year old safe drug called Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), when combined with Zinc and an antibiotic in the early stages of patients contracting Covid, have helped and in most cases cured people from the virus. There's numerous studies, clinical trials, doctors and scientists from around the world that have verified this. The reason why people are getting sick and even dying from Covid19 depends on many factors. The natural immunity in most elderly people decline through age and many suffer from one or more comorbidities. It's a fact in the US (from the CDC website) that only 6% of people have actually died from Covid19, the rest have died from other illnesses but had Covid in their systems. In other words, they died with Covid19, but not directly from it. Another interesting fact and this is also on the CDC website, is that Covid19 hasn't been isolated so does that mean it doesn't exist? What is it then and what are we dealing with? These are the questions that need to be answered.

Moving on from that, younger people can also be affected from Covid19 but statistically most (around 99.96%) will be fine. These statistics can easily be found on reputable websites. Again, comorbidities come into play and lifestyle, unhealthy living (obesity, diabetes ect), eating unhealthy foods, lack of vitamins, lack of exercise, smoking ect all contribute to someone getting sick from Covid19 and any flu virus for that matter as the natural immune system is completely worn down. There's plenty of evidence supporting this. Another thing to consider is herd immunity. We have been doing this for centuries but for some reason this year we have gone down the lockdown route. Sweden is a classic example of herd immunity success despite inaccurate criticism from the media, Govt leaders and other people with an agenda. It's natural to be exposed to viruses, that's how your body builds up immunity.

So with all this in mind, why are countries still locking down, why are there mask mandates and why is big pharma, Govt's, Bill Gates etc pushing vaccines and even suggesting vaccine mandates? Govt's everywhere are locking down again based on rising cases but is the Covid19 testing accurate? The inventor of the PCR test has stated that it's not designed to test accurately for Covid19. There's evidence from people that have provided samples, not from themselves, but from a piece of fruit or other items and they are then told they have Covid19! They did this as they were suspicious about the testing process. As for the rising cases, how many people are actually getting very sick once diagnosed? The death rate is still very low from the statistics. I have even read that the influenza rates are being combined with Covid19 rates to drive up statistics.

It appears to me big pharma and other corporations are making a lot of money off Covid19 and Govt's are getting more control over people. That is why they don't want HCQ or other cheap preventatives such as Ivermectin to be rolled out everywhere as it will end the virus, the vaccine companies won't make money and Govt's won't be able to justify lockdowns and tight rules and laws on their populations.

In Australia our leaders have not managed the crisis well and it has damaged our economy immensely with lockdowns, state border closures and even a draconian curfew in the state of Victoria which has the distinction as having the world's longest lockdown, but the least amount of cases and deaths when compared to other cities and jurisdictions around the world. The damage has not only been economic, but there are serious issues with depression, mental illnesses and suicides, family violence and people not getting other illnesses such as cancers attended too. Thousands of small businesses have suffered with many never to reopen. The Govt has borrowed nearly a trillion dollars to prop up the economy, support furloughed workers and many businesses and industries that were forced into lockdown. It has been a shambles and the Federal Govt still has a draconian international travel ban in place preventing Australian citizens from leaving unless they can provide a good reason. Australia is the only country in the world that has done this. It's a violation of a person's human right and freedom of movement but other rights have been violated in Australia including free speech. In the state of Victoria, they fined and/or arrested people for doing simple things such as peaceful protests against the Covid19 narrative (even arrests and fines if you posted online such as Facebook). This is despite the science and facts proving that the laws and health directives are based on inaccurate information. Australia is supposed to be a democracy and free country but we are turning into a socialist country where our rights and freedoms are being violated.

If this was a true pandemic where the science and all doctors and medical experts agree that the virus is deadly and kills people of all ages indiscriminately or everyone gets seriously sick, then yes, freedoms and people's rights do need to be put aside. But Covid19 has been proven to be not as deadly as first thought and yet the hysteria and draconian rules continue in many countries and states worldwide. My parents are elderly so I have a vested interest in their well being but I also realise that the approach we are currently using is destructive and is not based on medical science. I'm not suggesting we should do nothing, I believe in protecting our elderly and vulnerable and having a common sense approach to the virus.

I could go on forever but I'll wind it up by saying everyone should do research on everything that has to do with Covid19 so you are aware of all the facts. I also suggest people look into Globalization and the World Economic Forum agenda as what they want to implement worldwide is extremely concerning. I have included a number of links below on facemasks, lockdowns, herd immunity, Great Barrington Declaration, WEF agenda ect if you wish to research.

This is my only post on this. Those that know me can see that I'm level headed and not a conspiracy theorist. I'm also not an anti vaxxer by the way. I base my opinions on medical science and facts, something that many in our Govt's are not doing.

















The above post is so full of inaccuracies and half truths that it would take a while to write a post analyzing each statement. Instead, I will focus on two. Tom seems to think that Hydroxychloroquine is effective in fighting COVID 19. It is not. Studies have shown that it does not provide any benefits to patients hospitalized with COVID. See

Tom seems to think Sweden is a good case model for fighting the virus. It isn’t. Cases are rising faster there than in any other country. See

Lastly, Tom seems to think that the number of deaths aren’t terrible. Tell that to the people who have died or families who have lost a member. In the US that number is 245,000 and counting.
I dunno...
according to the article Brad sent...
these are super freezers...
incredibly low temp...
not so easy to make...

About halfway down this article is a paragraph on freezer requirements, Stories&pgtype=Homepage

According to the article, the CDC has told state and localities not to buy ultracold freezers for now since the Pfizer vaccine will be shipped in coolers with dry ice that can keep it viable for up to 15 days with re-icing; it can then last five additional days in a conventional freezer. But many academic medical centers and other hospitals that can afford it are acquiring colder freezers anyway, setting up a have and have not scenario.
this is discouraging...

building these freezers in mass quantities could be an issue in distributing the vaccines to each city around the US...

50 states and 20,000 cities in this country...

it wasn't that long ago that American factories couldn't even keep up with the toilet paper and bottled water needs of it's citizens...

building sub zero freezers may be a bit more complicated...

hope Biden/Trump....whomever... gets started on them in a timely fashion...might delay us getting the vaccine asap...

dry ice might steal the show...
Hi all

I haven't been on TF for a while, mainly due to the Covid19 issue and things going on in my life at the moment. I'm fine and so is my family and by and large Covid19 has not affected me greatly although the decisions by our local Govt has been questionable to say the least.

In the early days of the Covid19 outbreak, the virus looked serious and I like most people took it seriously and complied with the rules. However, as the months dragged on, I have researched Covid19 and found that something just doesn't add up. The early modelling of the virus warned of a high death rate but this has been proven to be woefully inaccurate. It still needs to be taken seriously, especially the elderly and people with comorbidities but it's not a deadly killer that our Govt leaders, health bureaucrats and most media outlets make it out to be. Many doctors, scientists, other medical experts, experts from other fields of expertise and some leaders and politicians are speaking out against the Covid19 narrative worldwide. I believe there's a bigger agenda going on so I'm keeping my eyes open and ear to the ground on events in Australia and around the world.

From what I have learnt, the average cloth masks provide bugger all protection and can actually do harm if worn for long periods of time. A statistic recently came out that up to 80% of people that wore masks all the time still caught Covid19. Nasty bacteria can form around masks and lead to severe illnesses. Studies have found that children can be vulnerable to brain development issues later in life from prolonged mask wearing. Babies also learn about human interaction from facial expressions, so masks are taking away this important life learning experience. Lockdowns certainly don't work and some vaccines are harmful and can cause serious side effects in people. There's also evidence that flu vaccines may have contributed to some Covid deaths and illnesses. I have learnt disturbing info on what they are putting into the new Covid19 vaccines so for me I'm very wary about them. Society has been going away from natural medicine for decades and we are constantly being told that vaccines will solve all our health issues.

It has been proven that Zinc, Vitamins C, D ect are very effective against viruses and a 65 year old safe drug called Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), when combined with Zinc and an antibiotic in the early stages of patients contracting Covid, have helped and in most cases cured people from the virus. There's numerous studies, clinical trials, doctors and scientists from around the world that have verified this. The reason why people are getting sick and even dying from Covid19 depends on many factors. The natural immunity in most elderly people decline through age and many suffer from one or more comorbidities. It's a fact in the US (from the CDC website) that only 6% of people have actually died from Covid19, the rest have died from other illnesses but had Covid in their systems. In other words, they died with Covid19, but not directly from it. Another interesting fact and this is also on the CDC website, is that Covid19 hasn't been isolated so does that mean it doesn't exist? What is it then and what are we dealing with? These are the questions that need to be answered.

Moving on from that, younger people can also be affected from Covid19 but statistically most (around 99.96%) will be fine. These statistics can easily be found on reputable websites. Again, comorbidities come into play and lifestyle, unhealthy living (obesity, diabetes ect), eating unhealthy foods, lack of vitamins, lack of exercise, smoking ect all contribute to someone getting sick from Covid19 and any flu virus for that matter as the natural immune system is completely worn down. There's plenty of evidence supporting this. Another thing to consider is herd immunity. We have been doing this for centuries but for some reason this year we have gone down the lockdown route. Sweden is a classic example of herd immunity success despite inaccurate criticism from the media, Govt leaders and other people with an agenda. It's natural to be exposed to viruses, that's how your body builds up immunity.

So with all this in mind, why are countries still locking down, why are there mask mandates and why is big pharma, Govt's, Bill Gates etc pushing vaccines and even suggesting vaccine mandates? Govt's everywhere are locking down again based on rising cases but is the Covid19 testing accurate? The inventor of the PCR test has stated that it's not designed to test accurately for Covid19. There's evidence from people that have provided samples, not from themselves, but from a piece of fruit or other items and they are then told they have Covid19! They did this as they were suspicious about the testing process. As for the rising cases, how many people are actually getting very sick once diagnosed? The death rate is still very low from the statistics. I have even read that the influenza rates are being combined with Covid19 rates to drive up statistics.

It appears to me big pharma and other corporations are making a lot of money off Covid19 and Govt's are getting more control over people. That is why they don't want HCQ or other cheap preventatives such as Ivermectin to be rolled out everywhere as it will end the virus, the vaccine companies won't make money and Govt's won't be able to justify lockdowns and tight rules and laws on their populations.

In Australia our leaders have not managed the crisis well and it has damaged our economy immensely with lockdowns, state border closures and even a draconian curfew in the state of Victoria which has the distinction as having the world's longest lockdown, but the least amount of cases and deaths when compared to other cities and jurisdictions around the world. The damage has not only been economic, but there are serious issues with depression, mental illnesses and suicides, family violence and people not getting other illnesses such as cancers attended too. Thousands of small businesses have suffered with many never to reopen. The Govt has borrowed nearly a trillion dollars to prop up the economy, support furloughed workers and many businesses and industries that were forced into lockdown. It has been a shambles and the Federal Govt still has a draconian international travel ban in place preventing Australian citizens from leaving unless they can provide a good reason. Australia is the only country in the world that has done this. It's a violation of a person's human right and freedom of movement but other rights have been violated in Australia including free speech. In the state of Victoria, they fined and/or arrested people for doing simple things such as peaceful protests against the Covid19 narrative (even arrests and fines if you posted online such as Facebook). This is despite the science and facts proving that the laws and health directives are based on inaccurate information. Australia is supposed to be a democracy and free country but we are turning into a socialist country where our rights and freedoms are being violated.

If this was a true pandemic where the science and all doctors and medical experts agree that the virus is deadly and kills people of all ages indiscriminately or everyone gets seriously sick, then yes, freedoms and people's rights do need to be put aside. But Covid19 has been proven to be not as deadly as first thought and yet the hysteria and draconian rules continue in many countries and states worldwide. My parents are elderly so I have a vested interest in their well being but I also realise that the approach we are currently using is destructive and is not based on medical science. I'm not suggesting we should do nothing, I believe in protecting our elderly and vulnerable and having a common sense approach to the virus.

I could go on forever but I'll wind it up by saying everyone should do research on everything that has to do with Covid19 so you are aware of all the facts. I also suggest people look into Globalization and the World Economic Forum agenda as what they want to implement worldwide is extremely concerning. I have included a number of links below on facemasks, lockdowns, herd immunity, Great Barrington Declaration, WEF agenda ect if you wish to research.

This is my only post on this. Those that know me can see that I'm level headed and not a conspiracy theorist. I'm also not an anti vaxxer by the way. I base my opinions on medical science and facts, something that many in our Govt's are not doing.


Great posts most people don't want to see the truths.
Lastly, Tom seems to think that the number of deaths aren’t terrible. Tell that to the people who have died or families who have lost a member. In the US that number is 245,000 and counting.[/QUOTE]
That's also true for the 8000 + deaths in the US everyday from other causes. What's that over 2.5 million so far this year.
The above post is so full of inaccuracies and half truths that it would take a while to write a post analyzing each statement. Instead, I will focus on two. Tom seems to think that Hydroxychloroquine is effective in fighting COVID 19. It is not. Studies have shown that it does not provide any benefits to patients hospitalized with COVID. See
Many studies and real life cases dispute this. I've seen doctors on tv whose parents have been saved by this. It may not work 100 % but nothing does. The French have used it with great success.
Interesting post by Tom and as Brad says too many aspects to comment on in depth. However a few I will.

a) Hydroxychloroquine - once Trump mentioned it positively it became highly political. I recall reading that some Dr's in Australia were taking it themselves but it was then made illegal to prescribe it. I also saw a report that Switzerland was using it with good results but stopped doing so after the backlash once Trump mentioned it. However they later approved its use again after seeing negative results after stopping its use. Might not work for everyone but it has been in use for many years. I dont know enough but one thing is very obvious. Big pharma would not be very happy if it was found to be useful in helping patients. Billions are going to be made out of vaccines for this virus.

b) I understand there are 4 different vaccines that may be used in Australia. I am not an anti vaxxer either but I am in no hurry to be one of the first.

c) Probably the biggest irritant to me has been inconsistencies. For example numbers in churches and cinemas at one stage was ridiculously low when easy to seperate people as in a restaurant. People from Sydney cant visit state of Queensland but Qlders can visit parts of New South Wales where they can mix with people from Sydney and then return to Qld. Here in our state, Queensland, we have the biggest sporting event of the year (state of Origin) on Wednesday. Strange how the Chief Health Officer has decided to lift various restrictions 24 hours before the game to allow a full stadium (plus 200 at funerals and weddings).

d) Tom mentioned the CDC saying only 6% died of Covid as opposed to with Covid. The situation in Australia has been significantly different to USA. 90% of the deaths have been in one state, Victoria, and most of those, 700 odd, have been in aged care homes. The Chief Health Officer VIC has also said similar to CDC in that if died with Covid it counts as a Covid death. The average age has been over 80 and many had other medical issues. However the statistic I would want to see is how many in those aged care homes died of other causes in the same period and compared to the previous year. Only with those stats can we see the real picture. On a similar subject I have seen multiple stories in Qld saying how the Dr's and Nurses have saved the state and working flat out etc. Does not fit in with comments from an ICU nurse I know who says very few patients, empty wards and staff being forced to take leave. Same from a newspaper article about an ICU nurse in another major hospital. All we have heard is Covid Covid Covid but the Chief Health Officer never mentions delayed operations and check ups etc.

e) Being an ex cop I tend to be very pro police. However, as Tom mentioned, their actions in relation to peaceful anti Government protests in one particular state has been way out of line (including arresting a pregnant woman at home for a facebook post and false arrest of an accredited journalist). Strangely if you protest about other things social distancing and being fined etc is not an issue.

Anyway been an interesting year to say the least !.
Last week Texas hit 1 million cases.

My friends in California scoffed and pointed out how Texas reopened too soon etc.

A day and a half later California with the strictest lockdown measures in the country recorded 1 million cases.

Again, the pandemic does not care about politics, holidays and contrived sentimental attempts at stopping it.

A vaccine is the answer because like the virus it could careless about human emotions. The virus kills, the vaccine protects via science without concern or influence from anything else.
Hi all

Lockdowns certainly don't work and some vaccines are harmful and can cause serious side effects in people.


In Australia our leaders have not managed the crisis well and it has damaged our economy immensely with lockdowns, state border closures and even a draconian curfew in the state of Victoria which has the distinction as having the world's longest lockdown, but the least amount of cases and deaths when compared to other cities and jurisdictions around the world. The damage has not only been economic, but there are serious issues with depression, mental illnesses and suicides, family violence and people not getting other illnesses such as cancers attended too. Thousands of small businesses have suffered with many never to reopen. The Govt has borrowed nearly a trillion dollars to prop up the economy, support furloughed workers and many businesses and industries that were forced into lockdown. It has been a shambles and the Federal Govt still has a draconian international travel ban in place preventing Australian citizens from leaving unless they can provide a good reason. Australia is the only country in the world that has done this. It's a violation of a person's human right and freedom of movement but other rights have been violated in Australia including free speech. In the state of Victoria, they fined and/or arrested people for doing simple things such as peaceful protests against the Covid19 narrative (even arrests and fines if you posted online such as Facebook). This is despite the science and facts proving that the laws and health directives are based on inaccurate information. Australia is supposed to be a democracy and free country but we are turning into a socialist country where our rights and freedoms are being violated.


This is probably venturing into politics but you seem to be contradicting yourself here.

It's hard to see how the Second lockdown in Victoria didn't work. They went from 725 new cases on 6th August to zero cases and zero deaths for the last sixteen days yesterday. Yes it has been tough for the Victorians and I acknowledge the economic and social costs, but can you honestly say that it didn't work?

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With vaccines underway - time to use the govt to make freezers. We made mask, ventilators, etc... use the same initiative to start freezer production
With vaccines underway - time to use the govt to make freezers. We made mask, ventilators, etc... use the same initiative to start freezer production

they need to start manufacturing these freezers post haste...
operation warp speed like they went after ventilators and a vaccine...
Having read every post on this thread, particularly those of Tom, Brad and Mark, the one thing I take from the news media and on-line news reporting of the Covid situation is confusion. I can only conclude that the confusion results from negligent or intentional misinformation being foisted upon us by (often completely disreputable) news sources. I try to follow all of the mainstream media sources, as well as reading the links the my good freind Tom (TomNT) frequently texts me. The mainstream media (with one notable exception) reports Dr. Fauci's (and frankly the vast majority of the medical community's) position that mask wearing and social distancing are the most effective available ways to slow the spread of the virus and prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. Tom's on line sources dispute this and make the (obviously incorrect) claim that 80% of people wearing masks have contracted Covid. I get the feeling that neither the main stream media nor the on line sources accurately report all of the facts. The one thing I would really appreciate in helping me navigate these horrible times is a news outlet that reports all of the claims, fact checks them, and gives the results of the fact-checking. It would be extremely reassuring to knew what every qualified expert who has performed studies or addressed this crisis in the field has to say, and how their opinions stack up to each other from a peer-reviewed perspective.

Without access to such a source, I am going to continue to social distance and wear a mask whenever I leave my home. I guess my family and I are among the lucky 20% of mask wearers who have not contracted the virus. That being said, any potential treatment should be explored, and, if not harmfull, used, if only for the placibo effect. I will await the availability (and demonstrated efficacy) of the vaccines, and hope that they finally put this Covid mess behind us.
The above post is so full of inaccuracies and half truths that it would take a while to write a post analyzing each statement. Instead, I will focus on two. Tom seems to think that Hydroxychloroquine is effective in fighting COVID 19. It is not. Studies have shown that it does not provide any benefits to patients hospitalized with COVID. See
Many studies and real life cases dispute this. I've seen doctors on tv whose parents have been saved by this. It may not work 100 % but nothing does. The French have used it with great success.

No, it’s been shown that in most studies / cases it was the steroids that had the biggest impact. Most of the ones that showed some effects could not make a causal link or did not account for other factors.
For me I have a lot of confusion on COVID. I don't care about the inconvenient rules, wearing a mask is easy, hand santizer is easy, keeping distant is very easy! I do have a problem with the inconsistent information and inconsistent rules. One thing is for sure - and numbers don't lie - the examples of Texas and California are quite telling - different rules, same result.

I do question the number of positives we have in Maryland at the moment and now I just saw locally, there is question about whether the tests are now picking up a common cold strain and mistaking it for COVID. Yet, we just restricted our rules again.................I can't help but continuing to say this is blind leading blind in this response. As I said many times, I would recommend that individuals make their own decisions within the rules and do what your risk/reward balance makes comfortable because you probably know as much as the experts.

One thing is for certain in my mind, if I would get it and have symptoms, I want what they gave President Trump - man is 74 years old and rebounded with the energy of a 25 year old so whatever that treatment is , it seemed to work.

The reality is that maybe everyone is right and everyone is wrong to some degree. Experts in these fields have differing opinions. Doesn't mean that one side or the other is wrong. Just means this is very complicated. WHO just recently said lockdowns are bad but here we go again with the lockdowns again and I know a lot of people who are really really fed up with this stuff so what is right? Who the f**k knows.
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