COVID the 3rd (23 Viewers)

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John . . . Outstanding commentary. I always enjoy reading your posts but this is one of your best. I have learned many things in my 72 years of existence and one of the things I have realized is that we should all live our lives as if we are on borrowed time . . . because we are. So glad you are doing well.
Very sorry to hear what you went through......without going into detail I recently endured seven months of surgeries and procedures due to doctor screw ups and bad luck. I also experienced pain and spasms and reactions to antibiotics that made me think I wasn't going to make it.
Why people listen to conspiracy mongers, have cult like allegiances to certain individuals and trust pundits and social media more then doctors and researchers is beyond my comprehension! The numbers speak for themselves, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.


This one broke me and I have never been in that mental state ever. A close second was during the First Gulf War, but that was Johnny Jihad time and that mental state is completly different from this one. I didnt have a M203 and all the ammo to protect myself, the training and more importantly the huevos to take them on and nothing to lose. When your in your twenties it is all about the "bring it mutha-efer" mentality" This time around I had nothing to protect myself, no weapons, training and had everything to lose. I was too doped up to say bring it. I was drooling, mouth and throat on fire, couldn't speak and KNEW that I had 24 hours of the heaviest dope in me and I kept questioning in my conscious...HOW? am I going to back under? It is too fast, there is no way, but I could not express that in my state. All I could do was show a thumbs up.

In the end, a 27 or 28 year old USAF female ENT doc saved my life. She came in with her backpack, took out her kit and said "are you ready?" in the calmest and coolest disposition ever. I leaned my head back and when she stepped on that pulse button and let me have it, I was done. Like I said after the fifth burn I broke down and passed out from the pain. I ripped the gurney handle off the bed and the next thing I knew I was lining up for surgery the next morning with tombstones in my eyes.

If this condition was going to last 7 months my friend I don't know how my mentality would take. Well it wouldn't and I am in awe of your resilience and patience. I am a different man today than I was 5 days ago and my meter for pain and suffering is on my the forefront of my mind and I find needless deaths due to COVID is the singles worst waste of life I have ever seen. WHY or WHY are people even considering such a foolish option of "lets wait and see" AS IF you have the luxury of waiting around to see if it will KILL YOU, cause it CAN.

I am angry at these dumb, un-educated people spewing their explanation or theory AND-AND being lauded for it. WHO DAFUQE do you think you are an EXPERT? Because you got a Pod cast or youtube channel or a platform to spew you INGENIOUS ideas. But, right now I just need to recover and get my taste back and relearn how to annunciate and talk. But we need the "THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON DRUGS" public announcement for COVID like "THIS IS YOUR FAMILY WITH OUT AFTER YOU DIED FROM COVID"

Love you brother,

John from Texas
John . . . Outstanding commentary. I always enjoy reading your posts but this is one of your best. I have learned many things in my 72 years of existence and one of the things I have realized is that we should all live our lives as if we are on borrowed time . . . because we are. So glad you are doing well.

Mike, I pray for 72 years of existence and more. Thank you for the compliment as I am just done with all this. Though I was not on the death bed due to COVID this one woke me up now. Yeah, IM WOKE now to how fast you be here today and gone tomorrow. If I could package that experience into a pill, I think I would make a good living, but honestly if I had a pill that could cure any stupid as stupid gets there would still be dummy's out there who wouldn't buy it. In fact, they would discredit it and call it a sham, which by all accounts some members may be thinking about my latest post.

By no means am I picking a fight, its just that is fact, you tell a story or share an experience until you are blue in the face and it won't change hearts and minds. And ain't that America? The country I love? It is and I love my brother and sisters here.

Mike, I took a loan out and look forward to paying it back with double interest. Wouldn't miss a payment for the world.

John from Texas
The mass media refuses to report on any possible connection between the surge of cases in the border states and the open border. It's a taboo subject. I have no idea if there is any correlation because there is such limited information but it's not inconceivable. I suppose it doesn't fit their desired narrative, however. Rural, uneducated southerners must be to blame due to their political affiliation according to the media. Someone who lives down south told me that the local airport was receiving flights full of immigrants. They are being dispersed throughout the region. How many? Who knows? Maybe tens of thousands. How many are vaccinated or infected with the virus? I doubt anyone knows. Just another example of hypocrisy and how this event has been politized to suit the desired political interests of one party or the other as needed.

Just a few fact checks.....
The surge in the Virus cases is due to the new more contagious Delta variant and the refusal of many to get their vaccinations and practice social distancing.

We don't have "open borders" but we do lack a comprehensive immigration policy and do need more resources at our Southern borders. The wave of "human beings " trying to escape poverty, violence, hunger, oppression and Covid is overwhelming.
No one was prepared for this surge and walls or threats will not stop them. Its a dilemma because so many are women and children who are begging for asylum, medical attention and just to be safe. Whats the answer....let them starve, threaten to shoot them?
Many are being sent back to their countries where they will die or lead miserable lives. We need a "Marshall plan" for Latin America or this problem will not go away.
Border states such as Texas and Louisiana have the highest rates of new infections and among the lowest rates of vaccinations (although vaccinations have gone up recently). So why don't people in these border states who fear the immigrants spreading the virus rush out to get their vaccinations?

As far as "politicizing" this virus we know that 86% of registered Democrats are vaccinated while only 53% of Republicans are. As Americans first it should be 99% vaccinated no matter how you vote. If our vaccination rate was over 80% this virus would be under control and there would be much less chance of variants developing.

I am an equal opportunity critic and we can all debate causes and reactions but bottom line as John says, "get vaccinated" and use common sense to stay safe.
I've said this before and I will say it again . . . People who believe without reason can not be convinced otherwise with reason . . .
Wow, what a post............

I'm sitting here all choked up reading what you wrote about your experience and your thoughts on the current state of this country.

Get better and Gods speed to you.

I am done trying to talk sense into people who have none, those who continue to choose not to get vaccinated in spite of the surge this country is currently going through (and it's going to get worse before it gets better).

The Pfizer vaccine is going to get full FDA approval on or about September 6th; I don't see that moving the needle enough to make a real difference; take for example my brain dead cousin, as much as I love him, I'm done with him, he's wearing his anti vaccine stance like some half assed badge of honor ("the government isn't telling me what to do").

No doubt in my mind; we're smack dab in the middle of yet another Civil War in this country.

Like the first one, it never, ever should have come to this, other countries don't have enough doses of the vaccine for people who want it, here in this country we have more than we need thanks to people who refuse to get it.

But here we are.
The real conspiracy is the origins of the virus

That question has quite a few implications

I love you brother. If this administration is a disgrace what was the last one...a success? I have no ill will towards you or anyone, but to go straight for the juggular on blaming an entire administration for the COVID surge is just too easy. I took that easy route on the last administration and rightly so because they had the sorriest of attitudes towards the COVid response..."it will just disappear, use bleach" blah, blah, blah. I talked about having the proper attitude on this thread ad nauseam and the polis, media and groupies just continue to hang on to what's good ink for their shows, blog or papers. Can we not see it for what it is?

It is all BULL ****.

Anyway, I am no longer (and really haven't been) a us versus them type of guy, that gets the group no where. So, I have changed my mentality to what's good for John from Texas, his loved ones and friends. If those ideals don't align with others its okay, I ain't mad at ya and I respect ya for you and yours. You do want you think is right, but so far what we have done as a family is working just well. Remember, my wife contracted breast cancer right before COVID hit and we dealing with that and COVID at the same time. Talk about HIGH anxiety and a double whammy! But we made it through...she made it all the precautions, safety measures we heeded did the trick and yup it could have been worse. ALOT worse.

I am sad to read about the Councilman in Galveston who beat the "burn the mask" drums and died the other day from COVID. He was 45 and leaves behind a wife and 6 year old. I don't think he ever imagined he wouldn't be around, yet drank the Jim Jones kool-aid of being an anti-masker, anti-vaxer and anti-everything proud Texan. That obviously doesn't matter anymore, but what does matter is that his child no longer has a dad. A wife no longer has a husband and family is with out their son. That ain't worth it in my books, I would rather live a long age and see my family grow than pow-wow into a orgasmic frenzy of ANTI-WHATEVER just to align yourself with a group mentality of were one goes, we all go. Well, that mantra seems to be taking followers into the grave and the death business is a booming.

To me, right now, I am in a different place and I will tell you why. I had a tonsillectomy recently and became the "1 in 20" that has complications. "Complications" is an understatement because what basically happened from last Wednesday was that I had three tonsillectomy's in 5 days, two of which I went under for and one of which I awake and watched a hot barbed cauterization poker sear the back of my throat to stop uncontrollable bleeding that if not stopped would send me into Hemoptysis, which if not controlled means you choke and your own blood and die. Yup, that is where I was at on Sunday night and watched and smelled smoke coming out of my throat 5 times before I passed out from the pain. The bottom line:

this procedure broke me physically and mentally.

One-I had no idea how much pain tolerance I had (which apparently I get the gold medal for) and two this episodic experience highlighted my awareness. Awareness that I knew in short order by the voice inflections and response from the ER ENT that I was in bad shape and on my way down a slippery slope. Later that morning I went back into the OR for the third surgery, but had so many chemicals in my body I had no idea how they were going to put me under again and frankly I cried when they wheeled me into the OR because I did not know if I would come out of it alive. My logic was simple: how much can a 49 year old male take in 5 days? Three surgeries? In the smallest and softest part of the body? My body was filled with liters of pain killers, morphine, dope, and whatever else they needed me to be on. My blood pressure was 190 over 99 for HOURS on end.

FEAR my friends is what broke me. FEAR of not knowing if I will see my wife again, or see my Daughter enter Texas A&M this fall or see my son enter the University of Miami this fall for Pre med school. FEAR humbled me and I didn't even have COVID. Which brings me to my point:

Until you experience near death, you really never know how you will deal with it. All I saw was surgical lights and thinking this is the last thing I may see. I had no strength to think of anything else, but the FEAR of knowing this is it and the next 15 minutes will determine if my children are fatherless for the rest of their lives over a freaking tonsillectomy gone wrong was unfathomable. Whats worse is that this tonsillectomy was a long overdue "elective" surgery. When I came to I wept not out of pain, but out of relief that I would go another day.

All I can say is I wish that fear on no man and those people who are on ventilators breathing their last breathes KNOWING this is too much to bear. I ask all of you...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...NOT to put yourself in that position because you want to join the club of being a anti-whatever. It is the single dumbest mindset any rational person can have, but you don't have to believe me and you can simply go find out for yourself or gamble with your heath. Go ahead.

Oh and by the way, FEAR is free and so is death. But the cost to those you leave behind is a debt you will never be able to repay because there are no refunds in death. I hope to never have to think about that again until my last OLD dyeing days.

Get vaccinated and I love you all.

John from Texas

Hi John,
Actually the previous administration was a pretty good one until Minneapolis and Covid hit which I believe was planned chaos to get Trump out.Minneapolis wasn't planned until Floyd was killed but certain elements took advantage of it.It's just not covid but the border has went to hell as you more than I should know.First thing they did when they took office was knock people out of good paying jobs.People forget which administration got the vaccines made or who had peace treaties made.Getting back to covid the last I heard an average 300 people per day was dying which is tragic but 600+ cancer patients and 1800+ heart disease patients die daily.I myself found out in February that I had prostrate cancer,was operated on in March and back to work in April so my mind was on other things besides this **** virus. There have been other pandemics and will continue to be and no other generation has went as nuts as this one.You cannot continue to control people using scare tactics.I got my vaccines because I chose to.To those who don't that's the chance they are taking.As far as mask they have become a hated object in all this.As Fauci said in a private email that most masks are worthless but everyone seems to forget that he said this.What is strange to me that all the people that said the vaccines were great and everything was wonderful have now flipped flopped and people are actually still listening to them.Is it because of the Delta variant are maybe elections are coming up again.I do respect your opinion John which is what our country is all about.All the very best to you and your family.
Just a few fact checks.....
The surge in the Virus cases is due to the new more contagious Delta variant and the refusal of many to get their vaccinations and practice social distancing.

We don't have "open borders" but we do lack a comprehensive immigration policy and do need more resources at our Southern borders. The wave of "human beings " trying to escape poverty, violence, hunger, oppression and Covid is overwhelming.
No one was prepared for this surge and walls or threats will not stop them. Its a dilemma because so many are women and children who are begging for asylum, medical attention and just to be safe. Whats the answer....let them starve, threaten to shoot them?
Many are being sent back to their countries where they will die or lead miserable lives. We need a "Marshall plan" for Latin America or this problem will not go away.
Border states such as Texas and Louisiana have the highest rates of new infections and among the lowest rates of vaccinations (although vaccinations have gone up recently). So why don't people in these border states who fear the immigrants spreading the virus rush out to get their vaccinations?

As far as "politicizing" this virus we know that 86% of registered Democrats are vaccinated while only 53% of Republicans are. As Americans first it should be 99% vaccinated no matter how you vote. If our vaccination rate was over 80% this virus would be under control and there would be much less chance of variants developing.

I am an equal opportunity critic and we can all debate causes and reactions but bottom line as John says, "get vaccinated" and use common sense to stay safe.
We disagree on some things but a Marshall plan for Latin America would be great.Just giving money to the governments down there will never solve the problem.
We disagree on some things but a Marshall plan for Latin America would be great.Just giving money to the governments down there will never solve the problem.

I am a solution driven person.....hating and blaming are a waste of time, we have to be part of the solution.
I agree that just throwing money at countries doesn't work. We need the public and private sectors to work together on this.
These small Latin American countries need industries and jobs, infrastructure, health care and security. Very tough to do with some
of these dictators and corrupt governments. But as long as there is such poverty and violence the migrations will not stop.
What would we all do if we saw our children starving and in danger?
Hi John,
Actually the previous administration was a pretty good one until Minneapolis and Covid hit which I believe was planned chaos to get Trump out.Minneapolis wasn't planned until Floyd was killed but certain elements took advantage of it.It's just not covid but the border has went to hell as you more than I should know.First thing they did when they took office was knock people out of good paying jobs.People forget which administration got the vaccines made or who had peace treaties made.Getting back to covid the last I heard an average 300 people per day was dying which is tragic but 600+ cancer patients and 1800+ heart disease patients die daily.I myself found out in February that I had prostrate cancer,was operated on in March and back to work in April so my mind was on other things besides this **** virus. There have been other pandemics and will continue to be and no other generation has went as nuts as this one.You cannot continue to control people using scare tactics.I got my vaccines because I chose to.To those who don't that's the chance they are taking.As far as mask they have become a hated object in all this.As Fauci said in a private email that most masks are worthless but everyone seems to forget that he said this.What is strange to me that all the people that said the vaccines were great and everything was wonderful have now flipped flopped and people are actually still listening to them.Is it because of the Delta variant are maybe elections are coming up again.I do respect your opinion John which is what our country is all about.All the very best to you and your family.

You really think that Covid was "planned chaos to get Trump out?"
I would love to debate you on the merits and failures of the previous administration but this is not the place. "Warp speed" was a good thing even as the vaccines were already in development but then the ball was dropped. Its one thing having vaccines and another getting them into people's arms. So much misinformation, politicizing and miscommunication confused and scared many people. I have plenty of criticism for this current administration but no one can tell me that they are not trying their best to get everyone vaccinated and work with the science and medical communities.
My grandchildren ages 5, 6 and 9 wore masks throughout the last school year and never complained. They will wear masks this fall as well as practice good hygiene and social distancing. The N95 mask is the most effective one and readily available.

Like I say to those angry people out there....hate and blame don't solve anything, be part of the solution. All of us in our own way can help. During the Vietnam War I would see many bumper stickers and signs reading "America, love it or leave it." My bumper sticker read, "America, if you love it work hard to make it better."
My passion is education and I have been a volunteer teacher for over 40 years. My proudest moment was being awarded New York City Volunteer Teacher of the Year in 2014. I teach financial literacy and civics to High School students, many of whom are minorities and kids from challenged neighborhoods.
Time on my hands right now because I can't teach in person. I don't mean to lecture anyone. I don't think I am smarter or better, only that my experiences are different.
The real conspiracy is the origins of the virus

That question has quite a few implications

I don't agree with "conspiracy" but I do think that the virus leaked out of the Wuhan Lab.
I doubt it was intentional but the Chinese Communist government will never admit wrongdoing
and never be completely transparent about the virus.
You really think that Covid was "planned chaos to get Trump out?"
I would love to debate you on the merits and failures of the previous administration but this is not the place. "Warp speed" was a good thing even as the vaccines were already in development but then the ball was dropped. Its one thing having vaccines and another getting them into people's arms. So much misinformation, politicizing and miscommunication confused and scared many people. I have plenty of criticism for this current administration but no one can tell me that they are not trying their best to get everyone vaccinated and work with the science and medical communities.
My grandchildren ages 5, 6 and 9 wore masks throughout the last school year and never complained. They will wear masks this fall as well as practice good hygiene and social distancing. The N95 mask is the most effective one and readily available.

Like I say to those angry people out there....hate and blame don't solve anything, be part of the solution. All of us in our own way can help. During the Vietnam War I would see many bumper stickers and signs reading "America, love it or leave it." My bumper sticker read, "America, if you love it work hard to make it better."
My passion is education and I have been a volunteer teacher for over 40 years. My proudest moment was being awarded New York City Volunteer Teacher of the Year in 2014. I teach financial literacy and civics to High School students, many of whom are minorities and kids from challenged neighborhoods.
Time on my hands right now because I can't teach in person. I don't mean to lecture anyone. I don't think I am smarter or better, only that my experiences are different.

I think everyone's experiences have been different that's why so many different opinions.For me I have had a few family & friends get covid not that bad though so maybe that's why I don't fear it as much as others but some people go over the top.
As far as the previous administration they used the same experts as Biden for the most part. Fauci has been there from the beginning.I'm not saying Biden himself isn't trying to do what's best but there is just too many decisions being made making the same mistakes they did last time.And yes some are using it for political gain,left and right.
Just a few fact checks.....
The surge in the Virus cases is due to the new more contagious Delta variant and the refusal of many to get their vaccinations and practice social distancing.

We don't have "open borders" but we do lack a comprehensive immigration policy and do need more resources at our Southern borders. The wave of "human beings " trying to escape poverty, violence, hunger, oppression and Covid is overwhelming.
No one was prepared for this surge and walls or threats will not stop them. Its a dilemma because so many are women and children who are begging for asylum, medical attention and just to be safe. Whats the answer....let them starve, threaten to shoot them?
Many are being sent back to their countries where they will die or lead miserable lives. We need a "Marshall plan" for Latin America or this problem will not go away.
Border states such as Texas and Louisiana have the highest rates of new infections and among the lowest rates of vaccinations (although vaccinations have gone up recently). So why don't people in these border states who fear the immigrants spreading the virus rush out to get their vaccinations?

As far as "politicizing" this virus we know that 86% of registered Democrats are vaccinated while only 53% of Republicans are. As Americans first it should be 99% vaccinated no matter how you vote. If our vaccination rate was over 80% this virus would be under control and there would be much less chance of variants developing.

I am an equal opportunity critic and we can all debate causes and reactions but bottom line as John says, "get vaccinated" and use common sense to stay safe.


Well since I got my *** handed to me via the tonsillectomy I cannot travel with the wife to Miami for Son #1 college transition. I was supposed be in the clear by now, but the double whammy I got on Sunday basically put me at day zero all over again. Anyway, the plan has come for her and my son to fly to Miami, have the car shipped and since this "hurry up and wait" scenario she has to find him a place (no on campus housing there is a waitlist) furnish it and then split back to Texas to get Daughter #2 sorted out at College Station. Fortunately, she already has a place sorted out with some former soccer teammates who already there...nice joint too.

Back to my response. They are flying first class and she is flying first class back. "Oooo you say...bunch a high rollers coming from Texas to Miami" NO, 50 to 300 undocumented immigrants are flying out of SAT EVERYDAY THAT ARE NOT VACCINATED. So, either you sit in coach SURROUNDED BY POSSIBLE virus shedders or you upgrade to 1st where socially and economically the risk is lower that your 1st class passenger next to you is vaccinated. And that is exactly what it is...PAYING/UPGRADING NOT OUT OF CONVENIENCE OR STATUS, but because you can separate ourselves against a possible risk of infection from a migrant...who...say 3 days ago was in a cattle truck with folks from all of the Latin America if not other parts of the world where access to good medicine/vaccination is a premium. And I don't mean that factiously, I mean it as reality.

One of business partners from Mexico City was here with his ENTIRE family this past Monday (when I was doped up and in hell) to get vaccinated. Because he's got it like that, but his country doesn't. He flew in on Sunday, vaccinated on Monday and flew out Tuesday Morning...all eight of them including grandma AND GRATEFUL!

So, back to the story at hand. We will be flying first class to visit the son #1 and flying son#1 back to SAT to and fro from San Antonio in order to keep him away from possible infection even though he is vaccinated. Oh and by the way this is the pre-med boy who a Germ a phob, so he is relived and grateful too.

The point I am trying to make in this BULL **** attitude is SHUT THE BORDER DOWN PERIOD. For the LOVE OF GOD, DO IT! WE cannot fight this virus battle on two fronts and for once this would be a SOLUTION FOR OUR COUNTRY. A SOLUTION!!!! We cannot be everything to everyone especially since our people are dying...dumb or not. This is NOT a nationalistic view, hardcore, ultra-whatever, anti-whatever, it is SOLUTION. WE NEED A MORATORIUM PERIOD END OF STORY.

We as a country MUST BE ALLOWED TO breathe, TAKE A TIME OUT, go back to the huddle, put our differences aside and say to our future citizens- WAIT, HOLD UP, DONT' WORRY, YOU JUST NEED to have PATIENCE. While saying all this I refuse to easily slip into the darkness of xenophobia...NO...this is a PRATICAL SOLUTION THAT HONESTLY I thought the previous administration would gladly enjoy enacting. But, they didn't which in my opinion was a failure to our National Health and Security. I mean c'mon man? This solution is low hanging fruit and in the mean time our defenders in the Dept of Homeland Security are getting sick left and right, so much so, that our Texas State Troopers are augmenting them and spending six week tours on the Tex/Mex borders. Which costs ALOT of money and the potential of officers losing their lives.


John from TExaS
I don't agree with "conspiracy" but I do think that the virus leaked out of the Wuhan Lab.
I doubt it was intentional but the Chinese Communist government will never admit wrongdoing
and never be completely transparent about the virus.

While we do not know if the virus escaped intentionally from the Wuhan lab or was an accident, China most certainly, deliberately sent out the virus in infected individuals to circulate around the globe with murderous intent. The only question is did they decide to do this when they discovered the viral leak and learned they were in deep****, or was this their endgame from inception of the project?

Hi John,
Actually the previous administration was a pretty good one until Minneapolis and Covid hit which I believe was planned chaos to get Trump out.Minneapolis wasn't planned until Floyd was killed but certain elements took advantage of it.It's just not covid but the border has went to hell as you more than I should know.First thing they did when they took office was knock people out of good paying jobs.People forget which administration got the vaccines made or who had peace treaties made.Getting back to covid the last I heard an average 300 people per day was dying which is tragic but 600+ cancer patients and 1800+ heart disease patients die daily.I myself found out in February that I had prostrate cancer,was operated on in March and back to work in April so my mind was on other things besides this **** virus. There have been other pandemics and will continue to be and no other generation has went as nuts as this one.You cannot continue to control people using scare tactics.I got my vaccines because I chose to.To those who don't that's the chance they are taking.As far as mask they have become a hated object in all this.As Fauci said in a private email that most masks are worthless but everyone seems to forget that he said this.What is strange to me that all the people that said the vaccines were great and everything was wonderful have now flipped flopped and people are actually still listening to them.Is it because of the Delta variant are maybe elections are coming up again.I do respect your opinion John which is what our country is all about.All the very best to you and your family.

Well good or bad ALL administration have their ups and down. Believe you me when I tell you I am the harshest critic of "my guy" whoever that may be and I would love to have a one on one with Obamanos and Bush 43 on how they blew it when it came to immigration when they had it ALL when they started their presidencies.

Prostate cancer is...well all cancers are no joke, but the one to the minerals is something I cannot even imagine dealing with. I salute you for your perseverance, your strength and am grateful to be speaking with you today. Likewise, your a survivor which I am not and I respect you for that. NY it is okay to and your right to be satisfied with the last administration. I on the other hand was not and I am not just talking about the man Im talking about all the enablers who said "yes sir on the her" and left their moral compass on the bathroom floor at home. Shame on them all and that is all I got to say about that because the argument is minutiae at this point and we need to focus on the here and now. The last administration is OLD NEWS and fodder for historians.

Yes, the health crisis of heart disease, diabetes, etc are known facts...KNOWN facts of life and we as a society deal with them and make choices to curb the ones we can. Cancer is the silent killer and can pick anyone as you know. I hate him-cancer that is-and WISH he could be eradicated, but like AIDS, cancer is an endemic. This virus and future ones are preventable and each and every one should be a training ground to prepare for the next one and this one PROVED we as a nation and world were wholly unprepared for what has occurred and we are still learning. HOWEVER COMMA, training NEVER ENDS and like in war you PREPARE FOR WAR TO MAKE PEACE. Protocols, battle plans, logistics, resources, human capital and training the best in our Medical corps is and must ALWAYS be at the forefront. COMPLACENCY KILLS.

We, the US OF A have all the resources and power to do this and we failed miserably and are now cleaning up the FUBAR on this one. We should have been the beacon, the example, the city on the hill to prove to the world we can sort out our differences here in the US and then reach out to our brothers and sisters in the world, who ARE NOT HEAVY and then help them too. NO, it was a circus, side show clown show and if your man would have embraced this as his seminal moment to show that he is the real deal and prove leadership he would have been Prez for three terms. Instead it was his petulant moment and he blew it. The man is bliss to real power and he was given a crisis of epic proportions that could have CEMENTED his place in history as "the guy" who LEAD US OUT of the valley of the shadow of death and if he would have done that even I, yes ME would have saluted him. Saluted I say, not bowed or kowtowed.

Where does this leave us? Well, if the current honcho (s) don't sort out this 5K plus migrants coming out of McCallen, TX everyday we will all inevdiabtely suffer in one shape, form or another. We need a new face other than Fauci. I like the guy, but the time has come for you to step aside and give us another voice to listen too. People genuinely hate this guy and its a shame. If I was in the decision maker room, I would seek out another face to send the message. He has run his course and its time to pass the torch to the next generation of scientist. It is simple politics and a fact of the game. And we have to stopped being everything to everybody...PERIOD.

Civil War? Maybe a civil conflict but not with cannons and ****. This will be all sorted out on line because EVERY ONE and dummies too have access to a platform. You just gotta realize who's a waste of your hearing and who is not. ALEXANDER HAMILTON wrote about Factions endlessly and he was right as here we are now. People love factions, cults and whatever, but when they realize they don't pay the bills or can send you to the slammer for 10 to 20 years, people find Jesus all of sudden and there are about 500 of them waiting for their court date right now after Jan 6th. There same ARROGANT live streaming and endless posting on the very outlet they thought was supposed be there "right" put them on international blast and "just like that" they got all the fame and notoriety they ever wanted. I hope it was worth it and finally realize they were STOOOPID.

In the end can we all just soldier up? No, cause it too hard.

John from Texas
While we do not know if the virus escaped intentionally from the Wuhan lab or was an accident, China most certainly, deliberately sent out the virus in infected individuals to circulate around the globe with murderous intent. The only question is did they decide to do this when they discovered the viral leak and learned they were in deep****, or was this their endgame from inception of the project?



China can't even land a jet on an aircraft carrier. Well, they port...during the day and have a whopping six pilots who can do it.

They are really not that sophisticated and yes to they deliberately sent it out and yes they had intent (remember the Hong Kong protest? COVID shut that down worked!) they will never admit it and now the story is our military did it and want the WHO to investigate gosh darnit.

They are so inept that they got caught in Iowa stealing corn seeds. Hard times man and to the lengths they will go to cheat, steal and lie.

That the worst kind of evil.

I believe the common chinese "joe" is a good dude, but the government? Puh-lease.

John from Texas
You really think that Covid was "planned chaos to get Trump out?"
I would love to debate you on the merits and failures of the previous administration but this is not the place. "Warp speed" was a good thing even as the vaccines were already in development but then the ball was dropped. Its one thing having vaccines and another getting them into people's arms. So much misinformation, politicizing and miscommunication confused and scared many people. I have plenty of criticism for this current administration but no one can tell me that they are not trying their best to get everyone vaccinated and work with the science and medical communities.
My grandchildren ages 5, 6 and 9 wore masks throughout the last school year and never complained. They will wear masks this fall as well as practice good hygiene and social distancing. The N95 mask is the most effective one and readily available.

Like I say to those angry people out there....hate and blame don't solve anything, be part of the solution. All of us in our own way can help. During the Vietnam War I would see many bumper stickers and signs reading "America, love it or leave it." My bumper sticker read, "America, if you love it work hard to make it better."
My passion is education and I have been a volunteer teacher for over 40 years. My proudest moment was being awarded New York City Volunteer Teacher of the Year in 2014. I teach financial literacy and civics to High School students, many of whom are minorities and kids from challenged neighborhoods.
Time on my hands right now because I can't teach in person. I don't mean to lecture anyone. I don't think I am smarter or better, only that my experiences are different.


Kids are so resilient and free. You can't bullshit a kid if you get them on board maybe we will see the fruits of that "training" in their futures for their generation so that they can still live free.

Col. Kurtz speech on inoculated arms in Apocalypse Now sends shivers down my back now. John Millius nailed that dialogue and understood the vast difference in approach to from the US to the Viet Cong mentality. I know it is a fictional tale, but uh...

Your not a lecturer NY, your a man of wisdom and we don't talk to you kind sir...we listen. (Joseph Conrad)

John from Texas
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