Dispatches are up! (3 Viewers)

A Grey Tiger I, Wayne will be pleased.

John, you are quick for an old guy {eek3} ^&grin

Btw, either that Tiger is bigger than usual or the commander is a wee chap. To early for scale issues ^&confuse ^&grin
Some superb releases in there my friends, Tiger is a no brainer, I very much like the Winter Germans and they look like they are struggling in the cold and the Russian troops/T34 are enough to drive me east. So far two definites are Tiger and Christmas set (I've got the first WW1 set so this is a must have)

Excellent Dispatches, cheers Andy{bravo}}

Just seen the pic of the Coldstream Guards together, oh dear, I can feel my resistance failing, man they look good!
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I love these coldstream guards. Can't wait to see the first parade setup.

For me the German winter troops are a DEF. YEs ( ok for both Ardennes and Russia) and so is the Tiger. And it is the 213. There is a story behind this tank !!!!!!! Tempted by the Russians as well !!!!
Looks like all the ACW figs are retiring, question is for the ACW Collector, are they making way for something else???

Looks like all the ACW figs are retiring, question is for the ACW Collector, are they making way for something else???


New ACW figures ar planned. But not this Year.
Another bitterly disappointing dispatches for AWI collectors, roll on October! :rolleyes:

Like the Kate & William set, look out for the Harry in Vegas figure in the October dispatches? ;)
For me the German winter troops are a DEF. YEs ( ok for both Ardennes and Russia) and so is the Tiger. And it is the 213. There is a story behind this tank !!!!!!! Tempted by the Russians as well !!!!

Yes I must agree re the Russian figures, I think they'd look just splendid in a Stalingrad type scene^&cool

Stunning dispatches!!!

Excellent WWI christmas release that is probably the best set released for the festive season. Two very good looking T-34's and, the winter weathering is very very well done. Similar with the 222 winter version very well painted. The winter bulge sets as always look very good with some great poses and will be usable in many winter scenes.

The guards are simply excellent and, a bandsmen and marching figures!! The Kate and william set is very nice also and, somewhat of a surprise choice of the entire dispatches. A very good set.

Lastly, the Grey Tiger is a great model (someone mentioned scale as the figure looks small!!!) its not out of scale by the look of the pictures and, will be the same size as the kursk and snow tiger as it looks like that chassis/mold has been used so, I would be confident in saying its 1/30th give or take 1or 2mm from memory. Maybe the figure is slightly smaller but, its an excellent rendition with the loss of front fender and, no side skirts. Its how I like them and quite similar to the one I did for Leningrad sector. Though, I am not saying they influenced K&C before anyone mentions that. I really like the Panzer III bin as a field add on

All round an excellent dispatches on what I have briefly seen of the releases mentioned and, if there is more for the show even better if not, this has probably been the best dispatches of the year.
Stunning dispatches!!!

Excellent WWI christmas release that is probably the best set released for the festive season. Two very good looking T-34's and, the winter weathering is very very well done. Similar with the 222 winter version very well painted. The winter bulge sets as always look very good with some great poses and will be usable in many winter scenes.

The guards are simply excellent and, a bandsmen and marching figures!! The Kate and william set is very nice also and, somewhat of a surprise choice of the entire dispatches. A very good set.

Lastly, the Grey Tiger is a great model (someone mentioned scale as the figure looks small!!!) its not out of scale by the look of the pictures and, will be the same size as the kursk and snow tiger as it looks like that chassis/mold has been used so, I would be confident in saying its 1/30th give or take 1or 2mm from memory. Maybe the figure is slightly smaller but, its an excellent rendition with the loss of front fender and, no side skirts. Its how I like them and quite similar to the one I did for Leningrad sector. Though, I am not saying they influenced K&C before anyone mentions that. I really like the Panzer III bin as a field add on

All round an excellent dispatches on what I have briefly seen of the releases mentioned and, if there is more for the show even better if not, this has probably been the best dispatches of the year.

Very much agree on several points here. Superb Christmas set (have to have that one)the Tiger is just great, right on the money and I like the mud/weathering. Been looking at the new German patrol and the British guards and they are all excellent releases. As for as best Dispatches this is very hard to beat, but maybe just topped (for me)by 'RAF Dispatches' a little while back, but still a great set of releases and once again shows why K&C are number 1 !

I guess i'd better stop posting now because of this new rule:(

OMG...every time I think I'm finished with a line, Andy comes up with something like this. WWII comes roaring back. Outstanding!

I thought dispatches was not included in the rules??? if not, then it should be, if the music and film threads are immune to the rule!!

Anyway, best disptches for me as it has english ceremonial in and, the bands!! Always wanted an updated version of these to be released and with my liking of ''big'' marching displays this is the best release of the year. get a few of these in before we start getting the horse mounted troops!!!

What I like also about the releases is the new winter weathering its very accurate as to how it would be in the field and, something which has brought K&C some flak over the years. This cannot really be said now and the rissian and german winter releases have moved up a notch and, is now on par with other manufacturers winter releases that have been seen as superior in paint detail.

Very much agree on several points here. Superb Christmas set (have to have that one)the Tiger is just great, right on the money and I like the mud/weathering. Been looking at the new German patrol and the British guards and they are all excellent releases. As for as best Dispatches this is very hard to beat, but maybe just topped (for me)by 'RAF Dispatches' a little while back, but still a great set of releases and once again shows why K&C are number 1 !

I guess i'd better stop posting now because of this new rule:(


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