Dispatches are up! (2 Viewers)


and now we know the secret reason to the MG42 fig
I have to admit. That is one beautiful Tiger. Honestly. One of the best I have seen. I am very tempted to preorder it. Which is something I usually don't do. Brad
I have to admit. That is one beautiful Tiger. Honestly. One of the best I have seen. I am very tempted to preorder it. Which is something I usually don't do. Brad

I agree Brad, its also pretty heavily weathered which looks really good to me, look forward to getting this. I sure am going to get the Grey 222 now too!

I also like the weathering this time around. All of the tanks look good. Not my cup of tea but the prince and princess sculpts look much better than the Yalta set. Either Andy hired new sculptors or lit a fire under their butts. Keith
Nice batch of new releases...I"m up for most of the Russian Infantry..also the German patrol, and probabaly the 222...NICE!!!!!!!!.

Nice batch of new releases...I"m up for most of the Russian Infantry..also the German patrol, and probabaly the 222...NICE!!!!!!!!.


Do you like the russians' coat colour? :confused:
In 1942 russian high command and some very important russian designers were fed up of the whole grey V green thing and discussed brightening up the battlefields. This was their first outings at a move to integrating different colour schemes into the red army.

Strange but, true!! Russian designer was called alex ovarcotski!!!

Do you like the russians' coat colour? :confused:
Talk about a mammoth release month for WWII ETO collectors. German and Russian Infantry in Winter Overcoats, 2 Winter T-34's, a new Grey Tiger and a Winter
222 series armored car,along with everything else ! Talk about an epic month of releases {bravo}}

My birthday wish for Wayne down under (Grey Tiger) seems to have arrived with pin point precision. ^&grin
I have to admit. That is one beautiful Tiger. Honestly. One of the best I have seen. I am very tempted to preorder it. Which is something I usually don't do. Brad

Basically impossible to resist. Tiger + gray + fantastic weathering. What's not to drool over?
Must say these all look really good too;






I hear ya Rob. My Goose is cooked. Too much on this new release list that I want !!!! I think if Andy were a Baseball player he had the bases loaded and with these dispatches hit a Grand Slam right out of the park ! :salute:: Quite impressed with the whole thing
And what a reception this edition of Dispatches has received PA, by the sound of it many happy collectors here on the forum. Doesn't seem five mins ago we were all awaiting some Russian releases now there has been five T34'S and two waves of figures^&cool

Lots of good things there. Really like the Tiger and commander seems to help convey the size of the tank. Looks like a must buy. Also, really like the wedding set. Excellent releases this month! And Rob, thanks as usual for posting! Brad

He certainly does that, and when the set is released it will be interesting to compare his size with earlier K & C commanders. Of course the new Grey Tiger may be a bit larger than their recent Tiger releases, but that is speculation at this stage.
And what a reception this edition of Dispatches has received PA, by the sound of it many happy collectors here on the forum. Doesn't seem five mins ago we were all awaiting some Russian releases now there has been five T34'S and two waves of figures^&cool


I think releasing the newest wave of Russians is definately a smart move. Most statistics place 80% of German troops serving in the front line during WWII fought
against the Russians on the Eastern Front. With these trench coat Russians along with their winter T-34's and the new Bulge germans, Winter Eastern front
dioramas should flourish quite well. I'm all in on these, the Grey Tiger and last months announcement of grey Wehrmacht troops. The ceremonial troops also look stunning
and would make for a quite impressive parade set up.

Thanks for posting dispatches again Rob, another great job !!!! :wink2: :salute::
Wow! What a stunning batch of releases. So much that I would love to have. The WW1 Xmas set looks brilliant, the winter Russians, T34's, 222 armoured car, Bulge / winter Germans, Coldstream Guards (hope we see the diorama piece in the not too distant future too)........ Would love the Tiger but probably need to pass on it as I have 5 and need to draw the line somewhere!
Not sure about the William and Kate, but fair play for doing something outside the box an contemporary!
Thanks Andy if you are reading this. IMO the best dispatches for ages.
Some great looking new Bulge sets as well as the Grey Tiger, I really like the look of the long coated Germans, some very nice poses as well and of course the Grey Tiger ( happy butcher friend I'm sure:)) make some really nice releases for September, I promise you Wayne I'll get some close-ups of the Tiger if it shows up in Chicago:)...Sammy
Tomorrow i preorder the grey Tiger to go
with my preordered 222. AWSOME
Coldstream Guards are also a must
Finally a little parade that is not German or WW2
Another bitterly disappointing dispatches for AWI collectors, roll on October! :rolleyes:

Like the Kate & William set, look out for the Harry in Vegas figure in the October dispatches? ;)

Yep, Cornwallis, I was really thinking that we might be blessed with one or two .... but ..... :(
A mixed blessing in that I have a few that I am behind on in the current sets so it will give me a bit of breathing room.
Still, I guess the statement .... High on the priority list .... means something differnet to some than to me.

Anyway, AWI folks, I hope to be at the camera in a few days so stay tuned.


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