Dispatches is up! (3 Viewers)

Another great month, great to see the French flagbearer, the WW1 Christmas set is a hoot and all of the Bulge releases are really cool, with the kneeling firing riflemen being a particular "must have." Sad to see the Uhlans go, I might have to pick up one more before they're gone seeing as how I only have one of them. But, room for the French cavalry must be made!
Well is that taking us up the garden path or will we now be getting a winter Tiger???? I think and I did say this a few weeks back a tiger variant is a cert.

Spill the beans Andy does the move into LAH on horse mean Sepp will be coming out on horseback?????
Hi Guys,

This must be a record… even for “ARNHEM’44 MAD”…

At 3:36 our new truck and stretcher team are (in his youthful jargon) “Well Cool!”

By 3:50 he’s “pissed off” because it’s more WW2… Collecting is getting difficult and because there’s only 250 Winter Ambulances… it’s a “no no” for him.

Living proof, if any were needed, that not only can you never please all of the people all of the time… you can’t even please one collector for more than several minutes!!!

C’est la vie! C’est la guerre!
Andy C.
LMAO!:p:D -- Al
Thing is there is no limit on the other ambulance which, is identical down to serial number so, if you want a winter one and say, the other one sells out then add your own winter weather to the other one. Win win.

LMAO!:p:D -- Al
I think many folk have been asking for a Winter Tiger as they missed the first version, it will be interesting to see what happens in Chicago:cool:

I really like the continue of the Life of Jesus series, special the elders set. Very interesting is to see the three religions are represented on this release, Christianity (Jesus and Santa Claus,) Jews Menorah, and the Minaret for the Muslins....

I was shot down in flames by a few who thought it would not work and would detract sales from the Kursk one. I just think when you have the mould done its common sense that another variant or, indeed two could easily be done. A winter version for any theatre and a grey for say Deutschland regiment would look good.

It would be a nice rest for my eyes as I have done 6 Tiger 1's and doing two Tiger II's as winter repaints and I think I have snow blindness!!!!!

I think many folk have been asking for a Winter Tiger as they missed the first version, it will be interesting to see what happens in Chicago:cool:

FANTASTIC!:D Keep up the great work Andy!:) The "Fireteam", "Kneeling officer", and "Kneeling Sergeant" all added to my buy list for next year, will look great on my completed 'Assualt on Foy" diorama!:cool: Also the "Stretcher Team" is added to my 'I want' list...;)


I was shot down in flames by a few who thought it would not work and would detract sales from the Kursk one. I just think when you have the mould done its common sense that another variant or, indeed two could easily be done. A winter version for any theatre and a grey for say Deutschland regiment would look good.

It would be a nice rest for my eyes as I have done 6 Tiger 1's and doing two Tiger II's as winter repaints and I think I have snow blindness!!!!!

I wouldn't worry Mitch, many folk want this new one and I'm sure Andy has had more than a few requests for it,K&C are very good at giving collectors what they want. I have the original version so common sense says let the new one go, but as my wife will attest common sense sometimes fails me and so no doubt I will fold like an unusually cheap deck chair and get the new one, in fact I don't know who I'm trying to kid!.

But if I get the new one and Andy does then make a Grey MkI, that is most definitely it for TigerI's for me...........I think;)

I am not but, its just good business sense from Andy to utilize the mould to its best and both of those variants would IMO be good sellers especially, the grey variant. I think if they are done it will be a few years before a revisit

I wouldn't worry Mitch, many folk want this new one and I'm sure Andy has had more than a few requests for it,K&C are very good at giving collectors what they want. I have the original version so common sense says let the new one go, but as my wife will attest common sense sometimes fails me and so no doubt I will fold like an unusually cheap deck chair and get the new one, in fact I don't know who I'm trying to kid!.

But if I get the new one and Andy does then make a Grey MkI, that is most definitely it for TigerI's for me...........I think;)

Glad to see the Ambulance and the French flagbearer. I also like the SS horsemen that have been done. Now there is a new horse drummer for all that missed the first one. The shackled Santa is a winner.:D -- Al
This is already shaping up as a great Christmas :D, The Truck, The drum Horse (Been wishing for this one, since I got into this hobby). Is definitely a must buy. There's gotta be a Winter Tiger. There is gotta be.....;)
I wouldn't worry Mitch, many folk want this new one and I'm sure Andy has had more than a few requests for it,K&C are very good at giving collectors what they want. I have the original version so common sense says let the new one go, but as my wife will attest common sense sometimes fails me and so no doubt I will fold like an unusually cheap deck chair and get the new one, in fact I don't know who I'm trying to kid!.

But if I get the new one and Andy does then make a Grey MkI, that is most definitely it for TigerI's for me...........I think;)


There are only a few certainties in life; Death, taxes, and Rob making space for a new Tiger before it is even announced and vowing not to add it to his collection.

That there is a white Tiger coming to Chicago seems like a poorly kept secret. And that it will sell well is not in doubt. The mystery is in the format of the set. Will it be a barebones model like the Kusk Tiger; a winter scenario with several figures like the original Winter Tiger. Or will it be a base model with several add-on sets of figures and a supporting vehicle?

And is there a grey Leningrad Tiger down the road?

Some tough buying decisions ahead. ;):)

Arrested Santa set I will buy nothing else I guess. Lots of wonderful beautiful looking sets Andy.
There are only a few certainties in life; Death, taxes, and Rob making space for a new Tiger before it is even announced and vowing not to add it to his collection.

That there is a white Tiger coming to Chicago seems like a poorly kept secret. And that it will sell well is not in doubt. The mystery is in the format of the set. Will it be a barebones model like the Kusk Tiger; a winter scenario with several figures like the original Winter Tiger. Or will it be a base model with several add-on sets of figures and a supporting vehicle?

And is there a grey Leningrad Tiger down the road?

Some tough buying decisions ahead. ;):)


I told the wife not to talk to you!!:D;)

Ok ok, you are right, I will of course get one. Anyone else think that stretcher party will look really nice in a dio along with the now retired 'Returning Patrol' ?.

Hi Guys,

This must be a record… even for “ARNHEM’44 MAD”…

At 3:36 our new truck and stretcher team are (in his youthful jargon) “Well Cool!”

By 3:50 he’s “pissed off” because it’s more WW2… Collecting is getting difficult and because there’s only 250 Winter Ambulances… it’s a “no no” for him.

Living proof, if any were needed, that not only can you never please all of the people all of the time… you can’t even please one collector for more than several minutes!!!

C’est la vie! C’est la guerre!
Andy C.

Hey I love the stuff, I'm just disappointed as the bob ambulance will be grabbed up in the first week, but I think everything that has been released is exactly what collectors want, I'm just mad because I have spent all of this years money!:D

Abnd I'd just like to say that KING AND COUNTRY ROCKS!:D:cool:
Be interesting to see the effect price wise, the new Drum Horse has on the old one.

Some nice and interesting stuff in this months dispatches, can't say I am overly fond of the arrested Santa set but hey that is just me. Although I do like his portly captor.
I have been lobbying Andy to re-do the WC54 ambulance for some time. Now it looks like I'll have to put some mobey where my mouth is :) Biggest choice is between the summer and winter versions. I wanted the "regular" version, but the "winter" version has a stretcher party to go with it - and important element in displaying (for me at least). We'll just see what happens, but I see SOME ambulance in my future. Thanks Andy!
I think a white washed Tiger and a grey version will be able to be stand alone sets and need no add on's to them. The grey version will fit in with the vast majority of K&C figures as would the winter so, extra crew would be nice but, will increase the cost which, is not good.

I hope it does not try to emulate the WSS71 SL should they release one as that IMO seems a backward move for a company which impresses on its customers its innovation.

Chicago will be interesting to see what turns up

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