Eagle Design Website (4 Viewers)

Given the interesting products in development by Eagle Design and the quality of their Panzer II and III models; I would hope that Treefrog considers becoming a dealer. Currently Y-Weido on eBay is the only source I am aware of.

I do not think there is a difference between Y-Weido and Eagle Design. When I have conversed with him he has spoken about what his plans and designs are.
Eagle Design: Let's Make this Stug
.....No Unit Markings....I will pre-order 3 of them {sm4}
I must be missing something because I cannot locate the website.
I have tried every variation and nothing but a website for modeling agency comes up .
any help?
I must be missing something because I cannot locate the website.
I have tried every variation and nothing but a website for modeling agency comes up .
any help?

The website seems to be a hit and miss thing.

Sometimes straight on others it doesn't open you just have to keep trying

Thanks all, it seems to work now.
What looks like the Doolittle raid is interesting
I believe Y-Weido on eBay is the only retail source at this time. Treefrog had the Eagle Design Panzer II in stock for a time. Richard Walker at History Works/Del Prado brought them in.

Okay, so call me old-fashioned - but say I wanted to buy something from here - where do I find the prices listed? jb
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I believe Y-Weido on eBay is the only retail source at this time. Treefrog had the Eagle Design Panzer II in stock for a time. Richard Walker at History Works/Del Prado brought them in.

Yeah ebay seems to be the only place you can buy ED, but remember it's free postage too.
Yeah ebay seems to be the only place you can buy ED, but remember it's free postage too.

Also adding to what Desertkiwi said, I don't know about you other guys, but I've not had to pay and Customs dues or Post office fees on anything I've bought from this guy at least so far ! Which does make an awful difference !

Also adding to what Desertkiwi said, I don't know about you other guys, but I've not had to pay and Customs dues or Post office fees on anything I've bought from this guy at least so far ! Which does make an awful difference !


Steve best keep that stuff to yourself mate :wink2:
One of many advantages of living in the USA is there is no import duty on Toys, Antiques and Art. Also no VAT! So items from Y-Weido are the price posted on eBay. A 10% sales tax on purchases applies within the state of Wasington; but does not apply to external purchases. Britain and the EU are terrible on taxation of imports IMO. What import taxes apply in Australia and New Zealand?
One of many advantages of living in the USA is there is no import duty on Toys, Antiques and Art. Also no VAT! So items from Y-Weido are the price posted on eBay. A 10% sales tax on purchases applies within the state of Wasington; but does not apply to external purchases. Britain and the EU are terrible on taxation of imports IMO. What import taxes apply in Australia and New Zealand?

I can't speak for NZ Kat (although I think purchases are tax free under $400 NZD for Kiwis), but in Oz it's tax free for purchases under $1000 AUD. The Govt however did change legislation which came into affect last year to lower that amount but it hasn't been enforced and we still can get purchases tax free under 1k.

One of many advantages of living in the USA is there is no import duty on Toys, Antiques and Art. Also no VAT! So items from Y-Weido are the price posted on eBay. A 10% sales tax on purchases applies within the state of Wasington; but does not apply to external purchases. Britain and the EU are terrible on taxation of imports IMO. What import taxes apply in Australia and New Zealand?

In Australia you do Not have to pay duty and taxes on imported goods (excluding tobacco, tobacco products and alcohol) unless the stated value exceeds AUD $1,000.

One of the many advantages over living in the USA is that in Australia all goods and services are listed at the full price, there's No additional taxes etc added in all our states and territories when you pay for the item. And you don't have to tip waiters etc because we pay them a decent wage...not judging, just saying :wink2: ^&grin
You forgot to say all the ladies are pretty and the beer is great!

In Australia you do Not have to pay duty and taxes on imported goods (excluding tobacco, tobacco products and alcohol) unless the stated value exceeds AUD $1,000.

One of the many advantages over living in the USA is that in Australia all goods and services are listed at the full price, there's No additional taxes etc added in all our states and territories when you pay for the item. And you don't have to tip waiters etc because we pay them a decent wage...not judging, just saying :wink2: ^&grin
You forgot to say all the ladies are pretty and the beer is great!

Don't forget the weather Kat ^&grin Well to be honest it can get so hot during the day that most Aussies people prefer to stay indoors, so not much different to the frozen North :cool: ^&cool
In Australia you do Not have to pay duty and taxes on imported goods (excluding tobacco, tobacco products and alcohol) unless the stated value exceeds AUD $1,000.

One of the many advantages over living in the USA is that in Australia all goods and services are listed at the full price, there's No additional taxes etc added in all our states and territories when you pay for the item. And you don't have to tip waiters etc because we pay them a decent wage...not judging, just saying :wink2: ^&grin

That will change on the 01/07/2018 and 10% GST will apply on imports over $100 AUS and no one really knows how it will be collected according to government it's the seller so don't know how Aust Government is going to get overseas companies to sign on as tax collectors.

I suspect Aust Post will be collecting and if it's how they currently do purchases over $1000 it will mean hiring a Customers agent around $60 as documents with codes if you get wrong large fines 10% tax on the goods which includes cost of freight plus a handling fee from Aust Post around $60.

Interesting to see what will happen on 01/07/2018 and Govt think EBAY will act as their tax collector.

That will change on the 01/07/2018 and 10% GST will apply on imports over $100 AUS and no one really knows how it will be collected according to government it's the seller so don't know how Aust Government is going to get overseas companies to sign on as tax collectors.

I suspect Aust Post will be collecting and if it's how they currently do purchases over $1000 it will mean hiring a Customers agent around $60 as documents with codes if you get wrong large fines 10% tax on the goods which includes cost of freight plus a handling fee from Aust Post around $60.

Interesting to see what will happen on 01/07/2018 and Govt think EBAY will act as their tax collector.


I don't mind the impending 10% GST on imports, the rate isn't excessive and will assist Australian companies compete with overseas sellers, especially items purchased online. Control and Collection will be an issue, and the main reason the tax wasn't applied earlier.
I really don't know to much about import taxes and such but I certainly tip my hat to those fellows that have to deal with those issues, prices these days on toy soldiers aren't cheap, toss in some type of import taxes and I'm sure that makes it even more difficult.

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