Figarti Chicago Show Pictures (2 Viewers)

Regarding the snow effect discussed below, I've noticed that besides the tracks, in the Figarti stock photos of their new Tiger I there does not appear to be nearly as much snow on the tank when you compare it to images of the tank debuted at the OTSN. Perhaps its due to lighting, or maybe some units are more subtly weathered than others. I do prefer it as shown in the stock photos, but I like the heavier weathering effect as well. I've pre-ordered one, and I will post pics of my new Tiger I when it arrives:smile2:. I'm interested to see it in the flesh, and to see how heavily weathered it will be. Either way, I'm sure I'll be very happy, based on Louis's observation and opinion that upon comparison with his Honour Bound Gold Wittman Tiger, the new Figarti version is an improvement.

Here are photos of the tank. I took a look at the stock photos and they make the tank look lighter than it really is. Like Louis, I agree that this is better (or at least on a par with) the HB Tigers (and quite a bit cheaper. I also like the weathering effect as well as the opening hatches and the recoiling gun. Some may not and that is their right but this is a superb tank, one of the best ever made.



On the rear of the tank on the right side there is a little glare so please keep that in mind.



Here are the promised pictures of my Opa, Anton "Toni" Schlegel. The first is of him in uniform in 1940 at the age of 25. The second is a newspaper clipping of him with his white horses. He is the leftmost soldier.



Opa (German for Grandpa) was a real character who loved to laugh and lived life to the fullest. His proudest moment though was becoming an American citizen.

Thank you very much for sharing your photos and great story of your Opa. :salute::
I see the FRIES GANTRY CRANE (Great book on this "DER STRABOKRAN- German gantry crane 1942-45", full of photos on the crane recently available) is now listed and shown on the Hobby Bunker site, available Fall 2011, for those who need to lift the V2. Cheers, Robin.
Dear Michael,
Ken & Erica Osen of Hudson & Allen ... Louis bought the right half with the mill and I bought the left half and the Pacific Island base under the Bong P-38.:smile2:

Terriffic! I suppose you can bring the bases along to show me when you bring those repairs!{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Here are photos of the tank. I took a look at the stock photos and they make the tank look lighter than it really is. Like Louis, I agree that this is better (or at least on a par with) the HB Tigers (and quite a bit cheaper. I also like the weathering effect as well as the opening hatches and the recoiling gun. Some may not and that is their right but this is a superb tank, one of the best ever made.

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On the rear of the tank on the right side there is a little glare so please keep that in mind.

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Brad, you are quite right. Vey nice. Nice weathering touches. I did not know about the recoil marks.
Thank you for the pics and info Brad. Your Tiger I looks outstanding! Congrats on getting one of these beauties. I'm really looking forward to the arrival of mine, especially since you too are rating it so favorably, even when compared to the legendary HB Tigers. I was not one of the fortunate few to acquire one of those HB Tigers, so this new Figarti Tiger is a most welcome addition indeed.
The pictures posted by Brad do look much better than the first ones on here from the show and, the first ones posted on the figarti site which, now seem to have changed to the more muted less bold white paint marks that were awful.
Still not convinced about the rear of the tank or, the recoil barral and hope this will be the last but, have placed an order for one. Best ever is always such a subjective opinion but, it won't be long before I can see if they are as good as the HB tigers
Rick, I don't know how you do it!
Frank, thanks for the superb photography.
Here are photos of the tank. I took a look at the stock photos and they make the tank look lighter than it really is. Like Louis, I agree that this is better (or at least on a par with) the HB Tigers (and quite a bit cheaper. I also like the weathering effect as well as the opening hatches and the recoiling gun. Some may not and that is their right but this is a superb tank, one of the best ever made.

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On the rear of the tank on the right side there is a little glare so please keep that in mind.

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Superb looking Tiger. The detail is outstanding, as is the paint job. This looks to be the best Tiger model done to date, from the photos. Could be I need one more Tiger.:rolleyes2:^&grin{eek3} -- Al
The pictures posted by Brad do look much better than the first ones on here from the show and, the first ones posted on the figarti site which, now seem to have changed to the more muted less bold white paint marks that were awful.
Still not convinced about the rear of the tank or, the recoil barral and hope this will be the last but, have placed an order for one. Best ever is always such a subjective opinion but, it won't be long before I can see if they are as good as the HB tigers

Cheers Mitch,

That is the problem with relying on internet photos vs. seeing at item live which these shows provide. I was very fortunate to attend the 2011 OTSN so I will go on record with the following...I love the weathering including the white paint marks; I love the Tiger's "BUM"; I love the recoiling tank barrel-it is a brilliant feature and works like a champ; and I love the opening/working hatches! I find it difficult to understand why someone would be unhappy with these features when most complaints focus on a lack of detail inclusive of some of this Tiger's assets! In short, a great tank-so enjoy it.

All The Best,
Marc aka Beaufighter
Some pics to celebrate the new releases. I'm guessing those were Brit Shermans by the darkened barrels. Horrible to be in open country with a Tiger & Nashorn roaming around. Looks like they are guarding their kill.
Snow Tiger 4.jpgTiger and Nashorn.jpg
One of the special things about Erica Osen's Opa's Limber team was they had gotten white circus horses as seen in the newpaper clipping provided by Erica.

White Circus Horses.JPG

None of the other units wanted these horses, afraid they stood out too much on the battlefield. Ken Osen mentioned the unit was proud of their special white horses and that one of the horses was trained to jump or roll over on whistle command. The unit's disliked commander never discovered why his horse kept dumping him into the mud.^&grin

Ken mentioned he was getting one of Figarti's 6 Horse Artillery Limber sets and was going to repaint the horses white, plus sculpt a figure of Erica's Opa.^&cool
When I talk about detail its about a manufacturer getting the right detail for the Ausf they are portraying if its a german AFV, its never about opening hatches or recoiling barrals. I have never liked the importation of some of the model world details into this hobby. I don't mind photo etch but, as similar with the models these are not toys where I want to play with the barral or the hatches. For me, they can be fixed open or shut its just another recipe for breakages down the line and these things are not cheap.

Had I had the option I would have preffered fixed hatches and non moving barral and less in terms of price. I did note that even Rick believed in conversation that they had went too far with the barral.

Maybe, some will like it some have already said they don't like, or see the point and thats what makes the hobby interesting. I know that I will repaint the metal showing on the barral as soon as I get it and will change the weathering that does not suit my taste on the Tiger but, thats my enjoyment in the hobby.

Figarti are in a good position where innovations like this only have to appeal to a very small number of collectors due to the small numbers of sets they release per AFV.

tUOTE=Beaufighter;427195]Cheers Mitch,

That is the problem with relying on internet photos vs. seeing at item live which these shows provide. I was very fortunate to attend the 2011 OTSN so I will go on record with the following...I love the weathering including the white paint marks; I love the Tiger's "BUM"; I love the recoiling tank barrel-it is a brilliant feature and works like a champ; and I love the opening/working hatches! I find it difficult to understand why someone would be unhappy with these features when most complaints focus on a lack of detail inclusive of some of this Tiger's assets! In short, a great tank-so enjoy it.

All The Best,
Marc aka Beaufighter[/QUOTE]
When I talk about detail its about a manufacturer getting the right detail for the Ausf they are portraying if its a german AFV, its never about opening hatches or recoiling barrals. I have never liked the importation of some of the model world details into this hobby. I don't mind photo etch but, as similar with the models these are not toys where I want to play with the barral or the hatches. For me, they can be fixed open or shut its just another recipe for breakages down the line and these things are not cheap.

Had I had the option I would have preffered fixed hatches and non moving barral and less in terms of price. I did note that even Rick believed in conversation that they had went too far with the barral.

Maybe, some will like it some have already said they don't like, or see the point and thats what makes the hobby interesting. I know that I will repaint the metal showing on the barral as soon as I get it and will change the weathering that does not suit my taste on the Tiger but, thats my enjoyment in the hobby.

Figarti are in a good position where innovations like this only have to appeal to a very small number of collectors due to the small numbers of sets they release per AFV.

tUOTE=Beaufighter;427195]Cheers Mitch,

That is the problem with relying on internet photos vs. seeing at item live which these shows provide. I was very fortunate to attend the 2011 OTSN so I will go on record with the following...I love the weathering including the white paint marks; I love the Tiger's "BUM"; I love the recoiling tank barrel-it is a brilliant feature and works like a champ; and I love the opening/working hatches! I find it difficult to understand why someone would be unhappy with these features when most complaints focus on a lack of detail inclusive of some of this Tiger's assets! In short, a great tank-so enjoy it.

All The Best,
Marc aka Beaufighter

I think we all realize now that you are unhappy with the model.
Thank you for clarifying that.
My pleasure. I was responding to a question about the fact that someone could not understand why someone would not like this kind of detail on an AFV

I think we all realize now that you are unhappy with the model.
Thank you for clarifying that.[/QUOTE]
I think we all accept that you cannot please all the collectors all the time.
I quite like the model but accept your criticisms of it.
I am just wondering whether or not I need another Tiger tank.
Its a valid question to ask as there has been several early tigers produced in the last few years and, a recent late war CS Wittmann tank and another winter version from them. I would like to see some manufacturers move away from the safe and produce either different AFV's totally or, at least look in a book and find that many german tank commanders scored higher than Wittmann.

The way its focused upon one would think it was the only AFV the germans had but, it must be popular enough to warrant the attention it gets
I think we all accept that you cannot please all the collectors all the time.
I quite like the model but accept your criticisms of it.
I am just wondering whether or not I need another Tiger tank.
Its a valid question to ask as there has been several early tigers produced in the last few years and, a recent late war CS Wittmann tank and another winter version from them. I would like to see some manufacturers move away from the safe and produce either different AFV's totally or, at least look in a book and find that many german tank commanders scored higher than Wittmann.

The way its focused upon one would think it was the only AFV the germans had but, it must be popular enough to warrant the attention it gets

Well it seems that the Figarti planes are at least new and exciting models.
There may even be some more suprises down the line.

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