Figarti Chicago Show Pictures (1 Viewer)

The German supply Wagon & 6 horse artillary Limber & Limber riders. IMO blew me away, an Amazing
Set. Saving my money, I hope I dont miss out. Great Work FIGARTI!!!! {bravo}}

I think the trouble is that there were so many great releases (and more on the way) that it's hard to pick and choose.
Great photos of the show Frank. I enjoy viewing the pictures. Also, it was nice meeting you at the show. John

Figarti asked Ken Osen to introduce the horse drawn limber and supply wagon because of a unique family connection with his wife Erica. Ken told the story of how Erica's grandfather served in the German Army on the Eastern Front and was part of a horse drawn artillery unit. While recovering from wounds in Germany, he met a nurse. He returned to duty on the Eastern Front but during one leave he became engaged to the nurse and she became pregnant. His unit suffered a lot of casualties and was sent to a quiet rear area in France near Normandy in early 1944. You can guess what happened to this unit and the grandfather was captured and sent to work on farms (Britain or Canada?) because his family was florists. He was a troublemaker. One time he was given a sickle and ordered to cut a field. Later that day, the local air unit came over and demanded to know who carved a swastika into the field. He was immediately transferred to another POW camp. Erica's grandfather was proud that he was eventually transferred to every POW camp in that system. He was finally reunited with his fiancee and the baby girl born was Erica's mother.:smile2:


  • DSC_0192.jpg
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Where is this gun ??


Because it isn't this gun.........^&confuse^&confuse

and this is the only new Grey Gun on website.
(Sorry if been asked before i cant find a answer anywhere.)

Steven on another thread stated this: "The cannon is the Winter 10.5 cm leFh 18/40 with # ETG-072 and was available at the Show for $229 with three crew figures". Joe has been busy looking for it as well. Looks good, cheers ... Alby

Steven on another thread stated this: "The cannon is the Winter 10.5 cm leFh 18/40 with # ETG-072 and was available at the Show for $229 with three crew figures". Joe has been busy looking for it as well. Looks good, cheers ... Alby

Thanks mate i still can't find it,will pop up one day.
Thanks mate i still can't find it,will pop up one day.

I was wondering the same thing-the Figarti site had everything new listed on their site, except the gun set that goes with the horsedrawn limber.
Can't wait to get my hands on them.

Its not my intention to trash this product but, Frank has answered one of the points. There are market products that could have been used to recreate this snow effect superbly and permanantly without the use of the paintbrush. Its for me, a nice looking tank I like Tigers but, its also some of the other things I mentioned right from the start but, mainly its the paintwork. I have always said that Figarti produce nice AFV's probably, some of the best in the Hobby but, this is sadly not the case for me, in relation to the weathered effect on this AFV for this price. On winter washed tanks you just do not get this type of effect that Figarti have gone for and, IMO the heavy white brush strokes on the side fenders, rear mud guards and gun mantlet are childlike in their simplicity and not what I expect when looking back at the high standard some of their Winter AFV's.

I think, for me, it shows what can be gotten away with when one produces a tiger 1. People seem to forgive quite a lot for this AFV and this is another example in a short space of time where this is proven. The model itself may be very well made though, I am not enamoured or a fan of retractable gun and opening hatches. I had this on airfix and dinky when I was a kid and, don't expect such things on a pricy model which, for all purposes is a ornament not a toy.

Its all the more surprising to me that it was released with a raft of excellent winter releases from the same company

This looks similar, and it's not even that deep for snow
View attachment 77048
View attachment 76930View attachment 76931

Figarti asked Ken Osen to introduce the horse drawn limber and supply wagon because of a unique family connection with his wife Erica. Ken told the story of how Erica's grandfather served in the German Army on the Eastern Front and was part of a horse drawn artillery unit. While recovering from wounds in Germany, he met a nurse. He returned to duty on the Eastern Front but during one leave he became engaged to the nurse and she became pregnant. His unit suffered a lot of casualties and was sent to a quiet rear area in France near Normandy in early 1944. You can guess what happened to this unit and the grandfather was captured and sent to work on farms (Britain or Canada?) because his family was florists. He was a troublemaker. One time he was given a sickle and ordered to cut a field. Later that day, the local air unit came over and demanded to know who carved a swastika into the field. He was immediately transferred to another POW camp. Erica's grandfather was proud that he was eventually transferred to every POW camp in that system. He was finally reunited with his fiancee and the baby girl born was Erica's mother.:smile2:

Very touching story. And a VERY VERY AWSOME set by Figarti :salute::
Anyone know if they are going to produce the V1 with the yellow and black checker ????^&confuse
Anyone know if they are going to produce the V1 with the yellow and black checker ????^&confuse

I was wondering the same thing-the Figarti site had everything new listed on their site, except the gun set that goes with the horsedrawn limber.
Can't wait to get my hands on them.

Though I herd around Christmas. I can't wait for these to complete my set. Ron
Regarding the snow effect discussed below, I've noticed that besides the tracks, in the Figarti stock photos of their new Tiger I there does not appear to be nearly as much snow on the tank when you compare it to images of the tank debuted at the OTSN. Perhaps its due to lighting, or maybe some units are more subtly weathered than others. I do prefer it as shown in the stock photos, but I like the heavier weathering effect as well. I've pre-ordered one, and I will post pics of my new Tiger I when it arrives:smile2:. I'm interested to see it in the flesh, and to see how heavily weathered it will be. Either way, I'm sure I'll be very happy, based on Louis's observation and opinion that upon comparison with his Honour Bound Gold Wittman Tiger, the new Figarti version is an improvement.
Very touching story. And a VERY VERY AWSOME set by Figarti :salute::

Here are the promised pictures of my Opa, Anton "Toni" Schlegel. The first is of him in uniform in 1940 at the age of 25. The second is a newspaper clipping of him with his white horses. He is the leftmost soldier.



Opa (German for Grandpa) was a real character who loved to laugh and lived life to the fullest. His proudest moment though was becoming an American citizen.

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