Figarti Tanks (3 Viewers)

I might be wrong, but aren't at least some of the excellent HB Panthers still available?
I tend to agree with Rob here and think I'd prefer to see more Brit/American/Other Allied FAV's first before more Panthers (and Tigers) aree launched at us)..
Just my take on things of course.

And completely contadictory, (also of course), I'd snap up a Figarti JagdPanther - which I'm pretty certain the HB examples are no longer available on dealers shelves. One of my all time favourite pieces of German armour.


I too would like to see more Allied equipment made before more Tigers and Panthers. There have been lots of Tigers and Panthers made.


Cmon, there are no rhetorical questions on this forum. If you asked "what did I have for breakfast this morning?" on this forum ten guys will tell you what you had and another ten will tell you why you liked it, another twenty will tell you why you shouldn't have liked it. Then someone will say that breakfast is over-rated, then a group will defend breakfast and accuse the breakfast haters of condoning a non nutritional lifestyle simply because they don’t like breakfast and they will try and soften this blow by saying that it is all in their humble opinion. And after a day of reading posts you will look back and say, “Oh yes, I had coffee and toast for breakfast and as I recall I enjoyed it or at least I thought I did”.

Yikes! That is so how it is! :eek:
You asked if my (an ETO collector) reason for not being interested in PacWar themes is because of the lower participation of tanks in the theatre.

My answer is is that armour has nothing to do with it. Japs have everything to do with it.

On my desk at work I have prominently displayed the Corgi 1/144 Enola ***. That's enough for me.

Hmmm, let's see if I've got this right now.
So, little lumps of metal, sculpted and painted to represent WWII Nazi's are okay, but little lumps of metal, sculpted and painted to represent WWII Japanese Imperial Forces are not okay?

BTW, despite the obvious human tragedy, it's always been my opinion that the dropping of the Hiroshima Bomb and especially the Nakasaki Bomb was entirely necessary - unpopular as this opinion may be these days.

Well its not unpopular with me.Terrible as it was for the population of those two cities i feel it saved possibly hundreds of thousands of Allied and Civilian lives and ended the War quicker.Japan also has to take its share of the blame for its cowardly attack on Pearl harbour and its disgraceful treatment of allied prisoners by its scum in their Army.

BTW, despite the obvious human tragedy, it's always been my opinion that the dropping of the Hiroshima Bomb and especially the Nakasaki Bomb was entirely necessary - unpopular as this opinion may be these days.


The only question mark for me is whether it would have been used in the European theatre had the war dragged on there?
The only question mark for me is whether it would have been used in the European theatre had the war dragged on there?

Good question Frank,i guess the Allied commanders would have had to decide whether they would be up against such a suicidal defence ethos.

I doubt if I alone in this, but the poses I would like to see the Japanese soldiers portrayed in...well...I doubt if they would be made.

Middle aged & older U.S. collectors are closer in memory to the atrocities done by the Japanese...and some of us had relatives who fought & endured those savages.

In the DAK, you can find the 'Best of Enemies' set. Such a concept in the Pacific would be utterly ridculous. Whole different game in the Pacific.

You're certainly not alone. I'm convinced this is a major factor in poor sales of Pacific Theater related sets. In addition Japanese tanks were ugly and ineffective which makes them very poor sellers in the model industry.
The only question mark for me is whether it would have been used in the European theatre had the war dragged on there?

We're getting onto an emotive subject that has the potential to go around and around, end up with closed threads and, as usual, infractions handed out right, left and centre.
No, I don't think there was ever any chance whatsoever of the bomb being dropped in Europe. It was without a shadow of doubt the correct thing to do in order to bring WWII to a conclusion. There's also no doubt whatsoever that there were racial undertones in the decision to drop it on Japan.

Hmmm, let's see if I've got this right now.
So, little lumps of metal, sculpted and painted to represent WWII Nazi's are okay, but little lumps of metal, sculpted and painted to represent WWII Japanese Imperial Forces are not okay?

another rhetorical question?
another rhetorical question?

Of course. Most reasonable discussions are full of them, especially on this kind of subject which has the potential to end in fireworks if the participants aren't very careful.
Please don't misunderstand me or get the wrong impression. I actually share your feelings about the WWII Imperial Armed Forces and I'm not trying to pick an arguement. I'm simply trying to understand your point of view and how it applies to the hobby of collecting miniature figurines and FAV's.

No, I don't collect Nazis & I believe I am the only person to ever register a protest over FOB043.
I dont collect "NAZI,s" either i collect world war 2 German toy soldiers?

That's precisley the point I'm trying to make.
I also collect figures representing ETO combatants. Doesn't mean that I sympathize with the politics/methods of the Nazi figures in that collection. Likewise, just because I have figures representing Pacific War combatants doesn't mean that I sympathize with the politics/methods of the Imperial Japanese figures in that collection either.
In actual fact I despise everything that the Axis stood for during WWII.
Its everyone's personal decisions what they want to collect - of course it is. I just find some of the reasons put forward on this forum for collecting or not collecting this, that, or the other, somewhat bizarre, to say the least.


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