Figarti vehicles with First legion vehicles (2 Viewers)

Indeed, but, did they get the scale of the letters correct???

Yes indeed, its the sign over the entrance to the London Dungeon, also full of pain and torment!:wink2:

Indeed, but, did they get the scale of the letters correct???

Difficult to say Mitch, so many Dungeons in London who is to say???? But there is certainly lots of wailing and pitiful cries to stop inflicting such pain on the inmates.

Did you see the Gadget show the other night, Suzy Perry was in the Dungeons herself, much nicer class of Jailer they have these days:wink2:

It seems this invariably happens and then we are subjected to the usual propaganda instead of a candid conversation. Approaching any discussion of FL vs. any thing else fills most of us with dread and brings to mind the phrase "Abandon all hope ye who enter here."

Especially when statements made with such certainty about the different manufacturer's scale are just plain wrong. Even though they have been shown the actual empirical data many times in threads on this forum. They don't even know that some manufacturers use different scales for their AFVs vs their figures and mix comments about both together. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good bias.

The simple truth is that AFV scale is very easy to measure using a ruler. Figure scale is more difficult but still can be measured against AFV models and compared to photos of tank crew standing next to their AFV in WWII.

Difficult to say Mitch, so many Dungeons in London who is to say???? But there is certainly lots of wailing and pitiful cries to stop inflicting such pain on the inmates.

Did you see the Gadget show the other night, Suzy Perry was in the Dungeons herself, much nicer class of Jailer they have these days:wink2:


Rob mate im enjoying googling all these british tv women you keep on commenting on..............:)
Rob check out Karen Pini.....................:D

Wayne, we better get this thread back on subject else we will get in trouble mate:wink2:

Never compared FL V Figarti , don't think they would go myself but I do own quite a few Figarti AFV's and they are superb.Especially the Sherman Crab


No mate seems we can't!!!!

Blah...fl... Figures all look like they married a cousin but, nicely painted.... Blah... Figarti... Sneeze and the paint drops off... But, the afv's are great blah... K&c... Still won't release a sturmtiger and i don't like the stuff around the tracks but, make nice stuff... Blah... Cs.... Scale is all over the place, price is great, and innovation is great..... Blah everyone else is also making decent stuff... Blah blah blah (was that not the start of a nursery rhyme???


In no way should tg fans take umbridge at the fact that they were not mentioned in the main text they also make great figures and afv's

carry on with the scale thread guys i am really enjoying some of the comments.

I Agree !.....And good point about TG
it seems this invariably happens and then we are subjected to the usual propaganda instead of a candid conversation. Approaching any discussion of fl vs. Any thing else fills most of us with dread and brings to mind the phrase "abandon all hope ye who enter here."

And....I agree !

My Take.......Whatever makes you happy......I know what I like and what works with what in my mind......I think I will take Jazzes advise and keep it to myself....Future Episodes of TGC will show the result
Since we are quoting homilies or such, you may want to read the True Believer by Eric Hoffer, a book I read in high school but still apropos today it seems.
I do not happen to agree with the basic premises of that text.....What is a True Believer????....Is there absolute truth or is truth relative??? :wink2:....If there is no Absolute Truth then life is truely meaningless....Existentialism...No Meaning...No purpose.....right and wrong are relative...Meaningless Connotations
Indeed, but, did they get the scale of the letters correct???


Now seriously i would love to see these figures on one of these Arty pieces.
(Just for scale reference cant afford the figures.)





Who does he look like ???


I agree sets like that would be good for field guns. You have posted some of the pics that kind of put me off FL figures. The gun crew look the same.. a film saying only their mother could tell them apart springs to mind everytime I look at them. I am glad that FL released the gun by itself as that was the one I bought because I did not want the figures. I am also a little unsure on the size of the helmets they always IMO look too small for the troops and, I have not seen many stalingrad pics or, early war pics where the germans had such small fitting hats.

They are nicely painted but, for my own taste and for the cost I stopped getting them. Paint styles can be easily sorted but, I would have to do some work changing helmets to get them the way I expect them to look and, that makes the cost not worth it.

Some as we know love them some don't but, I like the releases but, they for me, have some issues I cannot overlook and, have stopped me collecting a theatre of operations which, I am very interested in.

I agree sets like that would be good for field guns. You have posted some of the pics that kind of put me off FL figures. The gun crew look the same.. a film saying only their mother could tell them apart springs to mind everytime I look at them. I am glad that FL released the gun by itself as that was the one I bought because I did not want the figures. I am also a little unsure on the size of the helmets they always IMO look too small for the troops and, I have not seen many stalingrad pics or, early war pics where the germans had such small fitting hats.

They are nicely painted but, for my own taste and for the cost I stopped getting them. Paint styles can be easily sorted but, I would have to do some work changing helmets to get them the way I expect them to look and, that makes the cost not worth it.

Some as we know love them some don't but, I like the releases but, they for me, have some issues I cannot overlook and, have stopped me collecting a theatre of operations which, I am very interested in.

Nick made that observations on some of the helmets also :(

No mate seems we can't!!!!

Blah...FL... figures all look like they married a cousin but, nicely painted.... Blah... Figarti... sneeze and the paint drops off... but, the AFV's are great Blah... K&C... still won't release a sturmtiger and I don't like the stuff around the tracks but, make nice stuff... Blah... CS.... scale is all over the place, price is great, and innovation is great..... Blah everyone else is also making decent stuff... Blah blah blah (was that not the start of a nursery rhyme???


In n
That about spot on mate ,about cover everything , no need to post again . Saying that I'm getting cheese off with all these scale thead
Thing is this was not a scale thread per se Sammy asked if two manufacturers models would blend. no more no less. There is a lot of chees around at the min!!!lol

That about spot on mate ,about cover everything , no need to post again . Saying that I'm getting cheese off with all these scale thead
Personally I think First Legion WWII Stalingrad Germans/Russians are done extremely well:) and better than any WWII figures currently being produced out there:)....If something better comes along in 1:30th scale "Let's see it".....First Legion is accurate/consistent 1:30th scale (helmets included).....As to whether they go with Figarti..???? Not sure of a 100% match but are close......I have used the Figarti 1:32 Scale Tiger with the FL figures and the scale harmony is "close" IMO....not perfect....The 1:32 scale Figarti Tiger is definitely not a match up in size with the FL Stug and PanzerIII which are 1:30th for sure.....When First Legion releases their own 1:30th Tiger and T-34 AFV's there will be a perfect match for FL WWII figures....But for now I think Figarti 1:30th is the best match with FL.........Not K/C or TG or CS which are more compatible with each other in style and in scale 1:28th....IMO

I agree sets like that would be good for field guns. You have posted some of the pics that kind of put me off FL figures. The gun crew look the same.. a film saying only their mother could tell them apart springs to mind everytime I look at them. I am glad that FL released the gun by itself as that was the one I bought because I did not want the figures. I am also a little unsure on the size of the helmets they always IMO look too small for the troops and, I have not seen many stalingrad pics or, early war pics where the germans had such small fitting hats.

They are nicely painted but, for my own taste and for the cost I stopped getting them. Paint styles can be easily sorted but, I would have to do some work changing helmets to get them the way I expect them to look and, that makes the cost not worth it.

Some as we know love them some don't but, I like the releases but, they for me, have some issues I cannot overlook and, have stopped me collecting a theatre of operations which, I am very interested in.

Yep opinion is divided as you say, however everytime someone mentions this all hell breaks loose . Shame, as I'm sure there would be more discussion here but for the fact that it always seems to end badly.

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Lets take this to the General toy discussion thread, because it is important. I will start the thread. Alex
I agree with u Mitch
FL screwed up big time with their Stalingrad figures all look alike long faces
I'm an AK fan but same with their figures all look alike long faces
I bought the gun only could'n stand the figures
Bought the AK 232 no AK figures yet
Maybe FL will smart up and change the faces of the comming figures
They use the same stupid faces for all the figures
I cannot get myself to buy any of those figures
They should get rid of the sculptor
They probably would sell more figures
That's my opinion and i stand by it
Maple Leaf

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