Figarti vehicles with First legion vehicles (1 Viewer)

Is it just me or does that Tiger look like it's two different scales? The chassis looks to be ~1:30 while the turret looks smaller. There's something strange going on with proportions.

Honestly I always thought there was something funny about the 1/32 Tiger. And I think you got it right, it is the turret. ....

Well we are making some sense out of all of this.......SOME....:rolleyes2: ^&grin I personally have learned a lot and I am looking at my collection very differently now, in regards to putting together future scenes.....Thanks to all. Alex
Is it just me or does that Tiger look like it's two different scales? The chassis looks to be ~1:30 while the turret looks smaller. There's something strange going on with proportions.

You were right - the chassis height of the 1:32 Figarti Tiger is 1:30 - the other dimensions are 1:32 (all by measurement and reference to the official dimensions)

Now on to the turret.



Great comparison picture. The figure looks absolutely correct against the vehicle. That is one battle-worn looking Tiger. Nice job. -- Al
I think I found what was causing the confusion about why a FL figure looks correct next to a 1:32 scale Figarti Tiger but the Tiger matches up exactly with the K&C Winter Tiger for length and width and is much smaller than the 1:30 K&C Tigers. The Figarti and K&C Winter Tiger both measure out to 1:32 for length and width but placing the tanks side by side shows the deck of the Figarti is slightly higher and measures at 1:30. The K&C Tiger is a 1 piece hull made to a scale but the Figarti comes apart with the hull deck and sides lifting off the chassis so the fit affects the height. That is why the 1:32 Figarti matches 1:32 K&C Tigers for length and width but allows a FL figure look the correct height beside the Figarti as if it was at 1:30 scale because it is.


Terry and Frank...Great Observations....Makes sense.....Mystery solved
Is it just me or does that Tiger look like it's two different scales? The chassis looks to be ~1:30 while the turret looks smaller. There's something strange going on with proportions.

Thanks Frank...Great Observation...You are the man....Way to go {sm4}
Great comparison picture. The figure looks absolutely correct against the vehicle. That is one battle-worn looking Tiger. Nice job. -- Al


I liked the paint job on my Normandy Tiger.....But I didn't like the job they did in the winter version.....I love Figarti stuff so that was rare.

The FL figures got me interested in "Grey" German stuff, so I repainted and weathered it, just last week, so I could use it with them.

Some interesting measurement stuff you guys came up with. Alex
WOW they are tiny i didn't think they where that small and skinny great pic thanks,all my questions have been answered no way are they 1/30.


I will eat my K&C collection if they are.......................{eek3}:D
Well I guess we finally figured everything out.....It is a mess......So for us diorama builders, we need to have tons of reference ( Which I do ) and a good eye, then go for it when you put a scene together. I wish it was not like this, it is actually worse than I thought, but I have a better prospective now, due to this conversation.......

With the cost of this hobby I will now be much more selective with my future purchases. The Great Crusade has made me get my collection out of the boxes and start playing with them in earnest......Some manufacturers stuff will be sold when it is over, and I will limit myself to certain manufacturers in future purchases.

I will judge figures / vehicles on cost, compatibility, consistency, paint, detail, versatility, relative size / scale of both the figure / vehicle itself, and the components that make it up, which Ken was speaking about.

In So far:

Thomas Gunn

Figari Vehicles and some Figures


Don't want to start trouble.

I think we did a great job here......... Alex
I think in the end its down to common sense. If you think something looks good and works well together, then do it, if not don't!

There is such a thing as over analizing:)


I will give this some thought and get back to you about that!!!!lol

I think in the end its down to common sense. If you think something looks good and works well together, then do it, if not don't!

There is such a thing as over analizing:)

When it comes to scale, manufacturers seem to follow the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
I think in the end its down to common sense. If you think something looks good and works well together, then do it, if not don't!

There is such a thing as over analizing:)


Some collectors build airfield dioramas. Some collectors overanalyze. :p It's all part of the same hobby. {sm3}{sm4}

Thanks to all who put in alot of time in posting pics and info on this thread, I guess after all said and done I'm just glad we have these choices to choose from...Sammy
Hmmmm. It would seem that a little knowledge IS a dangerous thing.:eek::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::rolleyes2: -- Al
Thanks to all who put in alot of time in posting pics and info on this thread, I guess after all said and done I'm just glad we have these choices to choose from...Sammy

Well said sammy and if i offended anyone i wish to say sorry just my observations on size not scientific just my opinion.thanks Mike B.:(^&grin

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