First Legion Stug III Ausf F/8 (4 Viewers)

Well, any dates that I post here even with a non-committal caveat are going to be taken by most to be hard and fast, so I'd rather not get overly specific. Suffice it to say, August/September sounds reasonable.



That suffices. I trust it is 2009. :p

Quality beats speed. That is why I am not nagging you about the Guard.

During out recent visit to Hong Kong, myself and Missus H happened to chance upon one of those knock-off street markets we’ve heard so much about. Imagine our surprise when we saw the tank in the following photos. Sorry they’re such poor quality, it was dark o’clock so I had to turn the resolution on the camera right down. Pretty exciting find though cos it only cost a fraction of the new First Legion Stug. Is it the new Winter FL Stug? I’ve really no idea, but it looks to me like a Ausf G. I still have to check, but I’m almost sure these were at Stalingrad. Hmm, gimme some time and I’ll try and take some photos with a K&C figure and an FL figure next to it, so’s we can compare the scales.






During out recent visit to Hong Kong, myself and Missus H happened to chance upon one of those knock-off street markets we’ve heard so much about. Imagine our surprise when we saw the tank in the following photos. Sorry they’re such poor quality, it was dark o’clock so I had to turn the resolution on the camera right down. Pretty exciting find though cos it only cost a fraction of the new First Legion Stug. Is it the new Winter FL Stug? I’ve really no idea, but it looks to me like a Ausf G. I still have to check, but I’m almost sure these were at Stalingrad. Hmm, gimme some time and I’ll try and take some photos with a K&C figure and an FL figure next to it, so’s we can compare the scales.






Dear Harry, are you funning us:p or did you really buy this piece for cheap on the black market? We are missing the boat paying full list for our toys. A vacation to the orient sounds like a fun collecting time to me..Does customs even care if its marked F/L or Last Legion? Seems like the mfg. should be upset...Michael
Dear Harry, are you funning us:p or did you really buy this piece for cheap on the black market? We are missing the boat paying full list for our toys. A vacation to the orient sounds like a fun collecting time to me..Does customs even care if its marked F/L or Last Legion? Seems like the mfg. should be upset...Michael

Mr. Heid is excercising his sense of humor. Normally I appreciate it, but in this case, though I get his joke, it's obvious that many people might not. The stug in the image is a 1/72nd scale Dragon vehicle, not a First Legion vehicle. In fact, it's a Stug III Ausf G, not an F.


First Legion Ltd
Dear Harry, are you funning us:p or did you really buy this piece for cheap on the black market? We are missing the boat paying full list for our toys. A vacation to the orient sounds like a fun collecting time to me..Does customs even care if its marked F/L or Last Legion? Seems like the mfg. should be upset...Michael

Dear Michael,

Of course I'm funning you. Its a Dragon 1/72 scale model - see below. Although I've never seen any FL stuff at the knock-off markets, I've seen other manufacturers stuff and the scales are all over the place - just like the legit products.

Mr. Heid is excercising his sense of humor. Normally I appreciate it, but in this case, though I get his joke, it's obvious that many people might not. The stug in the image is a 1/72nd scale Dragon vehicle, not a First Legion vehicle. In fact, it's a Stug III Ausf G, not an F.


First Legion Ltd

The reason I was confused was that on another mfg. forum, the owner claimed that perfectly good knockoffs and production samples of his competitors models were being sold at these alley markets for cheap. "HARRY'S BAD" ...Michael
The reason I was confused was that on another mfg. forum, the owner claimed that perfectly good knockoffs and production samples of his competitors models were being sold at these alley markets for cheap. "HARRY'S BAD" ...Michael
Yes but I thought no one really took "those claims" seriously.:rolleyes::D
Mr. Heid is excercising his sense of humor. Normally I appreciate it, but in this case, though I get his joke, it's obvious that many people might not. The stug in the image is a 1/72nd scale Dragon vehicle, not a First Legion vehicle. In fact, it's a Stug III Ausf G, not an F.


First Legion Ltd

Well, Mister Legion, I would have thought that was obviously a 1/72 plastic model and it was another of my wind-ups. Evidently other members here must hang onto my every word, even when uttered in jest.
I actually wish I could get my hands on several of your 1/30 scale Stugs, cos given the self-fuelled speculation the announcement caused on this forum, I reckon I could make a killing on Evil-Bay selling them above retail.

Back-Street Spiv Heid
check it out

Summer 1942 Southeast USSR

Thank you Blowtorch,

That is one of the best picture I've ever seen in color. Look at the bogies, rubber color and the spare ones on the turret.
check it out

Summer 1942 Southeast USSR

Yes, some of the AFVs destined for the Caucasus were painted in a desert colour. But the predominant colour at that time, including new AFVs for the Eastern Front was grey. Andanna's earlier post said As a matter of fact, most authors argue the tanks were delivered to the Leningrad front in plain dark grey (see, for example, Jentz/Doyle, Tiger I Heavy Tank 1942-45, Plate 1A and Schneider, Tiger in Combat I, p.6: "The tanks delivered still had the grey paint and were not painted any further.")

Yes, some of the AFVs destined for the Caucasus were painted in a desert colour. But the predominant colour at that time, including new AFVs for the Eastern Front was grey. Andanna's earlier post said As a matter of fact, most authors argue the tanks were delivered to the Leningrad front in plain dark grey (see, for example, Jentz/Doyle, Tiger I Heavy Tank 1942-45, Plate 1A and Schneider, Tiger in Combat I, p.6: "The tanks delivered still had the grey paint and were not painted any further.")


It would be very interesting to find out how many long barrel Pz III & IVs got sent to AG North & Center in Spring '42. Do you have any idea?
It would be very interesting to find out how many long barrel Pz III & IVs got sent to AG North & Center in Spring '42. Do you have any idea?

No, I don't. Fmethorst has more original data than I do and may be able to answer the question. But our discussion was really focused on long barreled Stug III Ausf F as to how many fought in the factory district of Stalingrad, and what colour they were. Frank and I have gone through the book Island of Fire which is a day by day account of the battle for the factory district in Stalingrad. It seems all of the photos of German AFVs including short barreled Stug III Ausf E and the new sIG33 were dark grey. There was no photo of a long barreled Stug III Ausf F. But Frank has a photo of a light coloured long barreled Stug III in the factory district from a German magazine source.

This could have been in desert camo originally sent to the south Caucasus. We don't know how many Ausf F Stugs were in the factory district - but likely not many based on snapshots of armour strength of the 3 Abt. that fought in the Factory District. It's possible that one Stug, no Stugs or all of the Stugs were painted a desert camo as the Ausf F were intended for an anti-tank role on the steppes, not specifically for urban warfare.

Unfortunately I don't have detailed information regarding Panzer III/IV deliveries.

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