Flak 41 88mm BROKE (3 Viewers)

I did say it was a case you would still get your artwork box earlier so, another voice allaying that fear may calm some nerves. As long as you have enjoyed your sets then who really cares whether it makes money or not and, what can you do if your dead?? nothing. Enjoy them now while you can the rest takes care of itself.

Vezzolf talks of the price of the gun and whether it will make any money in the future I don't know, as nobody else does or, I would have the lottery numbers but, I have to say, and its not a knock for any manufacturer but, the choosen product for vezzolf is £299 per tank and £425 for the upcoming gun. Will there be any profit in those resale values in the future??

Its swings and roundabouts. I think if collectors are always worrying about the price and what may happen their spending too much time which, could be spent enjoying the hobby.
Mitch mate,
Nice post.:)
I just cannot believe how many whining shielas there are on this Forum. Ask yourself the question. Do I trust the dealer and the manufacturer I buy from? If so, then if it is damaged or broken then your dealer will replace it.
I have had over a period of five years collecting many damaged sets of all manufacturers, (FL, CS, JJD, K&C, Britains, Figarti, etc) some total destruction when they have travelled from the US to Australia and all of which have been replace with a new set. No problems.
To just jump straight onto the Forum and scream black and blue murder that you have a broken or damaged set IMO is senseless. Contact your dealer and sort it out. If after that, you get no satisfaction then by all means have a big whinge on this Forum so others will be aware of the problem and the dealer concerned.
I am awaiting two of these Flak 41 sets and have been informed by my dealer (Brett) of the problems associated with this release and being a patience man am prepared to wait until my replacement sets in the right boxes arrive.
Just my thoughts.
Cheers Howard
I did say it was a case you would still get your artwork box earlier so, another voice allaying that fear may calm some nerves. As long as you have enjoyed your sets then who really cares whether it makes money or not and, what can you do if your dead?? nothing. Enjoy them now while you can the rest takes care of itself.

Vezzolf talks of the price of the gun and whether it will make any money in the future I don't know, as nobody else does or, I would have the lottery numbers but, I have to say, and its not a knock for any manufacturer but, the choosen product for vezzolf is £299 per tank and £425 for the upcoming gun. Will there be any profit in those resale values in the future??

Its swings and roundabouts. I think if collectors are always worrying about the price and what may happen their spending too much time which, could be spent enjoying the hobby.
Mitch, Most of us make purchases with the intention of enjoying our collections...We like it; we buy it; simple.....However some K/C products like Flak Guns have always been prone to speculation of resale value in secondary markets like e-bay....But now with K/C prices rising steadily the "retired products game plan" for stimulating purchases in order sell latter for possible profit is not likely...Resale speculation has not been the case as far as I can see with First Legion Products ,so far, and not likely to happen....Prices have "topped out" for all manufactuers' products....I personnaly buy First Legion because I think they are the "best" buy for the money in terms of quality IMO
Hey Frank, must agree there, I never purchase for resale value, I buy it purely because I like the look of it. For me thats the joy of the hobby, buying items that you would just like to have in your collection and on display. The only resale will be when I'm gone and the wife is selling it, hopefully I'll be looking down and saying in a ghostly voice 'Sell the Winter Tiger, sell the Winter Tiger' !!:eek::D;)


Well Rob, None of us are taking anything with us that's for sure:D....I never saw a u-haul behind a herse:D:D.....We need to:"Seek Heavenly Treasure", that can never be taken away. Blessings Frank
Well Rob, None of us are taking anything with us that's for sure:D....I never saw a u-haul behind a herse:D:D.....We need to:"Seek Heavenly Treasure", that can never be taken away. Blessings Frank

Thanks Frank, hopefully we all have many more collecting years in us yet;):)


Cheers mate. I think its a case that you have to give K&C some credit they have packed a very large and very big gun the best way they thought was going to protect it. Sadly, because its so well packed its damaged the product. Its not like it was sent with a bit of sticky tape and some paper, as you will see when your two arrive. I would like to get my hands on some of the broken sets if they are not all going back to Andy as, the possibilities for rebuilding and dio work are excellent.

As for your ''whining sheila's'' (I love that phrase!!) I think a lot is born from frustration at wanting a set and getting it and its broken instead of kicking the cat etc (not condoning booting the cat animal lovers just a comment) we have a forum where people can pour out that frustration anytime they want. I bet Andy is as sick as its his schedule and a cost not factored in having to redo several sets.

Mitch mate,
Nice post.:)
I just cannot believe how many whining shielas there are on this Forum. Ask yourself the question. Do I trust the dealer and the manufacturer I buy from? If so, then if it is damaged or broken then your dealer will replace it.
I have had over a period of five years collecting many damaged sets of all manufacturers, (FL, CS, JJD, K&C, Britains, Figarti, etc) some total destruction when they have travelled from the US to Australia and all of which have been replace with a new set. No problems.
To just jump straight onto the Forum and scream black and blue murder that you have a broken or damaged set IMO is senseless. Contact your dealer and sort it out. If after that, you get no satisfaction then by all means have a big whinge on this Forum so others will be aware of the problem and the dealer concerned.
I am awaiting two of these Flak 41 sets and have been informed by my dealer (Brett) of the problems associated with this release and being a patience man am prepared to wait until my replacement sets in the right boxes arrive.
Just my thoughts.
Cheers Howard
Mitch mate,
Nice post.:)
I just cannot believe how many whining shielas there are on this Forum. Ask yourself the question. Do I trust the dealer and the manufacturer I buy from? If so, then if it is damaged or broken then your dealer will replace it.
I have had over a period of five years collecting many damaged sets of all manufacturers, (FL, CS, JJD, K&C, Britains, Figarti, etc) some total destruction when they have travelled from the US to Australia and all of which have been replace with a new set. No problems.
To just jump straight onto the Forum and scream black and blue murder that you have a broken or damaged set IMO is senseless. Contact your dealer and sort it out. If after that, you get no satisfaction then by all means have a big whinge on this Forum so others will be aware of the problem and the dealer concerned.
I am awaiting two of these Flak 41 sets and have been informed by my dealer (Brett) of the problems associated with this release and being a patience man am prepared to wait until my replacement sets in the right boxes arrive.
Just my thoughts.
Cheers Howard

Good thing you didn't call them "Shirley":p American humor - those of us who have seen the movie "Airplane" will understand. Have you finished putting away all the toys in your new cabinets? Let me know if you have any room left :D Have a great day/night!
Vezzolf yet again raises the K&C "retired products game plan" when he says

".....However some K/C products like Flak Guns have always been prone to speculation of resale value in secondary markets like e-bay....But now with K/C prices rising steadily the "retired products game plan" for stimulating purchases in order sell latter for possible profit is not likely...Resale speculation has not been the case as far as I can see with First Legion Products ,so far, and not likely to happen...."

How can there be a "plan" as any such resale depends on the buyers later listing an item succesfully for sale. This is entirely beyond the control of K&C or the dealers so can not be part of a plan. Any such increases (that Vezzolf finds so detestable) indicate there is or was a demand for particular retired items (I would guess mainly by newer collectors who missed out when the item was originally available at retail). However I do note Vezzolf's comment indicate there is no such secondary market demand for FL products.

Most of the collectors I know do not buy with a view to the future value might be. They buy becuase they like it. However if anybody buys an item and they see it go up in value I believe that brings them some satisfaction even if they do not plan to sell the item.

On a seperate note about damaged Flak 41's K&C took immeadiate steps with dealers to solve the problem.

It would seem the problem was the new packing method used to pack the Flak which is a delicate item compared to say a tank. Prior to mine arriving K&C had advised me to check each one which I did.

K&C could not have been quicker to sort out the problem once discovered.

Some have commented on the box. This was a point discussed by me with Helen (of K&C) and I actually suggested they not provide another outer box. This means if you come across a Flak 41 without the full colour outer box then it is more than likely one of the damaged ones that has been replaced. A point to watch out for when buying from a dealer or on the secondary market.

Mitch mate,
Nice post.:)
I just cannot believe how many whining shielas there are on this Forum. Ask yourself the question. Do I trust the dealer and the manufacturer I buy from? If so, then if it is damaged or broken then your dealer will replace it.
I have had over a period of five years collecting many damaged sets of all manufacturers, (FL, CS, JJD, K&C, Britains, Figarti, etc) some total destruction when they have travelled from the US to Australia and all of which have been replace with a new set. No problems.
To just jump straight onto the Forum and scream black and blue murder that you have a broken or damaged set IMO is senseless. Contact your dealer and sort it out. If after that, you get no satisfaction then by all means have a big whinge on this Forum so others will be aware of the problem and the dealer concerned.
I am awaiting two of these Flak 41 sets and have been informed by my dealer (Brett) of the problems associated with this release and being a patience man am prepared to wait until my replacement sets in the right boxes arrive.
Just my thoughts.
Cheers Howard

I don't think there any harm people posting if you have a damaged item as it warn people there is a problem , lucky K&C picked up with the problem and dealt with it straight away witch we know K&C would any way what I find very boring is every time there something wrong with a K&C item it get blown way out of proportion .
I'm Glad I decided to pass on this one....Not impressed with it's appearance in the first place and with the price at $372 with figures I would not bet on much profit margins for resale on secondary markets....Hopefully that strategy is not in the game plan for most purchasers.....However,Sorry some of you guys have had problems with breakage issues..Usually this is not a big problem for K/C products...I'm sure they will be resolved to satisfaction

Nice and Compassionate!!. Thanks Vezzolf!!. We appreciate it.
Not sure of that. At 199,00$, it is extremely expensive. How to hope for a profit? Look at WS103, it was a total fiasco (still available after more than two years) and it was a 88 gun, mounted + five figures, for only 239,00$. The failiure of that item on the market is a real mystery for me as it was one of the greatest set ever released by K&C, IMO.


I was not thinking of the $ value, rather the broken gun/box issue.
My 88 arrived today and was damaged, broken seat and paint missing. Also does anyone know if the gun barrel is supposed to lift upwards until it does a 180?


Sorry to hear about the damage. The gun on the Flak 41 should not move its supposed to be static
I know people say dont worry it will be sorted out, but the last problem i had took over two months to sort out. I ended up £40 out of pocket and very frustrated.
I use both, in the last case i got club figures and an lca from hong kong and lca and club figure was damaged. last few times i used the hong kong shop i have recieved broken items.
I would be gently asking for a future discount off purchases to cover return postage if you are having to pay this out of your own pocket. I am fortunate anything that has come has been undamaged but, I would be asking for this had it happened to me

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