Hi Guys,
Sadly 90% of the guesswork on this thread is considerably “off-the-mark” by a wide margin.
This is not to put any of you off speculating but most of what you wish to see is what you personally want for your own collection.
When K&C put together our release schedule for the entire year we use a combination of actual sales figures… dealer feedback… overall collectors’ preferences and… our own got instincts based on almost 30 years of running a successful business.
Sometimes we got it wrong but most of the time, I’m happy to say, we get it reasonably right.
Forums like this tend to be dominated by a relatively small but vocal selection of the collector fan base who have very definite ideas of what they want and when they want it. Whilst this is undoubtedly useful it is by no means the only criteria by which K&C makes its commercial decisions.
That may be why a few dozen collectors may be disappointed when “DISPATCHES” eventually comes out but hundreds of others are happily surprised!
Hope this helps… best wishes and happy collecting,