Gas prices🤬 (1 Viewer)

The political stuff killed the HB forum. I think when those of us who weren’t drinking the QAnon Qool-Aid tried to avoid the political threads the thread titles got more and more inflammatory. People just looking to pick fights and go down the conspiracy rat hole. Please don’t open that can of worms here.

The three remaining members on the HB forum would like to have a word with you......................:wink2:

The truth is in all reality, in this hobby, there is only room for one toy soldier forum vs say wargaming, there are several forums with a **** ton of members who post on there with virtually no overlap.

Also, try posting on any of the various FB pages that are toy soldier related; zero politics, zero arguments about the wrong color buttons, how expensive the hobby is, how the antenna on that tank is not thick enough, or how expensive the hobby is, just fellas sharing pictures of their displays and their soldiers and enjoying the hobby.

What a unique concept..........{sm4}
The three remaining members on the HB forum would like to have a word with you......................:wink2:

The truth is in all reality, in this hobby, there is only room for one toy soldier forum vs say wargaming, there are several forums with a **** ton of members who post on there with virtually no overlap.

Also, try posting on any of the various FB pages that are toy soldier related; zero politics, zero arguments about the wrong color buttons, how expensive the hobby is, how the antenna on that tank is not thick enough, or how expensive the hobby is, just fellas sharing pictures of their displays and their soldiers and enjoying the hobby.

What a unique concept..........{sm4}

What 3 are left?? Mitch, Harry, Bill?? 🤣
What 3 are left?? Mitch, Harry, Bill?? 🤣

Harry dropped out a long time ago, he and I have kept in touch, super nice guy.

Bill tries his best to keep things moving in a positive direction, another super nice guy who is also a customer.

No clue what happened to Mitch, he fell off the grid a long time ago, no one knows what happened, hoping for his sake he's ok, extremely knowledgeable person, specifically German armor and such.
Harry was on Planet Figure but haven't seen nothing from him in a while.
Our petrol price in the UK are roughly $7.50 a gallon, i live 12 miles from the nearest shop and 26 miles to the nearest filling station, but get some perspective. I am assuming the 3 years is the current US government?
The Democrats did not invade Ukraine,
Fuel prices are going up all over the world at the moment, so how can that be YOUR governments fault fuel prices are higher, I do not blame them for the rises in my country.

Stop blaming the government, probably one you did not vote for, for everything, it is lazy and plain stupid, what next will you blame them for the weather?

Finally - people are fighting and dying for their freedom, how does that compare with a rise in fuel?

Thanks for the lecture. :rolleyes2:
The stock market actually ended up slightly yesterday. I guess that is why they tell folks not to jump in and out. In the long run, it's better to ride the wave up and down. It's surreal to watch those pictures from Ukraine. In some places you can't tell anything is going on. I'm surprised that the Russians are allowing TV coverage of war protests and reporters in the midst of fighting.
The three remaining members on the HB forum would like to have a word with you......................:wink2:

The truth is in all reality, in this hobby, there is only room for one toy soldier forum vs say wargaming, there are several forums with a **** ton of members who post on there with virtually no overlap.

Also, try posting on any of the various FB pages that are toy soldier related; zero politics, zero arguments about the wrong color buttons, how expensive the hobby is, how the antenna on that tank is not thick enough, or how expensive the hobby is, just fellas sharing pictures of their displays and their soldiers and enjoying the hobby.

What a unique concept..........{sm4}

Well, on the FB pages I administer, we delete political posts as soon as we see 'em.

We do allow arguments about wrong color buttons, though few if any tend to make them :D

The stock market actually ended up slightly yesterday. I guess that is why they tell folks not to jump in and out. In the long run, it's better to ride the wave up and down. It's surreal to watch those pictures from Ukraine. In some places you can't tell anything is going on. I'm surprised that the Russians are allowing TV coverage of war protests and reporters in the midst of fighting.

I suspect that much of that media coverage is harvested for Russian consumption. The thing many throughout the West don't realize is what the average Russian thinks of the story. They probably support it wholeheartedly. I'm not defending their view, nor their government's actions, just pointing out that it helps understand the events better.

I'm still a member of the HobbyBunker forum, too, but I've never really participated that much. Not for any reasons like too many arguments, political or otherwise. If I didn't mind arguments and people sniping at each other, I'd have left Hyperscale long ago. But there's just too much content for me to let a bunch of grouchy, rude IPMS jerks chase me away.

No, I was here on Treefrog first, I didn't want to abandon this forum, and I found it took too much time to post basically the same content in two forums. Besides this one, for toy soldier content, I belong to 2 figure-painter forums (1 in English, 1 in German), and several scale modeling forums, too. I generally visit them over lunch, and otherwise, don't visit them much at all. It's too easy to get hooked on posting all day, I'd never have time to paint or build anything.

The political stuff killed the HB forum. I think when those of us who weren’t drinking the QAnon Qool-Aid tried to avoid the political threads the thread titles got more and more inflammatory. People just looking to pick fights and go down the conspiracy rat hole. Please don’t open that can of worms here.

I think you also need to be careful with general generalities, gets offensive. Part of your quote is true and part of it is very off mark. I know you are not trying to single out any members, but again, generalities are a terrible way of describing anything. As I have always said, Facts dictate a lot of what happens and unfortunately, in today's world, people like to ignore them because of their political beliefs for reasons I probably will never comprehend. It is like the sandbox just never leaves people's mentality or mind.

Gas prices are what they are for a lot of reasons posted on this thread, it takes a village of idiot missteps that have lead us to where we are today and yes, the current political control is ALWAYS going to get the blame in the court of public opinion, that is a fact.

I am going to put some other advice on here because it is what I do for a living and it will eventually affect everybody regardless of wealth, etc. Inflation is here, it is not a myth and in my estimation, we have about 6 months or less when the "Evil" Corporate empires decide to hold on to their cash and stop spending. When that happens, watch out here in the USA, you will see expansion come to a halt and you will see unemployment rise. Couple that with a declining market and inflation and guess what - Recession.

My timing may be off as I am not Nostradamus or all knowing obviously, but my momma didn't raise a dummy either. I work on corporate expansions for a living, those same "villified taxpayers" are what makes our Country's economy move, when they stop spending and just sit on their haunches and count cash, we as consumers "pay for it". Again, coupled with inflation, employment woes and increasing "taxes", it is going to hurt.

To me, this is what should be front and center in our press and this is where our concentrated efforts should be fighting, not all of these pathetic clickbait headlines everyday and this or that meaningless issue that is discussed ad nauseum.

And on that cheerful note, I bid this thread adieu.

I suspect that much of that media coverage is harvested for Russian consumption. The thing many throughout the West don't realize is what the average Russian thinks of the story. They probably support it wholeheartedly. I'm not defending their view, nor their government's actions, just pointing out that it helps understand the events better.


Yes, that is very true. As usual our media portrays the conflict in a very simplistic way to promote a narrative. Ukraine = good and Russia = bad. There are centuries of history and conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russia has legitimate concerns with NATO encroaching on its borders. Remember what happened when Russian missiles were discovered in Cuba? The European countries have played the US for fools for decades. We pay billions for the privilege of defending them from Russia and they pay almost nothing. The Germans have almost no military whatsoever. They are highly dependent on Russian oil and gas funneling billions to Russia. The NATO countries need to get their act together if they think Russia poses a threat to them. The US taxpayer should not bear the burden of all these conflicts.
Politics aside; gas prices continue to rise and with what is going on in Europe, sadly they are going to keep rising.

Gas price increases have a trickle down effect; gas goes up, the cost to transport things like food, consumer goods, etc, etc, goes up, then the cost of those items goes up.

So paying more at the pump is just the tip of the iceberg; grocery prices are already out of control and are going to get worse, as will the cost of consumer goods, the cost to fly, to dine out, etc, etc, etc.

Someone like myself that eats the cost of getting the goods from the manufacturer to me (and gee, since everything has a set MSRP, I certainly can't raise the prices now can I; but the supermarket can, the drug store can, all the other retail stores can now can't they........and they will), how much can I sustain as far as a hit, my cost to get the goods to me has doubled the last two years, in some cases tripled. FED EX, UPS, DHL and USPS continue to raise their prices over and over and over, no end in sight.

At some point, it will be a non starter, the cost of getting the goods here will be too much/profit won't be enough to make it worthwhile.

How much can people absorb; as someone said to me "Remember when a year ago gas was 1.90 a gallon, now it's 3.85 or so..........where will it be this time next do the math."

Um no, I'd rather not.

And Tom is spot on; I talked to my accountant the other day (oh joy, it's tax season) and he echoed basically Tom's thoughts; inflation leads to recession.

Mark it down now.

In pen.
Edward Luttwak: "the gas increases are not due to Ukraine but to the growing demand of the Chinese economy ".
Not everyone can afford them. My cousin's doctor got rid of his hybrid as it wasn't cost effective for him.
Check out the prices of replacement batteries for electric cars..........very scary{eek3}



I heard $20,000,is that true ? 6 hours to charge after 300 miles is that true also?
I heard $20,000,is that true ? 6 hours to charge after 300 miles is that true also?

The other option is a really, really long extension cord.

It would take me a month to get to the Chicago Toy Soldier Show.

My electric show shovel gives me fits, imagine riding around in an electric car, I'd rather drive a blender.

I am 1000% against electric anything, forget it.
Yes, that is very true. As usual our media portrays the conflict in a very simplistic way to promote a narrative. Ukraine = good and Russia = bad. There are centuries of history and conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russia has legitimate concerns with NATO encroaching on its borders. Remember what happened when Russian missiles were discovered in Cuba? The European countries have played the US for fools for decades. We pay billions for the privilege of defending them from Russia and they pay almost nothing. The Germans have almost no military whatsoever. They are highly dependent on Russian oil and gas funneling billions to Russia. The NATO countries need to get their act together if they think Russia poses a threat to them. The US taxpayer should not bear the burden of all these conflicts.

To our sidebar about how the media presents the story, I heard news reports last night, and saw confirming stories on line this morning, that there are Russian protests against the invasion. That's an interesting development; I didn't expect any Russians to oppose the invasion, let alone protest it.

Meanwhile, here in the US, we're in full panic mode, from politicians to the media, to people on social media who simply click or comment reflexively on seeing a lede. A maelstrom, a cacophony, of comments.


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