Gas prices🤬 (1 Viewer)

To our sidebar about how the media presents the story, I heard news reports last night, and saw confirming stories on line this morning, that there are Russian protests against the invasion. That's an interesting development; I didn't expect any Russians to oppose the invasion, let alone protest it.

Meanwhile, here in the US, we're in full panic mode, from politicians to the media, to people on social media who simply click or comment reflexively on seeing a lede. A maelstrom, a cacophony, of comments.


I heard that there were protests in 54 Russian cities with 1700 arrests (protesting is illegal in Russia)
On the upside, Sean Penn is apparently in the Ukraine. If the Russians take him prisoner, hopefully they keep him.
Why worry about the price of gas when sailing or canoe might be the better method of travel in Brisbane at the moment. Non stop heavy rain past few days and apparently had half a years worth. Flooding in many parts of the state and 6 deaths so far.
I've never seen such heavy rain over an extended period, the river had risen up to my front fence yesterday, level has dropped today and less rain here today. In Brisbane my youngest son says the water is currently up to his front door, flooded his girlfriend's car parked in the street out front. Then add gas prices, inflation, reducing shares and superannuation etc, doesn't look like such a good year after all, but at least we're not being invaded by the Ruskies.
Yeah 2022 isn't starting out too great. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Negative Ned & Nancy comments all around from half of our Great Country. Nothing the evil Dems do is positive.
As to the wealthy holding back investments when Dems are elected or when any problem that may hurt them rears up - we all know that here, and that is why some people call them "evil". One has to wonder if they have a point.
I am willing to pay a little when the evil pay a lot. An old buddy is applying to go to Ukraine. They should be supported in every way.

These are just opinions. But this has not been a fact-based thread.

Best Wishes whatever you believe!
A lot of historical themes being repeated this week. The NATO alliance has the potential to start WWIII in a similar way that the various alliances started WWI in 1914. The sanctions risk pressuring Putin to escalate his military involvement rather than de-escalate. Similar to the situation the Germans were placed after WWI. When you pile on and don't allow for any face saving means to de-escalate a situation, it risks inflaming the situation. Putin has ruled based on power and intimidation. He doesn't have the luxury to stand down and look weak. JFK gave the Russians a way out during the Cuban missile crisis when he promised to remove missiles from Turkey. That allowed the Russians to stand down. No such offer is on the table at this point. The media types apparently want unconditional surrender of Russia. Sometimes it is better to take a reasonable settlement.
A lot of historical themes being repeated this week. The NATO alliance has the potential to start WWIII in a similar way that the various alliances started WWI in 1914. The sanctions risk pressuring Putin to escalate his military involvement rather than de-escalate. Similar to the situation the Germans were placed after WWI. When you pile on and don't allow for any face saving means to de-escalate a situation, it risks inflaming the situation. Putin has ruled based on power and intimidation. He doesn't have the luxury to stand down and look weak. JFK gave the Russians a way out during the Cuban missile crisis when he promised to remove missiles from Turkey. That allowed the Russians to stand down. No such offer is on the table at this point. The media types apparently want unconditional surrender of Russia. Sometimes it is better to take a reasonable settlement.

The situation today is different and much more complicated than Cuba with JFK: Putin probably has in mind to occupy a large part of the countries of the former Soviet Union, so it does not seem to me that there is room for negotiation. Ukraine is a democratic and free country whose citizens prefer to perish than to submit once again to Russia and Putin, who does not even consider them a nation, but only a territory of Russian influence.
You also take the example of Germany frustrated with the Versailles Treaty after World War I. Do you think Adolf would have de-escalated if the Allies had negotiated after he attacked Poland?
Unfortunately, the expansion of the conflict to Moldova and other neighboring countries seems likely and the nuclear option possible.
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The endgame in Ukraine is going to be very dangerous if it involves the Russians overrunning Kiev. There is going to be enormous pressure at that point on the US and NATO to intervene. The US media has generated - and rightly so - a lot of sympathy for the Ukrainians. Imagine the pressure on the western politicians when the Russian tanks are rolling down on Zelensky and he is making his last stand and appealing for help before being killed or captured.
The endgame in Ukraine is going to be very dangerous if it involves the Russians overrunning Kiev. There is going to be enormous pressure at that point on the US and NATO to intervene. The US media has generated - and rightly so - a lot of sympathy for the Ukrainians. Imagine the pressure on the western politicians when the Russian tanks are rolling down on Zelensky and he is making his last stand and appealing for help before being killed or captured.

I don't think NATO will deploy troops to Ukraine if Kyiv gets overrun. The Ukraine patriots have to hang tight (urban warfare) until the Russian army get tired of occupation as sanctions take effect on the Russian people. I'm sure the CIA are already there funneling weapons. The people's will to fight is everything. Zelensky is displaying great leadership rallying his people. It seems Putin sent his "B" team in, but will soon send his top troops. Its my opinion, that Russian don't want to injure civilians, but that will change quickly if they don't make gains. Brings tears to my eyes. Its going to get a lot worse. From what I see on TV, the Ukraine citizens have rifles, but I don't see extra magazines on them. They need ammo. Also those Russian protesters are brave too, getting arrested.
I don't think NATO will deploy troops to Ukraine if Kyiv gets overrun. The Ukraine patriots have to hang tight (urban warfare) until the Russian army get tired of occupation as sanctions take effect on the Russian people. I'm sure the CIA are already there funneling weapons. The people's will to fight is everything. Zelensky is displaying great leadership rallying his people. It seems Putin sent his "B" team in, but will soon send his top troops. Its my opinion, that Russian don't want to injure civilians, but that will change quickly if they don't make gains. Brings tears to my eyes. Its going to get a lot worse. From what I see on TV, the Ukraine citizens have rifles, but I don't see extra magazines on them. They need ammo. Also those Russian protesters are brave too, getting arrested.

Yes I agree with you The Russian protesters are very brave as they face 20 years in prison.I wish we could help the Ukrainians more but we don't need to get into a war with Russia as I think Putin is a madman and god knows what he would do.The best thing the Russian people could do is remove him. Zelensky will go down in history as a great freedom fighter.
It's a real crime that so few can make so much misery for so many.The real sad part is that it's always been that way.I hope there's a special place in Hell for Putin.
Interesting that the Russians are painting a white Z on their vehicles. Presumably so they can distinguish their own tanks and truck from the Ukrainians who use much of the same type of equipment, but it also helps the Ukrainians identify them. Imagine the Germans being able to run over this entire area and much of Russia during WWII with the technology and logistical issues that existed at that time when the Russians are struggling to do it with modern weapons.
Occurred to me that increased coms provided by social media etc would make things more difficult for any occupying army. The locations of assets such as soldiers and vehicles could be passed on quickly.
The US is spending $74 million PER DAY at the current prices to buy Russian oil. The gas prices here in PA are moving over $4/gallon. I got gas today and the place was full. I wonder if there will be a 70s shortage in the works on top of the prices? Imagine on top of everything else having to sit in lines to buy overpriced gas. The electric car companies must be getting a boost.
The US is spending $74 million PER DAY at the current prices to buy Russian oil. The gas prices here in PA are moving over $4/gallon. I got gas today and the place was full. I wonder if there will be a 70s shortage in the works on top of the prices? Imagine on top of everything else having to sit in lines to buy overpriced gas. The electric car companies must be getting a boost.

You do realize the plan is to drive the price of gas up and ram electric cars down everyones throat, right?

"Don't want to pay 7.00 a gallon for gas? Buy this eggbeater that you have to wait in line to charge and pay an arm and leg for the thing and God help you when it shits the bed and they have to fix it for you."

Like everything else; follow the money.

But hey; progress!!
You do realize the plan is to drive the price of gas up and ram electric cars down everyones throat, right?

"Don't want to pay 7.00 a gallon for gas? Buy this eggbeater that you have to wait in line to charge and pay an arm and leg for the thing and God help you when it shits the bed and they have to fix it for you."

Like everything else; follow the money.

But hey; progress!!

And to go full circle and ensure yourself against power outages get yourself a petrol powered generator ! :confused:

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