Greek Soldiers (1 Viewer)

MikeNick, I have been following your collection and I am impressed with the focus yet wide variety you have been able to accumulate. I was wondering if you have the Honour Bound Greek mercenaries from their Shores of Tripoli series? There are 3 Greeks and they are quite colorful and animated. -- Al
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I jumped at the chance to get the Honour Bound set a few years back. I agree that they are quite stunning.
Happy Collecting,
I recently picked up two additions to my collection. The mounted Evzone appears to be the work of Alexis Arion, a Romanian Greek. I have no idea who manufactured the flagbearer.

Alexis Arios Mtd Evzone and Turk and unknown Greek flagbearer.jpg
the evzones are just superb figures the band is excellent. Are these still available?
The bands are still available. Please let me know which one you are referring to and I can steer you to a seller.
Thanks for the compliment.
I received three figures from a maker identified under the base as St. George Cross.
They are Alexandros Ypsilantis
St. George Cross 70mm Alexandros Ypsilantis.jpg
R. Feraios
St. George Cross R. Feraios.jpg
and Athanasios Diakos
St. George Cross 70mm Athanasios Diakos.jpg
Kingcast 16 piece Greek Band.jpg
I purchased this excellent band of Greek Evzones made by Kingcast.
I went to Greece for four glorious weeks and returned with some additions to my collection. Here is Kostas Kanaris St. George Cross Kostas Kanaris pic 3.jpg, Nikitaras Turkofagos St. George Cross Nikitas Turkofagos pic 1.jpg, Dimitris Plapoutas St. George Cross Dimitris Plapoutas.jpg[/ATTACH], and Antonis Katsantonis St. George Cross Antonis Katsantonis pic 1.jpg. In the attachment you can also see Giorgakis Olimpios.
More pictures to come.
Here are some additional figures that I purchased while in Greece. They are Minoans made by George Emmanoulidis. He lives and works in Athens. I have a set of Cretan Bull Runners by Rose Miniatures that I will place them with.
Emmanoulidis Minoan Princesses 009b.jpg
Here is another set by Emmanoulidis. They are Greek flag bearers during the Balkan Wars. I am particularly drawn to the flags.
Emmanoulidis Balkan War Flagbearers pic 1a.jpg
While in Greece, I purchased this special commission set sculpted by Martin Tabony. It depicts the day the Greeks took Thesaloniki during the Balkan Wars.
Martin Tabony Balkan War Greeks Entering Thesaloniki pic 1b.jpg
Mike, those are very nice. I especially like the two mounted Greek officers.
While in Greece a friend of mine introduced me to the work of a new toy soldier maker. His name is Fotis Spyretos. The giftshop of the Ethniko Museum had a number of his soldiers for sale. Here are some Greek figures from the Balkan Wars.
Spyretos Balkan War Greek Infantry kneeling and firing pic 1b.jpgSpyretos Balkan War Greek Mounted Bugler pic 1b.jpgSpyretos Balkan War Greek Infantry Laying and firing pic 2b.jpg
And here are some of his Greek Revolutionaries:
Spyretos Greek Revolutionary charging wielding axe pic 5b.jpgSpyretos Greek Revolutionary kneeling and firing pic 4.JPG
While in Greece I picked up two Evzones by VC Miniatures.
VC Miniatures two Evzones in ceremonial dress pic 1.JPGVC Miniatures two Evzones in ceremonial dress pic 3.JPGVC Miniatures two Evzones in ceremonial dress pic 5a.jpg
Under the base there is the mark of VC for VC Miniatures.
Last week, this set of Greek WW1 cavalry arrived from Tommy Atkins.
Tommy Atkins Greek WW1 Cavalry pic 1.jpgTommy Atkins Greek WW1 Cavalry pic 2.jpgTommy Atkins Greek WW1 Cavalry pic 3.jpg
The postman delivered this set of Heyde Greek Infantry. They were not advertised as Greek. I simply got lucky!


  • Heyde 11 Greek Infantry with flag pic 1.jpg
    Heyde 11 Greek Infantry with flag pic 1.jpg
    41.9 KB · Views: 286
  • Heyde 11 Greek Infantry with flag pic 2.jpg
    Heyde 11 Greek Infantry with flag pic 2.jpg
    42.1 KB · Views: 292
Three more figures of the Greek Revolutionary War arrived. They were made by St. George Cross.
Here is Andreas Miaoulis
St. George Cross Andeas Miaoulis pic 1.jpg
Here is Lord Byron. Yes, he was the British Romantic poet.
St. George Cross Lord Byron pic 1.jpg
And her is Bouboulina.
St. George Cross Laskarina Bouboulina pic 1.jpg

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