Heco Tinplate Models (2 Viewers)

You know, I never got around to posting a photo of the Heco V-1 Buzz Bomb Launch Ramp Diorama, which I display alongside the V2 Rocket Base Diorama. Here it is:

Makes me regret selling all my Figarti Missile sets years ago {sm2}

Louis, who makes the tower for the V2 you have there, I don't think I've seen a model version before.
Makes me regret selling all my Figarti Missile sets years ago {sm2}

Louis, who makes the tower for the V2 you have there, I don't think I've seen a model version before.


The V2 Launch Tower is also Heco Tinplate Models. I still have my Figarti V2 stuff, but I regret never getting around to buying one of the Figarti Buzz Bomb Launch Ramps. I would have loved to set the Heco and Figarti Buzz Bomb ramps up side by side.

The V2 Launch Tower is also Heco Tinplate Models. I still have my Figarti V2 stuff, but I regret never getting around to buying one of the Figarti Buzz Bomb Launch Ramps. I would have loved to set the Heco and Figarti Buzz Bomb ramps up side by side.

Thanks Louis, the Launch Tower really sets the scene.

I had the Figarti VI missile with full launch ramp with figures etc. Also had Two V2 Rockets with Launch Base, Command Halftrack and some figure sets.

I didn't have the space to display them in the bookcases that I have used for my TS and Book collection for many years. The bookcases were about 6' x 3' but only 1' deep. They were cheap Billy versions from Ikea, over the years the shelves have continued to sag under the weight and threatened to to collapse which wouldn't be good for books or the models {sm2}

It was only last week that I had the idea of using several large cupboards in my hobby room for display rather than for empty TS box storage. Now all those empty TS boxes are in the top of the Built in wardrobes in my Bedrooms and I have all that space for display. The cupboard shelves are better quality timber and are 3' wide and 2' Deep, basically doubled the display area I used to have and now have room for a bed in that room as well. I rigged up some lighting for the new area and all looks good. Even have room for the Aussie Centurion etc in my Vietnam display, just have to buy it {eek3}

Sounds like a great idea, doubling your display area while making it more sturdy! I have the original Figarti V2 with the launch pad, command and fueling vehicles and all the figures, but I foolishly never got around to picking up the V1 ramp.

Sounds like a great idea, doubling your display area while making it more sturdy! I have the original Figarti V2 with the launch pad, command and fueling vehicles and all the figures, but I foolishly never got around to picking up the V1 ramp.

Yes, I know what it's like to miss out on buying a particular model, but have found they turn up eventually. Maybe someone, somewhere has a spare Figarti VI Launch Ramp.
Nice! I'm off to the West Coaster this morning where I got my first HECO a decade ago. Hoping luck will strike again with another or perhaps a Tin Toy.

Bosun Al


Drop me a PM or an e-mail with your Heco wish list. I'm feeling like you could use a Covid-pick me up.:salute::
My son Alec sent me some more of his Heco photos. The first is of a Heco Naval Gun Emplacement with crew. The second is of one of the smaller 1:64 scale Heco Sopwith Camels in front of a box of SAE 30mm RFC personnel. The third is of Heco Tinplate Austin and Crossley Armored Cars. The fourth is of Heco Tinplate British Mark IV and Whippet tanks.


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Sounds like a great idea, doubling your display area while making it more sturdy! I have the original Figarti V2 with the launch pad, command and fueling vehicles and all the figures, but I foolishly never got around to picking up the V1 ramp.

Here's my Figarti V2 Set up:


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my son Alec took some proper photos of my Heco V1 Launch Ramp diorama:


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And Alec's photos of the Heco V2 Rocket Launch Pad:


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WOW some great photos by your son Louis, kicking myself for selling those sets but can't collect everything I guess. I remember those pointing scientist figures, they were so tall, yet the Fuel pumper figures were tiny. That caused some forum discussion at the time, I do miss those scale discussions, but suspect I'm in the 'minority' there as most collectors don't mind either way.
Alec's photos of the Heco Tinplate Models DeHaviland Tigermoth and Hawker Hurricane on diorama bases by John Firth and TM Terrain:


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Re: Fokker DII - the HECO Conversion that Became a Scratch Build

The Fokker DII was unsurprisingly an unsuccessful biplane version of the Fokker Eindecker given that it incorporated the already obsolete engine and wing warping system of the latter and was never going to be a candidate for Tony Williams to add to his HECO stable. Although only some 200 DIIs reached the front, last year I discovered that the minor Saxon ace the 6 victory Erich Hahn (a personal favourite as like me he was both follically and vertically challenged) had flown and may have scored his first victory in the the DII whist with Jasta 1.

View attachment 258250

My intention was to convert a HECO standard single seat biplane as I had done for my Pfalz DXII, however, having acquired the desired HECO model thanks to Louis I discovered it was an Early Heco and as such much smaller than the one used for my previous conversion. I realised if I continued with the conversion that there would be nothing left of the original HECO so I determined that this would be the spur to make my first complete scratch built model which would be in HECO style and as close as possible to the DII.

View attachment 258252

The original HECO biplane with the completed DII. Although not a big plane the DII is somewhat larger.

View attachment 258254 View attachment 258255

The completed model made from tin,brass, aluminium, Copper pipe and copious amounts of filler with Erich Hahn converted from a recast Britains' figure of the bemedelled officer. I hope forumites will think I have achieved both goals.

I have also completed the changes required to my recently acquired Tin Toys Eindecker to bring it into line with the rest of my collection and this appears on the not HECO but Tin Toys thread.
Excellent job on the D-II conversion. I like the detail of those peculiar landing gear struts that you have modeled correctly, a nice detail. The paint is really nice, too. -- Al
Thanks to my sympathies with General Ludd (yes I am a confirmed Luddite), I took the decision some years ago not to have a computer in the house as it was a distraction from doing other things. Unfortunately, the 2020 Lockdown has hit me hard as it has denied me any access to other computers and my emails. Sadly I may have to join the devil and purchase a Laptop.

I hope everyone is well and surviving in these unpleasant times.

Louis your son's pictures are awesome especially the VI Launch Pad and the appearance of the beautiful Fiesler Storch is great.

Thanks Lancer for the vote of confidence in my Fokker DII, it was pleasing you noticed the undercarriage which ironically made the assembly easier and sturdier.

The one consolation has been that I have used the time stuck at home to add a Pfalz DVIII, a Roland DVI, repaint my Pfalz DXII and add the figures of two minor Saxon aces although it will be a while before I can post the pictures. I now have 22 different planes and 35 aces but I fear the collection is reaching completion although there are still a handful of possible additions yet.
Thanks to my sympathies with General Ludd (yes I am a confirmed Luddite), I took the decision some years ago not to have a computer in the house as it was a distraction from doing other things. Unfortunately, the 2020 Lockdown has hit me hard as it has denied me any access to other computers and my emails. Sadly I may have to join the devil and purchase a Laptop.

I hope everyone is well and surviving in these unpleasant times.

Louis your son's pictures are awesome especially the VI Launch Pad and the appearance of the beautiful Fiesler Storch is great.

Thanks Lancer for the vote of confidence in my Fokker DII, it was pleasing you noticed the undercarriage which ironically made the assembly easier and sturdier.

The one consolation has been that I have used the time stuck at home to add a Pfalz DVIII, a Roland DVI, repaint my Pfalz DXII and add the figures of two minor Saxon aces although it will be a while before I can post the pictures. I now have 22 different planes and 35 aces but I fear the collection is reaching completion although there are still a handful of possible additions yet.

I look forward to seeing your newest conversions.:salute:: Hope you and your family are healthy and well.
Thanks Louis and yes myself, family and friends are all well and as yet appear to have avoided the Covid threat.
Thanks to the help of good friend John Firth, I just agreed to purchase this fantastic Heco Feisler Storch, which will be displayed with my Heco Junkers JU52:

Well, at sat in customs for a month, but the
Heco Feisler Storch finally arrived safely today! {sm4} My son Alec is going to put it on the diorama with the
Heco Junkers JU52 and take some photos, which I will post later or tomorrow.
Well, at sat in customs for a month, but the
Heco Feisler Storch finally arrived safely today! {sm4} My son Alec is going to put it on the diorama with the
Heco Junkers JU52 and take some photos, which I will post later or tomorrow.
Here are some photos my son Alec took of the Heco Feisler Storch on the TM Terrain Germain Blast pen diorama with the Junkers JU52 and some other Heco Tinplate Models:


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