Hudson & Allen Custom Civil War Diorama (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
Thanks to the generosity of Tom, who passed it along to me, I just purchased this wonderful Ken Osen custom Civil War diorama, which I plan to people with JJD 14th Brooklyn when they are released:


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Excellent. You just gotta luv Ken's creations. The 14th Brooklyn will display well on it.
That's tremendous, nice get Louis, I look forward to helping you populate it.............:wink2:
Wonderful Louis, well done mate :salute::

Stay safe

That's tremendous, nice get Louis, I look forward to helping you populate it.............:wink2:

I plan on using the diorama to portray the moment during the 2nd day of Gettysburg, when, while Dan Sickel's men were being routed from the salient he created, the 14th Brooklyn counterattacked, and saved a union artillery battery from being overrun. They were originally instructed to save the battery by a staff officer, but their colonel would only take the orders directly from their Brigadier, who luckily arrived just in time to confirm the order. In order to complete the diorama, in addition to getting all of the JJD 14th Brooklyn as they are released, I will need at least 2-3 Union artillery guns and crew (preferrably from Sickel's division), and a Union Staff officer, and Union Brigadier to display with the 14th's mounted colonel in the background. If JJD does not produce all of the figures I need, I will probably use Britains, which are comparable in size. Can you set me up with these, George?:salute::
I plan on using the diorama to portray the moment during the 2nd day of Gettysburg, when, while Dan Sickel's men were being routed from the salient he created, the 14th Brooklyn counterattacked, and saved a union artillery battery from being overrun. They were originally instructed to save the battery by a staff officer, but their colonel would only take the orders directly from their Brigadier, who luckily arrived just in time to confirm the order. In order to complete the diorama, in addition to getting all of the JJD 14th Brooklyn as they are released, I will need at least 2-3 Union artillery guns and crew (preferrably from Sickel's division), and a Union Staff officer, and Union Brigadier to display with the 14th's mounted colonel in the background. If JJD does not produce all of the figures I need, I will probably use Britains, which are comparable in size. Can you set me up with these, George?:salute::

Whoops! I checked my references, and I mixed up my two favorite regiments: it was the 39th New York (Garibaldi Guard) involved in the story above, rescuing the guns of Battery 1, 5th U.S. Artillery after Sickels' disastrous mistake on Day 2. The 14th Brooklyn stood with James Hall's 2nd Maine Battery, which was astride the Chambersburg Pike and permitted a somewhat orderly withdrawal of the remainder of the Union forces through Gettysburg on Day 1. The 14th Brooklyn were positioned South of the Pike, to the left of Hall, at the McPherson farm. That is the scene I will depict on this diorama with the JJD 14th Brooklyn once released.
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Whoops! I checked my references, and I mixed up my two favorite regiments: it was the 39th New York (Garibaldi Guard) involved in the story above, rescuing the guns of Battery 1, 5th U.S. Artillery after Sickels' disastrous mistake on Day 2. The 14th Brooklyn stood with James Hall's 2nd Maine Battery, which was astride the Chambersburg Pike and permitted a somewhat orderly withdrawal of the remainder of the Union forces through Gettysburg on Day 1. The 14th Brooklyn were positioned South of the Pike, to the left of Hall, at the McPherson farm. That is the scene I will depict on this diorama with the JJD 14th Brooklyn once released.

Louis, it will be a great project....................just not enough Gray for me!!!!!!!!!:)

Talk to you soon
Louis, it will be a great project....................just not enough Gray for me!!!!!!!!!:)

Talk to you soon


My family are New Yorkers of Italian (3/4) and Scottish (1/4) descent, and I lived only a few blocks from the 14th Brooklyn's Regimental Armory, so my Civil War dioramas and displays tend to depict and honor my favorite New York Volunteer Regiments, the 14th Brooklyn (Brooklyn Chasseurs/Red Legged Devils), 39th New York (Garibaldi Guard) and 79th New York (Highland Guard). You have Maryland ancestors on both sides of the conflict, so feel free to display all the Gray you want.:salute::
Tom came north and delivered the diorama to me yesterday. Here are some shots in situ:


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To you Civil War experts, does John Jenkins make any of the Confederate units that were advancing up the Chambersburg Pike on the first day of Gettysburg? That's what I need to face off against the 14th Brooklyn.
To you Civil War experts, does John Jenkins make any of the Confederate units that were advancing up the Chambersburg Pike on the first day of Gettysburg? That's what I need to face off against the 14th Brooklyn.

In a word, no.
To you Civil War experts, does John Jenkins make any of the Confederate units that were advancing up the Chambersburg Pike on the first day of Gettysburg? That's what I need to face off against the 14th Brooklyn.

Louis, you could use WB figs. They are compatible size wise and paint style. CSA forces for the 1st day at Gettysburg would have been generic in uniforms of the time (pls correct if I'm wrong on that). Chris

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