June 2020 New Release: The Franco-Prussian War(1870-71) (2 Viewers)

Absolutely love it , great job George.

I daydream about doing something like this in 60mm, but I don't think it will ever happen for a ton of reasons. It really is fantastic to see such a diorama and on such a GRAND scale. The variety of units you've built is really impressive. Is that Bavarian Cuirassiers I see? A Dream unit of mine to see made in my scale, boy that would be something.

Sure everyone taking part in this tread or just looking in is thrilled to see pictures of your labor of love. It really looks GREAT :salute:::salute:::salute::. All the best Gebhard

I figured this one would be in your wheelhouse...............:wink2:

Yes, those are Bavarian Cuirassiers, I have two 12 man units of them. The artwork of the period often portrays French and Prussian Cuirassiers as well as French Chasseurs D'Afrique and Prussian Uhlans, but there were many other cavalry types present in the war; French Chasseurs A Cheval, Hussars, Dragoons, Carabiniers, Prussian Dragoons, Saxon Uhlans, Reiters, Wurttemberg Reiters, Bavarian Cuirassiers, Dragoons and Reiters, it would be bold for TEAM to branch out into non traditional cavalry units, but hey, if you roll them out, perhaps collectors will take a shine to them and the period....................

It's amazing how fast this collection has grown, started with a handful of troops about three years ago, am now up to about 1,000 infantry, 200 cavalry and 24 guns per army. It has helped that a group of modelers in Germany who have a museum with 1/72nd scale dioramas chose Solferino as a subject last year and now Worth for this year, so more and more troops are being rolled out that fit into my collection, I love it.

Looks interesting, I visited Wissembourg several years back and there wasn't that much there relating to the Battle of 1870 on site. Always try to add something of Historical interest into me and misses Vacations, a relatives unit was engaged in the battle so I really wanted to just be there. I highly recommend a visit into the town its beautiful, there was a little Museum in a house run by a guy who was never open. I had to call him on the phone to make an appointment, it was pretty cool between French, German & English we got to know each other. He had a few uniforms & equipment and some relics found at the site.

May have to check this book out and see what I missed at some of the other sites, hopefully they don't pull down the monuments before I can get back there. We have been talking about another Alsace wine route ride. Its a beautiful area and the wine is good, the locals say way too good to be part of Germany.... ouch {eek3}.
Really great set ups George.That Massimo Costas has really put out a lot of French for this period.Do you have any Austrians? The guys in Europe really are in the 1/72 size as they like to set up massive battles.Anybody gets a chance check out their blog they have some great dioramas. http://historyin172.blogspot.com/
Really great set ups George.That Massimo Costas has really put out a lot of French for this period.Do you have any Austrians? The guys in Europe really are in the 1/72 size as they like to set up massive battles.Anybody gets a chance check out their blog they have some great dioramas. http://historyin172.blogspot.com/

No Austrians...……….yet...………………:wink2:

I was toying with the idea of buying the Austrian Jagers and then doing head swaps to convert them to Brunswick jagers………………...ok, not totally historically accurate, but hey, they are for me and my enjoyment, the poses are spectacular, so I might just go ahead with it.

Thanks for the recommendation on the book, I have an unused Amazon gift card that I put towards the book, it's short money, 21.00 with tax and postage, can't really go wrong at that price, thanks again.
My latest effort...…………….

Man, how can anyone not like these set ups. George if you ever get locked in the basement you won't be bored.
Seriously nice..

I have little interest in the Franco/Prussian war but these figs make me want to buy them and learn more about it.
Man, how can anyone not like these set ups. George if you ever get locked in the basement you won't be bored.
Seriously nice..

I have little interest in the Franco/Prussian war but these figs make me want to buy them and learn more about it.

Thanks Chuck, glad you like it, took a lot of work to plan it and then stage it, had to tinker with it to get it right. The challenge with my FPW layouts is there are many different troop types per army, so I have to mess with it to properly position them; French infantry in one group, then Chasseurs, then Zouaves, then guard units, same on the other side, Prussians, then Bavarians, Saxons and Wurttembergers.

As I've stated, one of the pleasures of collecting toy soldiers is when a new range comes out, people take a shine to it who normally may not, then they start to research the period and become interested in it, ie, they learn the history behind the figures and become interested in the period, which is awesome IMO.

A real shame all the shows are being wiped out one by one thanks to COVID as I had a really nice display planned for this range and I really think if people saw it at a show, they'd like it and be drawn to the period...……………………...I'll have to do my best via this thread...…………………:wink2:

I have reviewed it on my blog (in Italian) and on my facebook page (in English). Here is my blog and the review : https://oldbarbedwire.blogspot.com/2020/06/touring-sedan-campaign-franco-prussian.html
Here is the fb page (you have to scroll down a little, was reviewed in june): https://www.facebook.com/oldbarbedwire/?modal=admin_todo_tour

It is the usual fantastic book of the "Battleground" series by Pen&Sword (not actually Casemate, but now they are all together ) with lot of infos and maps.
Ladies, gentlemen: how about a couple of in-hand photos of the TM figures? That would be great.
Yesterday was the 150th anniversary of The Battle of Worth, here are some images of that battle represented in artwork...……..

So many great paintings of this war.

The paintings reflect the hyper nationalism of the late 19th century. Germany had at last been united into one country. The linchpin being defeating the last obstacle: France!. But Bismarck poured salt in the wound by taking Alsace Lorraine from France. France thus wanted revanche, (revenge).
French and German nationalism rose. Paintings of the Franco Prussian War were the means of expressing that nationalism. Both sides depicted the sacrifice of their troop in defence of their country, la patrie or the fatherland.

I have been teaching AP European History for 14 years, so i could not resist the comment. Thanks for the observation.
So many great paintings of this war.

Well not to beat a dead horse, but that in part is what got me hooked on the period, paintings from Detaille and Neuville as well as Knotel and Roschling (sp?) really inspired me.

The defense of the cemetery at Gravelotte St Privat and the panorama of Rezonville are my two favorites, there are dozens more.

Would love to see a current artist like Keith Rocco or Don Troiani take a crack at the subject...……………….
Well not to beat a dead horse, but that in part is what got me hooked on the period, paintings from Detaille and Neuville as well as Knotel and Roschling (sp?) really inspired me.

The defense of the cemetery at Gravelotte St Privat and the panorama of Rezonville are my two favorites, there are dozens more.

Would love to see a current artist like Keith Rocco or Don Troiani take a crack at the subject...……………….

I agree. I would love to read more of the military history of the conflict. Unfortunately, I am headed back to a class room of kids starting on the 12th of August.
I agree. I would love to read more of the military history of the conflict. Unfortunately, I am headed back to a class room of kids starting on the 12th of August.

There are many good books on the subject, some deal with a general history of the war, others focus on specific battles, access the Casemate Publishers website and search for Franco Prussian War, a number of books will come up.

There is an Osprey publication on The Battle of Gravelotte St Privat as well as four volumes on uniforms, there is another French publication from Heimdal on uniforms of the French army during the war, yet another French book called 1870, it's loaded with artwork from the period. Lastly, a lavish two volume set has just come out dealing with uniforms and equipment from the war, one volume deals with the French, the other the Prussians.
But Bismarck poured salt in the wound by taking Alsace Lorraine from France. France thus wanted revanche, (revenge).

I have been teaching AP European History for 14 years, so i could not resist the comment. Thanks for the observation.

I think you mean to say Bismarck and the new German Nation took them back. They only belonged to the French Nation one from the end of the thirty years war and the other from the late 1700's when it was Annexed by the French. I believe for hundreds and hundreds of years prior they were part of the Kingdom of Germany which was part of the Holy Roman Empire.
Hi George,

Please don't forget the "German" version of the Charge of the light brigade the so called Todesritt der Brigage Bredow ( Death ride of Bredow's brigade ) from the Battle of Mars-le-Tour of August 16. 1870. With the combined charge of Prussian Cuirassiers, Dragoons & Uhlans it could keep collectors and Team Miniatures busy for a long time.


Inspired by some of the paintings posted on this thread, particularly these two:



and using Hudson and Allen Buildings and Diorama materials, including ordering the backdrop depicted below (which has not yet arrived), and a couple of the Hudson and Allen Modular Diorama Bases to expand the scene forward (which also have not yet arrived), I am the process of creating a Franco Prussian War diorama, to be peoples by Team Miniatures and First Legion Franco Prussian War figures:


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I ended up purchasing 4 of the H&A modular diorama bases, ordering 4 more, added another Hudson & Allen building and Street section, and rearranged the village portion of the diorama to give an illusion of more depth. This will be the back drop:


The 8 modular sections of field with small bushes, meadow, edge of meadow, and field with rocky outcrops will extend out towards the camera (where the Bavarian riflemen are standing on the carpet):


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