KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- JUNE 2018 (3 Viewers)

FYI its not an occassional tantrum its a permanent state of disillusionment and disbelief with your companies machinations and the blind unfettered loyalty of all your disciples .

The problem with your argument is that you get people to invest 100's or in most cases 1000's of £s into chosen lines and then without good reason or warning discontinue the range or even allude to new releases in the future that never materialise . You then start new ranges and run them month after month expecting your loyal followers to suck them all up and feed your coffers for as long as it pleases you .[/

No one sucks up anything ...Least of all the vast majority of our collectors...

Every company, K&C included, has the right to retire, discontinue or temporarily suspend any line or series according to the demands of the market at any given time...And, as I clearly said earlier, if we feel we have explored where we wish to go with that particular series at that time.

It probably has escaped your notice that we have returned to many ranges after a number of years of 'lying fallow' with better and improved ideas, figures and animation...Japanese WW2...US Marines in the Pacific...The Red Army... and now Vietnam!

Just because you don't get what you want when you want it you throw one of your occasional tantrums ...Grow up for Gawd's sake.
I have a great idea.... if people don’t like the figures don’t buy them. If you do, buy them!
FYI its not an occassional tantrum its a permanent state of disillusionment and disbelief with your companies machinations and the blind unfettered loyalty of all your disciples .

I must say you never fail to entertain or cause offence and for some strange reason remind me of a previous member..........

Andy made it pretty clear why Junes dispatches were being released on the 6th and not earlier.

I've always liked the following saying what seems to cover this topic nicely.............. Assume' makes an '***' out of 'u' and 'me'.”
I honestly dont give 2 hoots about when Despatches is released . It could be every other tuesday and 3 times on Thursdays as there has been nothing in them to interest me in over 4 years . As i said previously March 2014 was the last time any credible figures were released in the range I collect . Now as the shop is in SA the onlyitems that get released are tourist fodder and even they are rehashes of other figures .

Before you start with the if you dont like it then dont buy it I do have over 250 figures from the RTA series and also 30 from the San Jacinto display K&C put together for a museum . I even have a message from your glorious leader from 2016 saying that there would be 2 character releases arriving . Good job I didnt hold my breath as I would be a lovely shade of blue by now .

So my Antipodean friend before you jump in with the asinine throwaways at least take the time to read what my beef is .

FYI its not an occassional tantrum its a permanent state of disillusionment and disbelief with your companies machinations and the blind unfettered loyalty of all your disciples .

I must say you never fail to entertain or cause offence and for some strange reason remind me of a previous member..........

Andy made it pretty clear why Junes dispatches were being released on the 6th and not earlier.

I've always liked the following saying what seems to cover this topic nicely.............. Assume' makes an '***' out of 'u' and 'me'.”
I honestly dont give 2 hoots about when Despatches is released . It could be every other tuesday and 3 times on Thursdays as there has been nothing in them to interest me in over 4 years . As i said previously March 2014 was the last time any credible figures were released in the range I collect . Now as the shop is in SA the onlyitems that get released are tourist fodder and even they are rehashes of other figures .

Before you start with the if you dont like it then dont buy it I do have over 250 figures from the RTA series and also 30 from the San Jacinto display K&C put together for a museum . I even have a message from your glorious leader from 2016 saying that there would be 2 character releases arriving . Good job I didnt hold my breath as I would be a lovely shade of blue by now .

So my Antipodean friend before you jump in with the asinine throwaways at least take the time to read what my beef is .

'My Antipodean friend' now that's one I haven't read for a while, well done sir you're on fire, keep it up this is fun!

Actually I have read some of your previous moans & groans about the state of the hobby and lack of releases and the general theme is always the same, thinly laced with rudeness and insults.

I can see that approach is working wonders for you, so keep it up. At the very least you're entertaining the masses and reminding us all how good we've got it.

Cherio then from your 'colonial cousin' down-under.:salute::
I honestly dont give 2 hoots about when Despatches is released . It could be every other tuesday and 3 times on Thursdays as there has been nothing in them to interest me in over 4 years . As i said previously March 2014 was the last time any credible figures were released in the range I collect . Now as the shop is in SA the onlyitems that get released are tourist fodder and even they are rehashes of other figures .

Before you start with the if you dont like it then dont buy it I do have over 250 figures from the RTA series and also 30 from the San Jacinto display K&C put together for a museum . I even have a message from your glorious leader from 2016 saying that there would be 2 character releases arriving . Good job I didnt hold my breath as I would be a lovely shade of blue by now .

So my Antipodean friend before you jump in with the asinine throwaways at least take the time to read what my beef is .


You really do go on and on and on...If I may, might I suggest that you calm down and look a little bit further than the end of your nose...Aside from K&C there are other companies out there who have, over the years, also produced some fine Alamo figures...Conte...Republic...Britains come immediately to mind to name but a few. In our own huge Alamo display in the KingsX store in San Antonio we have happily combined the figures of many manufacturers with our own with spectacular results! You might consider this suggestion.

Finally, I am truly sorry that you only collect one particular series and just one particular battle...However that is indeed your prerogative...I would venture to suggest though that the vast majority of collectors here and elsewhere have a slightly broader and more expansive view of the world's history over the past few millennia. That means they do not necessarily get there knickers in a twist when one particular area of their general interest lies dormant or is even retired or discontinued...They simply shift their attention and focus to another period or even another battle or campaign...Pure and simple.

On that cheerful and conciliatory note I will bid you a fond 'adios' for the moment,
If I could interrupt this love fest to ask all of you to use the quote function correctly. Otherwise, it’s hard to tell who’s talking.

Now, back to the Saturday Night Fights.
I do find this exchange oddly entertaining... Keep this in mind- For us, these are some nice models to keep displayed in our home office, den etc. For Andy, this is his livelihood. He has to balance the lines he finds personally interesting with what is financially viable to keep a business thriving in rather tough economic times. All in all, I think he's done an outstanding job at both. I only collect King & Country 5th Cavalry releases, but I'm always entertained by the fantastic models they churn out on a monthly basis. Enjoy this for what it is; a hobby.
I'm one of those sheep that go about their business and is tuning out. Better things to do. Regards Sapper.
I collect medieval figures from battles that began on tuesdays.... Andy certainly doesn’t make enough of these!!!! 😉
they do not necessarily get there knickers in a twist.

On that cheerful and conciliatory note I will bid you a fond 'adios' for the moment,

Sorry, it's actually "THEIR" knickers in a twist. Its the benefits of an obsessive education and an over abundance of time on a very cold Queen's Birthday long weekend. ^&grin

ps Thank you for the Poles. More needed for the telephone line.
Sorry, it's actually "THEIR" knickers in a twist. Its the benefits of an obsessive education and an over abundance of time on a very cold Queen's Birthday long weekend. ^&grin

ps Thank you for the Poles. More needed for the telephone line.[/QUOTE

You are of course correct my friend on the spelling of 'their'...My apologies and I will immediately put myself in the 'Naughty Corner' and remain after school if so required!
Best wishes,
I'm one of those sheep that go about their business and is tuning out. Better things to do. Regards Sapper.

.....did someone say Sheep?:tongue:

Agreed, there are far better things to do on a sunny Sunday.:salute::

I can see the funny side of your comment but just remember our country lived off the back of sheep for a long time. None of us would be where we are now
if not by the hard work of the farmers. Regards Sapper.
Hi would you have a date on the roman on top of celt killing him, 2 piece on single base
I though this was being released June also


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