Leave K&C Alone... (3 Viewers)

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I'm away on holiday but what I fine funny all the people moaning Keep coming back posting the same old stuff that been said over and over again it boring subject instead of posting photos of the KC diorama say it all !Let get back to talking about toy soldiers next month going to be a great month but not for my bank account .

Ain't that the truth! Due to ' Real World' spending I have not purchased anything for ages, now I have Arnhem, Commandos and the Valentine to catch up on, lots of spending ahead for me!

Wow! Truly amazing. Someone new comes onto this forum and within their first few posts manages to toss a grenade right into the fuel depot. Well over 100 replies to this thread with I'm sure more happy hijinks to follow.

I suspect our one day, hit and run wonder may be a very experienced grenadier.
Ain't that the truth! Due to ' Real World' spending I have not purchased anything for ages, now I have Arnhem, Commandos and the Valentine to catch up on, lots of spending ahead for me!


Any new dioramas in the pipeline Rob ?
Any new dioramas in the pipeline Rob ?

I'd love to do one for either the Commandos or Arnhem Neil, but I'd better get all the figures first. :redface2: How about you, anything in the offing for you?

as blackadder once said there are undiscovered tribes in the Amazon that new that


Two large dio's for the Bulge for me mate to showcase the bulge figures.

I suspect our one day, hit and run wonder may be a very experienced grenadier.
I have deleted your GIFs, there is no need for them and they certainly do not help the situation.

This may be a hot button topic but I don't see what the general argument is here (which is why I will continue to lightheartedly post GIFs). If you like the product buy it, if you don't then don't buy it.

If you notice an issue make it a historical discussion and not a pee-pee contest over who is right/wrong.

If you have suggestions as to what K&C could do to make the product better or more interesting then voice that suggestion - but don't blame the company for general historical malfeasance.

Why can't we just oooh and aaah over each other's dios and brainstorm ideas that make the hobby interesting?


I'm away on holiday but what I find funny all the people moaning keep coming back posting the same old stuff that been said over and over again it boring subject instead of posting photos of the KC diorama say it all !Let get back to talking about toy soldiers next month going to be a great month but not for my bank account .

If your wife is any way like mine, she probably wants to club you for being on the phone while you're "on holiday" {eek3}
I'd love to do one for either the Commandos or Arnhem Neil, but I'd better get all the figures first. :redface2: How about you, anything in the offing for you?

Mitch is working on a big v2 train diorama as we speck mate which will have Figarti, KC ,TG,CS. And Fl all used in it , photos to follow
If your wife is any way like mine, she probably wants to club you for being on the phone while you're "on holiday" {eek3}

Your spot on there Brad . Kids have had a great day at the water park And falling sleep when we got back to the hotel , so find chilling out on the forum helps :)
Mitch is working on a big v2 train diorama as we speck mate which will have Figarti, KC ,TG,CS. And Fl all used in it , photos to follow

Sounds terrific Neil, look forward to pics!

I'd like to commend the moderators for letting this thread run as it has. I really enjoyed reading some very thoughtful and articulate posts. Few have probably shifted much from their original perspective but it's been very interesting to see what the 'state of play' is.
Wow!!, I have not been in this Manufacturers thread. In a while, and looked at it today and there is a war going on.And as some are saying. Its the same issue again and again. And if an opinion is viewed as a criticsm, Then it is going to rile up some if not most of the loyal customers of that particular Manufacturer(as it would have, if I saw/ heard any one criticising K&C 3 years ago), But as Andy might put it. BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. And yes have an opinion, but if its ruffling other collectors, Then take a step back. Try to see it their way. And if you do not see why they are not feeling the same way as you. Then just move on. You have your opinion, quit trying to convince other people. You had your say, and they had theirs.playing field is leveled. Move on.
Wow!!, I have not been in this Manufacturers thread. In a while, and looked at it today and there is a war going on.And as some are saying. Its the same issue again and again. And if an opinion is viewed as a criticsm, Then it is going to rile up some if not most of the loyal customers of that particular Manufacturer(as it would have, if I saw/ heard any one criticising K&C 3 years ago), But as Andy might put it. BUY WHAT YOU LIKE. And yes have an opinion, but if its ruffling other collectors, Then take a step back. Try to see it their way. And if you do not see why they are not feeling the same way as you. Then just move on. You have your opinion, quit trying to convince other people. You had your say, and they had theirs.playing field is leveled. Move on.

Let me say this. I am a new member. I have recently bought quite a few of these figures after inheriting a great collection and never thinking it would trigger such a response from me and renewed pride for my military service. I joined the forum after being told what a great place it is to discuss the hobby, meet folks which I figured particularly are quite a few at least veterans. I have read these different threads and I have to fight the feeling that I should not have bought them when I know that is not right. I look at the Britain's, First Legion and John Jenkins areas as I have some of these soldier figures too and there is no hassles like this going on. I guess some guy named Andy is pissing someone off and I am not sure why it is such a big deal. Then there is this overall suspicios air that some guys are on some wicked agenda or something.
What gives? Mike
What a joke this is,this isn't a dinkum thread is it.
People take the time and effort to post a dio and get a dozen may be replys and a few likes,
you start a thread with a title out of the playground and you get 116 replys and 4113 views............^&confuse

Spot on Wayne ! If the same people took the time to acknowledge those posting Dioramas and photos this would be the fun recreational site that was originally intended !
Let me say this. I am a new member. I have recently bought quit.a few of these figures after inheriting a great collection and never thinking it would trigger such a response from me and renewed pride for my military service. I joined the forum after being told what a great place it is to discuss the hobby, meet folks which I figured particularly are quite a few at least veterans. I have read these different threads and I have to fight the feeling that I should not have bought them when I know that is not right. I look at the Britain's, First Legion and John Jenkins areas as I have some of these soldier figures too and there is no hassles like this going on. I guess some guy named Andy is pissing someone off and I am not sure why it is such a big deal. Then there is this overall suspicios air that some guys are on some wicked agenda or something.
What gives? Mike

Hi! Welcome to the forum!. Andy that I mentioned is Andy Neillson founder and head honcho of King and Country. He is a very likable man. Always has that approachable personality. He has that twinkle in his eyes when he talks about this hobby. Be it talking about his products or others. And he actually inspired another manufacturer, to get into this business. If I remember correctly it was a wedding procession, that was made by King and Country.
Andy helped this hobby a hundred fold at the very least. When he had that spark of an Idea, to make toy soldiers.And that spark (not taking away from W.Britain). Helped spawn this industry. And every Month the creations are reaching different heights and getting better and better.
I have met Andy, in the few times that I was able to go, on his visits to the Sierra Toy Soldier. Just before he goes to the Chicago Toy Convention. He is a very likable Man. And if someone has a negative impression of him, I just have to have my say.
And this is coming from a collector, that has not bought any K&C products in the past 18 or so Months. And if Andy or K&C is attacked, And I am aware of it.I will have my say.
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I guess some guy named Andy is pissing someone off and I am not sure why it is such a big deal. Then there is this overall suspicios air that some guys are on some wicked agenda or something.
What gives? Mike

Andy is a fine fellow who engages in nothing more than harmless banter. Times were rougher in the past-I was part of it too, but that is past history.

There's action on K&C because K&C is where the action is. Look at the product lines. Look at the productivity. When the Nielson's retire, this hobby will never be the same. Doesn't matter who buys the name.

I think what happened here is a well intentioned newbie went rah-rah in defence of his favorite brand (fine) but that triggered some veterans' bitterness that they have been marginalized. -I think-

But I still don't know what event made the OP make this thread & he hasn't told us. I re-read the whole Jagdpanther thread & saw a very civil conversation. Any more civil & we would be pouring tea to each other's teacups in saucers.

Mitch vs. Andy? I read those threads or should I say glance through them in 4 seconds looking for the highlights rolling my eyes. Just banter. Doesn't even register with me. Mitch has great things to say...Andy has a company to run. Next topic.

Reply to Mitch on why some at least me don't speak up more (I guess it's in a deleted post now): well yes, we all know this is a heavily censored forum. Call it an exercise in self control? For example, I was a bit ruffled when Firebat suggested to Barneywomble to hide his bases in one of his dioramas. I think Barney's pictures were the perfect embodiment of what this hobby is all about, just having fun...and didn't need that kind of comment. But rather than shoot from the hip, I sat on it, and eventually forgot about it. Day job, evening commitments, gets in the way of Treefrog. And Firebat I'm sure wasn't being offensive. But I felt it would have been a shame if Barney's next diorama got delayed 18 months because he tried to hide bases to take 1 photograph instead of leaving the bases in for 20 fantastic photographs.

Firebat, I would think you would be happier. K&C has been upscaling their vehicles lately which is what you always wanted.
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Hi Guys, hi Spartan 71,

Many thanks for the kind words in your comments…I have been privileged, over the years to meet hundreds of toy soldier collectors all over the world…and they are a great bunch of folks.

I remember meeting up with Spartan 71 on several occasions and enjoying each time.

One teensy-weensy thing however…last time I looked I was not, alas, related to the late, great Harry Nilsson however I am related to the still present very talented brother…Gordon C. Neilson.

All the best guys and look forward to meeting up in Los Gatos…Chicago…and San Antonio in the next few weeks!

Andy C.
Hi Guys, hi Spartan 71,

Many thanks for the kind words in your comments…I have been privileged, over the years to meet hundreds of toy soldier collectors all over the world…and they are a great bunch of folks.

I remember meeting up with Spartan 71 on several occasions and enjoying each time.

One teensy-weensy thing however…last time I looked I was not, alas, related to the late, great Harry Nilsson however I am related to the still present very talented brother…Gordon C. Neilson.

All the best guys and look forward to meeting up in Los Gatos…Chicago…and San Antonio in the next few weeks!

Andy C.

My apologies, for mispelling your name. I know how that feels, my name is Roger as you will recall. But people when they spell my name, some of them adds a d and it becomes " Rodger"
And the privilege was mine, and the rest of the Collectors that has met you. Thank you for keeping and bringing in excellent products month after month. It is greatly appreciated.
For example, I was a bit ruffled when Firebat suggested to Barneywomble to hide his bases in one of his dioramas. I think Barney's pictures were the perfect embodiment of what this hobby is all about, just having fun...and didn't need that kind of comment. But rather than shoot from the hip, I sat on it, and eventually forgot about it. Day job, evening commitments, gets in the way of Treefrog. And Firebat I'm sure wasn't being offensive. But I felt it would have been a shame if Barney's next diorama got delayed 18 months because he tried to hide bases to take 1 photograph instead of leaving the bases in for 20 fantastic photographs.

Firebat, I would think you would be happier. K&C has been upscaling their vehicles lately which is what you always wanted.

Hi fellow fans of my diorama/pictures... thanks for the vote of confidence blowtorch... i did read the comment by firebat and can understand where he was coming from... but it does get a bit tricky trying to hide the bases, especially when you move figures around a lot in the diorama.... but your are right I am just having fun with the hobby... enjoying taking some pics and sharing them around for a little inspiration.... :) I did notice firebat was building himself a HO train layout... great hobby the model trains... my dad has been into them for 30 years... a couple of years back dad and I built a small HO DCC layout covering about 56m2 which is where I learn't my diorama building (dads are great like that, a cold beer and a big shed to work in)... I have built the base board for my next military diorama so it won't be 18 months... probably just a couple.... Thanks Again Blowtorch

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