Let it Snow (3 Viewers)

I was using my gas-powered snow blower so infrequently that it would never start when I needed it. So I bought a battery powered version. It works fine if you have a few inches, but more than that no dice. It's fine for light snow and a small area. A bit frustrating to get half done and need to recharge the batteries. In PA everyone, no matter age or physical condition, start snowing blowing within minutes of the snow ending. Every driveway is pristine. Not sure what the compulsion is to clean them off when you can usually driver through several inches to reach the road and the snow would melt off in a day or so. The hospitals must be full of folks who give themselves a heart attack.
I have always used someone to plow our driveway, which is long and angled. The only time I shovel is when snowfall is less than an inch and I always take a few breaks to ease the burden on my back.
We feel your pain down here in the sunny South. Nice pics. I would take some of our lovely conditions but after Dad & I finish shoveling we run back inside before our feet fall off.
Take it safe!
Best Wishes,
Three more inches here and now brutal cold. Fortunately, the snow was of the dry variety that was easy to snow blow. My dad lives in the Nashville area which rarely gets snow but they have a couple of inches on the ground. Terrible drivers in the south when it snows even a dusting. It becomes like something out of Mad Max on the roads.
Three more inches here and now brutal cold. Fortunately, the snow was of the dry variety that was easy to snow blow. My dad lives in the Nashville area which rarely gets snow but they have a couple of inches on the ground. Terrible drivers in the south when it snows even a dusting. It becomes like something out of Mad Max on the roads.
Try driving in the DC area. Even a light rain paralyzes the roads. Snow closes everything for days. DC gets drivers from all over the world and none of them know what they are doing in inclement weather. -- Al
Suppose to snow again Friday. What's this like 4 storms in the last week?
Suppose to snow again Friday. What's this like 4 storms in the last week?

According to the local news - end of the world as we know it..........................................swear you just can't make it up.

These people aren't like the people of the past. My grandparents told me of huge storms all the way into April. You don't see much of that anymore. I always remember the lakes and ponds how they use to freeze but not so much anymore. At least where I live. Can't speak for the rest of the country and world.
Suppose to snow again Friday. What's this like 4 storms in the last week?

Weather Channel and Weather underground are calling for about 1 inch; the weathermen on local stations here are calling for 4 inches.

We'll see who's right.
Weather Channel and Weather underground are calling for about 1 inch; the weathermen on local stations here are calling for 4 inches.

We'll see who's right.

Gets more notice with four inches but being in MA you would think that would not be a headliner.
What a adventure that was!!!!! I drove 6 days across Country and picked the worst week to travel!!! Drove through 13 different States due to Weather conditions along the way, lived through the Negative 20's while in Missouri, fought snow in New Mexico, Oaklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Maryland....a trip I won't so forget.
What a adventure that was!!!!! I drove 6 days across Country and picked the worst week to travel!!! Drove through 13 different States due to Weather conditions along the way, lived through the Negative 20's while in Missouri, fought snow in New Mexico, Oaklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Maryland....a trip I won't so forget.

You are like Lewis and Clark or John Candy in "Wagons East." I don't even like to walk to the mailbox in this weather.
You are like Lewis and Clark or John Candy in "Wagons East." I don't even like to walk to the mailbox in this weather.

Traveling across country these days during the winter in a covered wagon must be rough..............
You are like Lewis and Clark or John Candy in "Wagons East." I don't even like to walk to the mailbox in this weather.

Actually felt like John Candy in planes, Trains, and automobiles....as it seems it was one thing after another, heat in a hotel room felt like Air Conditioner when it was negative wind chill outside, GPS sent me off on a wild goose chase while in New Mexico, one "Continental" breakfast consisted of Left over bananas, Cheap version of fruit Loops, and Orange juice that tasted like plastic, but I did get a cinnamon roll ( store brand)...and of course every 18 Wheeler in the USA seemed to be in front or behind me. My fav was going through I -40 in Morgantown West Virginia with steep grades for 23 miles, I literally had to pry my fingers off the steering wheel once I finally got off that road, .. as I said...what a adventure 🙄
Actually felt like John Candy in planes, Trains, and automobiles....as it seems it was one thing after another, heat in a hotel room felt like Air Conditioner when it was negative wind chill outside, GPS sent me off on a wild goose chase while in New Mexico, one "Continental" breakfast consisted of Left over bananas, Cheap version of fruit Loops, and Orange juice that tasted like plastic, but I did get a cinnamon roll ( store brand)...and of course every 18 Wheeler in the USA seemed to be in front or behind me. My fav was going through I -40 in Morgantown West Virginia with steep grades for 23 miles, I literally had to pry my fingers off the steering wheel once I finally got off that road, .. as I said...what a adventure 🙄

I made the drive from LA to the east coast a few times in the summer. Once in a convertible Alfa Romeo. Got to Las Vegas and the temp was about 120 degrees. I had put my bag in the back with the top down the whole time and when I got to the hotel decided to take a shower and wash my hair. Poured the shampoo on my head from the bag and it nearly scalded my head it was so hot. That Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas stretch is a beast. I can remember tumble weed burning along the side of the highway.
Gets more notice with four inches but being in MA you would think that would not be a headliner.

so today it flurried for two hours; total accumulation about 1mm.

They were only off by 4 to 6 inches; unreal.

And actually, thank God as I have to travel to western MA tomorrow early to pick up a huge (8 display cases filled top to bottom) collection, coming soon to Ebay.........^&grin
so today it flurried for two hours; total accumulation about 1mm.

They were only off by 4 to 6 inches; unreal.

And actually, thank God as I have to travel to western MA tomorrow early to pick up a huge (8 display cases filled top to bottom) collection, coming soon to Ebay.........^&grin

Yup and the aholes down here called for a dusting and I got 5 inches. Every inch of snow makes it a sooner move South for me. I hate this weather with a passion. I don't give a rats rear about seasons, just give me 1 month of "Sprinter" and the heat, I can always go inside and turn on the AC. I will not miss the Baltamoron effect either in one bit. Countdown clock beginning. Off to Florida in a week, definitely going to be doing some home sight seeing while there.

Unbelievable, my snowblower sits in the shed now twice due to listening to the news........................................BS.

We got around 6 inches today.

Yeah, it was another example of that unusual track where the heavier snow passed south of us here in the Lehigh Valley. Usually it tracks north of us. We got about 3 inches this time, over a span of about 10 hours, and light, powdery snow. So shoveling didn't take as much work as it did last weekend.

I'm making a pot of chili and spending the day at the bench.


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