Lose Weight, Live Longer! (2 Viewers)

Finally a break through! After a tough week I'm back on the move again and

down to 232! Thats a total of 30lbs in just 7 weeks! I'm hoping to

break into the 220's by the weekend!:D

Remember if I can do it anyone can!:D
Finally a break through! After a tough week I'm back on the move again and

down to 232! Thats a total of 30lbs in just 7 weeks! I'm hoping to

break into the 220's by the weekend!:D

Remember if I can do it anyone can!:D

Well done John! :):) But I've just lost 294 pounds!............I had to buy new tyres for the car :(:(:D

What are you going to do if you get below 200? remember new smaller clothes cost money that would otherwise be used for toy soldiers. :eek:

Well done John! :):) But I've just lost 294 pounds!............I had to buy new tyres for the car :(:(:D

What are you going to do if you get below 200? remember new smaller clothes cost money that would otherwise be used for toy soldiers. :eek:


Wow!! I take excellent care of the tires, frequently checking tire pressure and watching how and where I drive. Tires certainly are getting expensive nowdays. My SSR has 19" on the front and #20 on the back which retail in the $350 neighborhood each.:eek: Luckily I don't expect to need any for the
next 5 years with my limited driving.:D

I don't expect to get below 200 for quite awhile, next stop is 220's then perhaps 210"s around my birthday in August. I have plenty of clothes in my two basic clothes groups:

1. T-shirts XLG Harley Davidson or Ron Jon with shorts.:D

2. Nat Nast Silk Shirts XLG with shorts.:D

Thats the wardrobe! The XLG shirt has fit me since college when I was 165lbs, so it should be ok!
Wow!! I take excellent care of the tires, frequently checking tire pressure and watching how and where I drive. Tires certainly are getting expensive nowdays. My SSR has 19" on the front and #20 on the back which retail in the $350 neighborhood each.:eek: Luckily I don't expect to need any for the
next 5 years with my limited driving.:D

I don't expect to get below 200 for quite awhile, next stop is 220's then perhaps 210"s around my birthday in August. I have plenty of clothes in my two basic clothes groups:

1. T-shirts XLG Harley Davidson or Ron Jon with shorts.:D

2. Nat Nast Silk Shirts XLG with shorts.:D

Thats the wardrobe! The XLG shirt has fit me since college when I was 165lbs, so it should be ok!

John, remember I'm English - I've no idea what a Ron Jon is :confused:

John, remember I'm English - I've no idea what a Ron Jon is :confused:



Jeff Ron Jon is a famous Surf Shop that has been on Long Beach Island in

New Jersey since 1966. It was originally in an old gas station but now has

a hugh building with lots of surfboards and clothes and such. They also have

a shop in Coco Beach Florida.

They don't know it but they have a warehouse here in Georgia cause I've

got a ton of shirts sitting on a shelf in my closet with the tags still on them!

Heres a shot of their shop.....on top of everything else I have a surfboard

resting against a wall in my den!:D


  • Surf City RONJON-.jpg
    Surf City RONJON-.jpg
    38.9 KB · Views: 83
232 Again today......can't wait to break into the 220's!:D
Good work John, But beware!:eek:
There's danger around the corner. It's comin real soon, and this particular demon is Independence Day.:D Don't let celebration get in the way of those magnificient 20s. Good luck:)
Good work John, But beware!:eek:
There's danger around the corner. It's comin real soon, and this particular demon is Independence Day.:D Don't let celebration get in the way of those magnificient 20s. Good luck:)


Excellent point! Daughter & family are arriving shortly so wife has me busy
with household chores!:eek: I have been painting, next I have to replace a few boards on the deck......and put down 24 pine straw bales.:eek: Only in the south do we actually "buy" pine straw to decorate with! I am surronded by trees of all types including 60' high pine trees.......but does the "straw" fall where I need it?:eek:

Lets see what tomorrow brings!:D
230.5 Did a lot of work today replacing boards on the deck......hope

it pays off tomorrow!:D
229.5 Wow finally broke into the 220's! Down 32.5lbs! Working on the

deck certainly helped.:D
229.5 Wow finally broke into the 220's! Down 32.5lbs! Working on the

deck certainly helped.:D

Good job keep up the good work. It sounds like your very dedicated to the program that your on. A lot of times its not the weight loss program that fails the person but the person who fails the program. As long as you stay strong willed and determined you will be successful and achieve your goals.
229.5 Wow finally broke into the 220's! Down 32.5lbs! Working on the

deck certainly helped.:D

Excellent work , Sir! I have a deck awaiting your toils if you have the time:D Those deck boards are in the worst location-DOWN! My body ends up feeling like I've been in a roll over (again),
Fantastic news John:)
Good job keep up the good work. It sounds like your very dedicated to the program that your on. A lot of times its not the weight loss program that fails the person but the person who fails the program. As long as you stay strong willed and determined you will be successful and achieve your goals.


Sahara: Thank you very much! The purpose of this thread is to show everyone that anyone can do it! I am not really on any kind of program or plan! I have just given up Snapple, and soda (replaced with Dasani Water) and read the book "Eat This Not That" I am simply watching what I am eating.

Anyone can lose weight like this, with no "Pills" or expensive "Plans" to purchase.:D You just need to want to make the change!:)
Excellent work , Sir! I have a deck awaiting your toils if you have the time:D Those deck boards are in the worst location-DOWN! My body ends up feeling like I've been in a roll over (again),
Fantastic news John:)


Thanks Mike! Yes that deck work can really be something! I had to tear up and replace 6 2x6x14's and rebuild a 19 step stairway!:eek: Each board took 18 3" deck screws and another full box for the stairway! I used a Dewalt 18 volt drill to drill pilot holes, then a Dewalt 14 volt Impact Driver (my favorite tool) to set the screws.

Fun part was shimming all the boards so they had the same spacing down the run! Any job becomes fun if you have the right tools!:D

Good luck on your project......I always estimate the cost of hiring someone then buy myself whatever tool I'm missing:D and do it myself!......unless it
consists of great heights!:eek:
I was making good progress but my crappy exercise bike just lost a pedal, now I gotta drop at least 150$ on a new one.

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