Lose Weight, Live Longer! (1 Viewer)

See now you have an excuse to go on trips more often. It leads to weight loss :D I'm about to venture off with the family to the beautiful beaches of North Carolina and South Carolina. We usually fly down every year but I decided to pack the family up and hit the road like my dad use to do with the family. This could be a mistake seeing that I have a 6 and 4 yr old and a wife that has a weak bladder, but I'll give it a go and see what happens.
See now you have an excuse to go on trips more often. It leads to weight loss :D I'm about to venture off with the family to the beautiful beaches of North Carolina and South Carolina. We usually fly down every year but I decided to pack the family up and hit the road like my dad use to do with the family. This could be a mistake seeing that I have a 6 and 4 yr old and a wife that has a weak bladder, but I'll give it a go and see what happens.


Good for you! I bet you will have the time of your life!:D We drove from

Atlanta back up to the daughters home in Princeton N.J. with a side trip to

Williamsburg. It was great fun, daughter has all the gadgets (garmin,

blackberry.....and so forth) wife and I don't even have cell phones! I really

don't need anyone else calling me at this point:D I'm retired!

Garmin somehow did get us off the highway and into downtown Washington

at one point.............I still think those Moon Photos came from a studio in

hollywood. My satelight dish goes out when my neighbor waters his lawn......

and they want us to believe they went to the Moon:confused:

Allright John, you have inspired me. I started weight watchers last Wednesday at 212, shooting for 195 in time for the Chicago Show. I'm down to 210.5 so far.
Allright John, you have inspired me. I started weight watchers last Wednesday at 212, shooting for 195 in time for the Chicago Show. I'm down to 210.5 so far.


Louis Good for You! I know you will feel better even though you only

want to drop 17lbs! Take a look at what you normally drink and switch to as

much water as you can. If you also avoid fast food and read the labels of

the items you normally eat reaching your goal will be a snap!

Today I hit 223 how.......I have no idea!:eek: I had a quiet sunday

with little activity yet I dropped 1.5lbs:confused:

As I stated eariler I believe our metabolism is set to either be storing fat or

burning it, and once it sets up to run a certain way thats how it runs until we

go off the deep end.....over eat and set it to run the other way.:)

Who knows.........I'm now down 39lbs! can't complain about that!:)
222.5 One more 1/2lb and I'm down 40lbs!:D

On a negitive note I have to reach 208lbs to simply be overweight!:eek:

172lbs to be normal weight........:eek:

Ah normal for who? :eek:

I was 165 back in college and that was 41 years ago!:eek:
222.5 One more 1/2lb and I'm down 40lbs! :D

On a negitive note I have to reach 208lbs to simply be overweight!:eek:

172lbs to be normal weight........:eek:

Ah normal for who? :eek:

I was 165 back in college and that was 41 years ago!:eek:

John, this is the best way to do it though - slow and steady, that way the weight will stay off. Bet you feel so much better for it :)

Well done

John, this is the best way to do it though - slow and steady, that way the weight will stay off. Bet you feel so much better for it :)

Well done



Jeff, you said it! I really feel great! I can also see my toes again! and wear all

my favorite T-shirts!

That is the real reason I am posting here to encourage others to take stock

of what they are eating, and realize they can lose whatever weight they

want to without spending .10! No pills, or plans, or meetings. If you simply

watch what you put in.......you can easily drop 1/2 to 1lb a night when you


If I can do it, anyone can.:D
I have also been inspired. Instead of eating fastfood for lunch, I now brown bag it and I either walk or ride my bike at night. I also do not eat anything after 8 pm. I have also stopped drinking soda, it is either water, tea or cystal light. I still eat the foods that I like, but I have reduced the portions.

I started on July 5th at 240 lbs:eek:, I am now down to 233 lbs, my goal is 200 lbs and the ability to fit into my 34 inch waist pants.

I agree slow and steady is the best.
I have also been inspired. Instead of eating fastfood for lunch, I now brown bag it and I either walk or ride my bike at night. I also do not eat anything after 8 pm. I have also stopped drinking soda, it is either water, tea or cystal light. I still eat the foods that I like, but I have reduced the portions.

I started on July 5th at 240 lbs:eek:, I am now down to 233 lbs, my goal is 200 lbs and the ability to fit into my 34 inch waist pants.

I agree slow and steady is the best.


Well good for you! Its great you gave up the fast food, that stuff is usually

around 1000 calories and will really put the weight on! I bought a book called

"Eat This Not That" and found it very helpful. It advises you which items in

various catagories are better for you to eat. You would really be suprised how

many calories are in everyday simple things and how much switching to

another product could help you.

Keep up the good work and you will reach your goal before you know it.:)
221.5 Now down 40.5lbs!

I actually find it hard to imagine, yet it was so simple really. Its a shame the

FDA doesn't limit the number of calories companies are allowed to put in

Great going John!
I'm really chuffed for you that you've got a steady system working for you, without having to drastically change your lifestyle.
Thanks Simon! Yes that really is my entire point. We have started walking

this week, every night we eat diner at 6pm then go walk a 1/2 mile at 7pm.

Lots of fresh air, and last night we got a close look at a Hawk having his

diner! Very impressive bird!:eek:


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I wish I had your metabolism. I have strictly followed weight watchers for 2 weeks now, and haven't lost an ounce after my original 1.5 lbs the first three days. I will count myself lucky if I lose a pound a week.

I wish I had your metabolism. I have strictly followed weight watchers for 2 weeks now, and haven't lost an ounce after my original 1.5 lbs the first three days. I will count myself lucky if I lose a pound a week.


Louis I really don't have a metabolism my thyroid quick working years ago
which require me to take a synthroid pill every day. Its no big deal except if
you don't take them......30 days without them and you are toast. Otherwise
you are ok but it can be difficult to control your weight.

I eat 3 meals a day, breakfast is very important as it activates your metabolism, gives you energy and sets the tone for the day. I usually start with oatmeal & fruit, or cereal and fruit.

Lunch is moderate, a sandwhich or platter with tuna, pickles, olives, and tomatos.

Diner is chicken, pasta, or steak tonight I had roast beef, spinich pasta and
sliced tomatos with fetta cheese.

Diner is at 6 we go walking at 7 tonight we are starting 3/4 mile.

My advice.....forget Weight Watchers and anything that cost $$$!

Don't skip breakfast, or any meals even if you just eat a little as it keeps
your metabolism up and take a walk or bike ride 1 hour after diner.

If you keep your daily caloric intake down you should lose between 1/2 to
1 1/2 lbs a night when your body repairs itself.:)

I starved myself on Nutrasystem for six months, and I lost a grand total of 28 and 1/2 lbs (approximately 1 lb a week). When I was younger, I spent 7 straight years on Atkins, and was running 3 miles a day, five days a week plus working out with a personal trainer, and I never lost a pound and a half a day even once in that time period.

I am lucky to be only 15 lbs heavier than I was at age 30, as when I am not dieting, I gain about 5 lbs a week eating less than my wife does. You are very very lucky to lose 1.5 lbs a night, my friend. I will be thrilled if I average 1.5 lbs a week.
Louis don't get discouraged you can do it! Just take a serious look at what

you consume in an average day I bet you will be suprised. Each can of coke

is 200 calories, a family sized box of rasins is 900 calories. I bet somewhere

in your day you are putting away 1000 calories you don't even know about...

if you find those that will be the key.

Mine was 1 qt of peach snapple a day (900 calories) + at least 1 fast food

meal a day (1200+ calories) so I was able to knock off 2100+ calories a day

just dropping those two items!

Here is a picture of tonights diner so you can see I'm still enjoying myself!:):):):)


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