Lose Weight, Live Longer! (2 Viewers)

I was making good progress but my crappy exercise bike just lost a pedal, now I gotta drop at least 150$ on a new one.

Ha throw it out! You don't need an exercise bike.....or any other gimmic for that reason!

Just watch what you eat, try and keep your Caloric intake 2200-2500 and be a little active (wash the car, cut the grass, work around the house) and you should see yourself lose .5 to 1lb a day after about 1 week of watching what you are eating!

Pass on soft drinks, snapple (drink water) and all fast food.

Save the $150 and have some fun with it!:)

228.5 Again today!
I gained about six pounds whilst in Hawaii.:eek: No exercise during the vacation. Way Too many big breakfasts.;) Exercised today.:p
I gained about six pounds whilst in Hawaii.:eek: No exercise during the vacation. Way Too many big breakfasts.;) Exercised today.:p

Your excused because you are on the mend!:D

Hope you are soon back to your old self causing trouble and up late again on

the forum!

Its no fun being the only Night Owl!:eek:

Wife thinks I'm Nuts! (probably true) tonight at 11pm I decided to wax the

SSR:D I bought a new wax from Meguiars with the "Mile Deep Shine":D I was

going to just do the hood but it went on so easy and looked so good I did the

entire truck! Thank goodness for shop lights:D My garage looked like high

noon at the beach!

Finished truck and put the cover back on.......wife's asleep I have no one

to play with:D even Boo is asleep!:)
Your excused because you are on the mend!:D

Hope you are soon back to your old self causing trouble and up late again on

the forum!

Its no fun being the only Night Owl!:eek:

Wife thinks I'm Nuts! (probably true) tonight at 11pm I decided to wax the

SSR:D I bought a new wax from Meguiars with the "Mile Deep Shine":D I was

going to just do the hood but it went on so easy and looked so good I did the

entire truck! Thank goodness for shop lights:D My garage looked like high

noon at the beach!

Finished truck and put the cover back on.......wife's asleep I have no one

to play with:D even Boo is asleep!:)

Sorry dude!
228.5 day 3.......oh well at least I broke into the 220's!:D
228 Finally....now down 34lbs no longer the size of a beach whale!:eek:

Now I'm the size of a large tuna!:D
For $150 that will break to, you are better off getting a more expensive one in the long run. Or get a decent 2nd hander on craigslist etc.
228 Finally....now down 34lbs no longer the size of a beach whale!:eek:

Now I'm the size of a large tuna!:D

Yo Trooper Njja, nice on. Lose another 80lbs and I might just sign you up for the "Light Brigade" lol.

My Mate was a big guy, one day he was lying on the beach, and the Coastguard came along and said to him. Hey get off the beach fatty, so my mate replies why should I. The Coastguard said " The Tide is waiting to come in". lol:D
Yo Trooper Njja, nice on. Lose another 80lbs and I might just sign you up for the "Light Brigade" lol.

My Mate was a big guy, one day he was lying on the beach, and the Coastguard came along and said to him. Hey get off the beach fatty, so my mate replies why should I. The Coastguard said " The Tide is waiting to come in". lol:D


Nice one!:D

In my case if I didn't lose some weight anyone on the beach with me would

have been trespassing!:eek:
Here is some good news from CNN. You can eat all you want and let the retailers downsize your pant size:

The little number on the tag on a pair of pants that indicates size can mean a lot to a person, and retailers know it.

That's why, in recent years, as the American population has become generally more overweight, brands from the luxury names to the mass retail chains have scaled down the size labels on their clothing.

"You may actually be a size 14 and, according to whatever particular store you're in, you come out a size 10," said Natalie Nixon, associate professor of fashion industry management at Philadelphia University. "It's definitely to make the consumer feel good."
Lol, ive been on a couple of cruises from miami & tampa, man i was surprised we didnt sink :eek: You should see people leaving the buffet line plates are stacked to the max. Was bloody funny though.
at the gym Sun or Mon.


Gym who? I've got vehicles to polish, grass to cut and a grandaughter to chase around.:D

I ain't got no stinking time for no gym!:D

And remember "When you have to shoot, shoot.......don't talk":D

Famous words from that great mexican bandit "Tuco"......aka Eli Wallach


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Still 227 in spite of all the fine dining and such with grandaughter!:D

Must be the activity, today I carried her most of the way through the

Atlanta Aquarium:eek: a fun time was had by all!:)
Home again! and a nice suprise when I stepped on the scale...224.5:)

Even after a side trip to Williamsburg, countless diners out including a lovely

meal at "Milos" in NYC where I discovered "Feta" cheese:D

Any trip back to N.J. includes my re-introduction to "Tasty Cake Pies" which I

can't seem to resist......and "Taylor Pork Roll":D We also spent a few days

on the beach at Long Beach Island with side trips to NYC for the Museum of

Natural History and "McSorleys":)

It was a great trip and lots of fun with Grandaughter who always replys

"Beegal" when asked what she would like to eat......followed by

"Cold Milk" when asked about her drink of choice!

It would appear that "Cold Milk" has multiple uses......on one occasion

when someone cut us off and the daughter blew the horn the grandaughter

joined in and yelled "Cold Milk"

to the offending party!:D Can this be a new trend in Jersey cuss words?:D

Now down 37.5lbs:)

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