Lose Weight, Live Longer! (1 Viewer)


I have been dieting since I was in my 20's. I have not touched a regular soda or other softdrink in years. I have not eaten fast food in even longer. For the last six months prior to starting Weight Watchers I had been eating oatmeal without sugar for breakfast, and non-fat yogurt for lunch.

As of this morning I lost another 1/2 pound (210), for a total of 2 lbs in 3 weeks. I am going to stick with it, and make my goal, but at this rate I might not make it until the Symposium rather than the Chicago Show.

I have been dieting since I was in my 20's. I have not touched a regular soda or other softdrink in years. I have not eaten fast food in even longer. For the last six months prior to starting Weight Watchers I had been eating oatmeal without sugar for breakfast, and non-fat yogurt for lunch.

As of this morning I lost another 1/2 pound (210), for a total of 2 lbs in 3 weeks. I am going to stick with it, and make my goal, but at this rate I might not make it until the Symposium rather than the Chicago Show.


Louis well good news on the 1/2lb loss! Not so much on the oatmeal without sugar......and non-fat yogurt......YECH! (unless you like yogurt)

I like my oatmeal with brown sugar and a little butter and lots of fresh fruit.
Lunch is home made vegetable soup (with okra) and 5 or 6 Triskit crackers (found them with "Eat This Not That") diner tonight is pork stir fry with pinapple. Desert will be fresh peaches, cherrys and plum.

The idea is you should enjoy yourself so the change is something you can continue. If your diet is a chore it just won't last.

When I was up in Jersey I even cheated a little (still had 3 daily meals) but had an occasional fast food meal at "Cheeseburger Cheeseburger" "Burger King" and "DD" (Dunkin Donuts) whose egg & cheese on a toasted bagel & baked hash rounds + orange juice is a suprisingly good breakfast. End result after 3 weeks was still a loss of 2.5lbs for the trip.:eek:

In my defense I must say that when out and about with a 2 year old yelling
"DD" "Bagal n Cold Milk" or "French Fries" repeated every 5 seconds when she sees certain signs.............what eyesight...........you do find yourself at the drive thru window!

I also sneaked a couple of tasty cake apple pies which I have loved since childhood.......split with grandaughter who also has a taste for the little treat!
somehow I still managed to do OK!

Heres my little doll at "Cheeseburger Chesseburger"........yes I did split one with the wife!:D


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219.5 finally broke into the teens!:D

Now down 42.5lbs Hope to drop to mid teens before another level off.

Started walking 3/4 mile after diner and carry 20lbs in back pack to remind

219.5 finally broke into the teens!:D

Now down 42.5lbs Hope to drop to mid teens before another level off.

Started walking 3/4 mile after diner and carry 20lbs in back pack to remind


What are you going to do if you can't stop? :eek::D:D

What are you going to do if you can't stop? :eek::D:D



I'll buy a bottle of peach snapple and find a fast food spot!:)

I figure I will level off at some point hopefully 20-something or

in the 180's or 190's.......we shall see.:D
219 Nice and slow and steady. Now down 43lbs!

What a difference in 3 months! Hey theres my toes!:D
You are going to catch and pass me soon. I haven't lost another ounce in the last 5 days.
You are going to catch and pass me soon. I haven't lost another ounce in the last 5 days.


Geez Louis that is really something!:eek: Just as a car uses gas we have to put calories in our body daily just to maintain our current weight. In your case that is probably 2200-2400 daily. Perhaps you should write down everything you consume for a couple of days.....so you can see exactly how many calories you are taking in daily. Something is maintaing your current level!:eek:

Tonight I missed our evening walk for the first time.:eek: It seems the wife spotted a tree that needed to be cut down just before dinner.....and I was elected. It would seem that felling a tree exactly where I want it to go is a skill I learned from my Dad.....who learned it in the CC's when he was a kid.

This little gem was leaning toward the house and our new air conditioner.....so the wife armed with the camera instructed me to be careful. SInce it was in the 80's I will be interested to see what the scale reads tomorrow morning!:D

I will post photos of the action next.....as they have failed to load twice and wiped out my note!:eek:
Here is the sequence:

1. Tree hangs up in another tree!:eek:

2. Young Tom Thumb encourages it with guide rope.:rolleyes:

3. Timber!:D

4. Safely down to be disposed of in my woods (back to nature):D

5. 60 years old and felling trees......I must be from Jersey!:D

No comments necessary on the attire.:D


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Thinking of you down here..in Harvey Cedars!!! Hot and humid for sure, and waiting for Bill to show himself.
Tree cutting and landscaping in general are always good for the body and spirit! Keep it up!

Geez Louis that is really something!:eek: Just as a car uses gas we have to put calories in our body daily just to maintain our current weight. In your case that is probably 2200-2400 daily. Perhaps you should write down everything you consume for a couple of days.....so you can see exactly how many calories you are taking in daily. Something is maintaing your current level!:eek:

Tonight I missed our evening walk for the first time.:eek: It seems the wife spotted a tree that needed to be cut down just before dinner.....and I was elected. It would seem that felling a tree exactly where I want it to go is a skill I learned from my Dad.....who learned it in the CC's when he was a kid.

This little gem was leaning toward the house and our new air conditioner.....so the wife armed with the camera instructed me to be careful. SInce it was in the 80's I will be interested to see what the scale reads tomorrow morning!:D

I will post photos of the action next.....as they have failed to load twice and wiped out my note!:eek:


I am writing down everything I eat, and it gets worse - I have eaten less than I am allowed to eat on weight watchers (I am allowed 33 points per day, I have not exceeded 29 points in any day) and this morning when I stepped on the scale the two pounds I lost were back. I have kept a strict weight watchers diet for 3 weeks, and gotten tons of exercise in 90+ degree temperatures, and haven't lost an ounce. I am afraid I am going to have to go back on nutrasystem (terrible pre-made food in very small portion, around 1500 calories per day) to lose weight.
Thinking of you down here..in Harvey Cedars!!! Hot and humid for sure, and waiting for Bill to show himself.
Tree cutting and landscaping in general are always good for the body and spirit! Keep it up!


Wow Harvey Cedars!! One day we may be neighbors.:D That is our dream
location at the Jersey shore! Wife is also considering Princeton.....but LBI has my name on it!:D

I'll trade in my chainsaw for a Jet Ski!:D

I am writing down everything I eat, and it gets worse - I have eaten less than I am allowed to eat on weight watchers (I am allowed 33 points per day, I have not exceeded 29 points in any day) and this morning when I stepped on the scale the two pounds I lost were back. I have kept a strict weight watchers diet for 3 weeks, and gotten tons of exercise in 90+ degree temperatures, and haven't lost an ounce. I am afraid I am going to have to go back on nutrasystem (terrible pre-made food in very small portion, around 1500 calories per day) to lose weight.


Louis forget that.....its a waste of money! First off find a bottled water you like. I preferr Dasani ice cold! Always eat breakfast.....oatmeal with fruit or a low calorie cereal to get you started. Eat a light lunch I like tuna and salmon with tomatos and pickles, olives perhaps a little cottage cheese. Then finish up with a moderate dinner....no bread or potatoes. A little fruit for desert.

Don't go crazy exercising, a little walking or bike riding or what ever and you have to lose weight its simple your body burns calories restoring you when you sleep put less in you have to lose.

Things like celery and cabbage are great because it takes the body more calories to digest them then they provide.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep, lack of sleep can throw your metabloism off also.

Still 218 even after the tree workout.:eek: Must have drank to much water!:D
Go on a high protein low carb diet. Eat like 0 fat cottage cheese, chicken smoked salmon etc, eat greens like brocoli spinach, you can have wholewheat bread like bodywise, natural peanut butter. Or just workout more, drink loads of water. I wouldnt bother with weightwatchers etc.
Go on a high protein low carb diet. Eat like 0 fat cottage cheese, chicken smoked salmon etc, eat greens like brocoli spinach, you can have wholewheat bread like bodywise, natural peanut butter. Or just workout more, drink loads of water. I wouldnt bother with weightwatchers etc.


I think the best plan is to simply find what you like to eat that is better for

you then what you are currently eating. No plan, or "special diet" which you

will surely tire of.

The government is currently so worried about health care and its related

costs yet they do nothing about our diet. They allow companies to fill us with

high frutcose corn syrup which is simply processed corn stalk waste much

sweeter then natural sugar that they "think" won't harm us....:eek:

Why don't they limit calories in soft drinks and fruit drinks to 50 calories per

can instead of 200!:eek: Force manufacters to use Natural Suger instead of

this processed crap (diabetics could use alternate sweetners). Food should

meet nutritional standards not be filled with crap (that tastes good).

Fast food should be limited to 800 calories per meal including burger, fries

and soda period! This might help to lower the number of overweight


I'm not talking about telling American's what they can eat.....this is a free

country. If you want to eat two burgers and fries at lunch that is your choice

but a burger joint should not be allowed to put suger and other crap in a

burger to make it taste good and cost you 2000 calories for your lunch.

And we should tell these Morons in Congress the answer to everything isn't a


"We are going to tax cigarettes so people stop smoking........

"We are going to tax soda so people stop drinking it.........

"We are going to tax (more) gas so people stop driving......

"We are going to tax electricity (more) to save the planet?.......

"We are going to tax air so people stop breathing.........:eek:
I agree with John, eat what you like but in moderation. I stopped drinking soda and eating fast food for lunch, I now brown bag it. Fruit instead of chips or candy and I either walk or ride my bike at night. I also try not to eat anything after 8 pm.

I have lost 10 pounds since I started my diet on July 5th. Down to 230. My goal is 200.

I will eat the dinner at the K&C dinner, no diet that night.

I only had one beer and Hotdog at the White Sox game tonight.
I agree with John, eat what you like but in moderation. I stopped drinking soda and eating fast food for lunch, I now brown bag it. Fruit instead of chips or candy and I either walk or ride my bike at night. I also try not to eat anything after 8 pm.

I have lost 10 pounds since I started my diet on July 5th. Down to 230. My goal is 200.

I will eat the dinner at the K&C dinner, no diet that night.

I only had one beer and Hotdog at the White Sox game tonight.


Congratulations! Thats how to do it!
219 Uh oh!:eek: Looks like I over did it yesterday!

Started out with breakfast at Dunkin Donuts (no donuts though) before a

local gun show at the civic center. Georgia is still the wild west in that

respect. Picture about 5oo mostly overweight men 15 or 20 tank toped

women all trying to pass through 20 inch wide aisles at the same time.:eek:

Then add in about 50 meatballs carring various weapons with signs pinned to

their shirts "For Sale".....to cheap to buy a table. It was a hugh show but

nothing worth considering......I was in and out in 1/2 hr:eek:

Took wife to a lovely Italian resturant (in Georgia)? Owner was from NY....

then brought home fresh buffalo mozzerella & sandwhiches ........need I say


Not to worry, 1lb is not to bad you had a good meal. That happens to me also, you need to have a good meal every now and then. On Monday you start back up again.


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